Saturday, September 19, 2015

September 18, 2015 – Week 16, Day 3

Dynamic Warm-ups

12” Log Clean and Presses
One Clean
Clean Every Rep

Close Grip Barbell Bench Presses
340x5 PR+5lbs & 1 rep

Standing Tate Presses

Straight Arm Pulldowns

29 Minutes of Stretching

Comments: Even though this is the last heavy week, this workout is already on the taper haha. Reduced either reduced volume, reps or intensity on just about everything. Not to say this wasn’t still a workout I wasn’t putting everything into. Right biceps in perpetually tight and sore and didn’t get a chance to get any light massages done this week yet. Right knee was achy so I had to put the brakes on the power at the start until I was adequately warmed up. On the first work set, I know I was not getting everything right. I was not getting the deep lap on the log and I wasn’t waiting for it to settle. Stupid and it made it feel a lot harder than it should. I rectified this on the second set and I almost smacked myself in the fast with the speed of the clean on the first rep. Second rep was a little off as I did rush the press but it was still tons better than the first set. My father was at the gym so I had him assist with bench. Moved through the warm-ups fast to get to the top sets. Only two this time; a single and then a rep set. First set the weight flew up. Felt easier than last week with a little less weight. I knew not to make a mistake like last week though. As I setup for the rep set, my right glute cramped up so I had to relax and reset before taking it out of the rack. First rep wasn’t as good as the previous set but I knew I was good for more. I got four with a little slow down and went for five. I stalled and my dad “helped” break the sticking point. I gave him an earful during and after the set about it haha. I know I could have gotten it (it would have been an ugly, titanic struggle) so I will count it for now. Besides, considering how close to the show, the “help” might have been for the best. Finally a bench PR. Just need to get it clean and with more weight next time haha. Moved on to the standing tates with dumbbells. Only two sets for relatively low reps. Only felt the initial difference with getting it to my shoulders and then it was cake from there. Sloppy straight arms were after that. With reduced workload, this was the easiest these have felt. They got tougher each set of course but still very manageable. A bit of stretching to end the day.

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