Wednesday, August 16, 2017

August 15, 2017 – Week 1, Day 1

5 Minutes Percor AMT

Leaning Calf Raises

One Leg Leaning Calf Raises

Regular Box Touches (12” Box)

Squat Therapy (16” Box)

Sumo Box Touches (12” Box)

Hip Airplanes (supported)

Band Rows w/Biceps Stretch
MMBx20/20 seconds
MMBx20/20 seconds


12” Log Clean and Jerks
90x5 (one clean)
90x5 (one clean)

Chest Supported Rows

Band Resisted Push-ups
No Bands
Add Bands

Band Triceps Pressdowns


Comments: I’m apparently still recovering from the contest. Every day since I got back I’ve been going on a 2 mile walk with some light hamstring mobility stretches. Last three cycles I had dubbed Operation: Don’t Call it a Comeback I was Never There but leading into a possible Nationals bid in Las Vegas, this training will be Operation: Road to Lost Wages. This workout showed I was still pretty out of it. Warmed up on the AMT. Heart rate got up to 166bpm but dropped to 157bpm. Usually only this high if I’m stressed in some way. Calf raise work after that. Good, pretty easy. Glad that didn’t feel tough. No circuit like previous weeks. Box touches for some reps (felt good) and I was supposed to go right into a second set with wide stance but went on to squat therapy instead. Knees ached on these. I messed up the first rep as I thought I was deep enough to the box but I wasn’t so I reset and made sure I was good each rep. Not sure if it was my form or just knees beat from hard lifting and then the rest and coming back to it again. Hip airplanes were good. Felt good. No missed reps due to balance issues here. Slight change with the band rows and biceps stretch. Lower reps but I accidently grabbed a higher tension band but it felt good so I will stick with it. Longer stretches for the biceps. Definitely needed that for the arms and shoulders. A set of push-ups to finish off the light stuff. Harder than I was expected to be honest. But I haven’t been doing full ROM on bench stuff besides incline so it is a bit of a shock. Different but same principle. I figure this will help with log with getting the chest muscle back into it. Then the lifting. Log clean and jerks with the plan being 10x1 with 75% of my best single last cycle done EMOM style. On my own for the warm-ups. First set with the empty log was garbage. I felt lightheaded and off balance. So I did another set and that felt better. Worked up in singles to the working weight. Had some balance issues. Not sure if it is from being so used to having a sturdy base to press from for viper presses and push presses vs the jerks or if I’m still beat. I was getting quite a sweat from these. I was lapping some of the log lifts higher than usual and I had to get comfortable with being lower so that I could get the log to roll up the body well. No issues with the clean to the shoulders. Some reps definitely felt like they weren’t jerks and were more push presses. Hopefully with more practice I will get better consistency. Again, balance just felt off sometimes. Chest supported rows after that. Plan being to work up over five sets of ten reps to a decent set of ten. Started with a plate on each side and just kept going up quarter, plate, quarter. Only really felt like work on the last set so I knew that was a good one to stop on. Glad this didn’t irritate my biceps. Think my upper back appreciated the reps. A new one for me after the rows. Push-ups with bands. Another set of 15 with no resistance as a warm-up. I’ve done band push-ups but those were with a band in my hands and wrapped around my back. These were with dumbbells and a power rack to anchor the bands. No band pegs and not bolted down so I used the heaviest dumbbells to make sure it didn’t lift them up. Band placed behind my neck and started for a set of ten with an average band. Not bad, felt both chest and triceps (mostly triceps) working. I felt I was good for a decent set of reps with a strong band so I anchored that down. Got a few pretty quick then started to grind. Stopped at 14. Feel good but boy is it awkward to get under the band or out from under it haha. Last thing for the day was some more band work for the triceps. Band pressdowns with the rep range of 20-30. I tested the strong band and it felt good so I used that. Got 30 both times but it was much harder the second set. Home to stretch. Got to get my legs under me quick to get back on track to compete again at a higher level.

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