Saturday, April 20, 2024

April 14, 2024 - April 20, 2024 - Week 18

April 15, 2024 – Week 18, Day 1

Dynamic Warm Up

Axle Clean and Overhead (1 clean)
Strict Presses + Push Presses + Jerks
Push Press + Jerks

Axle Push Presses + Jerks

Band Assisted Pull-ups
sbx5 at pin 16
abx5 at pin 16
lbx5 at pin 16
lbx5 at pin 16

12” Log Incline Bench Presses

Comments: I knew I was going to take a hit with Saturday training. Moving events like that with a lot of setup and moving tend to be exhausting and wear on the knee joints and quad tendons. Meaning that I was going to be tired but have a hard time getting to sleep. I didn’t bother trying to force down meals that day. I got most of them. But I guess that meant that I’d come in a little light for my weekly weigh-in Sunday. Back under 289lbs. This isn’t the first time in the past 25 weeks that I’ve dropped weight but it is the most that I’ve gone down. I am debating if I should try and drop back down to 265lbs but I feel like it would need to be gradual anyways. Sunday was interesting. I felt odd walking and I think it had to do with walking too soon after drinking a shake as I felt like I was having a sugar crash. I try to not walk that soon after it and especially not when it is warm outside. Ended up eating and drinking a good bit when I did get back home. Power also went out twice during the late evening. I was a little nervous for this session. I guess that is kind of going to be case for just about everything going forward as we are in that home stretch to competition. The right knee was feeling a little bit achy and stiff from Saturday and lower calves were sometimes tensing up as well. Right shoulder decided to be a little achy for no reason upon waking up. So not ideal things when plan is the heaviest axle session so far this prep (and since 2022). Warming up seemed to be fine. Nothing I was doing bothered anything. But it was getting warmer and I had to put on the air this afternoon to keep my house from being warm and stuffy. I wasn’t doing anything besides the mobility and warming up stuff in the garage so it didn’t make sense to turn on the fans in there. Just the big fan in the sunroom aimed outside. Setup outside and it was time for axle. As has been the case, continue with adding weight to the top weight and then rack work after that. I had my thinner soft belts this time around so I could go back to how I usually did things. Slight increases in the weights of the warming up where I do strict, push and jerks. Feeling pretty good. As I was working up, I noticed there appeared to be a crack in the patio concrete. I didn’t recall seeing one before so maybe it was thin and I didn’t really notice it. But then it became obvious as I went up in weight that it was new and more and more were forming as I added weight. Baffling to me as I’ve been doing axle before here. I just made sure after each drop that I got rid of loose concrete pieces. Using the bumper plates as well. As long as it doesn’t become a gravel/dust pile I should be good. 230lbs the weight slid down my shirt and I ended up doing a belt clean rather than panic and fight it. Meant that I’d need to make sure my shirt was chalked up for the top set. 30lbs jumps all the way up unlike last week. To make it 20lbs heavier. Even though this should be a sure thing just from how 240lbs went last time, I was nervous. There was hesitancy on this set. The first was I didn’t feel confident I had the right spot on the initial pull to the sternum so I gave it another little bump before going for the rack. Then I held it in the rack a little longer before going for the press. Finally, I held it longer before going for the jerk. I will say this was the toughest so far with the jerk and getting under it without it being a press out situation. With this, I should be good for contest weight come contest time. I kind of wish I wasn’t going for a certain weight at Regionals and just keep building this up. As it is feeling better than log at the moment. Then right into the rack for more sets. Again, I had the option of doing less weight as long as it was 5lbs more than last time. I felt that of the two overhead lifts that axle was more likely going to be successful with using the same weight as the top set clean and press. I knew that the first set wasn’t going to feel great just from experience. Weights felt heavy walking out and I just told myself that was a lie and launched up the weight. I wasn’t too worried about the push pressing part of things, more the jerk. The jerk was technically ugly. Second set wasn’t too much better for the jerk (push pressing was good). I finally got it for the third set. The last set was the rep set. I was really hoping to get 4 reps and then go for the jerk. But I guess it was depending on how I felt. I took maybe 30 seconds longer rest to get myself together. First two reps were solid. I got a little out in front the third rep so had to get my balance and settle before getting that fourth rep. I could feel the triceps getting tired on top of the shoulders so I knew I had like one shot at the jerk. I took two breathes before giving a go and got it up. Not an amazing lift technically but a far sight better than the first two sets had been. I know I said this last time, but this might be the limit for the jerks. Depends I guess on how the rest proceeds leading up to competition. Ate some oatmeal intraworkout before going on to the rest of the session. Band assisted pull-ups. Same as last time so no changes here. Work up in 2-3 sets of 5 reps and then top weight for 2x5. I was thinking this wasn’t going to be so bad and this was more keeping things constant as pushing the events more. I was advised that what I did last time was the goal here. That second set I felt like crap in that I felt heavy and slow. I think that woke me up a bit as once it was time for the working sets, I was ready. Again, felt explosive for that first set and noticed some decrease in that after the first three reps in the second set. So I guess that works. Last thing was log incline benching. Same as last time with 2x5 continuing and adding 5lbs. I kind of knew from last time that these might be not as speedy as they had been at the start once I recovered from the overtrained shoulders situation earlier in the training cycle. Namely because now I’m pushing heavier weights for the overhead. I mean, just added 20lbs to the same workout from two weeks ago overhead. So shoulders feeling fatigue and so are triceps. But not doing sandbag to shoulder every week might have helped a little here. The right shoulder ache came into play here so that wasn’t ideal. Just get psyched up and blast through a set and then repeat. I think the second set actually felt smoother here. Put stuff away and then stretched before cooking up dinner.

April 17, 2024 – Week 18, Day 2

Dynamic Warm Up

13” Wide Grip Jack Pulls w/ Hip Circle (straps)

Hyper Extensions

Hyper Extension Holds (Neck Harness & Plate)
20+25x42 seconds

bw+53x60 seconds

Side Planks
bwx60/60 seconds

Comments: After how things had felt Sunday with the feeling of low blood sugar likely from the protein shake, I’ve decided to reevaluate the diet situation. I think my concern was not just with calories but had been with protein and insuring enough being consumed to facilitate strength training and muscle growth. I think my dietary stuff was current science in some aspects but like 20yrs behind on others. Namely I for some reason thought 1.5-2 grams of protein per lbs when it seems to be more like 1 gram per lbs. With that metric, I can meet that with no protein shakes with the new foods I added as meals on top of the protein shakes. So trying to do just protein shake before bed and for when I’m competing or going into office (and traveling out to gym to train). I expect there to be some weight loss from that change since it will be a reduction in caloric intake 1160 per day dropping two shakes. I decided on this Tuesday while walking so today is actually the first day of trying it out fully. At this point, only thing I’m noticing is I’m not having to constantly be putting down food with dropping two “meals”. Walking was fine but still feeling some aches in the right shoulder from Monday and right knee. The session itself wasn’t really going to be so knee intensive anyways. Warming up was fine. Typically has been as of late. For whatever reason, I didn’t feel tempted to have the fans on today to keep cool. The temps are fluctuating a bit within the range where I’d need it but seems dependent on if no cloud cover and the humidity is high. Starting things off was the elevated wide pulls. I was somewhat nervous about it. Only because it was tough last time and I’m in the realm of training during the cycle where it isn’t so much the hamstring is an issue but that these are no longer sure thing weights and lifts. It’s a generally feeling of not being good enough when I don’t meet my expectations or hit the goals. So there is that slight uptick in anxiety during a contest prep that while helpful in pushing me past where I was, is also detrimental to just chilling. There is a good bit of relief when I succeed and it builds upon success. As long as it is success. Anyways, the setup here the same as last time with these wide pulls since getting to 13” pull height. The plan was to do 5-10lbs more on these than last time as had generally been the approach with just trying to get a little more and keep progressing. Warming up was the same as last time with it being plate jumps. Knees tend to be achy that first set regardless of what I do and then feels less an issue as the weights get added on. Last time had been without anything besides hard belt due to me misplacing the soft belts at the gym. I had them so I could just do what I’ve done but I decided I wanted to see how the new belt combo felt with pulls. I’ve done moving events and just the new deadlift belt with suited work but not all together for pulls. I feel the soft belt combo of the new set is a lot more fabric and support compared to my older stuff. Also feels a little different so again, there is some sensory issues for me. But seem to be ok. The last working up pull was 495lbs and I was to do 1-2 reps. It did feel a little better compared to last time but not enough that I felt that a double was going to be easy enough to get a set of 5 reps with the planned top set. With how 495lbs did move compared to how the 405lbs had felt as a relief though. My straps were still chalked up from last week’s suited pull so I didn’t really need to add anything. Just made sure that I put liquid chalk on my hands to keep from having slips due to sweat. Again, no issues like that session a month back where I was feeling lightheaded during the set. Felt similar to last time. Got the hamstring shaking going on that last rep. I knew that rep was going when I started it compared to last time. It is possible I had another rep knowing that I could do from last time. So 20lbs added to this variation. Not getting easier but I’m getting stronger haha. Warming up with hyper extensions to get things loose for the rest of the workout. Progression for the neck harness holds remains alternating between adding weight to the harness and weight to what I’m holding in my hands. The weight added to the neck harness makes a drastic difference compared to the chest hold weights. I knew to expect that initial breaking of the weights off the ground and getting into position to feel a certain way. I think my goal on these is to keep getting over 30 seconds with that 10 seconds in reserve but really hope to get over 40 seconds. I tell myself get 20 seconds and then 30 seconds and so on during the set until I’m there. I’ve not really done these to the point where my body is convulsing to maintain so I’m assuming that I’m leaving something in the tank. Only a slight break then as finishing up with the planks. There has been no changes to either of these planks as got a good working weight (53lbs) for the regular and side planks seem to be fine with bodyweight as a training stimulus. They do get me working up a sweat with the braced breathing and full body contraction attempts. Continuing to use these to try and focus on that breathing and body awareness and bracing. Started cooking up dinner and put stuff away before eating, stretching afterwards.

April 20, 2024 – Week 18, Day 3

Dynamic Warm Up

Sandbag Tosses (16’)

Sandbag Rows

Sandbag to Shoulders
175x1 R
175x1 L
225x1 R
225x1 L
265x1 R
265x1 L
305x3 R
305x3 L

Comments: Trying to not let my nerves about upcoming training sessions stress me out. What will be will come. Just do what I can and enjoy myself. Walking went well the past two days. My brain apparently has some things to process judging by the dreams I’m having. I generally don’t recall them and even now they are vague. But the one this past sleep seemed to be related to not oversleeping for training. Making me think it was a lot later than it was when it was still 30 minutes from when I normally get up for work. Training from home again due to competition at the gym. This should hopefully be the last one for this training prep. Warming up stuff was good and all. I was a bit slow going with getting ready to train. I think part was just nerves for the sandbag to shoulder at the end of the session and because I had to do some stuff before training that I put off because it didn’t make sense to do it until I was ready for this training session. Felt fine with warming up. Again, this was about a repeat from two weeks ago with it being bag toss and sandbag to shoulder. Bag toss being 30lbs and trying to do 10 singles EMOM and trying to toss it higher and higher if I can (last 2-3 being max effort). Again, the weather had messed with the tower so I had to get it fixed up to train. I felt it made more sense to do my warming up so my knees were feeling ok and not so stiff and then get it setup. I also had to take out the extra weight from the sandbag as I had loaded it up to 45lbs for last week. Now that I had my old and new soft belts, I decided that I’d increase the support every two singles to treat that as my progression. Bag toss I’m still not exactly consistent and this newer setup I have at home is very temperamental. As in that in the past, being grazed by the bag wouldn’t cause it to just up and explode. It does that now so it can be frustrating with fixing between tosses if (when) it happens. Of course that literally happened on the second toss. The uprights remained so I didn’t “freak out” about making sure the cross bar was there for the third toss but did manage to get up the ladder and put the crossbar back for the fourth toss. Fifth toss didn’t go over as it pretty much was straight up in the air. I’m having issues with being close enough and not hitting the setup but also getting the height and the arc. The setup at the strongman gym is much more forgiving in this regard in that it doesn’t fall apart when I get it close. If this was the setup at the show where I can get right up to it then this would be a great toss. So not taking it out on myself really. Sixth toss I overcorrected and made the arc much wider. Then number seven got too close and grazed the setup on the way down and it all almost all came down. Ugh. Too much was down that I couldn’t assume a toss was good with visual input so I took a break to get it setup again before resuming. Figures after all that I graze it again with the eighth toss. I had no further incidents with the last two tosses. Put stuff away and then into the garage for the sandbag shouldering. Unlike last time, I didn’t have to spend a lot of effort getting a sandbag made during the week and days leading up (or break any scales) so that part of things was a breeze. It was a little bit warmer this time around so I was debating if I wanted fans on or not to cut down on sweat. Went with no fans. To start with rows for warming up I did 175lbs. These again didn’t feel that smooth or good really. But it was just work and getting warmed up for the sandbag to shoulder stuff. The plan was to do the 305lbs bag for a triple for both sides this time. Warming up was odd. I say that in that my right side those first two bags just seemed to forget how I did this with getting the bag to the shoulder. So that was a little frustrating. No such issue with the left side. There wasn’t any hesitancy with the bags compared to last time at least for my right side with the hamstring issue. Haven’t noticed the hamstring this past week or this week (other than both being very sore from the suited deadlift stuff haha). I just have to be more deliberate with the pick when going to the right side. I was really nervous for the big bag. I should be able to do this from how last time went. But there is that fatigue of movement and just proving to myself. I know it took a bit longer for myself to get ready to go. My intent had been to control the bag so that it landed in a way that I didn’t have to move around much or change position. That didn’t happen so I just went with it. Brief pause in the lap with the third rep for the right side before going. Wanted to make sure I was secure and balanced. This wasn’t that bad but it did take a bit for me to calm down my breathing so a bit longer between the sides compared to last time. With the left side, the only part where things get iffy is the pick in that sometimes I get it bad and I’m slow or expended more lower back effort than I was planning. The shouldering felt pretty darn automatic once I got it up there. It is pretty obvious which side I’ll be lifting to for contest but I like that I’ve gotten both sides to be about equal on this movement. Ate some food and drank some drinks before putting stuff away and then eating some more and stretching out.

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