Saturday, November 25, 2023

November 19, 2023 - November 25, 2023 - Week 4

 November 20, 2023 – Week 4, Day 1

Dynamic Warm Up

12” Log Clean and Push Presses (one clean)
265x1 (had to reclean twice)

Bent Over Rows
Added Straps

Close Grip Bench Presses (18” spacing)

Comments: The scale is starting to go up again with the new additional meal. Definitely a riskier food item and potentially is changing up the gut biome as well. But finally above 265lbs again. This eating almost every hour during the day has become a chore. But need to see if this helps with things. This is a short cycle and I feel at this point that I’m about as ready for this competition as I can reasonably be but I know I got like 2 more weeks of tough workouts. This is definitely feeling like a contest Magnus Samuelsson would do decent at. Arms and abs covered in bruises from the conan’s wheel stuff. Probably didn’t help matters to need to saw apart a pallet to fit in the trash (I had left it out for scrapers to take, no bites). So that was a bit of effort I wasn’t expecting to be needing to do. And weather finally getting to be cold as well. So some worries I guess that I had fatigued things too much with the Saturday work and Sunday chores. But onward. Warming up stuff felt fine. Not really feeling that sore all things considered but needing to move around to get warm for lifting outside in the cold. Darkness for the log lifting. Again, the plan for this was 5x1. 85% with 3 minutes rest. So 265lbs. Going off the projected 310lbs since that seemed to be approved as ok. But there is a slight change in that competition opener is starting at 200lbs instead of 170lbs so with the 20lbs jumps, I won’t really have an option to hit a PR unless I get really good, real fast and hit 320lbs. Likely 300lbs being the aim as I’ve only hit that or above in competition twice in my career. From last time I did these, my left hip had been feeling achy and thankfully that didn’t seem to be the case this time around. Warming up with 30lbs jumps was feeling ok. I reneged on the smaller metal plates as looking at the videos of people training on the log, it would seem that it is actually 45lbs plates being used and not using my bumpers or supporting the log body on 25’s puts a risk at bending this log that they don’t make anymore. So back to bumpers until I end up using enough weight to use more than one plate on this. As I’ve mentioned, this contest isn’t allowing grip shirts. So I’ve been trying to test different shirts from local shows to see what I’m dealing with as far as competition day. For this session, my choice apparently was a poor one. The fabric and the log texture aren’t a good match. It initially slid on me going for the first lift but even with the bad clean I was able to press it. But it wasn’t a great rep. I’d want this to be going better. Second rep I corrected for the clean (pull into myself more) and that went up much better but then the press My one foot slid and the log wasn’t centered so I had to walk it forward to lockout. Third rep had problems. The momentum on the press had the log going over my head too quickly and I ended up having to bail as I lost tightness in my brace. I set the log back down rather than try and press after that. Which wasn’t great as I was too lackadaisical with pulling the log into myself and the log just slid down on my shirt. I was beginning to remember how much my hamstrings had been sore after the Conan’s wheel on Saturday and the leg effort of the all the sled stuff. I regrouped and got it back up but I was definitely feeling the previous efforts and my shoulders lowered and I really got bad lower body drive. Kind of surprised I got the lift honestly. Managed to get it done within a minute so that was something. Because of that hassle, I doubled my rest break to recover before going for another single. And I say double what I was doing as I was actually doing like 130 seconds rest when I checked the camera. So a 4 minute rest and got the fourth rep up no real problem. But not perfect. Normal rest for the fifth and again, good but not perfect. Flexed to show dominance as one does. But at least those last two made me feel like I could actual press stuff over this. But this is only 5lbs less than the last log workout before Nats and I had been really worried and was taking like 5 minutes rests to get those singles. This was more comfortable and hopefully means I’m getting a better handle on things here. Also didn’t feel like throwing up with nerves, even with eating more meals. So despite the ugliness of the 3 set, I was content. For now. Just need to remember to wear a shirt with a good decal for next time (log at competition will have “grippier” texture). I left the log outside so I could move on to the other stuff. Into the garage for the barbell work. I didn’t exactly have things setup as I did want to take my time with things as far as getting fluids in me. First up bent over rows. Warm up in 5’s to a moderate set. Same as last time and kind of turned out like last time. 25-50lbs more than last time was what was suggested. Since example last time was 225lbs and this time indicating 250-275lbs, I figured I’d do 300-315lbs depending on how things were feeling. I was a little leery with the biceps from that cramping I got last Monday on the pull ups. And it didn’t help with again sore forearms. Finding new bruises on them after conan’s wheel training each time. Really trying to figure out where some of them came from. Like back of my one hand has a bruise and I think that might be from putting away the dumbbells I used to anchor the conan’s wheel when it slid on my hand. And let’s not forget the sawing I did the day before haha. So things were feeling a bit heavy on my wrists and in my hands but moving well. Plan was to strap up after 225lbs. 275lbs felt ok but I wasn’t really sure about the next jump as didn’t feel amazing. Say dilemma as last time with 265lbs or 275lbs and I just went with 315lbs and figured if I was wrong then it would be obvious. The only issue really I had was that the weight and not really being used to it as far as breathing as I was able to move it comfortably. So that was something. Benching again to finish up the session. 18” grip spacing. Same warming up but indicating a moderate set of 6-8 reps. Suggested being 250-275lbs. Now I know that my benching won’t make the same kind of jumps as my rowing will. 250lbs would’ve been a safe bet really for the 8 reps and leaving something in the tank. Notes did state to make sure smooth and powerful. I’ve not really done benching above 225lbs for a good bit and I had felt deflated/defeated when I was last doing it as I was struggling with 315lbs. And with how short this cycle is, I think I wanted to do the less reps as the effort needed for the log work probably took a toll. This particular grip is not as easy for me to use the stretch reflex for the reps like an even closer grip allows. But for this particular time, this grip seems to be the right idea. Wrists were feeling it here too. Left shoulder slightly achy. I knew to expect that. When it was time for the top set, I elected to go with 275lbs with the aim being 6 reps. Had to reset my brace after the fourth rep. This wasn’t an absolute max, I feel I could have done 2 more reps and it would be close and probably ugly rep at that. I just needed to feel this but fine with dropping back if needed. I do hope that benching does stick around. I see a lot of stuff I’m doing as well as the events for this particular show as things to build on even after this show. Cooked dinner between putting stuff away. Stretched afterwards.

November 22, 2023 – Week 4, Day 2

Dynamic Warm Up

Front Squats

18” Jack Stand Pulls w/ bands (straps, +50/+100)
No Bands
Added Bands

Ab Wheel

Comments: Again with another short week with work, feeling like just done with the week almost immediately. Left side of my jaw felt sore as if I was clenching it hard all night or something. Perhaps feeling the strain on my body finally from the training session. I wasn’t able to get in a walk due to the weather. Very cold and rainy with more rain as the day went on. I felt I had too much work to do as off two days and I didn’t want to risk injury slipping while icy conditions. Shoulders feeling pretty sore from Monday session it would seem. I did a lot of soft tissue work to make up for not being able to walk Tuesday. Work hectic this day before rush to make sure stuff processed before Thanksgiving. But on top of that was an issue regarding office politics that the outcome likely means even more work for me to be doing. The work environment has become more hostile as of late. Seriously considering bidding out for another job or just resigning and try to be self-employed rather than deal with this aggravation further. I got a four-day weekend I guess to contemplate that. I know not to act upon something until I’m dead certain. Ended up with a little silent protest by not doing any real work the last hour of the shift. Not that that mattered with getting work I wasn’t supposed to be assigned once my supervisor left for the day by another supervisor. Things like that. Anyways. Family plans obviously with the holiday weekend so it was good that this workout was on the shorter side of things. A repeat from last time this came up but more weight really. This had been a comfortable workout last time and had been the least taxing of things so far. Because of plans after work, I had contemplated doing this during lunch break but stuck to plan after the work crap and making sure I got enough stuff done. Warming up seemed to go well. I did a little more mobility work to get my ankles mobile enough that my tight lower legs weren’t hampering things. As this does seem to be helpful when doing lower body stuff like floor pulls and full squats. The squats to box don’t really get these parts with the upright shins. But it isn’t an every session thing. Front squats to start things off. Work up after warming up to set of 8-10 reps with a little more than last time. Suggested was 225lbs after the 185lbs last time. There had been some nerves with that mostly seeing how the knees felt as well as initial uncertainty about what effort the squats should be feeling with percentage and other nonsense I’ve self-imposed I guess. 40-50lbs jumps again and with another set added to the mix, it meant I could adjust things a bit as far as how I added support gear for the midsection for bracing. I think I went for the top set being both sets of bumper plates because it was interesting and maybe there would be a difference in the flex on the bar. I guess to kind of keep things fun for me. I do think I messed up a little bit with my breathing at first as I kind of just held my breath and went right into the first rep rather than perhaps taking a breath and rebracing before starting. I have to remember that the floor in the garage isn’t perfect either as some spots are worn more than others. 225lbs for 10 reps was not a problem but it definitely was tougher than 185lbs was last time. Which makes sense with a 40lbs jump in weight. Felt like knees and ankles were less stiff this time around at least. Some fidgeting with my position as far as getting efficient leg drive. Like a few of the exercises with a barbell that have been part of this training cycle (deadlift, bench), these are a work in progress that hopefully I can continue to improve so that my baseline isn’t as down going forward and perhaps makes things easier to swap from one track to another. Jack stand pulls against bands (75-100lbs tension) again for 5x1 EMOM style. 20lbs more weight from last time. I did another warm up set so as I wasn’t just jumping in right away with big plate jumps on this. Especially since the plate jumps on this was quite noticeable as far as back effort. My hope here was that the increase in weight wouldn’t be noticeable from the previous session. I think I was successful in that endeavor. Got a bit silly with things as the Mortal Kombat techno remix theme came on and I just went with the vibing and stimming for this. Might have worked myself up a bit with the constant moving around and just enjoying the moment. This was only for the first three pulls as different music was one for the last two so the pace was a bit slower. Last pull ended up feeling the best like with log Monday. Held it for a bit before putting it down. Last thing was just a single set of ab wheel. 5-10 reps with bodyweight and not to overdo it on the ROM. I did 10 reps last time and initially was going full ROM and then pulled back slightly when I noticed these were tougher than I remembered. And even with pulling back, the DOMS in my lower abs was there for many days. So having been inoculated, I figured that it wouldn’t be so bad this time. I seemed to immediately go into full ROM and I feel that was the case for most of the reps but I was noticing immediate soreness just three reps into it. Maybe the added bodyweight (less than 2lbs) was being noticed here. Just hope this is immediate soreness and not delayed that last for a few days. Put stuff away and headed over for dinner and movie with family before returning home to stretch out before cleaning up for bed. Hopefully no expectation of work tomorrow will let me relax and sleep and potentially process some stuff in my sleep.

November 25, 2023 – Week 4, Day 3

Dynamic Warm Up

Arm-Over-Arm Pulls (turf)
(standing, arms only) 230x50’
(seated, arms only) 355x50’
(seated, competition style) 715x50’ in 30.33 Seconds

Stone of Steel Loads (54”)

Comments: Just felt a little off. Work had been stressful so part of that I guess leading to feelings after that. Stomach was a little upset but that could very well be from eating 6 burgers for dinner Wednesday. Took allergy meds to try and keep things ok. Took NyQuil Thursday night as I was feeling stressed and this has been a similar situation where things felt like I was going to get sick and I just needed to just get a good bit of sleep. Which ended up being the case for Friday. Woke up to my left wrist being sore for no reason. Got a bit late before I started doing things and ended up not walking and did the one time I’m raking leaves this year. I ended up staying later than I had planned but still decided to wake up early so as to get training done and be available for a family dinner. Left wrist was feeling much better upon waking up. Drive out was easy going. Again, good bit of people at the gym. I wasn’t too sure about what was going to be used or not and what was in use. Warming up felt fine with the mobility stuff. The people there had appeared to have solidify what they were doing so I was able to get things setup for the arm over arm. Same as last time in that I used the 1.5” manila rope and the Jenkins sled. Difference in that I used kegs for the weight rather than just sandbags and other random weights. Especially as lot of people were using sandbags and last time someone had wanted to use sandbags. Plan was to do more than last time. I had initially planned for that top set to be like 630lbs to be about 90% of what I figured the contest weight would be. However, Mr. Westerling had indicated that it could be heavier even then that for me as the goal was to get something that I could finish strong but have me breathing a bit heavy. And I hadn’t really expected even with how much time off from it that I’d already be doing sub 25 seconds with that kind of weight. But I didn’t really want to push the working up sets that much more than I already was. Because those were more arm dependent and I was still a little cautious about my biceps. So first set was the bent over style with just the arms. I went 5lbs heavier than last time and that seemed to go better compared to last time. I think because I knew what to expect and how I needed to anchor myself. Setup for the second set with it being seated but just rowing with the arms I had to put down heavier kegs to anchor the board I was going to be pushing off of. Took a little bit of time as the usual suspects for helping with this kind of thing weren’t there today and a lot people were doing stone stuff at this point. Don’t want tacky on the manila rope. Just needing to keep the rope out of the way. Again, just 5lbs more than last time. I did notice near the end that my right hand was slipping slightly. So would need to adjust that for the heavy top set. Chalk up and go heavy. I don’t think I’ve actually done over 700lbs on this movement with it on turf. I was still thinking about doing 630lbs or so but just said screw it and put 360lbs of kegs in the sled. Pinched my left index finger moving them around in the sled so that will be swollen for a little while. Hoping no biceps issues and that this would be sub 40 seconds. This setup isn’t really one where I seem to be able to scoot with the lower body and get more reach and momentum but I make good work of it. This was comfortable. Only felt my grip in the right side slip slight once. I was kind of surprised that I was just over 30 seconds on this. But happy about that as this is the most I’ve done and it was decently fast. Got help getting up by one of the new guys at the gym who is gigantic and lifted me up like I was gallon of milk. Be interesting to see what he starts doing as I think he’s new to lifting weights in general. Help putting away stuff made the transition from one thing to the next go by a bit quicker and with less effort on my part. This was just a two day things but both things required a time commitment. The arm over arm for setup purposes and rest breaks, the stones because it was 20 minutes of stone lifting. Plan here was again to do the stone of steel for 20 minutes EMOM. 2” higher and with only chalk. I had done just over contest weight last time and only had an issue really on the second rep when I didn’t reset the stone. I know I can do this but seeing as how my right biceps cramped up hard on me the Monday after last time, it is definitely stressful on the body. I was initially going to just repeat what I did last time just to condition things and compare how no tape vs tape felt. Suggestion had been to perhaps do the first 10 stones lifts EMOM style and then the next 10 stones 45 seconds to lift and rest since the contest will have the time limit go from 30 seconds to 15 seconds once an athlete reaches 10 reps. But feelings on this were to not really worry on that part of things and potentially work heavier. So I added 2.5lbs which was likely 2lbs more than last time. I didn’t bring a full roll of athletic tape so I ended up having to use several small rolls to wrap up my left arm. The tape setup was good at the start. I didn’t feel like I needed to reapply any chalk until I was 13 reps in. However, there does appear to be a downside. The wrapping of the arms does constrict blood flow some and I was finding it harder to get my hands to cooperate as things progressed. There was no issues with extension at all. I don’t think I’ve noticed this before because I don’t usually do this long of stone work without tacky (as usually I work up to a top single or light weight in the past) or any sticky stuff at all. And it’s not as noticeable when you can just use tacky. So this is potentially something. Sweat and skin wear factor vs the fatigue factor. Always learning something doing events I’ve done for years. But there is always different ways to play the games. I also noticed that while I don’t feel like I’m exerting myself, I found it was hard to try and sing half way into the set so that would seem to indicate this is taxing. I can only hope that I recover from the taxing nature of things better than I did last time these two events were paired together. Put stuff away and drank a shake before driving home to eat some more food and then stretch and clean up.

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