Sunday, March 17, 2024

March 10, 2024 - March 16, 2024 - Week 13

March 11, 2024 – Week 13, Day 1

Dynamic Warm Up

12” Log Clean and Push Presses
Clean Every Rep
Clean Once

12” Log Push Presses

Chest Supported Barbell Rows
Added Straps

Bench Presses

Comments: Taking off for the shifts in time for DST is probably going to be an ongoing thing for me while I work. I know that I’d have been off all day with the “losing” of an hour over the weekend. Body wants to wake up at what would be the normal time even without an alarm set. Another day to not be forced into a rigid timing is hopefully enough for me to acclimate. So besides swapping out training with walking and rehab stuff, this was going to be darn close to a repeat of Sunday. Weight is holding above 285lbs still so it wasn’t a fluke with last week. Some training is hopefully getting back to the normal routine from the minor hamstring tear a month ago. I didn’t want to make the mistake I did last time I was off on a Monday and ended up training a little later in the morning/afternoon and just having it mess up all the meal timing to not be full/uncomfortable. March weather is unpredictable so it was both sunny and very windy today. Warming up routine was fine. I think this is the first time since making the modifications that I wasn’t having a thought in the back of my head that my hamstring would reinjure doing stuff. Maybe because I got the achy right knee to preoccupy me. It honestly didn’t really affect anything warming up. My left shoulder started aching for no reason when I was done and disappeared as quickly as it happened. I hadn’t worn warm ups while doing my warming up but figured I’d wear them to keep warm as I was setting up stuff in the garage and outside to try and streamline the training session a little. I probably didn’t need them with how it was sunny outside and the wind was apparently higher up compared to where people be at. Unlike the current rotation with the axle week, not everything benefits from being done outside. Log to start things off. Back to cleaning the log. I was some what uncertain here. On one hand, I did do the same weight from the floor (lower pick) with the axle. And that requires a bit more power right away. And I had done sandbag stuff on Saturday. But this was out in front of the centerline and the movement was a bit different. This was also changed in that the first two sets working up were to be clean every rep. I’m definitely a bit out of practice on that but it was light. The recovering hamstring was feeling a little tight/crampy. I think it was more just the weight load (out front) and the ROM (full squat and driving up) that was causing the issue there. Not a lack of strength, more that the right hamstring is still recovering and fatigues quicker. One of the downsides with pressing outside earlier in the day with nice weather is getting the sun right in my eyes. Yes, facing the other way does solve that but the plan was to do most of the sets out of the rack like I’ve been doing so it didn’t really make sense to do one way and swap the other. So there was some visual issues as well as the knee aching causing me to be cautious with the lower body drive here. I’d say besides those two things, these were feeling pretty good. I could tell that getting weights out in front of the center of gravity were putting similar strain on the hamstrings as the hyper bench holds (I had noticed with the yoke walk hold Saturday). So it is probably a good idea to keep those in and build as well as continue with isometrics in the rehabbing for the moment. Out of the rack was next with the same weight. You know the drill at this point with the doubles and then doing 2-5 reps on the last set. Again, besides the hesitancy caused with the achy right knee and the sun, I feel that these went well. Not panicking with weight on my chest and rushing it. Bar path feels better and the weight doesn’t feel darn heavy on my chest like it was a month or so back. I put some weights away before moving on to chest supported rows in the garage. It seems I’m at a 5 sets of 5 reps to a top set for the day place for these right now. I felt that last time I had been a little too greedy on these. Can’t blame me for how well they had gone the time before that. My plan was the same working up sets and then for the top weight giving myself the option if feeling good to do 3 plates. Last week, the right biceps had been the one that had felt tight. Now it is the left. I’m more used to the left feeling tight when it is after a session of sandbag to shoulder. So I guess back to normal with the exercise rotation. Outside of the first two warming up sets, it was feeling heavy today. Like maybe do less weight than last time kind of deal. But as is sometimes the case, all these indicators can be misleading. So I stuff with just doing the minimum to add (2lbs) and got myself set. And it went well to the point that I was annoyed that I hadn’t done 315lbs instead. Oh well, I guess I better do it next time. Bench last thing for the session. These are still indicated as “speed” work but I try to not let myself get upset if I don’t feel like they are moving fast enough. I feel fast with the incline log benching now that my shoulders seem to be able to handle the adjusted workload. But regular bench has never really seemed to feel speedy for me. Close grip I get with the long arms and the stretch reflex but not so much here. Still as working up to 2x5. It looks that the jumps are going to be 10lbs on these. So same warm ups as last time and then the top sets. I think these felt a little better compared to last time. The weights above 135lbs do feel heavier than I’d like but not as much if that makes sense. With the working weight, I did try to not feel like I need to rush here. First set was ok. Second set the weight felt light on the unrack but I didn’t have quite the right/secure grip on it so I was a little off I think. The bar path was a bit more forward than usual. But this was fine and plenty of reps in the tank. It was a mixture of eating/drinking stuff and putting away things. Then eating/drinking some more and stretching out.

March 13, 2024 – Week 13, Day 2

Dynamic Warm Up

Front Squats

18” Jack Pulls (straps)

Hyper Extensions

Hyper Extension Holds (Neck Harness & Plate)
10+20x30 seconds


Lying Leg Raises

Comments: The day off work to get a little more adjusted to the time shift was helpful I think. Meal timing feels a little off but I am working on getting to bed at the right time. I got distracted Tuesday evening and missed a meal (just bowl of oatmeal). It has been quite warm this week. Right knee is achy still but thankfully it isn’t something where it is always that case so I can exist and walk without it being an issue. But it was slightly concerning with the planned stuff. Mobility stuff feeling fine. No hamstring issues for two sessions in a row so I’d say that is a good sign. Right knee barely aching on stuff so I was hopeful that it wouldn’t be a major issue or hamper training and continue to improve. Front squats starting things off with the plan being to work up to a top set of 2 reps again. It had been raining last time so I had gone inside for this rather than using the sturdier rack where I can put safeties that would actually do something. The plan was 15lbs more than last time on these. It is hard to gauge as a weight can be really difficult for me if I’m not really serious and have myself with elevated focus and breathing. The idea with these to work up to something good and to not have it be that bad. It is hard to keep things low key when nervous about stuff. I was nervous about the right knee. Nervous about the weight. Nervous about my right hamstring. Nervous about failing. Not helpful thoughts. I’ve done sessions where my knees have been really achy and still did well. The issue comes when there is pain or the weight feels heavy everywhere when it shouldn’t. So warming up was normal with 40-50lbs jumps, swapping to doubles at 225lbs. I knew how rough the first set with the hard belt feels so I knew to expect that with 275lbs. It didn’t feel like something I should be able to do for a decent amount of reps really. I think part of it was just getting enough to warm up and feel a solid double but not to exhaust what I felt was needed for the top planned set. Similar to not running every set warming up on moving events at full tilt from the get go. 315lbs I got set and it felt about the same. So 40lbs more and feeling about the same was a good sign. But still super nervous for the top weight of 350lbs. If successful, 15lbs under my best double on front squats. 35lbs under my best single lift. Anxiety was pretty bad worrying about failure and injury that I dry heaved twice before I could get things settled to lift. I’m thankful that I’ve gotten much better at not panicking with weights on my shoulders and take my time to brace and breath. I had gotten pretty hyped here and it went up for what looked like a comfortable double. And I likely had at least 2 more reps in me. It’s stuff like that where it’s like what was the worry even about? But then if I hadn’t been that amped would’ve I been able to do it and make it look as good as it did? I think what I was most pleased with here was I didn’t feel any tightness in the right hamstring which was something I had felt the last two times I did these. So another check that hamstring is getting better. Right knee was probably going to be achy but the rest of the workout wasn’t really going to stress things out that much I felt. Stripped down the stuff so that I had time to come back down and get some fluids in me as it was warm and I was having issues trying to keep fluids down at the moment. Jack stand pulls in the garage. No hip circle for these I guess going forward. That honestly wasn’t doing that much with my usual stance but are great with the wide stance pulls. It would appear the plan is to be lowering the pulls each time to get closer to the ground. Now these “rack pulls” were replacing the rdls so only the wide pulls were really pulls from the floor as the stopping point was always about 2” below the knees or so. So I’d say these are closer to getting back to the normal compared to the wide pulls. These had been 21” last time so advised to drop them down to 18”, which was expected. I did ask for clarification on the position here as indication was to pull these as if this is where I’d be during this part of the pull and then try and keep a hips back groove for the subsequent reps with pause at the bottom. The clarification coming to be where I “should” be in this part of the pull on a good pull rather than where I might end up being. Plan working up here was plate jumps to 495lbs and then a single at 545lbs before doing 585lbs for the top set. These are harsher on the lower back compared to the wide grip pulls but I was hopeful that I would be feeling better this time around with the hamstring improving. I had gone up over 25lbs on the wide pulls going down 2” and still felt like I left a good bit in the tank. But these were certainly a bit different of a situation with the higher start and not really being able to get lower body drive into these. I wanted to do 600lbs again so I told myself I could do it and put 605lbs on the bar for the set of 5 reps. After that rough first rep, I felt good to do quite a bit more as far as reps. So that felt good to be pushing weights on both deadlift variations and front squats. I did want to eat a quick meal but with seeing how the pace was going and what was to come, I realized it wasn’t worth it to make a risk and rather just start prepping dinner to be able to eat as soon as I finished and perhaps do a small meal between that time and when I went to bed. Hyper bench work as per usual but back to getting to use more than just bodyweight for resistance. The usual back extensions to warm up. The plan for progression here was to pick a resistance (combo or neck harness and holding weight) that I felt I could hold for 60 seconds and do just 30 seconds with the plan to progress by 10-15 seconds each time I guess. I know stuff is still recovering and that I’m actually hitting heavier stuff overall now. I made a guess at 10lbs for the harness and 20lbs holding. I was feeling the effects of the other lifting on my body and there is still noticeable fatigue in posterior chain in the hamstrings and glutes. The resistance is potentially a little much but perhaps not that far off considering I was counting slower in my head then the timer for the 30 seconds that came and went. See how it goes next time. Since I wasn’t rushing to finish to eat a small meal and then wait for dinner but rather go right to eating dinner, I did take a little bit of time to let myself rest before finishing up with abdominal work. Same setup as the last time with the weight crunches being with 20lbs for 30 reps. This actually felt better than when I did these last time. Easier, maybe my breaking down the reps in my head as I did them helped. The lying leg raises were about the same. Put stuff away as I finished up with preparing dinner. I ended feeling quite stuffed from dinner and didn’t bother with oatmeal before bed. Stretched out after eating.

March 16, 2024 – Week 13, Day 3

Dynamic Warm Up

Sandbag Tosses (16’)

Frame Carries
(16” pick)
(18” pick)
(20” pick)

Sandbag Rows

Sandbag to Shoulders
150x1 R
150x1 L
200x1 R
200x1 L
225x1 R
225x1 L

Comments: Surprisingly I guess, it would appear that sometimes the aches and such just need time and more weight. With the weights moved on Wednesday and concerns with the achy knee, I wasn’t expecting things to feel “good” shortly after that. Oh well. Not going to complain about that. Not to say it is feeling 100% but about a million times better. I was able to also get in walking both days despite spotty rain. It was getting a little uncomfortable with the temperature increasing to the low 70’s for a few days and was going to be equally annoying that it will be dipping back down to the 40’s in the next few days and towards the end of the month with possible snow still. Ugh. With how the lower body static stuff has felt, I think I’m finally feeling like I’m able to utilize the added bulk to my advantage in things. I mean, haven’t pushed the overhead stuff yet but I think coupled with recovery that stuff is feeling light on the shoulders and my core is a good bit sturdier with weights and bracing. Plan for this day was to get out to train somewhat early to get used to it as I may need to travel out of state to train next weekend and the week after that I need to make sure I get training done early so that I can be available for a planned event. I think I only had to hit the snooze button once or twice from my usual work wake up time so I’d say that was a bit of win there. But I think I was a bit slow with getting a move on to actually get out to train though. Drive out was fine. The gym doors were open when I got there. I was not really expecting some people to be there as a good number of the people that have been coming are competing next weekend. But there were still some of those people there training. I mean, nice to seem them but I kind of feel like they might not be able to peak as well as they could for the show. Or perhaps they don’t really need it. Got the warming up stuff done and felt pretty good on everything and then it was time to train. So while bag toss was to start things off, there has been some adjustments to the training at this time at least for the next few weeks. We are on the second half of the training towards Regionals at this point. So far, bag toss has been every other week with the working weight being for 10 EMOM singles. Going forward, it will be every week for 5 EMOM singles and the focus not on adding weight so much as getting form focused. This increased frequency and lower volume is also being applied to sandbag to shoulder for the end of the workouts. But I’ll get to that when I get to that. With bag toss, I had asked Mr. Westerling what he felt would be a good weight here with not aiming to go up in weight every session, keeping in mind I was going a foot higher than contest and like three sessions have been in inclement weather. Suggested was to either keep it the same weight or go up to 3lbs more as long as I felt it was safe. Anything over 43lbs was going to be a PR for this height. So of course, I decided to make it 45lbs. Did some warming up with the 30lbs sandbag with different styles of swings and extension drills before doing the “clean pull” tosses. Actual tosses the first one I got a lot of height on it but my arc was way too narrow and I was too far away so it went almost straight up and down. Corrected that for the second toss. I felt that was enough warming up but maybe I should’ve done one more. First toss with the 45lbs bag had similar issue as the first toss with 30lbs. I figured that I’d just tack an attempt on at the end to make up for it. I think I was a little surprised that the increase in weight was that noticeable as this was feeling like how 42.6lbs had felt last year in that final session before Nationals but I’d say with a bit more consistency in getting the needed height. If anything, most of them were hitting the target on the way down as my arc was a bit too shallow for what is needed. But should be fine for actual contest as I can get closer with the setup at Regionals. Also taking the feeling that a toss isn’t a PR unless I can hit it for multiple attempts because of how these can be. The expected last rep didn’t go as planned as I got a little off balance and didn’t get the usual power so I had to redo that one and got it. It is possible that some of this was from me already thinking I’d done this in my head as well as picturing how it would look in a video clip later (the walk up and the Arnold double biceps and twist lol). But got to have some fun with this. So bag toss done and then time for frame carry stuff. Again, I was a little nervous here. Now last time it had been from still getting back to things with the hamstrings and having seen a few hamstring injuries at the Arnold. Also planning for big weights to be moved in a way I’ve not really pushed (casual pace stuff). This time was only some of that (hamstring stuff) but in a different way. Walking slow was fine and all but how would the hamstrings do with me trying to go fast? I’ve been very deliberate with my picks on both yoke and frame since as well as for the elevated deadlifts. I was allowed to go as fast as I felt comfortable with so the restrictions had been lifted essentially. Plan was work up in 50’ runs with pretty much 100lbs jumps up until the end with goal being 640lbs. So hopefully 20lbs more than last time but at actual moving speed and going from where I left off really. This was easier said then done. Because the competition is happening next weekend, the lanes were a bit occupied. Not sure because of placement but repainting and marking stuff as well as some concrete work being done to try and fix a divot. So that meant that I couldn’t warm up in the usual spot and I’d have to move stuff with the handtrucks to another spot. This also meant figuring out where I wanted stuff to stop so that putting it away wasn’t such a chore. I’d need to warm up on lighter stuff since the empty big frame is 568lbs. I was able to do the lightest setup just on the turf lane and then moved on to the beefier setup in the wind tunnel before moving outside. I was still being a cautious with the picks here. I didn’t feel any issues with going fast thankfully. I did have a little bit of a weird occurrence with 376lbs. It was perhaps a combination of holding my breath as well as the bright sunlight in my eyes as I went from inside to outside as I kind of slowed down a lot about halfway. I didn’t have that issue for anything else. It was nice to be outside running with the frame again. Not having to worry about setting down gently and just going fast. With the bigger frame, I tried to not be so deliberate on the pick. It was a higher pick and I know I need to move fast here. There was some hesitancy with that so I’d repeat the process a few times before I’d actually go. 640lbs felt just fine and moved well as it should. I got 80lbs to add to this before show time. Not too concerned with speed timing at this point as I’ll need to be more on point when it comes to putting both yoke and frame together. Put some stuff away before putting the frame back. I didn’t quite put everything away as I still had another event to get ready for. Sandbag to shoulder for the last thing. As mentioned, it appears to be a weekly thing with low volume. At least compared to what I was doing before the hamstring pull/tear. But first, very light sandbag rows. Idea being to do a set of 5 reps to warm up. Similar to how I do some back extensions to warm up for the hyper holds (as well as get things to not be so tight after heavy pulls). I’ve done rows with sandbag before and various styles. I know that it ends up being used as a warm up for stuff like sandbag as well as for stones. If I know this is for warming up for something vs on its own, I’ll do them differently. I don’t pick up sandbags in a row way by itself. It is a rowing and standing up all at once. So I felt that doing that made more sense if I was to be getting the feeling of how the sandbag pick would be and would hopefully have me feeling better about the motion in general with the lingering worries about the hamstring. I should add that I had modified the rehab stuff as I’ve been doing every Thursday going into the following week. Dropping stuff and modifying other stuff to try and cut down on fluff but keep working what needs work. One change did put a bit more stress on the hamstrings (switching from double leg isos to single leg isos) so that was possibly weighing on my mind there. The sandbags were also kind of sorted between ones that were going to be used at the contest and those not. The ones not being used were the not so good ones but that didn’t matter. I had taped my wrists for the rows and the working plan here was literally just singles to a top weight and stop there. Suggested was 150, 200 and then 225-250. I had planned on the 250lbs but with that also being the plan for next time and I’m actually not sure where I’m going to be training next weekend, I figured it was smarter to do 225lbs. I had to remind myself that I’ve only done 150lbs since the injury and that was just last week. I took my time with these and making sure I wasn’t rushing. These felt good. The top knot on the 225lbs bag was distracting but I didn’t let that get to me. I know I could do the 250lbs no issues but the one I was able to use was really sandwiched between stuff and I was already going a bit later than I would’ve liked with having to move a bunch of stuff around to get the work done with frame carry. I can do more next week. I ate the I brought to get food and drink down and put stuff away. I did stretch a little bit as I stayed to help someone finish up their last bit of training (with timing and commands) before I packed up and drove home to eat and stretch.

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