Wednesday, August 23, 2017

August 22, 2017 – Week 2, Day 1

5 Minutes Percor AMT

Leaning Calf Raises

One Leg Leaning Calf Raises

Regular Box Touches (12” Box)

Sumo Box Touches (12” Box)

Squat Therapy (16” Box)

Hip Airplanes (supported)

Band Rows w/Biceps Stretch
MMBx20/20 seconds
MMBx20/20 seconds


Bench Presses
45x9 (miscounted)
Narrow Grip

Chest Supported Rows (1 second holds)

Circus Dumbbell Clean and Presses
Plate Loaded Dumbbell with Fat Gripz Extreme
(2 stage 1 second pauses)
Circus Dumbbell

Band Triceps Pressdowns


Comments: Second week of the Nats cycle. Last week started out rough but ended strong. Hoping to keep that going. Warmed up on the AMT. Checked HR at the start and on the minute. Seemed to be going well but jumped up 10bpm that last minute to 159bpm. Not sure what that was about. Calf raise work after that. Uninjured side was tight and had a tougher time. I think it is because that hip had the h-stone on it Saturday for those sets (got lots of bruises from that). I notice a little bit of SI joint aching but barely even enough to report. Like a thousandth of went I’ve felt at my worst in the last training cycle. Box touches felt really good on the hamstrings. Knees ached a bit on the squat therapy but not as bad as the first session last week. Little harder to balance on the hip airplanes but got the reps and no do-overs. Band rows and biceps stretch after that. Stretch still feeling good. Higher band tension can make finding a good anchoring point tough haha. A set of push-ups to finish off the light stuff. Still tougher than I would like but I’m sure it will improve. I went upstairs to start things off as someone was using a few stations downstairs for their workout and the plan wasn’t to go heavy on the bench press. Plan being to work up in fives to a set that if push comes to shove, I could get for ten. Work on getting used to full ROM for the shoulders and pectorals again. While I’ve been doing incline and floor stuff to protect back, time to bring this variation back. I had a weight in mind at the start but had to see how things felt. Lower back and butt cheek on the left side immediately cramped up with just the bar haha. Lost count and did just nine. Maybe it was to try and get the cramp to calm down. Other than that area being tight, the rest went well. Didn’t want to get greedy and hit the weight I had as planned. Then about 10% for a set with closer grip. I’m usually more comfortable with a closer grip. Then back downstairs for chest supported rows. Static hold variation this week. Same as last week with regular style, work up over five sets of ten reps to a decent set of ten. I took big jumps to try and hit the weight I wanted. First set was way too light. Felt like nothing. I think a plate to start each side is the minimum I should use now. Not a max set of ten, I knew I could do this as I’ve done sets of eight with it before. Then on to circus dumbbell press. Wasn’t expecting to see this pop up again after the end of the contest cycle. Work up to 75% of my best from last cycle to do ten sets EMOM style. A little different in that I was to a rep each arm to count as a set. Also modified in that these were pause and hold style but these were for shorter times and one of the pauses was removed. Right side thumb gets irritated after I get up in weight so I had wrist wraps but no hard belt. Bigger jumps to get to the working weight. These felt pretty good. I think I was more worried about my hands slipping from sweat than anything else. This wasn’t too bad, just back of my hands that got sweaty. Last thing for the day was some more band work for the triceps. Same as last week. I of course forgot to bring my strong band so I had to rush home to do these in my garage. So humid. Felt good. Think the triceps needed that from all the circus dumbbell work. Stretched and ate.

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