Sunday, December 20, 2015

December 20, 2015 – Week 10, Day 4

Dynamic Warm-ups

Paused Front Squats (2 second pauses)
No Pauses
Added Pauses

No Straps
Added Straps

Circuits (no rest between exercises)
Shrugs/T-Bar Prison Rows/Neutral Grip Pull-ups/Ab Wheel/Glute Ham Raises

31 Minutes of Stretching

Comments: It is feeling like winter now. Weighed in at 276.6lbs so back on track. Definitely needed my warm-ups on to get ready for the day. Kept long pants on for front squats. Same weight as it has been now. I wasn’t concerned about getting them done but with how difficult it would be. I had ordered an exer-genie to train truck pulls for an upcoming show and it arrived yesterday. I had to try it out. Only did one 60’ run with what I thought would be light resistance but it really kicked my butt. So legs were a little toasted coming into this workout. First set, the bar felt heavy. It felt better on the other two sets. Didn’t feel nearly as tired as I did last week with these. Then deadlift. After last week, it was apparent that I need more work with the straps on if I’m going to be pulling for a max with them at the end of this cycle. Grip isn’t an issue but I need to get used to the form change to really demonstrate the improvements. Everything after 315lbs was with the straps. I definitely notice a lack of tension when I’m strapped to the bar versus when I dive-bomb it. Consistent on these. I would like for these to be easier but I will take what I can get. I think my top single this week was easier than last week’s. As before, there is still more to be dredged from the basement as I’m not tapping into everything just yet. Straps were kept on for the speed pulls. Slight increase in weight and dropped a set. I didn’t feel like it but my speed got better each set from reviewing the video. My second reps on each set were also better than my first reps. Just not in the perfect position just yet. Had a bit of downtime setting up for the circuit work. Weight increased on shrugs and rows and a rep increase on pull-ups. Grip still holding up on the shrugs but the weight is definitely something at this point. Rows never really got easy this time. They just got less hard haha. The weight increase on the first two exercises took their toll on the pull-ups. I was near my limit by the end of the last set. Ab wheel was also not kind to me. Usually, I’m able to catch my breath but not so this time. Hamstrings were in agony from the ghrs. Definitely something left over from the truck pull sim and deadlifts. Felt good to be done the workout. Stretched and ready to prep for the last heavy week of the year.

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