Wednesday, May 18, 2022

May 17, 2022 – Week 10, Day 2

Mobility Prep

Titan Fitness Frame Deadlifts (14” pick, straps)

2” Deficit Stiff-legged Deadlifts (straps)

Bulgarian Split Squats (barefoot)

Copenhagen Planks (foam roller crush)
bwx20/20 seconds
bwx20/20 seconds
bwx20/20 seconds

Seated Band Hamstring Curls

Comments: Just drowning at work. Just doing what I can. Today was going to be lower stress day and lower volume. Notes suggested that I could move this day or skip it. I think this may be for next week notes since that is the week I have to move days around to accommodate things for the funeral. Or it could be a word of caution with the sciatica issues that started up Friday. Anyways, mobility stuff felt fine as it has been. Continuing to work these to feel better. Wasn’t unbearable hot today and with it being not as stressful a session as far as I could tell, I decided to keep the fans off to work up a good sweat. Maybe I felt I needed to sweat out all the subpar food from Sunday and Monday night. My head was definitely feeling clearer today after getting an infusion of the protein powder I like. But not sure if it will last me until my big order arrives. Play it by ear. Frame deadlifts to start things off. Not the heavy week I was expecting but I think probably for the best. That is next week it seems as we get to the end of this training prep. Some things the same and some things different. So this was to be lighter and lesser RPE from last week. Still EMOM stuff with each set doing the quick draw strapping in. But I was to try and take load off my lower back and do it more hips and quads. So that meant standing on a platform and gripping the handles in the center rather in the back. I had meant to only do doubles after the essentially empty frame but I forgot and got too into it and only realized I was still doing triples after 320lbs so I decided to do a triple with 410lbs as well. 500lbs for 6x3 wasn’t bad. Certainly not as quick compared to how I normally pull the frame but it was good to work that way this time and not overdue the lower back that is still dealing with some inflammation. Had to have a little more control with the weight so that I didn’t get things trapped between the frame and the platform. From there it was on to stiffies. I was kind of surprised they weren’t an exercise for Saturday last week but then it made sense seeing them show up for this day. Plan was work up to a top set of 12-15 reps (1-2RIR) using the same setup I had been using. Well, couldn’t quite do that since I don’t have kilo plates or a squat bar so just my cheapo bar and the odds and ends plates I got. Now I was originally planning to start at 135lbs and work up 50-40lbs jumps to 365lbs for the top set. But I guess I just felt like I should do more if I could and added 20lbs to my weights. This wasn’t feeling as “easy” I guess as it had at the strongman gym. Not sure why. I knew I had to keep my brace strong and not let things go squirrelly with my sciatica stuff waiting in the wings. But I also didn’t want to be making these easy. I don’t know if I actually was uneven or what but I kept having the one side touch first with these. I knew 15 reps would be a tall order with how things were going but I knew I could get 12 and that is where I stopped. From there it was the accessory work of the evening. Still Bulgarian split squats but no tempo or chakra aligning breathing. Just indicated to try and maintain upright torso and sets of 12-20 with 3-5RIR. I liked the barefoot so I stuck to that. Advised to use bodyweight or a light weight. I tested things out and bodyweight was going to be way too easy so I grabbed the 10lbs kettlebells. Really easy stuff here. Good sweat going. I started to get burning in my upper quads by the last set with all the reps. Copenhagen planks followed that but with a twist. I was to do the plank but hold a foam roller between my legs. So the lower leg would be required to also do an isometric while holding an isometric. Knees must have been feeling good as I forgot to pull down the knee sleeves for extra support. Thankfully these were shorter holds as that new twist added made these a good bit more challenging. Last thing was good ole band leg curls. Sets of 20-30 for RPE 6-7. I figured with no pauses or weirdo rep things that the same bands as last time would be fine. That worked out pretty well as the fatigue from that many reps over the sets may have started at the lower end but got closer to the higher end of the RPE. Put stuff away, cooked up dinner and stretched before icing knees and then bed.

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