Wednesday, September 6, 2017

September 5, 2017 – Week 4, Day 1

5 Minutes Percor AMT

Leaning Calf Raises

One Leg Leaning Calf Raises

Regular Box Touches (12” Box)

Sumo Box Touches (12” Box)

Squat Therapy (16” Box)

Hip Airplanes (supported)

Band Rows w/Biceps Stretch
MMBx20/20 seconds
MMBx20/20 seconds


Bench Presses
Narrow Grip

Chest Supported Rows (1 second holds)

Circus Dumbbell Clean and Presses
Plate Loaded Dumbbell with Fat Gripz Extreme
(2 stage 1 second pauses)
Circus Dumbbell

Band Triceps Pressdowns


Comments: Tried to catch up and get some quality sleep. Definitely needed a day off. So many bruises from h-stone training Saturday. Event work the end of this week is going to be something else but I need to keep focus on the workouts as they come as each are important and shouldn’t be overlooked. Warmed up on the AMT. Topped out at 149bpm so better range as far as how I felt. Calf raise work after that. Uninjured side was tight and had a tougher time. Again, I think from h-stone but it wasn’t as bad/noticeable this time around. Box touches were alright. Knees ached a bit on the squat therapy at the start. I changed my shoes to see if that did anything (as I was noticing the first day seems to be the roughest with the last day being a breeze). No change, just something my body does I guess. Hip airplanes were good. Little balance issue on the good side but no lost balance. Band rows and biceps stretch after that. Stretch still feeling good, right shoulder feels tighter. A set of push-ups to finish off the light stuff. More effort than I would like still but it is getting there. Started things off with bench press. Goal being to work up in sets of five to a near top set of five. I took the same weights up until I got to two plates a side. I was doing quarter, plate, quarter jumps and I had decide on what to do from here. My original plan was do the same weight as last time and then add 40lbs for the top set but with how I was feeling, I thought that might be too light so I kept on going with the jumps I was doing to have the top set be three plates. While the set before was a little tougher than I expected, I didn’t feel like the next jump was out my grasp. I got amped up and went for it. First rep I misgrooved and it was a struggle to get that one back on track. I got three more reps before I stalled on the fifth and had to have the spotter take it. My butt came up on that last one as I really didn’t want to fail. Sucks to miss a rep but still coming back to regular benching after a long break from it. Strength is there and I didn’t have my back and butt cramp up with just the empty bar this time. Plan had been to do 10% drop for close grip but since I failed to get five, I dropped it back to the weight I got five at for the set. Felt alright. Chest and triceps feeling that benching. But that missed rep is still going to bug me but onward. Moving on. Next exercise being static hold chest supported rows. This time aiming for a somewhat true 10rm on this exercise. I wanted to make the easy quarter-plate jumps and figured I’d be good for about 20lbs more from last time. First two sets pretty easy and then getting to the working stuff from there. I was worried I lost count on that last set but I got my ten. Felt good after the benching. Powerful pulls and controlled lowering each rep. Then on to circus dumbbell press. Same as last time with ten sets EMOM style but a little more weight on the working sets. Warm-ups felt good until I got to the big bell for my right hand. Definitely needed the wrist wrap for that side to support the thumb. Things didn’t start out well as I missed the first rep at lockout and had to re-rack it and go again. Made rest a little short for the second set haha. No issues after that other than sweaty hands and shoulders. No hard belt on this again. Hoping to keep pushing that. Finished up with band triceps. First set was easier than the second. I consciously grabbed the band higher on the second set as the first set had been too easy. Wanted to increase the tension since this is my biggest band and multiple bands gets tricky. Home to stretch and eat recovery burritos.

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