Thursday, February 18, 2016

February 17, 2016 – Week 5, Day 2

Dynamic Warm-ups

Keg Tosses (15’7”)
half kegx6 (6 attempts)
half kegx6 (6 attempts)
half kegx6 (6 attempts)
half kegx6 (6 attempts)

Sandbag Carry and Load Over Bar (50”) (turns at 20’)

Axle Cleans

Hatfield Overload Squats

Romanian Deadlifts w/ MB dbl

Kneeling Cable Abs

24 Minutes of Stretching

Comments: I had a feeling this would be a tough workout but in a good way. Keg tossing was great; no misses and I was able to have a conversation (talk a lot of crap haha) with my brother and dad throughout all the sets. I did rush my setup on the last two reps of the third set to try and pick up the pace (sets are taking a little over a minute to complete) and I was definitely feeling some fatigue by the end of the last set. Only regret really is that I can’t really do a whole series like at a contest with just the one keg. Might get chance to do that next week though. It looked like it was threatening to snow (flurries coming down) so I figured it was best to do sandbag stuff next. Used my new sandbag and upped the weight considerably (thankfully, the load height was decreased a good deal). Plan was a set of four, then three and finally two. I was concerned the turns would bother my knee but they didn’t. The first set really sucked. First rep was fine but I had issues with lapping the second one and then the top came loose on the third. The top was fully open on the fourth rep so I had a hell of a time doing much of anything with it but I wouldn’t be denied. I had to wait until my heart beat left my throat and I didn’t feel like I was tasting blood in my mouth to start the next set. I had secured the top and I made much better work. Still exhausting but very much around the time I was hitting with the much lighter bag with the same reps and height at the start of the cycle. The final set was perfect. To the gym for more stuff. Axle cleans to start. I was pretty warm so I took one less warm-up than usual. Felt slightly nauseous from sandbag stuff still haha. Heavier weight for singles with short rests. I like this more than reps as I can focus on the clean and getting the movements down precise. Also allowed me to modify things set to set to see what small changes worked best. Taking a deep breath at the top and holding it seems to be the best method for staying tight and having a hard arch off the floor to initiate the second pull. Hatfield squats followed. More weight, less reps. I knew that these would take a hit from sandbag work. Lower back and hamstrings were beat and the weight felt about 90lbs heavier than it actually was. Some knee issues unracking the weight and walking out but none on the actual movement. Despite the heaviness I felt, the weight was fine and moved decent. Not my best but still power to spare. Then on to hamstring work. Romanian deadlifts with a single mini band. I just draped it over the bar and stood on it. Lower back was quite fatigued but I did my best to keep an arch and make the posterior chain (especially hamstrings) work. Second set was definitely easier than the first. Abs were pretty tough with the increased weight as it is trying to pull me up off the ground. I got better at controlling that as the sets went on. Little bit of stretching and then time to crash. Definitely looking forward to a day off now haha.

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