Wednesday, December 16, 2015

December 15, 2015 – Week 10, Day 1

Dynamic Warm-ups

Barbell Strict Presses
275x2 PR+1 rep

Barbell Z-Presses

Incline Dumbbell Bench Presses

Band Pull A-parts

Super Set: Decline Rope Triceps Extensions/Reverse Curls (5 second negatives)

Band Pushdowns

35 Minutes of Stretching

Comments: Work has been stressful the past few days with system changes. Keeps me distracted from thinking about lifting until I go to sleep or get to the gym. Workload at the gym is definitely increasing. Strict press again. Knees were a tad achy leading up to the work sets. Last warm-up single felt good and strong; I got a lot of drive off my chest and shoulders so I figured it would go well. Work weight felt good. Weight is tough but it was moving really good. I knew I had at least a double for the max rep set. I think I know what happened on that set. My hyping was a hindrance this time as I pushed the weight up fast on the first rep and it caused me to get off balance at the top so I had to get my balance again. My second rep attempt went way forward and I struggled to correct it. I thought I had it as the weight started to go back up after getting stuck but my right arm wasn’t locking out as quick as my left and the weight “windmilled” and I lost my balance again. I reracked the weight and with the thought of calling it there. But I knew that wasn’t right and I toughened up and gave it another go to get a second rep. I know I got a triple at this weight with everything right. Feels good to be hitting over bodyweight for reps again. Z presses were next. Goal was a single, a triple and then AMAP with a little bit more than last week. I knew right off the bat that this was going to be tough. I actually cut down on my warm-up sets as my lockout strength felt like crap. Went to the well too many times on the strict pressing this session I think. I had a lot of power off the shoulders but just not enough in the tank to power through the midpoint (upper back and triceps). I could only manage to get the weight for singles every set (but I tried to go for more on the other two sets). Weight for dumbbell incline work was dropped enough that I could just stay at Max Fitness for the whole workout. Little bit of a change in that instead of two lower rep sets and then max, it was one lower rep set and then a high rep set followed by the max. Of course the goal for the higher rep set was my previous PR. I had issues with the first rep on the second set. Not sure what that was all about. I was able to match that set on the max rep set but they were definitely uglier by the end. I tried to super snake another rep but it stalled on my right side at lockout so no go. First set of pull aparts was a wakeup call for my upper back and shoulders after the pressing. It went much better after that set and felt like normal. The torturous rope triceps and reverse curls continued. Weighted increased for both, reps decreased for curls. First set was tough and it got tougher from there. Very close to wanting to shed a tear by the end of the last set haha. Band triceps for higher reps to finish off the night. I brought more bands to fine tune this time. Better but still too easy the first set so I added another band. Closer but not quite there so I upped the tension of the third band and it was just right. I may use that combo or a plain average band next time. Lots of stretching and then home for burritos.

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