Saturday, September 23, 2023

September 17, 2023 - September 23, 2023 - Week 13

 September 18, 2023 – Week 13, Day 1

Dynamic Warm Up

12” Log Clean and Push Presses (one clean)

Comments: So Sunday I made a decision. I had commented that if Nationals was right now, that I was ready for it (besides peaking for log and deadlift). But I also noticed that my bodyweight was down and is still down. While prepping for the following weekend, I weighed myself and I came out to 255lbs without shoes. So about 15lbs down from March of this year. I’d rather compete up but this may end up being a situation like in October of 2021 when I wanted to do the pro class but fractured my elbow and the pressure to come back and be past where I was was too much and I went with regular open class and still had issues there. It was the right call (the righter call was probably to not compete). So I’m doing under 265lbs for this year instead of SHW open. Work on the following year to rebuild. This does lower stress as I’ve already done contest weight for most of the events at this point rather than having to save them for the day of the show. But new stresses that are not reasonable like what if I gain over 10lbs in the next 5 weeks and have to compete up after the change in plan? Overhead is still not quite where I want it to be and it may take longer considering how things have felt. I was nervous for training. Some purpling in the bruising on the left calf from the power stair stuff. Upper back feeling a bit tense from the past week of training. Slight eye twitch as well. Ugh. Warming up stuff felt fine. I’d say probably the least I’ve noticed any aches in my shoulders, despite the effort put in on the event work Saturday. Maybe a good sign for pressing. Other warming up stuff felt fine. Then time to log press. The plan I have to realize is pretty darn aggressive with 20lbs jumps on this 5x2 each week. Same as it was the previous weeks with giving the option to rep out the last set but limit set to 5 reps. This would be the last opportunity with the plan at this time to be doing that as we set up for the peak. I don’t like that I’m nervous to do 230lbs on an overhead press event. Some changes from last time was no elbow sleeves as I felt perhaps that was messing with things as far as pressing weights and just fatigue in the position for more reps. I also decided to just stick with the pitbull log rather than do a set and then swap in the heavier log. Even though it is heavier and unbalanced, it is slightly smaller in diameter and I figure that perhaps the true diameter of the pitbull log would match up with the competition log at this point. And that may be the case as this was feeling tougher than I would’ve liked. The warming up with log was a bit different from how it has been with 20lbs jumps and doubles all the way up. That single with 210lbs felt like it was harder than the reps done with 210lbs last week. On the plus side, didn’t have any soreness in the biceps but that could very well just be because no stones Saturday. I knew that 230lbs it was going to be some grit today with how things were going. I wasn’t happy about that but this is where I’m at and I need to accept that and build from there. I’ve been trying to stick to about 90 seconds rest on these besides the last set when it was repping out. No elbow wraps meant I wasn’t feeling as fatigued between sets with my arms constricted. It definitely felt a bit more there weight wise compared to the other log. More like how it feels at shows. So maybe this was a good switch. Perhaps my lower body and core were a bit worn from Saturday as well. The lap and the clean felt fine. Balance seemed a little off and I was very patient with the reps when things weren’t going how they should. I knew that I could do this with doubles. If this had been higher reps, no sir with how things were. There were times it felt like I might biff a rep just with how it was feeling and how it was similar to when I’d miss it earlier in the cycle. But I didn’t. I missed no reps. I had to recall stuff Mr. Westerling had told me before about being more aggressive with the press. But I knew it wasn’t a wise idea to go for rep set the last set. Just do the two reps and punch the clock to end the shift. Build on this. It was then I figured maybe I tighten my belt a notch. I worry that I might have it too tight when it comes to picking stuff off the floor and then putting overhead. Stability actually felt a little better. The first rep wasn’t get but the second rep felt like the best and easiest of the reps. Like how this weight should feel and move for me. Almost regretted stopping there. But need to be smart. Big picture. But thinking on it as I’m realizing that my weight has actually gone done a good bit from when I last felt strong in my pressing. I was 290lbs in shoes. So I’m down like 30lbs in 18 months with only a slight change in my diet (still feel like I’m eating a ton). So my leverages are all screwy likely but I’m not really sure if I can put weight back on. And maybe relook at the elbow sleeve situation as it may be mine inadvertent weight loss causing more of the issues with pressing at this time. Put stuff away and got back to work. Stretched after work.

September 20, 2023 – Week 13, Day 2

Dynamic Warm Up

13” Trap Bar Deadlifts (Versa Gripps, briefs)

Comments: I was feeling anxious. Slight eye twitch. I think it is partly work and just the stress of training cycle with a deadline approaching. I had slightly burnt my tongue on Monday eating hot stew and not sure if that was part of me feeling not that great like I had a slight cold or allergies. Going to try and fill out my frame some leading up to Nationals with more small meals added that are easy to eat and high calories relative to size. But save that for after training so I can make sure my stomach handles it and I don’t have any adverse reactions. I ended up taking nasal spray to see if that helped with the post nasal drip stuff. Have to remember that when I do take that stuff that I tend to feel better and put in good work in training but then I feel a little more worn after that. An acceptable risk since I will have two days off to recover before training weights again. Cooler out today. While I could’ve waited until after work if I wanted to see how I felt then, it wasn’t the best decision if I wanted to try the new foods/meals after my lunch break was done and then it would make for a later evening in general. This unfortunately was going to be a going into the actual office twice this month for dumb scheduling based reasons so I’d need to get up early tomorrow. So lunch break it was. Since it was cooler out I wore a black shirt since the slogan “I just want to tone” seemed to be in line with my current frame. Tongue in cheek. The warming up stuff was fine. Almost slipped doing the ankle stuff at the beginning so that woke me up. Left shoulder slightly more achy compared to Monday but that didn’t really seem to be an indicator of things from what I’ve seen. Then time for trap bar deadlifts. Same setup as last time. Plan this time was to work up to a top set of 3 reps, ideally between 85% and 90% of what I feel I could pull today, but really using the 310kgs/683lbs goal. With dropping down a weight class, the opener for the deadlift will be 250kgs, so 20kgs less. Still same jumps. Knees were feeling a bit achy on these working up. But I am starting to get used to how these feel I think in that it feels uncomfortable and heavy but I can do reps with it. I had bought a new set of thinner plates (specially made) so that I could load up more weight safely on the power stair implement at home (though not really needed with not doing the open HW class now) but can also be for other things. They are nice and were cheaper than a comparable calibrated thinner plate. Plate jumps up to 510lbs. If I was going off of how 420lbs felt and this was a straight bar pull, I’d be thinking that this was not a good day. But I think I’m getting a better idea of things and making sure I’m applying the appropriate amount of hype/aggression when needed. The suggested top weight was 600lbs and to do a single after 510lbs with 555lbs. I got a little amped but not maximally so for 555lbs. It actually seemed to move quite well. Like better than 562lbs had felt two weeks ago. So unless something went really wrong, 600lbs was happening for a triple. Don’t want to get greedy here. I did want to get over 600lbs just to say that I was for reps. Also as a confidence boost. So added 2lbs just because. This set I did get more amped up. Not sure if it was to the max but it was pretty good. Thinking back on it, I know this wasn’t 100% amped because that becomes a whole routine and I’d be just wiped afterwards coming back down haha. But this was still a good bit of hyping. First rep went I knew I had it. Making sure that I wasn’t bouncing these reps. Some slow down on number three. But I was trying to not do these as touch and go which I’ve been guilty of doing in the past. I definitely had 1-2 reps left in the tank here. So this workout would be me essentially doing the first two lifts for the deadlift at Nationals. Next time will be a single (leaving some in the tank still of course) so should be about the next jump or so. Had some BCCAs and a bowl of oatmeal as I put stuff away before eating some chicken and getting back to work. Had some more small meals (protein shake, almond butter and honey sandwich, more oatmeal) before work ended and stretched.

September 23, 2023 – Week 13, Day 3

Dynamic Warm Up

Sandbag Tosses (16’)

Stone Carry and Loads
Stone of Steel
140x10’ to 50”
210x10’ to 50”
Atlas Stone
265x10’ to 50”
290x10’ to 50”
315x10’ to 50”

Atlas Stone Loads
350x5 (21”) to 50”

Comments: Rest of the week was ok. I was feeling a little under the weather. Like seems to be the case, either the weakest cold ever or allergies. I had taken Dayquil to help Wednesday night because I needed to sleep as I had to go into the office for work Thursday for a dumb training (why go to the place most likely to have an active shooter to do the active shooter training?). I felt uncomfortable at the office and my left hip was aching a little. Meals off slightly as well trying to figure out what works when at the office really. Went for walk after work. I felt better at home. Friday was about the same and I took Dayquil and I seemed to feel better in the evening. Which had me thinking it was allergies. So took actual allergy meds in the morning with nasal spray before going out to train. It can be really weird with allergies for me. Also stress doesn’t help. Even if I don’t think I’m stressed. Something is if I got a slight eye twitch. Maybe it is work, maybe it competition peak. Probably a little of column A and column B. I slept in for about a half hour because I was feeling tired and my left knee was achy. There wasn’t really an incentive to drive out early due to rain. Going to be a thing with the hurricanes in the southeastern US. I had gone to bed somewhat earlier so as not to stay up getting things together to go train (I already had most done). With the rain, it doesn’t always stick around when tied to the tropical storms so there are periods where there is a break. And normally if it has just passed where I am, I will then drive through the worst of it getting out to the gym and then hopefully by the time I setup and get ready, it will have passed. Warmed up with the movement prep stuff. Knees and shoulders were a little achy. Not surprising with how things have felt this week and with taking Dayquil twice in the week after the deadlift session. There was a decent group of people training and it was still raining a good bit so I did end up helping out with stuff for stones and power stairs for other people. I wasn’t sure how long the break would be when the rain finally let up so I started for toss work even while it was still wet outside. First thing was bag toss. Didn’t have to worry about energy being sapped by sun as there wasn’t any. Just a little bit of a breeze. Similar warming up as last time with swings and trying to stretch back and high pull tosses. Even though the toss height for under 265lbs is 15’ compared to the 16’ for the open class which I’ve been training on, sticking with that higher height. As had been the case last time, goal was 5 tosses with 30lbs and then rest as I felt I needed to and then do 5 more tosses with more weight. So the two 5 minute EMOMs again. Should be no problem with 30lbs. Then my first toss I tossed it really high straight up in the air. Oops. I reset things and then did the EMOM. My hair tie situation was losing some elasticity so some errant hairs were getting loose and in the way. I was also having a bad time with the bag landing in water and having to wick the water off the handle. But mostly fine here. I do like my new camera tripod as I can get better angle with the mobility it has. I ended up getting caught up in something so the break between the light bag and the heavier bag was a bit longer than I planned (about 8 minutes). Same guidelines as last time with the weight increase being 1-3lbs to the weight. Notes suggested I do 40lbs based off how last time went. That was what I was thinking anyways. First toss I grazed the band on the way up. George came out at some point after my first toss so I had an audience for the rest of it haha.  Some pressure added. Third toss I reached back a bit too much and hit the bottom of the toss tower. It didn’t really affect my toss though. I’ve been trying to use my body levers to my advantage and get it more of a swing down and stretch back to build up momentum. I’m happy that I’m getting air time off the ground with my triple extension consistently. Fourth toss I’d say was my best. The last toss got a little sideways but still good. So no misses with 40lbs. Likely go up another 2lbs next time. Time for stones. I took my time with setting things up here a bit. I was nervous but for a different reason. This was the first thing that has actually been “altered” to the originally written workout plan for Nationals since doing 265lbs. And I was second guessing. What if I don’t make weight and still need to do open class, shouldn’t I be prepared? You’re being a coward not doing open weight class. Unhelpful negative self-talk that I have to blot out of my mind. It seems I will find a way to create stressful scenarios for myself regardless of the choices I make. I didn’t have to worry about too much here compared to last time as far as finding what works. Streamlined that down. This workout I was to do 10’ runs with about the weight of each stone in the medley. We don’t quite have those weights so this was closest (I had provided the stone weights and Mike indicated to do these). I didn’t want to deal with the smaller diameter stones since the form is different and just adds grime. So I did the stone of steel for the first two lifts. The 265lbs and 290lbs aren’t the best stones with being dusty but I can get them done. Need to for the 270lbs and 300lbs for Nats. Each in under 6 seconds. 315lbs was the next stone up to mimic the 325lbs. Slightly slower and definitely noticed the hamstrings on this one walking it in. Then I was to do a set of 5 reps. Seeing as how well 330lbs went, I was to do contest weight of 350lbs. It’s a good stone but it was probably going to be a bit tougher since it was a 21” diameter stone. Again, trying to not be forced into a deep lap and just go at a comfortable pace. Actually felt pretty good the first three reps. Fourth rep my ability to stick to it was going down and it was a lot harder to pull into the lap. Also took the tacky towel with it so just took that as a sign to reapply the tacky towel for this last rep. The pick was a lot easier compared to the fourth rep but I was definitely feeling it by the extension so that was a bit tougher and had to contort a bit to get it on there. But set of five reps done. Cleaned up and drank a protein shake before driving home (so I could get more food in me and clean up kitchen). If I can get my log press feeling better, I should be golden.

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