Things are progressing again. Best I've felt since starting PT and the
best I've felt since the injury. Still very guarded in my optimism. I'm
worried if I relax I'll have another relapse and be back at square one.
My concerns and wanting to keep improving (not missing PT sessions)
meant I stayed home for Thanksgiving. Didn't want to chance a flair up
during the 9hrs of driving in two days. First one I've missed and I
don't want that to happen again. I've been doing some stretches from the
booklet I got when I first saw an ortho for the hamstrings, hip flexors
and quadriceps occasionally throughout the day that seem to be helping
me heal quicker. If this good fortune continues, I hope to be back to
some form of training by Christmas.
November 21, 2016
to get back into normal routine. Trying to do things that I stopped
doing out of apathy (making bed, sorting bills, etc) so that I’m ready
when I get back to late nights of training. Symptoms felt pretty good
today. Heat and stim for about 15 minutes and then 60 press-ups with my
hips offset to the right. I then did diaphragm breathing for five
minutes, followed by theraband reverse pullover exercise for 20 each
side. Next was 20 table taps each leg and then 8 minutes on the
treadmill at 2mph. I was worried that this was going to be the end of
the session but thankfully it was not. 20 glute bridges followed by 20
rocking hip hinges. I was then instructed to do modified bird-dogs (20
alternating arm raises and 20 alternating leg raises). After that, it
was 30 more press-ups with pressure applied. Soft tissue work done on
lumbar and thoracic spine to test mobility. I then got to do some
standing exercises. This resulted in 30 hip hinges and kneeling hip
flexor pose for 3 sets of 30 seconds. Last thing was some trigger point
on the left hip flexor. Very minimal irritation. Only some stress from
the standing stuff but pain doesn’t appear to be radiating into the
hamstring. Still too early for the PT to really give me a prognosis of
when I can get back to normal but I see it a positive sign that I’m
expecting to be back to normal.
November 23, 2016
Last day
of pills. Symptoms not quite as good as Monday. They were worse Tuesday
but better today. They started me off with 15 minutes on the treadmill
at 2mph as I responded well last session. Some pings of pain in the
hamstring but they only lasted an instant and would go away for minutes
on end. Then to table work and did 60 press-ups. PT staff seemed a bit
preoccupied so I had to wait a bit. Then it was 20 rocking hip hinges,
leading into 20 table taps and I then did diaphragm breathing for five
minutes, followed by theraband reverse pullover exercise for 20 each
side. 20 glute bridges were after that. A new pullover exercise combined
with alternating leg lifts was done for 10 each leg. After that, it was
30 more press-ups with pressure applied. Soft tissue work done on
lumbar and thoracic spine to test mobility. I was do also have trigger
point done on the hip but really no tenderness so this was scrapped for
today. I was then instructed to do modified bird-dogs (20 alternating
arm raises and 20 alternating leg raises). Then 2 minutes of foam
rolling for each hamstring. Last bit was 30 hip hinges and kneeling hip
flexor pose for 3 sets of 30 seconds. Got to stay positive but not out
of the hole yet.
November 25, 2016
No real symptoms.
Treadmill was in use when I got there so I was instructed to do some
table exercises first. Did 60 press-ups followed by 20 rocking hip
hinges, 20 full bird-dogs and then 20 glute bridges. Then on to
treadmill. 15 minutes starting at 2mph and I increased it by .1mph every
minute so last minute was at 3.4mph. Best this has felt in a long time.
Back to the table for 20 table taps and I then did diaphragm breathing
for five minutes, followed by theraband reverse pullover exercise for 20
each side. Then the alternating leg lifts was done for 15 each leg.
Then 2 minutes of foam rolling for each hamstring. The hip flexor hold
was modified to having me keep my eyes closed to make balance harder.
Same 3 sets of 30 seconds. Then 30 hip hinges. A new one was using the
cable tower to do Paloff holds. 40lbs for 3 sets of 15 seconds each
side. Then plank holds. PT had to have me change my position from what I
thought was me engaging my core. Feels off but much like the hip flexor
one, the correct form will feel right shortly. 3 sets of about 30
seconds for regular style and then 2 sets of 30 seconds for side holds.
After that, it was 30 more press-ups with pressure applied. Soft tissue
work done on lumbar and thoracic spine to test mobility to finish
things up. Progress appears to be good. Got to keep my excitement in
check until I’m in the clear.
Saturday, November 26, 2016
Sunday, November 20, 2016
Physical Therapy: Week 6
I was given a nine day cycle of Prednisone that I started on 11/15/16. I
think it might be more pills than when I did the two twelve day ones
earlier this year. Pain has definitely lessened but still getting the
occasional aches in the hip and some hamstring pain. I feel about what I
was when I had started back lifting and walking without pain while
injured. Guarded optimism as I've seen what has happened twice already
with the medication and then the symptoms coming back. I really want to
get back to training and I'm worried that even 2017 might be out of
reach. Insurance only wants to cover two more sessions as they feel I
can get better on my own with home based exercises. I'd agree with them
if I didn't have the unexplained relapse. Focus has been almost solely
on the back and shoulder isn't getting any real attention. I'm not even
back to what I was doing before the relapse I felt then I was still at
least three weeks from being cleared. Going to have to talk with the
ortho and PT to see if they can get more sessions approved or I will be
November 14, 2016
Pain is starting to subside. I’ve done nothing differently and I haven’t even started taking the prednisone. Heat and stim for about 15 minutes. Then I did diaphragm breathing for five minutes, followed by the new theraband reverse pullover exercise for 20 each side. After that, I did 30 press-ups with my hips offset to the right. I then had soft tissue massage done on my left hamstring. They used a metal rod with a curve in it to do it. Felt like someone was trying to scoop ice cream off my hamstring. Twitching seemed to have stopped. I then had my range of motion tested with my left side and had some trigger points done on my hip flexor. The PT then had me walk a short distance. I had no symptoms while walking. Back on the table to do 30 table taps and then on the treadmill for 5 minutes at just 2mph. Things seem to be back on track. I’m supposed to do the press-ups inside of the side twists holds again.
November 16, 2016
Been on the prednisone for a day and a half now. I feel similar to how I did before the flare up in the nerve. I hope this does it but I’m still concerned that I will feel great and then I will be back in pain two weeks after I finish the pills. Heat and stim for about 15 minutes. Then I had soft tissue work done on my left hamstring like last time. Still very tense. After that, I did 30 press-ups with my hips offset to the right and then 30 more with pressure applied. I then did diaphragm breathing for five minutes, followed by the new theraband reverse pullover exercise for 20 each side followed by 20 table taps. I then went on the treadmill for the same time and speed as last session. Finished up with trigger point on my hip flexors on the left side. Still doing a more light session as my body gets back to where I was.
November 17, 2016
Hamstring was sore as soon as I got up in the morning. A lot going on so I was really trying to keep check on when it calmed down Heat and stim for about 15 minutes. I then rested in the prone position for about five minutes. After that, I did 30 press-ups with my hips offset to the right. I then did diaphragm breathing for five minutes, followed by the new theraband reverse pullover exercise for 20 each side. After that, it was 30 more press-ups with pressure applied. This was then followed up by trigger point on left hip flexor and soft tissue work on the hamstring. Really getting into that irritated area. Hip flexor is not as tender as the day before. I did 20 of those rocking hip things on all fours, trying to keep the hamstrings relaxed. I then did 20 table taps and 20 glute bridges. Finished up with 6 minutes on the treadmill at 2mph. Things seem to be coming back under control but still trying to not overdo it.
November 14, 2016
Pain is starting to subside. I’ve done nothing differently and I haven’t even started taking the prednisone. Heat and stim for about 15 minutes. Then I did diaphragm breathing for five minutes, followed by the new theraband reverse pullover exercise for 20 each side. After that, I did 30 press-ups with my hips offset to the right. I then had soft tissue massage done on my left hamstring. They used a metal rod with a curve in it to do it. Felt like someone was trying to scoop ice cream off my hamstring. Twitching seemed to have stopped. I then had my range of motion tested with my left side and had some trigger points done on my hip flexor. The PT then had me walk a short distance. I had no symptoms while walking. Back on the table to do 30 table taps and then on the treadmill for 5 minutes at just 2mph. Things seem to be back on track. I’m supposed to do the press-ups inside of the side twists holds again.
November 16, 2016
Been on the prednisone for a day and a half now. I feel similar to how I did before the flare up in the nerve. I hope this does it but I’m still concerned that I will feel great and then I will be back in pain two weeks after I finish the pills. Heat and stim for about 15 minutes. Then I had soft tissue work done on my left hamstring like last time. Still very tense. After that, I did 30 press-ups with my hips offset to the right and then 30 more with pressure applied. I then did diaphragm breathing for five minutes, followed by the new theraband reverse pullover exercise for 20 each side followed by 20 table taps. I then went on the treadmill for the same time and speed as last session. Finished up with trigger point on my hip flexors on the left side. Still doing a more light session as my body gets back to where I was.
November 17, 2016
Hamstring was sore as soon as I got up in the morning. A lot going on so I was really trying to keep check on when it calmed down Heat and stim for about 15 minutes. I then rested in the prone position for about five minutes. After that, I did 30 press-ups with my hips offset to the right. I then did diaphragm breathing for five minutes, followed by the new theraband reverse pullover exercise for 20 each side. After that, it was 30 more press-ups with pressure applied. This was then followed up by trigger point on left hip flexor and soft tissue work on the hamstring. Really getting into that irritated area. Hip flexor is not as tender as the day before. I did 20 of those rocking hip things on all fours, trying to keep the hamstrings relaxed. I then did 20 table taps and 20 glute bridges. Finished up with 6 minutes on the treadmill at 2mph. Things seem to be coming back under control but still trying to not overdo it.
Sunday, November 13, 2016
Physical Therapy: Week 5
This week was only slightly better than last week. I'm to start back on
the corticosteroids on Monday. I have no intention of getting another
injection or surgery. Since the last session, the pain was calmed down a
bit. A follow-up appointment with the current othro is set for 12/6/16.
Maybe the drugs and therapy together will resolve this.
November 7, 2016
Pain has lessened slightly but still dealing with more than I had weeks ago. Heat and stim for a while and then I had to wait for the PT for about the same amount of time. PT checked to see where I was as far as standing, bending to see where pain was present. Checked hip mobility and that was fine. Ended up doing 30 press-ups, followed by pressing on the back and then 30 more press-ups. Some of the adjustments and hip holds done as well to try and relieve pain. 30 table taps, diaphragm breathing and then a breathing pullover type combo was done (20 reps each arm). Not really feeling the progress from the pain before the session. Stressed.
November 9, 2016
Pain has returned and cramping in my calf is making it harder to walk. Heat and stim for a while. Trying to make it clear that I’m not progressing but I am finding it very hard to keep my patience and be civil. A little paranoid. I know the PTs are getting frustrated with me as well. Ended up doing 30 press-ups of supposed 60 press-ups but was told to stop to see about my symptoms. Nerve gliding and trigger point on my hip flexors on the left to see if that did anything. Helped the hip pain but hamstring flared up in response. After some more nerve glides, walking across the room and back, I did 30 more press-ups. Sent home for the day so that I don’t get anything else to flare up. Also told to be patient about it and not to stress. Like that helps.
November 10, 2016
Pain was very much present until about 3hrs before I was to go for PT. Calf issue seems to lessening. Heat and stim for a while. Then laying in the prone position. While doing that, the PT asked me how I was doing. The recommendation is to see if I can go back to the ortho for a possible appointment to see about getting something done for pain management (steroids or injection). I’m not a fan of this as I’ve already had both done twice. They feel the treatment was working until the nerve flared up. I’d feel more comfortable if I knew what caused it. This lead into 30 press-ups, diaphragm breathing, the new theraband reverse pullover exercise for 20 each side. Then finished up with 20 glute bridge leg outs and 30 table taps. Last thing was about 15 minutes on the traction table. Unlike last time this was done, symptoms returned about 5 minutes later rather than hours later. Really not sure what to do from here. PT wants to continue sessions until I can see ortho (if needed).
November 7, 2016
Pain has lessened slightly but still dealing with more than I had weeks ago. Heat and stim for a while and then I had to wait for the PT for about the same amount of time. PT checked to see where I was as far as standing, bending to see where pain was present. Checked hip mobility and that was fine. Ended up doing 30 press-ups, followed by pressing on the back and then 30 more press-ups. Some of the adjustments and hip holds done as well to try and relieve pain. 30 table taps, diaphragm breathing and then a breathing pullover type combo was done (20 reps each arm). Not really feeling the progress from the pain before the session. Stressed.
November 9, 2016
Pain has returned and cramping in my calf is making it harder to walk. Heat and stim for a while. Trying to make it clear that I’m not progressing but I am finding it very hard to keep my patience and be civil. A little paranoid. I know the PTs are getting frustrated with me as well. Ended up doing 30 press-ups of supposed 60 press-ups but was told to stop to see about my symptoms. Nerve gliding and trigger point on my hip flexors on the left to see if that did anything. Helped the hip pain but hamstring flared up in response. After some more nerve glides, walking across the room and back, I did 30 more press-ups. Sent home for the day so that I don’t get anything else to flare up. Also told to be patient about it and not to stress. Like that helps.
November 10, 2016
Pain was very much present until about 3hrs before I was to go for PT. Calf issue seems to lessening. Heat and stim for a while. Then laying in the prone position. While doing that, the PT asked me how I was doing. The recommendation is to see if I can go back to the ortho for a possible appointment to see about getting something done for pain management (steroids or injection). I’m not a fan of this as I’ve already had both done twice. They feel the treatment was working until the nerve flared up. I’d feel more comfortable if I knew what caused it. This lead into 30 press-ups, diaphragm breathing, the new theraband reverse pullover exercise for 20 each side. Then finished up with 20 glute bridge leg outs and 30 table taps. Last thing was about 15 minutes on the traction table. Unlike last time this was done, symptoms returned about 5 minutes later rather than hours later. Really not sure what to do from here. PT wants to continue sessions until I can see ortho (if needed).
Sunday, November 6, 2016
Physical Therapy: Week 4
Recovery took a bit of stumble this past week. Frustration is at an all
time high. I'd be less frustrated if I knew what caused the pain to come
back and escalate when I'm not doing anything out of the ordinary. I'm
realizing that I don't have an outlet to healthily get rid of excess
stress or anger with not being able to exercise/train. It is what it is.
October 31, 2016
Nerves seemed on high alert today so I had symptoms on and off. Not super painful but noticeable. Nothing that could keep me from doing stuff. Treadmill for ten minutes. Started right at 3.6mph. It felt like the treadmill was slow and I ended up increasing to 4mph by the end. Then bird dogs for 20 each side followed by those hip rock things for 20. This led to press-ups with pressure on my back for 30 reps. Then nerve glides for my left leg. This went back into doing exercises which started with 20 glute bridge leg outs. Right after that, I did 30 reps of theraband pullovers with more tension as last time. Then diaphragm breathing. I then did 30 table taps each leg and proceeded to floor/standing exercises. Hip bend one for 20 started things off. This lead to the isometric crushing of an exercise ball against the wall. And the kneeling hip flexor pose. 10 for 10 and 3 for 30 like last time. 30 more press-ups followed that. Then some pressure applied to my lower back. Finally, testing was done on my lower tarps and scapulae muscles. Upper tarp dominate but numbers seemed about the same (not sure what the numbers mean). Hopefully the symptoms calm down again.
November 2, 2016
Not good. Discomfort all day and the day before and it feels like it is getting worse. My fears that the pain would start to come back after 2-3 weeks or somewhat relief from treatment appear to be happening. Very frustrated when I arrived for therapy. PT wanted me to walk for warm-up and told them that my hip is hurting too much to stand or walk. Even sitting isn’t providing relief, only laying down on my back flat seems to do it. Any other position and pain starts to build. Even the press-ups bothered my back which they haven’t done before. I cried a bit but not from pain but from the frustration of possibly starting over and continuing to be unable to do what I enjoy that has been going on for almost 6 months. I’ve been injured this year more than I’ve been healthy at this point. Also very stressed about work. So the session was pretty much scrapped and had my opposite leg stretched, had to answer questions, have ROM and strength tested and did some more press-ups with pressure, pressing done on my back and finished up with heat and stim. No relief. I went home and went to bed early without eating dinner to see if more sleep would help either the pain or my mental state. If this continues, I don’t know if there is any point in continuing therapy.
November 3, 2016
Not a good day. Pain was worse and everything kind of came together to lead me to take a personal day (not going to mention it further) and be seen 3.5hrs early for PT. No idea what is causing this flare up. Started off with heat and stim and then did different press-ups in different hip placements to find one that could perhaps provide relief. After every 30 or so, my ROM and pain would be checked. No real success after about 100 reps. Then adjustments and holds with my hips for several minute sets. That did seem to provide some relief. Plan is trying to get the pain back up into the back and out of the hip or alleviate it completely. My body felt the best after the adjustments. Until my next session, I’m to drop the press-ups and do the lying twist holds for about 20 minutes several times a day. The session end with about 15 minutes with my back in a traction machine. Some pain relief but I am still a mess. I can’t have another day like today.
October 31, 2016
Nerves seemed on high alert today so I had symptoms on and off. Not super painful but noticeable. Nothing that could keep me from doing stuff. Treadmill for ten minutes. Started right at 3.6mph. It felt like the treadmill was slow and I ended up increasing to 4mph by the end. Then bird dogs for 20 each side followed by those hip rock things for 20. This led to press-ups with pressure on my back for 30 reps. Then nerve glides for my left leg. This went back into doing exercises which started with 20 glute bridge leg outs. Right after that, I did 30 reps of theraband pullovers with more tension as last time. Then diaphragm breathing. I then did 30 table taps each leg and proceeded to floor/standing exercises. Hip bend one for 20 started things off. This lead to the isometric crushing of an exercise ball against the wall. And the kneeling hip flexor pose. 10 for 10 and 3 for 30 like last time. 30 more press-ups followed that. Then some pressure applied to my lower back. Finally, testing was done on my lower tarps and scapulae muscles. Upper tarp dominate but numbers seemed about the same (not sure what the numbers mean). Hopefully the symptoms calm down again.
November 2, 2016
Not good. Discomfort all day and the day before and it feels like it is getting worse. My fears that the pain would start to come back after 2-3 weeks or somewhat relief from treatment appear to be happening. Very frustrated when I arrived for therapy. PT wanted me to walk for warm-up and told them that my hip is hurting too much to stand or walk. Even sitting isn’t providing relief, only laying down on my back flat seems to do it. Any other position and pain starts to build. Even the press-ups bothered my back which they haven’t done before. I cried a bit but not from pain but from the frustration of possibly starting over and continuing to be unable to do what I enjoy that has been going on for almost 6 months. I’ve been injured this year more than I’ve been healthy at this point. Also very stressed about work. So the session was pretty much scrapped and had my opposite leg stretched, had to answer questions, have ROM and strength tested and did some more press-ups with pressure, pressing done on my back and finished up with heat and stim. No relief. I went home and went to bed early without eating dinner to see if more sleep would help either the pain or my mental state. If this continues, I don’t know if there is any point in continuing therapy.
November 3, 2016
Not a good day. Pain was worse and everything kind of came together to lead me to take a personal day (not going to mention it further) and be seen 3.5hrs early for PT. No idea what is causing this flare up. Started off with heat and stim and then did different press-ups in different hip placements to find one that could perhaps provide relief. After every 30 or so, my ROM and pain would be checked. No real success after about 100 reps. Then adjustments and holds with my hips for several minute sets. That did seem to provide some relief. Plan is trying to get the pain back up into the back and out of the hip or alleviate it completely. My body felt the best after the adjustments. Until my next session, I’m to drop the press-ups and do the lying twist holds for about 20 minutes several times a day. The session end with about 15 minutes with my back in a traction machine. Some pain relief but I am still a mess. I can’t have another day like today.
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