Sunday, October 16, 2016

Physical Therapy: Week 1

Need to keep busy in my mind. I'm writing down the thoughts I'm having after my PT sessions. I will say I'm gaining confidence and I was able to put away my clothes and vacuum the house without having to take a break (been a while, vacuum had cobwebs on it).

October 6, 2016

First day of PT. Quite a bit different then what I was expecting. In the past two times I’ve been referred for PT (first time hamstring in 2011, second was lower back in 2014), I showed up and they had me do exercises. First time I was given exercises to do for two sessions and then told to do them on my own so I didn’t have to keep coming in and get charged copays a lot. I had a follow up two weeks later and I progressed from there. The 2014 thing was different from that as I was told to do just one exercise and not to do anything else and I was told to come in three times a week. I stopped going after I confronted the PT about my treatment (“I have no idea how to get you strong”) and I asked a strength coach to get me back to health. This time had been very different, especially since PT was seen as the last step this time around. I had to fill out forms for about 25 minutes and I thought I was done. Nope, handed a tablet to answer questions for about another 20 minutes. PT then asked me tons more questions (how many flights of stairs in my house, do they have railings, etc;). Then some testing. Over two hours and during the time I did 20 repetitions of a Mackenzie back exercise. It sounds like they want to focus more on my lower back then the shoulder (which still aches from the shot). Three sessions a week starting on 10/10/16. The PT feels that I should be back to training in 4-6 weeks. I wish I shared that optimism.

October 10, 2016

First real session of PT. Been doing the back exercise in 10 rep clips about every 2 hours I’m awake. Definitely more involved with what is wrong than the last time. Trainee being watched by two “teachers” and a mentor to the main “teacher”. Session started off with 15 minutes of heat and h-wave stim on my lower back, glute, hamstring, calf and heel. This led to 5 minutes in the prone position. After that, 30 reps of press-ups (the back stuff). Then about 5 minutes for diaphragm breathing. 30 reps of heel push/drags each leg, 30 reps of theraband pullovers and 20 reps each side of leg fall-outs. Then more testing analysis. This involved more press-ups, standing, bending, etc; Lots of looking me over and talking about me in clinical terms between therapists like I wasn’t there. My shit sounds fucked but they are working on it. Left side tight, hamstrings can’t seem to shut off and oblique muscles are hollow. I have good flexibility in the lumbar but not so good above that and that may be causing more stress to the lower back on over activities. More press-ups with lower back pressure added to try and improve mobility in the thoracic and upper lumbar spine. So aches and pains in my hip and hamstring. Again, not much done with the shoulder. Given another exercise to add to the stuff I do at home to help with my nerve (nerve gliding). More reps than the press-ups but I’m to do it less frequently.

October 12, 2016

Right into it this time. Still doing the press-ups and I feel the nerve gliding is getting some firmness back into my left calf muscle. Not sure how long the h-wave was this time but I tried to increase the tolerance. This led to 5 minutes in the prone position (I kept the heat pack on). After that, 30 reps of press-ups (the back stuff). Then 5 minutes for diaphragm breathing. 30 reps of heel push/drags each leg, 30 reps of theraband pullovers (I believe the band tension was increased) and 20 reps each side of leg fall-outs. 30 more press-ups with added pressure as well. The new stuff was the PT moving my leg and manipulating it to try and get my hamstrings to calm down. Finished up with a soft tissue massage on my lower back. I was told that next session more things would be added to target core strength (try to get my obliques and tva to activate).

October 13, 2016

Getting used to the drill at this point. H-wave I believe on for 15 minutes. Again, trying to increase my tolerance. This led to 5 minutes in the prone position with no heat pack this time. After that, 30 reps of press-ups (the back stuff). The drags and fallouts were prior to the 5 minutes for diaphragm breathing. Then 30 reps of theraband pullovers with more band tension. 30 more press-ups with added pressure as well. The new exercises were 20 reps of glute bridges and 20 lying clams. Felt ok. Another soft tissue massage on my lower back and then leg manipulation on the left side. One week down, see how things continue.

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