Saturday, January 6, 2024

December 31, 2023 - January 6, 2024 - Week 3

January 1, 2024 – Week 3, Day 1

Dynamic Warm Up

Bench Presses

Chest Supported Barbell Rows
Added Straps

12” Log Strict Presses

Standing 12” Log Lockouts
150x3 seconds
170x3 seconds
190x3 seconds
210x3 seconds
230x3 seconds
250x3 seconds
270x3 seconds
290x3 seconds
310x3 seconds
320x3 seconds
340x31 seconds

Comments: Hopefully on the healing side of things as far as this cold goes. I’m at the stage where it seems to be just in my nose/sinuses and it has been a while since I’ve had that. But at this point, pretty much means only Dayquil type stuff is going to do anything and I’m saving that for bed. Still doing the other stuff minus airborne. Going through tissues a lot these past two days. Lower legs were really sore walking yesterday. Not as bad as they had felt this time last week so that is at least a plus. Weight gain still happening despite thinking that the cold would have impacted things for me. Right shoulder feeling a little wonky from bag to shoulder. The left side is used to it I guess. Regardless of how “soft”, it is still dropping something that weighs more than the average adult male on my shoulder. Got the details for Regionals and already a lot of stiff competition has signed up for it. Everything besides the yoke (lighter than I expected) was what I was thinking. Some of the events a little different rules wise from what I had pictured but that’s fine, got plenty of time. At least I hope it is to get some things back up to where they were and build other things. As off work for New Year’s Day, this meant another training upper body session while there was daylight. Can’t say the sun was out as it was cloudy and sometimes there was precipitation. I wiped down stuff outside before getting started with training. Mobility stuff per usual was fine. Not really achy. After figuring out I can do the entire warm up inside my garage, I did just that so as I didn’t need to be outside in the cold until I would need to. Starting off with bench. Plan for the session was work up in 5’s to a top set of 5. But not a max. Same as the log incline stuff from last week. This time being the start, then more and then a true 5rm lift on the third time. At least that seems to be the plan for now. The suggested for this was starting with the bar and then alternating 40-50lbs jumps to 275lbs for the top set. I should be able to do that. I did 275lbs for a 6 reps with a somewhat close grip. I’ve just not really been doing regular benching or with a normal grip style for a good while. So there are PRs and then there are “PRs”. I was feeling ok with the bar like last time. Adding weight I was feeling the aches in the left shoulder. I think I was worried about the right side being off from the bag to shoulder but nope. 185lbs felt darn heavy in my hands so any plans to try and go heavier than 275lbs evaporated at that moment. I still need to get used to this grip. 275lbs felt ok I guess. Looks like it moved well on video. Looked better than it felt. I may be able to go up on these a bit more aggressively compared to the log incline stuff. As is usually the case after benching, some back work followed. Chest supported rows. Barbell setup I’ve used has served me well since the switch to garage gym for most trainings. I’m really not sure how I was screwing it up when I first started and it was feeling awful on my biceps. The script for the day had work up over 5 sets of 10 reps to a top set for the day, with note to start light. 40-50lbs jumps seemed to be good here and started with 95lbs. Things were feeling pretty good. Added straps at 225lbs not because of need but knowing that I generally need a set or two to get used to them on this kind of row. Probably was a good thing as this did feel tougher than I was expecting. My biceps started to feel sore. I guess the sandbag work was finally rearing its head in the form of soreness. So while I had planned to do 275lbs here for the top set, it didn’t seem like the best thing to do considering this was to be “smooth” and I couldn’t guarantee that with how that 225lbs felt. It does seem for this time that 255lbs was the right call. But I should be able to bump this up for next time. Outside for the rest of the workout. Log strict pressing was up next. As I mentioned, this is alternating with axle at this point. Warm up as needed and do 5x2 at 60%. These tend to feel a bit different compared to say axle/barbell pressing. These feel comfortable for me with getting a solid base. Was feeling quite powerful on these but I was worried that with the pressure on the chest coupled with the respiratory restrictions and medication that could increase blood pressure how things would go on the last set (as allowed to rep it out). Again, wearing just soft belts and wrist wraps not fully cranked. I was feeling pretty good. I was fully ready to call things at like 8 reps if needed but I was feeling good and the bar speed wasn’t really slowing down. I’m allowed to until 1 rep shy of failure but I’m going until the weight slows down at this point. I was quite surprised that I did more reps compared to axle from last week. Guess the ROM and just doing this more often has a way of doing that. Last thing was lockout workout. Leaving right where the strict pressing left off. As will axle, same with log. Goal was to work up to a top weight that I could do a 6” ROM lockout and hold that weight for 20-30 seconds. I was expecting similar to axle. But that kind of didn’t end up being the case. With axle, I had set the bar on top of the rack and elevated the rack 3.5” so as to shorten the ROM. I figured that standing on 3.5” or so would even out with the diameter of the log. Not exactly. Something felt off but I didn’t really adjust things until near the end. By that I mean I checked to see the ROM and it was larger than axle so I changed the height to 1.5” and that seemed to be more inline with things. Last time it was helpful with seeing how I need to brace the lower body hard before the pressing to lock out as well as making sure I don’t get too excited (especially with the meds and cold) so that I can keep control of my breathing. Log lockout is a bit different with axle as I do more lean back with log so there is something of a shoulder lift flexion. I apparently misloaded when I got over 310lbs as I meant to keep the 20lbs jumps going. But it did seem to work out for me with getting just over 30 seconds with 10lbs less compared to the axle. I feel like the log I can get the balance point better with the lower body and the lean back. Really ground myself. No neck issues I think from this. Cooked up a few things to eat as I put stuff away and then stretched.

January 3, 2024 – Week 3, Day 2

Dynamic Warm Up

Front Squats

Romanian Deadlifts w/ Hip Circle (straps)

Hyper Extensions

Hyper Extension Holds (Neck Harness & Plate)
10+45x36 seconds


Lying Leg Raises

Comments: Still dealing with the cold but hopefully it is on its last legs. Walking yesterday was good as no shin splint issues at all. Some shoulder tendon soreness but not as much as last week after that first strict pressing session. Maybe due to be used to it or perhaps the ROM being less with log vs axle. More so the right side this time around (left for the axle). This could also still be from the sandbag to shoulder stuff. The new year with work has been stupid. A very important system stopped working about 90 minutes before my shift ended and it was no working all of today. So meant I couldn’t do most of my usual work, have to reschedule things and then having to help outside of my area on stuff that I isn’t going to be mine. Also we now have to have daily morning meetings. Who knows why. Seeing as it took  longer to get everyone on the meeting then the meeting itself, it just shows a good use of time. Makes sense it is scheduled around the time I need to use the restroom after eating breakfast. So that was a slog of a day and finally time to do some training. I wasn’t able to eat all the meals beforehand (missed one) due to having to talk with my supervisor at the end of the day (frustrating as they weren’t reading the important e-mails coming in and were responding to e-mails I had first sent 12/18/23). So I’d have to sneak that last meal in after training but before dinner I guess. Mobility warming up wasn’t bad. Slight joint aches but nothing that was noteworthy. Shoulders actually seemed to be balanced as far as the aches as usually it is primarily the left side. First thing for this session was front squats. Warm up as needed and do triples up to a top set of five reps. Make sure that it is smooth and powerful. I decided to do 40-50lbs jumps like has been done with front squats but cut down on the reps that I had been doing for warming up. One I think just to not fatigue too much but also because breathing with weight on the chest like that is a bit tricky with the cold. My initial plan when I saw this programmed was to do 275lbs for the top set. But I did start to reconsider seeing as how top doubles had felt fast but heavy when I did them for the deload for Puller Express. Thinking back to how that felt, 275lbs for 5 could be a tough one. So then thinking maybe smarter to do 255lbs but felt sticking to 40-50lbs jumps that 265lbs. 255lbs would make more sense if I did 30lbs jumps and triples all the way up. I was feeling ok with warming up. Hard belt on for 225lbs. Maybe just doing the metal plates had things feel better. But 225lbs felt comfortable so I said screw it, I’ll do 275lbs. Had a bit of indigestion leading up to things so need to burp to get air caught out. When I got set and unracked it for the start, I knew I had this unless something went screwy with my breathing. This was feeling like it should. Breathing did end up being a little hard for the last rep so I had to quickly rack it to make sure that I didn’t drop it. So 40lbs off my best 5rm on these that I’ve done in recent memory. I know I’ve had the strength to do more in the past but didn’t. But that doesn’t really matter. I’m getting back into a good place here with the important gym lifts for my chosen sport. Then the deadlift portion of the session. Last week had been the wide pulls as I call them. Those had been the only real compound lift that session as Mr. Westerling feels that that style of deadlift hits stuff similar to a back squat and to save the knees a little and be fresh for the front squats on this week. And then making up for it with a hamstring focused pull. So I’ve done a good bit of Romanian deadlifts. The ones I’ve liked the most have been these start from the top and go style. These were to also be with a hip circle. Not as noticeable with a more conventional stance compared to the wide pulls. But I know that there was that factor there. This was to be like the wide pulls in that I was to warm up and do sets of 3 reps to a top set of 5 reps for the day. Notes were to keep back fixed and to lower to about 2 inches below my knee caps. It can be hard for me to do that as I think I tend to go more ROM then that but it doesn’t feel like I am. I think I was also worried if I was doing these right because the suggested weight for these was the same as the wide pulls and I knew that I was going to be going heavier than that just from experience. The suggested weights have generally been spot on for stuff and this was likely going to be 100lbs over suggested. I will say that not having done these in a bit takes some getting used to with heavier weights as it is a lot of pressure on the body as far as the lift off and then slight walk out and then breathing. Breathing being compromised slightly at this time with the cold. I was also noticing my abdominals were feeling quite sore. I’m thinking this has to do with the overhead support holds with the log. I was doing the 40-50lbs jumps but once I got past 455lbs, I just went with my offweight 25’s. 507lbs did feel heavy but not the limit. It could be the breathing thing and just not being used to the pressure on the body but this was not the limit for me and didn’t feel as difficult as the wide pulls did the week before. Could also be me getting used to the routine. From there it was time for the hyper bench hold with the neck harness and plate. Warming up for it with hyper extensions again. My back wasn’t feeling as fatigued as last time (same with the glutes) but my hamstrings were definitely feeling it. Warming up I didn’t feel as worn out so I figured maybe this would be a good day on these. Nope. I could feel the difficulty in holding the position almost immediately. Not feeling like that at the neck or my upper back/arms where the weight is being held but the glutes and lower back were fighting hard. I pushed this about as much as I could to try and match/beat last week’s time. I was not successful in that attempt as about 2 seconds shy. Not concerned unless I should be concerned. I think that as long as I can consistently stay in the 30 seconds realm, I should be good and any increase from that will be good progress. This does seem to be a good way to work this aspect without stressing the lower back out from a ton of flexion/extension work. Last thing then being abdominal work. A set of crunches and a set of lying leg lifts again. It would seem this is what will be alternated with the planks at this time. So sets of 25 reps again. The crunches I was allowed to add weight if I wanted. I figured I might as well. I elected to use the big 10lbs rubber plate rather than small plates as it would be the same size plate if I need to go up in weight from there. This was fine. Slight decrease in the ROM with the plate as far as stretch reflex with the abs and upper back at the bottom. Tried to move quickly to the leg lifts so I could eat a bowl of oatmeal to get back on the meals quota. I knew with the leg lifts that I’d likely have these feeling a bit tight in the lower back. Last time had been fine but the heaviest thing I had done was 95lbs for rdls so not really taxing anything. This is the second week of several hundred pounds on my back being lifted so there was that tightness there. But the lifting itself was easy. Ate some food before putting stuff away and stretching before making some more food.

January 6, 2024 – Week 3, Day 3

Dynamic Warm Up

Sandbag Tosses (16’)

Titan Frame Carries (16” pick)

Comments: I was somewhat looking forward to training this weekend. But that kind of changed once I realized what weather was in store. I’m pretty much over the cold at this point but still have some remnants from it as well as dealing with fallout of it (fever blisters and such). At least walking had felt decent enough in the cold weather and a welcome distraction from work. Training plan had been just go and train as usual. But then I realized that there was going to be a snow storm this weekend. 3-8” of snow, which is not nothing. Initially thinking it would be Sunday but I should know better by now that storms tend to move faster than anticipated so it did look like I’d need to get up early to get out to the gym and train to get on the way back before it started. So planning for that until I got alerts that it would be Saturday morning. I had also forgotten that I was checking the weather for the gym and not where I was starting and ending at. It would be too risky to chance driving back in the potentially 8” of snow. So I needed to still wake up early and get things setup to train at home. Need to make sure I was finished up before 10AM to avoid the snow for certain. Lot of weird stress dreams. I knew they were dreams but didn’t want to wake up as I needed rest and obviously my mind was working some things out I guess haha. Lot of cloud cover so it felt colder than it actually was. I mean, it was already below freezing and the ground was frozen. Wore my warm ups for warming up to try and use my body heat to get warm so it would last during the actual lifting stuff for the day. Thankfully joints weren’t too creaky working out this early in the day. Starting things off was bag toss. Light bag for 10 tosses done EMOM style. Same as last time I did these. Except doing them at home. So mentioning that, I had to make some adjustments because of course I do with my focus. The setup as it has been is 15’7”. But the setup at the gym is 16’. You can see my problem (see it but not make sense of why haha). It even makes less sense when it is actually 15’ height for the show. But I want to be clearing that height by a lot so that I know that I’m keeping things the right focus to improve. As this seemed to help with Nats prep after it seemed to have gone downhill. So I spent time the day before getting wood blocks to increase it 5”. Doing that had jostled things a bit so the connections came apart at the top and needed to use a ladder to fix that. This setup is more fragile compared to the gym and it has to be considering the material. It has to be able to break at points in the event I screw up so that it can be reassembled. I also had to move the rubber mat I had on the patio so that I had something firm and flat under my feet. That was frozen to the patio so it took a little more effort to get setup. As far as progression, I was told to do 2-5lbs jumps each time with the sandbag. I was aiming for 3lbs but I was having issues with getting that to be exact and 5lbs added seemed to be pretty quick to get without much messing around. Optimism for the 35lbs had been with the impression of training at the gym and having the 30lbs bag to warm up a little. I think I kind of forgot that my training had been 5x1 with a 5-7 minute break and then another 5x1 with more weight for Nats training. So I’ve not done 35lbs for 10x1 recently. Warming up with it doing upright rows, high pulls, swings and high pull tosses. I was a little paranoid with the tight right side since sandbag shouldering thinking this would do something to it. As if all the other things that haven’t would. I took off the warm ups when I was done. I was warm enough at this point and didn’t want extra layers of clothing affecting my movement in any way. Then ready to go. Or so I thought. Position to the toss tower is a bit different from the gym. Feels taller, claustrophobic almost. My first toss was garbage in that I arced it too hard back. So it actually went under the cross bar (grazed it) and kept going upward. So it got plenty of height but not when and where I wanted it to. So I adjusted and decided I’d just treat that as a warm up and restart the clock. That seemed to fix things. Then the fourth toss I made the arc too narrow and the bag went up and down, grazing on the way down. Knocking the cross bar off the setup slightly. I didn’t know that the one I had messed up at the beginning had gotten enough height until after I reviewed the video but I knew this one had so I just went with it. I got no more issues but the dangling crossbar was bothering me so over the course of a few sets I got the ladder out of the garage and closer to the setup until I felt I had it close enough to have enough time to scurry up and fix things and get back down before the timer went. Last toss might have been the best one for the session. Put stuff away and put other stuff back where it was so that it wouldn’t get buried in the wrong spot by the coming snow. The last thing for the session was frame carry. Same as last time in that working up to a top set of 50’ down and back working up with 50’ runs. I was making good time as had about 30 minutes before the snow was expected. My options were limited at home but I knew what I had would work in a pitch, though not ideal. And would have to understand that the setup at home was likely going to feel tougher than say at the gym. One being the “frame”. I can do the Titan Fitness upright farmer’s with attachment to make a frame but it is really narrow for both the side to side and front to back. Only really works if doing frame picks/deadlifts with my body type. So I had made stuff back in 2017 until I could get a frame setup with wooden boards with holes drilled into them. This made for a wider grip situation. The other thing I don’t like is how the handles are with the grips in that part is smooth and part is knurled. Neither are great and the knurling cuts into the hands. So these were going to be factors. The other thing would be training in the street would mean uphill and downhill. Slight yes, but noticeable. Especially when I’ve compared how things go in street training vs flat floor at the gym. I setup the course and swept the debris out of the way. You see things with people training in harsh or bad weather conditions and them being “tough”. Been there, done that. Better to put in the effort to avoid that and be able to have things ideal in a way that works towards the goal. If I had waited until it snowed, I could still do this but there would be issues and I’d likely not be able to go as fast as possible due to the lack of sure footing. I did the same weight jumps as last time here. Wore my warm ups as I adjusted the weights and took them off partially when I did the runs. Save the no warm up stuff for the top set run. I think I was a little worried about just “dropping” the frame as it was wooden board setup. I could tell my hamstrings and lower back were still feeling deadlift work. 400lbs felt a little heavier than I would’ve liked. Top set 50lbs more than last time. As I was getting chalk applied, a little old lady walking her cocker spaniel stopped to inquire what I was doing and I explained. She congratulated me and I thanked her and she was on her way. Then right into the mind set. Probably feel heavy but will move ok and likely look better on video. It did feel like the picks were slow but didn’t seem like it on video. I think slight slow down on the drop as hard to gauge where the front of the frame is with how it is shorter and didn’t want to drop on myself. Turn and repick I guess kind of quick. Downhill the first 50’and then uphill the last 50’. So no slacking. I could hear the wood creaking near the end of the run. Went well past before dropping it. Good enough for today. This is further off then the yoke for contest but really this is with a much lower pick and the pick is always the issue with farmer’s/frame stuff for me anyways. As luck would have it, the snow started after I had finished the run and I put away stuff quickly before it picked up. It would’ve been close if I had gone out to train so this was the right call. Ate some food and then stretched.

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