Saturday, June 29, 2024

June 23, 2024 - June 29, 2024 - Week 3

 June 24, 2024 – Week 3, Day 1

Dynamic Warm Up

12” Log Strict Presses w/ Bands (+14lbs/+22llbs)

Paused Chest Supported Barbell Rows (2 seconds)
Added Straps

Bench Presses w/ Chains (+22lbs)

Band Face Pulls

Comments: It rained hard for about an hour on Saturday in the late afternoon and that apparently was what the squirrels and rabbits were waiting on as they were out after that cooled things down like 15 degrees (then it go hot again). Keeping an eye on the right hamstring after Saturday weirdness. It can be hard to tell if soreness is just from training stuff (like stones) that are quite hamstring intensive or if there is something that did happen. No bruising and no restriction in movement or feelings of weakness. Just some paranoia about it and perhaps having me “slow my roll” as far as planning on the next competition. As mentioned, December is the earliest I’m thinking. Despite the heat and the sweating, I’m apparently up some in weight. I think this has to do with me drinking a lot more fluids during the day. Also just ate a lot this week. If anything ends up “dropped” when it comes to meals, it has been the oatmeal packets. Today was another training session and I was curious to see how things would go as this would be a repeat of the first week essentially but with some increases. See if the workload is manageable and not overly taxing me like was an issue at start of the last prep. Warming up to start things off. Sticking to it as is. I was keeping an eye on things as far as the hamstring. Unlike when it was the pull/tear earlier this year, I was not feeling the same sensations doing stuff like I was then. So that seems to be a good sign. No fans today. I think I’m kind of used to the heat at this point and I wasn’t going to really be worrying about sweat. As far as the warming up goes, shoulders perhaps a little stiff. Starting off the actual training was log strict press. Plan was to work up to 2x5 with same weight as last time but add a little accommodating resistance. Not a set amount and not really indicating exclusively using bands or chains. Like if a mixture of both felt best, then so be it. It was to add just enough that I didn’t end up decelerating the weight at lockout like can be the case with straight weight. I was debating between chains and bands here. I’ve done in the past a fair bit of overhead pressing with a lot of chain weight (116lbs at times) and not a ton with bands. I have other exercises that are also to have this same treatment and you know how I like to have a “plan” in place so trying to figure out for one meant making sure I liked the others as well. I ended up with going with bands for the log pressing. I measured out the band tension with the micro bands as it has been a few years since I last did strict pressing with them and likely the tension is less at this point (and it was). No support gear of any kind here. Same weights and reps and jumps as last time. Now I was tempted initially to try and do 177lbs because I kind of felt I should’ve done that last time with how things had felt last time on the top sets. But I’d say that sticking to the same weights as last time was the best thing here. This did feel tougher (but it should really) but I didn’t feel like I was struggling on the pressing like I had felt the second round in at the start of last cycle when I was doing all the heavy supports and benching first. Considering this was about the weight that I was doing with support gear and struggling with on the third round has me feeling better about my prospects of improving the overhead pressing. I think I accomplished the goal here with the accommodating resistance. From there, it was into the garage for chest supported barbell rows with pauses. Same as last time with it being 2x5 and the 2 second holds at contraction. No added doodads on this one. Just aim for 5-10lbs more than last time. I knew that 10lbs was going to happen no problem since I felt I undersold it last time. Just hopefully no issues after doing stones. Hard to gauge coming into things fresh vs having some accumulated fatigue from other exercises. Not much to say here other than feeling a little sweaty and noticing my right arm feeling things a little more than the left (this was the arm that kept getting the not as sticky side of the stone). The holds (especially with actively pulling in) get quite fatiguing and have to treat them like a bracing drill as well. Strain but not release all the tension so that stay in the groove and keep the upper back working. This was fine and dandy and to be expected. I was not sure how benching would go. Benching was one of those lucky ones that got to have something special added with choice of band, chains or both. I kind of felt I was maybe on point or a little heavy with how benching had felt. I wasn’t sure with what to use as bands seemed like they’d be too much added at the lower end (micros doubled) and chains could be a pain getting so that wasn’t off the ground fully at lockout or have most stay on the floor at lockout. This took a little bit of tinkering but I elected to go with chains and figured out a way eventually to have it be only 22lbs in total weight (requiring straps and boards). It has been a bit since I’ve done chains for regular benching but I’ve done some floor pressing with lighter weight and lower reps (but more sets). Takes a little bit to get used to the sound as with the benching the chains are right next to the ears. But I got used to it after the first set. I feel like the chains a bit more forgiving with the shoulders compared to bands. Weight added was definitely noticed on the unracks (and the stability issue on the reracks). Still need to work on this one but I feel things went ok. Right shoulder ache stuff felt less and I guess better. But as always, keep an eye on things that need it. Face pulls with bands to finish up. I had left stuff out for the log so I decided to go outside to do these so I didn’t need to wait on putting away stuff on the bench to start. Same as last time with 2 sets of 20-25 reps. This ended up being slightly easier this second time doing these. Of course, the second rep will continue to be tougher due to the fatigue. Put stuff away before getting dinner ready. No oatmeal as I had to get up early to do that one day a month of going into the office for a day. Stretched after dinner.

June 26, 2024 – Week 3, Day 2

Dynamic Warm Up

Deadlifts w/ Bands (straps)
No Bands
Add Bands (+7lbs/+42lbs)

Step Ups (18”)
bwx20 L
bwx20 R

Single Leg Wall Sits
bwx30 seconds L
bwx30 seconds R


Paused Hanging Knee Raises (1 second)

Comments: Tuesday was a bit dumb of a day. This was the one day the month (for now) that I have to come into the office for a “collaboration” day. And it was dumb because there was only one meeting and my supervisor wasn’t there for most of the day. I was also supposed to have a dentist appointment in the late afternoon (so leaving early) and they called to see if I could move my appointment up to lunch time (which I couldn’t and wouldn’t). Apparently the doctor was sick and going home early. I’m not sure why didn’t just reschedule because why would I want to have someone sick putting fingers in my mouth? So that is rescheduled for August. I still went home early as I had taken the leave already and I didn’t have a supervisor to modify the leave anyways. No walking after I got home as I needed to decompress a little. Also there was some stuff strongman related. Strongman Corporation was just bought by two individuals so a change like that kind of has me taking a pause. This coupled with the hamstring scare has me putting off on actually deciding on a competition to pursue until end of July vacation week. At this point, it is between January “natural” show or March Pro/Am. I was able to find the events for the December show and I dislike them intensely and the April Pro/Am events are not my bag. So pretty much no more competing this year as it stands. But before any of that, I have to get through training and make sure things are fine and dandy. I was tempted to put on the fans today but I figured that while it was 94 degrees, it was going to be cooling off soon with a passing thunderstorm. Started off with the usual warming up. I again stuck to it as written. Keeping an eye on that right hamstring. Been hard to say if it was just tight from normal training stuff. My right knee was feeling a little funky for what appeared to be no reason but thankfully that had been earlier in the day and seemed fine come training time. My right quad decided to cramp on me slightly as well. I stuck to the garage rather than attempt venturing outside as the wind was starting to pick up. Up first was deadlifts. This was one of two things today I was nervous about with the hamstring. Similar to the log and bench Monday, I was to do these with accommodating resistance. But unlike those two exercises, I was to attempt to use a certain amount, a certain kind and increase the weights of the 2x5 from the first go around. Same warming up with it being 40-50lbs jumps with the weight to be 365lbs. The bands were to be about 50lbs at the top of the movement. Mini bands were a little under that but attempting to do micros with the mini bands was a good bit over 50lbs so went with the minis only. Besides concerns about the hamstring, I was also trying to be mindful of my positioning. I was advised by Mr. Westerling to try and push my knees further forward so that my knees were ahead f my shoulders. That didn’t seem to be coming to me no matter how I had tried but I guess being told to just do that made it finally work for me. I feel that when I do that that there is more hip and quads involved with my pull. And perhaps not as fast a pull. But again, this is 50lbs more plus band resistance so it shouldn’t feel as fast. No support gear here as intended. The pushing knees forward cue I found was having me a bit more “compact” and “stacked”. Like if I didn’t emphasize this, I feel like I can reset and engage the hamstrings for the next rep. With this, it felt like the best thing was to not attempt to do that and just keep in this particular groove. I will say that keeping this to the bumper plates and smaller plates did have things jostling around a bit on the pulls. I feel second set felt better for me. Usually is the case with “speed” pulls and such. But this was a success. Did what was asked and no hamstring issues. I was debating after that how quickly I wanted to move to the next thing and what to put away/tear down. Parts of this workout have to be done outside because of my height and the exercise selection. As I had alluded to earlier, there was a thunderstorm that rolled in. Torrential downpour for like 20 minutes and then sun out (but temp dropped by like 25 degrees). Decided I’d clean and dry up the back patio some before doing the step ups. The other thing I was worried about. For a different reason this time. Iw as worried how my knees would do last time and was pleased with the results. I had worn knee sleeves because I wasn’t sure as well. This time, I wasn’t sure how the hamstring would do. While not lifting with the hamstrings concentrically, there is a stretch and stabilization that sometimes I was noticing when doing certain positions. This time around the plan was to do still one set for each leg on the 18” box but 15-20 reps this time. Of course the expectation was 20 reps. I started with the left side this time as that seemed to be the side that was having a harder time with things. No issues. Then time for the right side. Just hoping that nothing happens on that first rep and I’m golden. No issues and proceed to get my 20 reps for the right side as well. Wall sits were next. As this had been quite easy, my options here were to add time, add some weight or try single leg. I figured I’d do single leg since I’ve done those before and I’ve also done them with weight added before (but I was about 15-20lbs lighter). Started with the left side and didn’t have a set timer. Aim was 30 seconds at least. Left side felt awkward with getting the balance right and then letting go. This was a lot tougher than with both legs (to be expected). 30 seconds was a good spot to call it. Not a max but getting close there. Right side felt easier with finding the balance but was just as difficult with the hold as the left side. 30 seconds couldn’t come soon enough. These lower body sessions have been feeling productive. Core work after that. Weighted crunches. I went up 10lbs on these with the aim 25-30 reps for the set. Using the bumper plates was a bit cumbersome. I may just do the metal 35lbs next time. I was thinking of stopping at 25 reps but I felt I got a second wind so went for the 30 reps. Left side hip flexor got a bit tense near the end of that. Definitely need to spend some time here and building before moving up. Hanging knee raises to end things. Had bit of a break from the crunches as I needed to setup things and dry some stuff off outside to get ready. I was bit sweatier this time around. Plan was to just get like 1-2 more reps more from last time (25 reps was a struggle). These were feeling easier this time around. I stopped at 30 reps although I had more in the tank hitting that number as I did when I did 25 reps last time. Put stuff away and cooked up dinner. Stretched out a bit later.

June 29, 2024 – Week 3, Day 3

Dynamic Warm Up

Yoke (Casual Pace)

Sandbag Loads (55“)

Sled Pushes (turf)
(60 seconds rest)

Comments: Last week of the month and next month is likely going to be chaos. Work stuff, appointments and vacation. Change to the routine. Wrists started to bother me after Wednesday training and I can’t for the life of me really pinpoint what would be the issue. First it was the right wrist and by the end of day Thursday that was feeling fine but then the left one started. I’ve had these pop up before and I know it goes away. Plan was to go out to train by waking up to my alarm as I have been the past two weekends. The temperature was not going to be so beastly hot and there were likely not going to be a lot of people there due to competition (3 guys from the gym competing). But rather I guess get things done and out of the way rather than possibly dealing with storms in the afternoon. I felt I needed more sleep so I did end up hitting snooze for about a half hour. While it was definitely cooler, I was feeling a little stuffy and the humidity was pretty high. I had only done nasal spray as I figured that would be enough. Perhaps not as I was driving out. Traffic near the start was a bit stop and go so probably added 10 minutes to my drive time. With this delay every time, I was seriously considering driving back to do this workout at the local gym instead as I’m not directly training for anything. But that would cost me more money with it unplanned. So to Lancaster for training. Not many people there when I showed up, which was fine for me as likely could just go about doing stuff and not worry about being in the way. I stuck to the warming up with no added stuff. It has been working for me thankfully. I was feeling decent besides the suffocating humidity in the gym. Starting things off was yoke. Plan here was 550x2x50’ at casual pace and about 2 minutes or so rest between sets. No support gear of any kind as well. Not sure if that is changing after this four week block with things. I had checked about the weight progression with Mr. Westerling since it seemed like the jumps were different for farmer’s vs yoke. I tend to think of those as the same and want to know when something seems different. I got clarification that plan is to be a bit more aggressive with farmer’s walk and less so with yoke as yoke tends to be a bit more taxing on the knees and body compared to farmer’s. Pick is rougher for me with farmer’s walk. The plan for progression makes sense. The yoke that was out (I wasn’t looking forward to moving a bunch of stuff after last week with the hamstring scare) had bare spots where the tape had been stripped so I retaped it. Started 50lbs more than last time so it was just 100lbs jumps. I was pretty loosey goosey with time between sets until I got to the planned working weight. I can tell that my lower back takes a bit more of the burnt with things on that pick up (as well as mid back) when not wearing belts and such. Felt a good bit of pressure on my body with the pick that first set but I knew I could just take my time with it as I’ve done 700lbs in this style before (but with belts). It is definitely a certain frame of mind I have to take here vs if I was to be going fast. It felt better the second set but that meant I inadvertently went quicker than I was planning. But I felt comfortable. Next was sandbag loads. I was already a sweaty mess by this point with the humidity. It didn’t really matter with yoke but it would with sandbag to some extent. Last time had been 200lbs for 2x5. This time I was to do same height with 225-250lbs for just one set of 5. The yoke I had been using (I had stripped it down so that I could have active rest, drink fluids and towel off sweat) was in use by someone else training for a show in September and the similar yoke was behind several yokes so I used a different yoke. I was going to go slightly higher than last time because the yoke didn’t have the same pin settings but I got some mats to make it the right height. Since this is being paired with atlas stones (like the yoke and farmer’s), I figured 250lbs was what I should do since I went 35lbs over the initial stone weight. I was planning to wrap my wrists with athletic tape if they were bothering me but no issues so just shorts and shirt. Warming up I did a short carry with the 200lbs bag, did a double (so it was back on the near side again) and then carried it back to the wall of bags. I figured that would be a good warming up and give me an idea of how my front carry feels after not doing it for a good bit. 250lbs bag was fine. Those stupid straps that this maker decided to have on the bags does mean I have to be a little more cautious with where and how I gain purchase on the bag. Again, a little slow but this was comfortable and easy. Again, took my time with putting stuff away to recover and refuel. Last thing was sled work. I had learned my lesson from last time that it made more sense to do it as 50’/50’ rather than 100’ straight shot with the terrain and space for this particular implement. The dragging sleds are fine with stuff but the prowler sleds are temperamental. I did attempt to setup on another section of turf but it was a little short and cramped and the wind tunnel section opened up so I set things up there. I had an idea of the suck to expect here. 5 sets of 100’ with 60 seconds rest. I was to add 10-20lbs to what I did last time. Seeing as how I was feeling like I was sucking wind and sweating profusely last time, I went with the 10lbs increase. I needed to try and get the rest time closer to 60 seconds and hopefully not be just walking by the last set. Things did not bode well for me on that first set as I was expecting it to feel easier. Going to have to embrace the suck. I did feel like I was not as horribly out of shape after the second set like last time. I knew I’d finish this but be a lot slower by the last one. Someone shouted at me to go faster near the end of the fourth set. Trying to not gas myself out. As expected, I had a bit slow down on the 5th set but it wasn’t as drastic as it was last time. It was a more consistent decline across the sets. I also made sure that I was going 50’ each way (I might have been cutting short 3’). I sweating a good bit and could definitely feel that I had some stuff in my throat. But recovery time was much better I think. Put stuff away before enjoying the meal I had brought and then driving home to decompress and stretch.

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