Saturday, March 9, 2024

March 3, 2024 - March 9, 2024 - Week 12

 March 4, 2024 – Week 12, Day 1

Dynamic Warm Up

Axle Clean and Overhead (1 clean)
Strict Presses + Push Presses + Jerks
Push Press + Jerks

Axle Push Presses + Jerks

Band Assisted Pull-ups
sb+lbx5 at pin 16
sbx5 at pin 16
ab+lbx5 at pin 16
abx5 at pin 16
lbx8 at pin 16

12” Log Incline Bench Presses

Comments: I saw a fair number of people saying how happy they were that February is over. I feel like anyone saying that seems to forget what March is like around here. Cold and rainy Saturday and then 60 degrees Sunday. There is also potentially snow expected near the end of the month. February at least seems to be consistent. In other news, I reached the goal (285lbs or more) bodyweight by my self imposed deadline of first week of March. Being at 284.6lbs for three weeks and then 285.8lbs this week. I’m not sure where I got the “289lbs” number as my heaviest as I looked back when I thought I weight that and it turns out it was 269lbs (and shortly after that I got over 270lbs for the first time). So this is the heaviest I’ve ever been for certain. Usually when I set some kind of goal like this, I seem to fall short. But this time I did the thing. Now whether this was a good thing or not (adding over 30lbs to my bodyweight in about 6 months). I do feel like my frame is carrying it well and I’m moving/existing with little difference (other than some belts and underwear being too snug). It was another unseasonably warm day as it almost got up to 70 degrees. But it was not humid so it didn’t feel like bad weather. Going to be like 20 degrees and rainy tomorrow. I was slightly stressed with the planned training but it was stuff I was going to have to come to terms with at some point. My right biceps was feeling a little tight from Saturday (I think the heavy frame work) and I wasn’t too sure how pick things up from the “standard” height for a barbell weight would feel. Warming up stuff felt fine. I noticed that I hadn’t really felt a lower back pump on Saturday warming up compared to the previous two days in the week after how things were and I figured likely because I got stuff in the back to shift doing some decompression. Noticed it a little bit but only on the dynamic leg swinging stuff for my lower back mobility and hips. Everything else seemed to be fine and good. I still get slight anxiety with some things because of slight tension and whatnot (because there was no warning I feel for when the hamstring went). Axle to start off the training after all the warming up. Determination for training was to attempt stuff from the floor again. Plan was to work up to a certain weight before switching to out of the rack but hopefully be able to work up to the top weight and then do the rest of the sets out of the rack as planned. Axle is going to be set lower for the pick and require a bit more power right from the start compared to log which will sit a little higher and can afford to be slower (but is also further away from center of gravity). I did apply chalk because there was a possibility with the increased temperature, my tendency to be a space heater (temperature in my house went up 1 degree between sets while I was pacing lol) that I might end up sweating a good bit. That didn’t really seem to be an issue thankfully. But I really wasn’t sure with how axle cleans would be. My hands were feeling a bit worked (frame carry and hold) and I was not sure with the right biceps (though that was going to be my pronated side) on top of the uncertainty of my hamstring when applying force. It thankfully did not end up being an issue in any way. Just a bit of time prepping before I lifted each time. But I’ve kind of been that way with axle in the first place because of how important the start. Suffice it to say that I do miss the pleasant “thunk” of the stall mat landing compared to the more scattered sounding drop on concrete. Initially plan was to just work up 170lbs for the clean and overhead stuff and then go to the rack from there but things were feeling good and rather find out. This is feeling crisper even if say my lower body isn’t feeling as fresh. Like not expecting the weights to be moving as quick as they by feel upon reviewing video. I am taking my time between switching of push pressing into jerking. Trying to transfer over stuff from front squats with my breathing and bracing in the rack position and not rushing. I have rushed in the past with going right from the rack out of worry (and maybe using slight stretch reflex). Cleans are feeling good but again, I’m about 90lbs off where I’ll need to be game day. But hey, into 70% of contest weight finally. Out of the after that top double with 210lbs. Compared to last time with feeling weight on my ribcage, no issue this time, just lower legs feeling a bit worn. Trying to unrack with purpose and use the steps back to ground myself and get a powerful stance. Felt good and like it was getting better each time. On the last set where I could do more reps, I knew that I needed to calm down and not rush things. Make these very solid reps and treat them like singles I don’t rerack on. The first rep was great and then I relaxed too much for the second and it went forward and I had to take a step forward to catch it. Then did two more reps real easy. I took a moment before going for the jerk. I’m noticing that the jerks tend to be very much effected by fatigue. It seemed fine enough though my right knee definitely felt sore after that rep. Nothing some rest won’t help. Ate a bowl of oatmeal before moving on to band assisted pull-ups. I kept the knee sleeves just because again. These are still to be done as working up in 5 reps to the top set of 5-15 reps. But I was advised that I should be pulling up higher and lower with better control. I felt in order to that, I’d need to adjust the band tension and where I was placing it rather than working with one band and lowering the pin height for the increase in resistance. The first two pin heights I was using I knew were a bit too high for my purposes (and a pain to get into without a step) so I went slightly lower and just swapped out different band tensions. I was a little worried with these because I’ve had biceps strains before on this exercise in the last training cycle when working the no tacky stone stuff hard and I was on edge with it from just how it was feeling from after Saturday session. Thankfully again, no issues. Now it might be that some sets felt harder/easier because of “motivation” but it is likely that the method of stacking the bands with more than one is not working out the math how I thought it would so I may need to adjust the band stuff for next time. But that top set was definitely the lightest of the resistances and seemed to work out just fine. Aim to pull myself up higher and control the eccentric better. I think I accomplished that. Last thing was log incline benching. Same as last time with 2x5 continuing. 10lbs increase from last time. Last time, it had felt a little daunting with how it was feeling at that point. And it ended up being really good. So only slightly apprehensive that last time was a “fluke” and that I was back to feeling like myself on this movement. And I was. I’d say it felt the same or easier than last time. The changes in the training made for upper body stuff seems to have worked and got me feeling like how I usually do and for several weeks now. I knew there was an issue and it could have a solution. Just have to keep an eye on things and monitor and report. Triceps feeling a little sore. Put stuff away before stretching and then eating dinner.

March 6, 2024 – Week 12, Day 2

Dynamic Warm Up

16” Wide Grip Jack Pulls w/ Hip Circle (straps)

Hyper Extensions

Hyper Extension Holds
bwx60 seconds

bw+53x60 seconds

Side Planks
bwx60/60 seconds

Comments: Right knee still a bit achy/stiff from Monday but no hampering of my normal activities. I was tempted to ice it but seeing how things go. I don’t expect this session to bother anything. It kind of dawned on me that this potential competition is now getting kind of close. It’s not something far off. 12 weeks to go. Assuming no further injury related setbacks, I should be on track with my current progress. But even if I come into this in good/great shape, I don’t think I’ll be able to get a Nats qualification if the people that show up are also in good/great shape. I’m starting to look at Plan B’s in the event I don’t do enough to qualify outright here. Ideally qualify and be able to take a little break before training for Nationals. Not sure about sandbag to shoulder and still waiting on the new deadlift suit. But really, not sure if I’m 100% comfortable with doing a max from the floor (especially with a suit) so I guess I’m ok for now. I feel that all be cutting it close with the overhead stuff and moving medley and sandbag will be just fine. It had rained a little bit yesterday and today so it was a little cooler compared to the earlier in the week. Warming up. There is still some hesitancy with some movements but it could just be mental thing and me just being hyper focused on anything that “feels off” while I’m doing it. Stuff seemed to be ok. Back to wide pulls. Still elevated. Plan was to again work up to a top set of 5 reps but have it be 2-3” lower than last time. Last time had been 18” with my jack stands so I figured going to the second highest notch of 16” would fit the bill here. I wasn’t sure with how things would go. I had a feeling that I left weight in the tank last time not just because of unfamiliarity with the movement but also because hamstring was still recovering so strength endurance was impeded. I felt I had called things about 50lbs too early for my actual strength but right on the money as far as what my hamstrings would’ve handled. I’ve been asking more of the hamstrings each session. My thinking was that with recovery and familiarization that hopefully I could do the same weights as last time at this lower height. The suggested was to do 455lbs top set as opposed to 500lbs like last time. Figured I’d play it by ear/feel. I was also thinking about the one women’s competitor that uses a wide stance on deadlifts that tore the hamstring at the Arnold but tried to push that image out of my head. I know to have my pull be controlled in this style and not rushing it or trying to pull explosively off the ground. At the start, I wasn’t too keen on things but it was feeling pretty good as I went. I didn’t want to have my back spasm on me like it did at the end of the last session of these. I had done doubles last time but decided to swap to singles as that seemed to be the suggested this time. That first single with 405lbs felt the best that this style of pull with this weight has ever felt so I knew that I was going to be doing 500lbs and likely more for the top set. I was also entertaining 545lbs for the top set. I was feeling some fatigue in the right hamstring after the single I did with 495lbs and figured it was best to not go up another 50lbs. I’m not too sure why I did 527lbs but I guess I didn’t want to do 525lbs. This felt comfortable. It felt better than last time with less weight and higher start height. I definitely had 545lbs there today. Moving down in height might be the best way to go about this with keeping up strength and building confidence. At least with this exercise. I felt strong here. Got a little rest putting the weights away before finishing up the session with the core work. Hyper bench stuff back but no weights again. No changes to what I did last time per notes. Set of 10 reps to warm up and loosen up the back and then a 60 seconds hold. Not sure if it is because I’ve been doing the hamstring work rehab stuff or that the big jump in weight on the wide pulls with hip circle were a factor but my hamstrings were getting cooked here this time around. Like maybe they are firing right and getting more engagement and able to support my increasing bodyweight. I think for them to recover that I’m going to need to be getting this sensation in them with a sense of fatigue. Planks after that. I may have rushed moving from one thing to the other so that I could eat a bowl of oatmeal and then have a enough time to relax and decompress and digest before making dinner. As I mentioned, keeping it at 53lbs in the backpack. I didn’t quite get the left shoulder strap fixed right so it was feeling a little wonky. But I was also taking not as much rest to get things done. I think I’m getting better at being able to breath with a lot of pressure. Side planks were fine. Still noticing the leg work requirement in holding the position but less so this time so hopefully meaning recovery is continuing. With those done, I ate some oatmeal and then put stuff away before stretching and then cooking up dinner.

March 9, 2024 – Week 12, Day 3

Dynamic Warm Up

Yoke (casual pace, turf)

Sandbag to Shoulders
150x5 R
150x5 L
150x5 R
150x5 L

Comments: Work ended up being a bit more of how I was expecting it to be with planning to take a day off work. I fought against my normal instincts of working through lunch to make sure that I was getting in walking middle of the day rather than after work. As one was to just have time after work to do stuff and rehab exercises and try and get used to the hour shift coming up Sunday. Right knee still achy but manageable. Not feeling as sore I guess compared to last time I did elevated wide pulls going into this session. Potentially some compression symptoms lingering. Family was celebrating birthdays this weekend so I did want to try and get out to train earlier so I could be back at a reasonable time. Set my alarm an hour early (which will be regular time tomorrow ugh) and that was just plain unpleasant getting up so went back to bed for 30 minutes before getting up. I had stuff ready to go pretty much from the night before so I did get on the road much sooner than I usually would. Drive out took a little bit due to rain. I actually got out there to train when the earlier group was finishing up and the next group had not yet started. Warming up stuff felt fine. I was expecting more discomfort on some things but thankfully not the case. As far as the actual session, I did take time between some stuff to assist with people training. Most everyone there in the second group is training for the local comp at the gym in two weeks so this is likely the last heavy session for things. And it was probably a good idea for me to take some longer breaks with things since it was just yoke and sandbag session. Yoke was still being done at casual pace and for 50’. I was initially doing it on the concrete but then the people using the yoke on the turf from the first group were done so I went back to that. 50lbs jumps here was going to add up to a lot of work pretty quick and just putting 50lbs on wasn’t taking a lot of time either. My right knee was a little achy and I think I might have had the pick height one notch lower than I might end up using. But I think that as I got used to this and kind of made my whole body brace on the picks that I got better with it. It was more that pick that the knee was feeling crabby about. I was trying to do these not just casual as far as pace but also in attitude until I got closer to the goal for the day. The plan was pretty much like last time I did these with top weight and then when I felt I was done to do holds from there. But I figured I was probably going to pull what I did last week with every set being a run and a hold at the end of the last one. I had done 550lbs last time so 700lbs was going to be a big jump but I figured I better have that in me. The first session on the frame stuff was 470lbs and I did 620lbs second time. So this should work out just fine. My body was definitely aligned better in that it was feeling like a muscular effort with my lower back to stay braced. Also didn’t feel like my right calf was a tight as last time. The weight I did on these last time where I stopped was really comfortable so I just kept going with again the plan to stop at 700lbs as contest weight. It did start to feel like something above 600lbs. It is strange getting hyped up to go slow essentially. 700lbs felt ok. I got to the end and the plan was to hold it for 15 seconds but it felt too easy when I locked my legs so I unlocked them slightly to make it challenging and I guess doing that had it swing forward a little and get me off balance. So rather than fighting it, I just set it down at about 5 seconds. I don’t feel the long holds are as beneficial for yoke compared to the frame. So able to do contest weight on the yoke as slow as possible so good on that. I took a bit of time to kind of rest/prep for what came next; sandbag to shoulder. The thing I strained the hamstring on about a month ago. Plan was to do some light weight for reps. Now I read this as 2x5 as that was what I did last week with a light sandbag but apparently I misread and this was to be 5 reps each side. I could do them as EMOM or all together. I figured I’d rather do them all together as less time and get and idea how things feel doing lifts in quick succession. I was advised to stick between 100-150lbs. Which meant I was going to do 150lbs. I had done the 150lbs sandbag no issues (I think) last week so I knew I could pick this bag up with no issues. But still some mental hesitation to overcome. Did a single each side with 100lbs and then 125lbs. No chalk or belts here. I did apply some athletic tape around my wrists to help support a little. 150lbs is still a pretty darn small and easy bag to move. Difficult to move it how I’d treat a heavy bag. But I did my best. Got 5 reps to the right and took a brief walk to come back for 5 more on the left. This should’ve been where I stopped but like I said, I thought it was 2x5 so I took a little more rest and repeated. And everything seemed to hold up. Left wrist, right biceps and right hamstring. But will keep monitoring. I was planning on heading out when I was done here but I stayed to do some stretching after eating and drinking what I brought and do commands and cues for someone there. Drove home and had to take a slight detour due to an accident near the exit near my home. So I was bit behind my schedule and had to pack in the calories before going over for dinner and stretching out.

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