Wednesday, October 13, 2021

October 12, 2021 – Week 1, Day 1

Took a bit longer than I was expecting to “recover” from the show so to speak. Sleep cycle was off and appetite was all over the place. Only thing that feels off is my right shoulder from the fingal fingers I think. Keeping an eye on that obviously. Forcing myself to do an off-season. I need it. It could be boring and tedious but it is needed right now. Not sure if this will be 4 weeks or longer (like 8 max) but have to play it by ear. Focusing on too many things. One at a time. This next show and do well enough to qualify for SC Nats. That is the goal right now. Trying to keep myself from drifting off from that, like thinking about doing a show that has some of the events I didn’t do as well as I liked at this last show to “redeem” myself or get “revenge”. Which is stupid. Let it go. One week at a time.

Band Push-ups (3 seconds negatives)/Inverted Ring Rows

Paused Half Kneeling Single Arm Band Pulldowns (3 seconds holds)/Dumbbell Lateral Raises
sbx15/15 – 21’sx15
sbx15/15 – 21’sx15
sbx15/15 – 21’sx15

Seated Band Hamstring Curls/Heel Elevated Spanish Squats (strong band)

bwx30 seconds

Sled Drag Work
165x5 minutes
165x5 minutes

Comments: As with last post contest week, this first session back was a pump session for both upper and lower body. It did take longer to get things sorted out beforehand so I do wonder if that made this workout a day later or if the plan had been take off Monday from the start. As with most of last cycle, it does appear that the upper body focus days don’t have prescribed prep work before the main lifting portion. At this point, still got tendonitis and dealing with the neck/shoulder issues (seem to be getting better on the left side, actively trying to not sleep on that side). I wasn’t sure how the right shoulder would react with things so kind of played by ear here. First up was a pairing of push-ups with bands and inverted rows with weights added. Leaving reps in reserve. I did two warm-up sets with just bodyweight for both to make sure stuff was feeling good in the shoulders and to get ready. I used a lighter band tension just to be on the safe side with things as I wasn’t sure how the shoulders would like this or how they would react. Both felt good (push-ups and rows). Rows fatigued much faster than push-ups. Next was another superset. I figured I could do the strong band for the pulldowns with the holds no problem and I was right. Again, working the muscles and seeing how the shoulders felt on these. Lateral raises I lowered the planned weight to make sure these stayed in the right range and this turned out to be perfect. I do need to keep track of what seems to need the compression cuff to help minimize the discomfort and which I can/should take it off so as not to limit things. That was it for upper body essentially and it was time for lower body stuff. Hamstring curls paired with Spanish squats. I was already a little annoyed that the main garage lights weren’t working as it got too damp the past few days. Setup and switching between these two exercises was a little tricky. Leg curls are easy and fine. The Spanish squats aren’t. I have trouble getting depth on these as I feel like I’m leaning too far forward and having the knees go forward when they’re not supposed to. These were slow and quite challenging and I feel like these were fine on my quads and knees but the quality of the movement isn’t up to snuff for me. After this was a set of planks. Just bodyweight for 30 seconds. Easy, just a rest break I guess. Last item for the night was sled drag work. Two sets of 5 minutes. Really light weight as I was to do all kinds of things. Forwards, backwards, sideways and rows. The right leg is still a little tender when it comes to pushing off when doing the sideways walks using that leg to lead. I took maybe a minute break but I count slow so maybe closer to 90 seconds between the sets. These were easy, it was just dark outside and lots of leaves in piles in the street. Left the stuff out in the garage for the next day so that I could get down to eating dinner and stretching.

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