Friday, March 23, 2018

March 22, 2018 – Week 6, Day 2

5 Minutes Precor AMT

Leaning Calf Raises

Sumo Box Touches (12” Box)

16” Box Squats

Regular Box Touches (12” Box)

Band Rows


Hip Airplanes (supported)

Circus Dumbbell Clean and Strict Presses
Plate Loaded Dumbbell with Fat Gripz Extreme
20x5 R (one clean)
20x5 L (one clean)
40x1 R
40x1 L
50x1 R
50x1 L
60x1 R
60x1 L
70x1 R
70x1 L
80x1 R
80x1 L
90x1 R
90x1 L
100x1 R
100x1 L
110x1 R
110x1 L
120x1 L

Added Straps

18” Rack Pulls (straps/suit)


Comments: Lots of snow the day before. Work closed and had to shovel twice. Even without the snow, it would’ve have probably been a good day to use a sick day as something I ate disagreed with me and I may have gotten little dehydrated. Snow also caused a delay the following morning so a little extra sleep. Warmed up on the AMT. 163bpm highest reading this time. It’s been this elevated the past few workouts. I can’t tell if it’s because I’m tired or if I’m actively putting in more effort here. Calf raises were easy. A bit tight but ok. Wide stance box touches were ok. Less soreness, tightness and achiness in hips, hamstrings and knees respectively. Box squats were ok but knees still achy on these. Regular style box touches were ok too. Band rows after that. Not bad. Push-ups were alright. Hip airplanes were pretty easy. Really trying to focus on controlled movement to get the hips to relax and fire right. Finished up with the biceps stretches. Then on to the weights as per usual. New on today with circus dumbbell strict presses. I’d like to get up to using my empty bell but that’s bit much now so used my makeshift one for now. Idea was to do just the concentric and controlled drop to a mat or something. 20lbs cut a hole in the mats so that wasn’t happening haha. 10lbs jumps up to about 90%. Feeling pretty good (a little antsy with the biceps on the right) at the start. Almost felt like my left side would lag or be equal. 70lbs with the switch to the 25lbs plates made a big difference. Felt more shoulder with the shortened ROM I guess. I had really wanted to get 120lbs but the weights weren’t going up so easy so I knew that might be closer to a max. Left side decided to wake up and got easier. 110lbs felt like the limit for the right side but went up comfortably on the left. With some hesitation, I went for 120lbs. Maybe a bit much for today. Not a max single but definitely closer to 95-97% range. So on to deadlifts. Singles after warm-up with 90lbs jumps with a goal of 585lbs. Taped my right shin just to keep blood time down as it had gotten scratched up with the wide grip band pulls. Maybe my knee was bothering me but the pulls felt off somehow on the warm-ups. Weight was moving fine and I thought nothing of it. 405lbs with the belt on I felt my left hip adjust slightly initiating the pull off the floor. No pain or anything just noticed pressure. 495lbs on the bar and straps on. This felt heavy. Heavier than I wanted it to feel with another 90lbs to go. Put it was just a single, I should be able to get it. I get amped up and gave it a tug and it barely came off the ground. My spirits plummeted. This is the first deadlift I’ve missed since returning from injury. It wouldn’t have stung so much if it wasn’t already a weight I’ve lifted. Maybe I was little dehydrated still (my tibialis anterior had cramped up the night before), maybe shoveling heavy snow the day before had fatigued me. Any excuse doesn’t seem to be satisfactory. It’s good thing that raw deadlift from the floor isn’t a contested event for this competition because this would’ve killed the workout for me. So I donned the deadlift suit for the rack pulls. I had wanted a big lift but with how deadlift went, I wasn’t optimistic. Just trying to treat each lift like it was a max lift attempt. Started at 135lbs and did 90lbs jumps. Idea today was to do a top single. I had originally hoped to do 765lbs for the top set. But that was before missing that deadlift. Deadlift and overhead press misses seem to get me the most (stone of steels got to be up there too haha) with how much effort I put into them and how much worth seems to be on these in strongman. Weights seemed to be moving well and I was getting the suit to do what I wanted it to. Got slower at 585lbs. 675lbs went up ok but not with as much confidence that I knew I had 90lbs more. Hell, I wasn’t sure I had 50lbs more with how it went. So I went with just 70lbs more for 20lbs increase over last time. This was still a gamble. Setup took a bit to get it to feel like it was in the right groove, everything tight with the slack out. Slow goings but it broke off the pins and up to lockout with no hitch. Right knee and hamstring held up. Hopefully I can achieve the 765lbs pull for an all-time PR which should hopefully mean an even bigger lift at the contest with a more favorable setup. Home to stretch and eat meatloaf before going to bed.

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