Tuesday, July 27, 2021

July 26, 2021 – Week 2, Day 1

Mobility Prep
Circus Dumbbell Clean and Presses (Dumbbell with Fat Gripz Extreme)

Axle Strict Presses w/ bands (+18lbs bottom/+28lbs top)
No Bands
Added Bands

Barbell Floor Presses

Paused Dumbbell Y Raises (3 seconds, 3 seconds negatives)

Paused Band Face Pulls (3 seconds)

Half Kneeling Single Arm Band Lat Pulldowns/Hand Elevated Close Grip Push-ups (18”)
sbx15/15 – bwx40
sbx15/15 – bwx20
sbx15/15 – bwx12

Comments: Some good news was figured out the electrical issue with the bathrooms so that is all good. Not so good was the one grocery store being out of eye rounds and chuck roasts so had to alter planned meals for this week slightly. Hamstrings really sore from those Nordic curl negatives still. I have some anxiety thinking about the October show. Not sure if they are rational concerns or not. Partly thinking I’m not at that level and partly that the pro stuff might not happen as only this show so far of the 6 announced have the minimum amount of competitors to have it have the invite. The one I’m signed up for is the only one meeting that criteria at the moment. Only two of the other ones have close to the number needed (two have one person, two have five people and another has none). So I do wonder if I should drop down to regular comp or not. May have to think on it a little. But see how things go. So on to training.  Foam rolling was definitely needed and it usually is. But this time a lot despite not feeling that sore in the upper back. And usually the second time through it is only a little bit needed but I had a lot of crunching and what not. It was paired this time with the PNF stretching again. I swapped out the kettlebells for my light dumbbell handles so as to give myself more ROM as I was hitting the ground with the kettlebells before I even got to ten reps. Other mobility prep was just wall slides and the push-up planks. So this workout was quite a bit different from any of the other upper body sessions. To start things off, it was circus dumbbell work. But not heavy. Not even stuff that would probably register on RPE scale. Literally said RPE 3 haha. I was told to empty dumbbell handle (between 10-30lbs) and work the positions with holds and pauses to get that neural pathway going. I’ve done push press the past two dumbbell sessions and now to get back to my contest style jerk. These were awkward. The weight was so light and it was kind of tricky to think of how I did things with not having the weight kind of adjust the body. My first set on these wasn’t great as far as getting the position and drive right (though I feel my press and lockouts were good). I feel I got a bit better as I went. I may have over exaggerated the lockout to get feet together but I figure I should since that was an error in my training for Nats in 2015 that cost me a rep. On to axle pressing after that. This time with bands. Other than the viking presses last cycle, I think I’ve only ever done strict press against band tension once before about a decade ago. It always seems to be with me either seated or doing them with a jerk or push press. Setup for this was to do same as the squats on Saturday; 60% with 10-15% added to that in bands for 5x3 with 60-90 seconds rest. A bit tricky with the bands with how tall I am. The mini bands alone were 30lbs just at my chest and I knew they’d be over 40lbs at the top (I think they’ve been 50lbs or more for me in the past) so this meant using the micro bands. Didn’t feel like anything at all really until I got to 96lbs on the bar. Then it felt noticeable. These actually were a little weird as they felt rough on the shoulders and I didn’t think I was moving the weight that fast but video says otherwise. I got a little off balance on the second working set. Next up was a surprise for sure. Floor pressing. It has been a while. I thought it was maybe 6 months but turns out almost a year to the day that I last did any kind of prone pressing. Since then, it has been push-ups and accessory work for shoulders and triceps this whole time. I had been using sawhorses for these but that seemed not so safe anymore after the banging and clanging I’ve done on them during this home gym training. So plan here was to do 3x6 at RPE 7, working up in triples. I was to use the bar that I felt would be easiest on my shoulders. Well didn’t really have much choice as it was pretty much either barbell or axle as I doubt log was really an option with the decreased ROM and that it would be an even bigger pain in the ass to unrack that. I was expecting to use about 300lbs despite not doing any kind of prone pressing for a year. All the parts have been getting worked so this would be more of a form and technique issue I figured. Triceps were feeling a little sore but I was feeling pretty strong. I was getting an ache in my right shoulder which I guess I haven’t really noticed since no prone pressing. I was feeling pretty good and I may have gone a bit heavier than planned here. I just liked the quarter-plate jumps. These sets I don’t feel were RPE 7. Maybe the first one but they felt closer to 7.5-8 and maybe 8.5 at the most. Hard to tell as bar speed looks good even as I got tired. It was more lockout on the last rep of the second and third set that ended up being tough so hard to say what I could do. At least another rep for sure and two would be pushing it and be super ugly and grindy I think. Well survived that (I think) and on to some less stressful exercises. Into the garage for a spell. Been a little bit since the dumbbell y raises showed up. No superset pairing this time around but longer hold at concentric and adding an accentuated negative to it. Ugh, so a little difficult to figure out so I just started at empty handles and that seemed ok but I ended up taking longer rests than planned (had to order replacement dinner) so I decided I’d increase the weight 2lbs a set. Last set was quite challenging but still I think in the effort range. Back outside after that for some more band work. Face pulls with pauses. I had felt that monster minis were too light last time when doing superset and having it be more reps with a shorter pause. So I figured I could do the light bands. I must say that having to hold and brace that long definitely takes me off balance a little as I think I’m so used to this tension only being for a brief moment of max contraction but it felt like it wanted to pull my forward if I wasn’t careful. I feel like I really worked on the holds and external rotation on these. So last item of the night was a superset. Wasn’t going to get away with having a workout not having a pairing. So this was lat pulldowns and the hand elevated push-ups. Last week had been my first experience with the push-ups and to have them be close grip. Pulldowns the same reps each set but push-ups for max with 3RIR. I was surprised how much tension I needed for the pulldowns since I’ve only ever used the light bands for movement prep with brief holds. I’m tall so I’m not sure if I can really get the preferred angle on these. The push-ups felt way too easy at the start as I got 40 and stopped as I felt I was slowing down, not that I had reach my limit. However, unlike the lat pulldowns, my push-ups weren’t recovering as quickly with my back to back style. Reps dropped off dramatically (as noticed with doing these like this the week before contest last cycle) on the second set and were at least somewhat close to numbers I got the second set with the third set. Put stuff away before housing 4 steak recovery burritos for dinner and then stretching.

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