Friday, July 9, 2021

July 8, 2021 – Week 17, Day 3

Mobility Prep
12” Log Incline Bench Presses w/ bands
No Bands
Added Bands (+17lbs bottom/+36lbs top)

Inverted Ring Rows

Incline Dumbbell Triceps Extensions (3 seconds negatives)/Dumbbell Lateral Raises/Band Face Pulls

Comments:  Not sure what that was all about the last session. Just a terrible mood swing that went into the following day. I was able to vent and get a release and it all went away. Very strange. Storms from the south finally making their way up here (always seem to be earlier than meteorologist predict) so it started raining in the afternoon. I had been too lazy to get ready to move my squat rack inside despite hearing the rumblings (I was expecting rain on Friday). Had to wait until there was some break in the torrential downpour and it was more just drizzle. Wiped down the squat rack and got things setup for the start of training. Mobility stuff for the lats, traps and scap. My legs were still sore from Tuesday. In fact, feeling twitchy in a lot of places. I also noticing I have bruises from stones that are still healing up on my legs and abdomen. I kept the fans off for the mobility stuff so that I could get warm. Movement prep stuff still good. For today, the session seemed to be short and intense at the start and then a lot of reps at the end. Starting things off was bands on the log press again. Same band tension as it has been this cycle. I was told to try and keep rest period to 60-90 seconds. I forgot about that and didn’t have a timer ready. Plan for the day was 185lbs for 5x3. I did my usual 30lbs jumps. I wasn’t expecting much. Had the usual shoulder aches at the start. Right elbow a little achy too. But once I got to the working weight, I had to keep checking to make sure I had the right weight on there and that the incline was right. Not because it was feeling too tough but because it was feeling way too easy. I did end up taking longer rests (reviewing video after the fact) with it closer to the 90-120 seconds range. Perhaps this felt uncharacteristically easy as I usually equate deload with easy and don’t have that same intensity I have when I treat it as serious. Like a mental and physical deload. Not to say that isn’t also the case with this training cycle. Just different and will have to trust the process and see how it goes on the day it matters. Ring rows after that. Last week had been just bodyweight for a deload to peak the press session earlier in the week so this was back to adding weights. I was a little surprised that the plan was to go heavier than two weeks prior. Just for one set but still. New weight always seems rough at the start on these rows. 70lbs didn’t really fit evenly with my rubber plates so I went with the iron so I wasn’t sure how they’d stay on my stomach once I started. I did two warm-up sets to prep. As expected, it felt heavy haha. Took 20lbs off for two more sets and these felt really comfortable. Last item of the day was essentially what I usually do all together as opposed to be separate. Triceps, shoulders and upper back as a triset. Advised to do RPE 6-7 and do 20 reps of each, going through it twice. A little tricky to figure things out here as far as what to do for what. I had idea for the laterals and face pulls since I usually do them higher reps any ways. Triceps with that many reps and the negatives not sure. My options would be either 10lbs or 40lbs if I went with fixed dumbbells. I figured way too heavy if doing 40’s and way too light for 10’s and I’d need them for the laterals as changing weights on the loadable dumbbells between exercises would take way too long. So that kind of sorted things out realizing that. Was definitely feeling the fatigue in the triceps on the second set. Felt good and a nice way to end the session. Put stuff away and ate a meatloaf before stretching.

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