Saturday, October 23, 2021

October 21, 2021 – Week 2, Day 3

Band Pec Flyes/Paused Band Pull-Aparts (3 seconds)

12” Log Incline Bench Presses (3 seconds eccentrics)
170x10 (8+2)
170x10 (7+2+1)

Paused Chest Supported Dumbbell Rows (3 seconds)

Bench Dips (Feet Elevated)

Leaning Dumbbell Lateral Raises/Band Face Pulls (slight pauses)
24x15/15 – abx15
24x15/15 – abx15
24x15/15 – abx15

Close Grip Push-ups (3 second negatives)

Comments: Super stressful work day but maybe things will calm down for Friday. Keeping an eye on my legs (left leg calf/hamstring insert tendon is super sore from Tuesday, right knee off and on complaining). Needed an outlet. So training with the second go at this particular day. See what feels like what after a week of stuff beforehand and knowing what is going to be this time around. I had thought about bringing the rack back inside for this workout but thought better of it since I’m doing standing overhead stuff again so leave it on the patio as long as the weather is good. Starting point of the session was bands superset. Pec flyes with pull-aparts. Knew what to expect this time as far as the suck and fatigue factor. I feel like this took less out of me this time but it was still tough. Not as much burning in the anterior delts. So on to log incline bench presses. Advised to pyramid up to warm up and keep to the 3 second eccentrics. Top weight to be 190lbs for a max rep set (1-2RIR) and then take off 20lbs and do 3 matching sets with 2 minutes rest. For the warm-ups this time, I figured I’d do more sets, similar to what I did for the close grip benching. Get that volume and warming up in. Top set I figured I had 8 reps. Number 8 felt too easy and I figured I had at least 2 more so I went for it. I was wrong. Should’ve stopped at 8 or 9 as 10 was no reps in reserve. Just the fatigue caught up to me really quick in those last two reps. I didn’t fail a rep so that was good. But this meant my following sets were going to be really tough. Not so much the reps but just not recovering enough between the sets. First set no problem. Second set I stopped at 8 to rerack it and took like 10 seconds to collect myself and get those last two reps. Final set was rough. Got 7 before I knew to rerack the weight. Couldn’t get the third and it came back down on me. I put the log in my lap to breath a bit. I hadn’t expected this or I would’ve used bumper plates so I could put it down. But I guess if I did that, I’d have stopped and not gotten the rep as I took a moment and then cleaned it to my shoulders, paused a brief moment and pressed it up. So I technically did my 3x10. I do not recover quickly from tempo stuff lol. I will say the one good thing was that my shoulders didn’t feel like one was fatiguing or more sore than the other during this this time. From there it was on to rows. Dumbbell rows using the bench to support my chest. Control the movement and hold in contraction for 3 seconds. No arching the back. Same as last week with it being work up in 5’s and do 3x10. I decided with how things had felt last week to do more work up sets so that I could see if that helped with the scap stuff and get things under control. I think it did help. I thought I had more small change plates but I guess not so 76lbs appears to be the most I can do with them plateloaded dumbbells without going for my 25’s (26lbs) plates that would possible shorten the ROM on these. This increase actually seemed to be just right as far as the difficulty. Though I may be able to do more if I used chalk or something. Bench dips were next. Advised to do them controlled and for 3x12-15 with the working weight after doing 2x5-10 with bodyweight. I felt that the working weight was going to be pretty easy to do at even the higher reps and with doing them like a slow piston so I did 2x10 for the warm-ups. I think this was a good choice as I felt better on the second set. I think it was because I wasn’t ready that first set as last time I did them with feet on the floor to start to get warmed up and then did some reps with feet up. Shoulder seemed less cranky this week as well. May be difficult to load this exercise with weight on the lap to setup above 45lbs or so with balance. Back to supersets. Leaning side laterals with band face pulls. With how they felt last time, I felt I could increase a little bit on the laterals and just need to start with the other side first to gauge things a little better. As for the face pulls, the next band tension up is quite a monstrous jump for this so I figured I’d stick with the same but just add in some slight pauses to increase the difficult with this particular band as this is the most band tension I’ve ever used for face pulls. This seemed to go well. Last item was close grip push-ups. I was advised to add 3 second eccentrics and add weight to keep the reps between 15-20 reps with 2RIR. I figured that two sets of chains would do it. I was wrong. That was too much together I guess. Barely got 15 reps that first set within parameters and with fatigue (even taking a longer rest) I wasn’t able to get close that second set. I was initially frustrated that I couldn’t setup the chains tight to my body so that they didn’t deload a little on these. I did figure out a setup the minimized this but not satisfied. Only afterwards did I figure that I could maybe use a backpack to add the weights next time and possibly use that for bench dips (backpack on chest) to load as well as on the lap. Ate dinner (ordered too much, so leftovers) and then stretched before icing my legs and right elbow before bed.

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