Thursday, April 11, 2013

April 10, 2013 – Overhead Event Day

Dynamic Warm-ups

Bigg Dogg Strongg Dumbbell Clean and Presses
20x5 R
20x5 L
50x5 R
50x5 L
80x5 R
80x5 R
110x5 R
110x5 L
132x5 R
132x5 L
152x3 R
152x3 L
172x1 R
172x1 L
182x0,0,0 R
182x1 L
182x1 R
192x1 L
192x0,0 R
202x0 L
202x1 L

Bigg Dogg Strongg Presses (one clean)
130x8 R
130x8 L
130x8 R
130x8 L
130x8 R
130x8 L

Band Triceps Pressdowns/Face Pulls (no rest)

Comments: I wasn't sure how this would go. Joints felt achy in my legs like I wasn't getting much out of them. Accelerated the 5/3/1 schema to have this be quasi-max test day to see where I'm at for the Pro/Am. The goal weight was quite easy. Had tons of issues with my right hand and only managed 10lbs more than the goal weight. Still my best on this implement. I was able to do considerably more with my left and did 30lbs more than the goal weight, which is slightly over the contest weight. Very happy with this result and it certainly makes it look like what I'm doing is working. For the secondary lift of the session, I did just the empty dumbbell for sets of 8 with only 1 clean. Shoulders took a beating on these and it was equally difficult for both sides. I figured this was the closest I could get to doing "rack presses" like I would for say the axle or log. Lot's of time for the shoulders and upper body to be under tension. Beat but satisfied.

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