Saturday, September 30, 2023

September 24, 2023 - September 30, 2023 - Week 14

 September 25, 2023 – Week 14, Day 1

Dynamic Warm Up

12” Log Clean and Push Presses (one clean)

Comments: I’m probably going to be nervous every time I go to overhead press where the weight is more than the last week. Juggling other things like work stuff and life stuff. I was more nervous I think compared to how I was last week. I know this because of a couple things. The one was I woke up and my neck was sore on the right side from I guess sleeping slightly off. There was also trying to make sure that when I was training it wouldn’t be raining. Having to keep watch on the weather to find times during this time of year with tropical storms and such. Best option seemed to be to do lunch time. Especially since I’d have to wake up earlier to go into the office for tomorrow so training later in the evening and pushing stuff back wasn’t going to be helpful here. Or trying to train with more food in me from the newer meals I’ve added to my routine (speaking of which, up 2lbs from last week). I didn’t feel comfortable with downing anything besides breakfast before training either. There was no rain, it was a nice temperature out and the platform had dried off from the rain in the early morning. Warming up stuff felt fine. I was hoping this would loosen up the neck (it didn’t really). I knew that it wouldn’t be ideal but I’ve done sessions with my neck like this and not had it hamper things. Knees feeling a little more achy. Again, kind of understandable with the increased workload every week. More carbs/sugars tends to have me “feel” my joints a little more than usual. It was now time to do the pressing. The plan hasn’t changed since aiming for under 265lbs class from doing open HW class. For open, I was aiming at the light log (285lbs) whereas with 265lbs, I can conceivably aim for the heavy log (305lbs) as well as the light log (255lbs). The plan would leave me in a good peaked position if I can hang. Adjustment to be made if I feel that not there and that only going to aim for the light log. I had indicated that his last workout of the 5x2 with 20lbs jumps would be what I’d judge things on. My hope was that the uncomfortableness with the log was more just getting used to the true diameter of competition log vs the thinner, heavier log. Knees were a bit achy on the initial empty log but I let things settle and reattempted the lower body drive after my knees felt good and it seemed to workout for me. Having done heavy stone work Saturday I was expecting my biceps to be quite sore like they have been the past few times I’ve done these after stones. Biceps weren’t sore at all Sunday when I was doing soft tissue work. I was still feeling quite nervous working up in weight but the weights did seem to be flying up. I was feeling like I was still getting a little lightheaded and I realized that I was holding my breath and not getting my air after the clean to the shoulders. Maybe I was worried that I’d lose tightness and the log weight would feel crushing on me. Up until this session with the log for the past 5 weeks I’ve done about 90-120 seconds rest with a longer rest for the rep set when I went for it. With how things had felt last week, I felt that I’d need to not go so quick to make sure I got the reps. So plan was to go more 180 seconds rest depending on how I felt. I might want to go faster if I feel good and the aggression is having me not lose momentum. 250lbs was the most weight I’ve attempted on overhead press in almost a year. I shouldn’t be so nervous for this but I’ve seen where I was 7 weeks back or so and the struggle. Focus, be calm but aggressive in my intent. Control to the points and hit them. Got that first double and I was feeling some relief there. Got four more. About 2.5 minutes rest for the first set and then about 3 minutes after that and maybe 15 seconds more on top of that and so on. Trying to keep motivated but recover and treat each set. I knew I had this workout in the bag after the fourth set. Little slow on the press for the last one but I had it. I was shouting to mostly myself after and during that. Biceps feeling a little sore after all this log work. Feel I’m on the right track once again. Ate the meal I skipped at 10:30AM and put away stuff before then eating lunch. Stretched after work before making dinner (and after eating another two meals).

September 27, 2023 – Week 14, Day 2

Dynamic Warm Up

Power Stairs (18”)

Comments: I wasn’t really feeling nervous for this session. This was going to be a repeat and it was less about can I do it and more can I do it and not have it suck so bad? As expected, going into work was dumb as the “training” was cancelled due to the visiting speaker being sick. Something was in the air as even with my allergy meds I was feeling like a irritant had hit me at one point. Left hip wasn’t feeling as achy compared to last week when had to be in the office again. I don’t know if it has to do with the chair or if just my body being beat up as we get closer to show time. I did make sure I got better timing with food at work. My neck was feeling better and I had slept well (probably from the six cheeseburgers). I didn’t get to do my walking the day before because of being in work and the weather not being so great. But I did make sure I ate well, slept well and got soft tissue work done. Warming up stuff was fine. Some knee aches, not much shoulder aches. I generally feel better and ready after the warming up mobility stuff. Today was the power stairs session. This was initially going to be a set of 5 reps after working up with 460ish as that was going to be the last weight for the open class but since doing 265lbs class, 419lbs/190kgs is the weight so I already did the last implement for all the reps. I had no issues with doing heavier but the best option here was just to do it again and make it better. No sense going more than 45lbs over competition weight when there are other events that I got to still peak and work on where that effort can be best used. With the somewhat rainy weather lately, I’ve had to wipe up water that pools on the platform outside so that it gets dried up in the rain. Also some crickets decide to hide under the edges and I have to vacate them so I don’t accidentally squish them. Trying to work up with focus and intent with how and where I lift/place the implement on the box as well as how my body is positioned. Neighbor’s kids were playing with some kind of firework so that was slightly irksome as far as trying to be calm. I also used the pair of thin plates on the setup and it would’ve let me get another plate on there normal size if needed. This is going to be the last heavy session of this (last workout will be just the first implement for some singles). I know I can do this but want to try and do it without misses this time or having to really stop. The bruises on my legs from these two weeks ago were getting pretty faded so I guess going to darken them up again. Left knee was feeling slightly achy depending on how I positioned things so I did need to be deliberate with my position when lifting so as not to lose power. Compared to last time, I felt like I was struggling. Perhaps some areas were more fatigued than others. I mean, I went up 20lbs on stones and 40lbs on log press compared to last time I did this. But that could just be in my head looking at the video after the fact. Compared to last time, I was about 3 seconds faster through the first 6 reps. I slowed down after that this time around as I knocked the box askew and had to reset it. My legs were feeling a bit fatigued and at this point I lost count of reps and thought I had only done 5. So I probably went into a bit of a slower pace so that I didn’t miss any lifts. Which I didn’t do this time around. At the end, I was thinking I probably did 10 reps by mistake. Which ended up being the case. Even though I got 7 reps this time in under minute vs 8 reps last time, I got the remaining reps finished in less time this time around. This is one of those that if you can keep the momentum and pace going, you can keep going. So 10 reps with no misses vs 9 reps with like 3 misses is progress. I will need to see if I need to practice the hop up with the implement with the lighter one next time with a different setup since it will be singles. Put stuff away and got some food in me before being back on the clock. Stretching for after work.

September 30, 2023 – Week 14, Day 3

Dynamic Warm Up

Yoke/Wheelbarrow Medleys
Casual Pace
150x50’/+70x50’ (80 approx)
Normal Pace
350x50’/+260x50’ (199 approx)
450x50’/+420x50’ (300 approx)
550x50’/+580x50’ (400 approx)
650x50’/+740x50’ (500 approx)
750x50’/+900x50’ (601 approx) in 27.57 seconds

Comments: I was nervous but not for the usual reason about the training session. It was if I was going to be able to do the training session I wanted. See, I had to go into work on Tuesday this week because of dumb scheduling for trainings (with the Tuesday one being cancelled the day of due to “illness” of the presenter). I then find out Thursday afternoon from a coworker that someone that was in our immediate area at work tested positive for COVID. I felt fine but this was first I was in a situation this entire time where I’ve been exposed. It’s like I’ve been avoiding like the plague or something. So there was some stress as I’ve not done the test before. So I slept in a little bit as Saturday was going to be the earliest I could test (though I had been around that person on Thursday the week prior for in office training). If it came back positive, I was going to be a bit stressed for sure but I’d probably just do a modified workout at home with what I had. It came back negative so I guess I’m still good at dodging the bullet so to speak. So I perked up a bit and took my allergy meds and ventured out into the world. While the gym in Lancaster wasn’t closed or anything, I decided to do the local gym again because I could sleep in and the drive wouldn’t be so bad. Especially since this would be the last touches of the yoke and wheelbarrow medley. With the restrictions with the wheelbarrow setup at the other gym, this was going to be the closer to contest training. And yes, doing yoke into farmer’s would be much quicker setting up and tearing down but I feel like something is missed compared to the wheelbarrow when you can calculate the actual weight in hand. I had some idea of what to expect so hopefully setup and tear down was not going to be so time consuming and exhausting. Mobility work stuff I didn’t need to really be figuring where stuff went and such so I could pretty go right into it after I had setup the course outside. Knees were really achy today and shoulders somewhat achy. Left side of my neck was feeling tight as well. For the runs this time, I setup on the other side of the building as opposed to where I was last time. I try to keep the same course once I pick something but I felt it made sense to switch as it was slightly uneven with the different concrete/blacktop combo as well as there being some moisture from rain drainage that was seeping. It was definitely warmer compared to last time. Could also be from my diet changes as I was feeling pretty warm and needing to wipe of sweat constantly. I didn’t have to worry about figuring out the weights as I had the calculations and put down what weights I needed for the wheelbarrow each set. Essentially empty implements at the casual pace and then from there going with 100lbs jumps or so for on the yoke and the weight in hand on the wheelbarrow. Knees were feeling some aches and I was feeling like the low energy sensation in my legs like with power stairs on Wednesday. But I made sure that I wasn’t screwing up. No weights falling off, no misloads, etc. Ready myself for a slow pick on the yoke and get steady and then try and pick up speed on the yoke. And also try and pick up speed on the wheelbarrow but not lose control. I put the rubber 100’s under the wheelbarrow for the last two sets so it wasn’t the really low pick height. The plan had been before I got skinny was 800lbs on the yoke and 640lbs weight in hand on the wheelbarrow with not doing the full course distance in the warming up. Idea being contest weight would be at contest on the yoke but I’d be already hitting stuff for the wheelbarrow (and on a harder variation). Since that got scrapped, I was to pretty much repeat what I did last time but adjust the wheelbarrow weight to be about 600lbs since contest will be 750lbs and then 563lbs in hand. Again, these are guesses based off the math. I mean, already did a contest run with the yoke and heavier wheelbarrow. I had suggested maybe going heavier on yoke as I tend to have issues above 700lbs with warming up and such. But idea was to try and just not be so slow this time. I think the people that are training this with just farmer’s or not figuring out weight in hand are going to be in for a surprise with how much more quad and grip work there is with the weight and the resistance. I was feeling pretty winded after the penultimate set but it had felt good while doing it. I also think I got a better gauge on the rest periods so I didn’t need to do a pick with the last weight on yoke. I made sure that I was feeling like this was urgent. My fingers were twitching. But also focused and calm. Like making sure my ponytail is to the side so as the yoke doesn’t slip on my hair down my back. Wish I could go faster on yoke but this is it for right now. But it was definitely much sturdier this time around. Less issues on the pick with the wheelbarrow and I felt I was able to move that better. Over 7 seconds faster than last time (granted the wheelbarrow was lighter). Under 30 seconds is good for me. It was a workout putting stuff away as well but I was better prepared this time and actually got the pallet mover to work no issues this time. Went home to stretch and eat. I’ll check tomorrow to see how the weight situation is after two weeks of these changes.

Saturday, September 23, 2023

September 17, 2023 - September 23, 2023 - Week 13

 September 18, 2023 – Week 13, Day 1

Dynamic Warm Up

12” Log Clean and Push Presses (one clean)

Comments: So Sunday I made a decision. I had commented that if Nationals was right now, that I was ready for it (besides peaking for log and deadlift). But I also noticed that my bodyweight was down and is still down. While prepping for the following weekend, I weighed myself and I came out to 255lbs without shoes. So about 15lbs down from March of this year. I’d rather compete up but this may end up being a situation like in October of 2021 when I wanted to do the pro class but fractured my elbow and the pressure to come back and be past where I was was too much and I went with regular open class and still had issues there. It was the right call (the righter call was probably to not compete). So I’m doing under 265lbs for this year instead of SHW open. Work on the following year to rebuild. This does lower stress as I’ve already done contest weight for most of the events at this point rather than having to save them for the day of the show. But new stresses that are not reasonable like what if I gain over 10lbs in the next 5 weeks and have to compete up after the change in plan? Overhead is still not quite where I want it to be and it may take longer considering how things have felt. I was nervous for training. Some purpling in the bruising on the left calf from the power stair stuff. Upper back feeling a bit tense from the past week of training. Slight eye twitch as well. Ugh. Warming up stuff felt fine. I’d say probably the least I’ve noticed any aches in my shoulders, despite the effort put in on the event work Saturday. Maybe a good sign for pressing. Other warming up stuff felt fine. Then time to log press. The plan I have to realize is pretty darn aggressive with 20lbs jumps on this 5x2 each week. Same as it was the previous weeks with giving the option to rep out the last set but limit set to 5 reps. This would be the last opportunity with the plan at this time to be doing that as we set up for the peak. I don’t like that I’m nervous to do 230lbs on an overhead press event. Some changes from last time was no elbow sleeves as I felt perhaps that was messing with things as far as pressing weights and just fatigue in the position for more reps. I also decided to just stick with the pitbull log rather than do a set and then swap in the heavier log. Even though it is heavier and unbalanced, it is slightly smaller in diameter and I figure that perhaps the true diameter of the pitbull log would match up with the competition log at this point. And that may be the case as this was feeling tougher than I would’ve liked. The warming up with log was a bit different from how it has been with 20lbs jumps and doubles all the way up. That single with 210lbs felt like it was harder than the reps done with 210lbs last week. On the plus side, didn’t have any soreness in the biceps but that could very well just be because no stones Saturday. I knew that 230lbs it was going to be some grit today with how things were going. I wasn’t happy about that but this is where I’m at and I need to accept that and build from there. I’ve been trying to stick to about 90 seconds rest on these besides the last set when it was repping out. No elbow wraps meant I wasn’t feeling as fatigued between sets with my arms constricted. It definitely felt a bit more there weight wise compared to the other log. More like how it feels at shows. So maybe this was a good switch. Perhaps my lower body and core were a bit worn from Saturday as well. The lap and the clean felt fine. Balance seemed a little off and I was very patient with the reps when things weren’t going how they should. I knew that I could do this with doubles. If this had been higher reps, no sir with how things were. There were times it felt like I might biff a rep just with how it was feeling and how it was similar to when I’d miss it earlier in the cycle. But I didn’t. I missed no reps. I had to recall stuff Mr. Westerling had told me before about being more aggressive with the press. But I knew it wasn’t a wise idea to go for rep set the last set. Just do the two reps and punch the clock to end the shift. Build on this. It was then I figured maybe I tighten my belt a notch. I worry that I might have it too tight when it comes to picking stuff off the floor and then putting overhead. Stability actually felt a little better. The first rep wasn’t get but the second rep felt like the best and easiest of the reps. Like how this weight should feel and move for me. Almost regretted stopping there. But need to be smart. Big picture. But thinking on it as I’m realizing that my weight has actually gone done a good bit from when I last felt strong in my pressing. I was 290lbs in shoes. So I’m down like 30lbs in 18 months with only a slight change in my diet (still feel like I’m eating a ton). So my leverages are all screwy likely but I’m not really sure if I can put weight back on. And maybe relook at the elbow sleeve situation as it may be mine inadvertent weight loss causing more of the issues with pressing at this time. Put stuff away and got back to work. Stretched after work.

September 20, 2023 – Week 13, Day 2

Dynamic Warm Up

13” Trap Bar Deadlifts (Versa Gripps, briefs)

Comments: I was feeling anxious. Slight eye twitch. I think it is partly work and just the stress of training cycle with a deadline approaching. I had slightly burnt my tongue on Monday eating hot stew and not sure if that was part of me feeling not that great like I had a slight cold or allergies. Going to try and fill out my frame some leading up to Nationals with more small meals added that are easy to eat and high calories relative to size. But save that for after training so I can make sure my stomach handles it and I don’t have any adverse reactions. I ended up taking nasal spray to see if that helped with the post nasal drip stuff. Have to remember that when I do take that stuff that I tend to feel better and put in good work in training but then I feel a little more worn after that. An acceptable risk since I will have two days off to recover before training weights again. Cooler out today. While I could’ve waited until after work if I wanted to see how I felt then, it wasn’t the best decision if I wanted to try the new foods/meals after my lunch break was done and then it would make for a later evening in general. This unfortunately was going to be a going into the actual office twice this month for dumb scheduling based reasons so I’d need to get up early tomorrow. So lunch break it was. Since it was cooler out I wore a black shirt since the slogan “I just want to tone” seemed to be in line with my current frame. Tongue in cheek. The warming up stuff was fine. Almost slipped doing the ankle stuff at the beginning so that woke me up. Left shoulder slightly more achy compared to Monday but that didn’t really seem to be an indicator of things from what I’ve seen. Then time for trap bar deadlifts. Same setup as last time. Plan this time was to work up to a top set of 3 reps, ideally between 85% and 90% of what I feel I could pull today, but really using the 310kgs/683lbs goal. With dropping down a weight class, the opener for the deadlift will be 250kgs, so 20kgs less. Still same jumps. Knees were feeling a bit achy on these working up. But I am starting to get used to how these feel I think in that it feels uncomfortable and heavy but I can do reps with it. I had bought a new set of thinner plates (specially made) so that I could load up more weight safely on the power stair implement at home (though not really needed with not doing the open HW class now) but can also be for other things. They are nice and were cheaper than a comparable calibrated thinner plate. Plate jumps up to 510lbs. If I was going off of how 420lbs felt and this was a straight bar pull, I’d be thinking that this was not a good day. But I think I’m getting a better idea of things and making sure I’m applying the appropriate amount of hype/aggression when needed. The suggested top weight was 600lbs and to do a single after 510lbs with 555lbs. I got a little amped but not maximally so for 555lbs. It actually seemed to move quite well. Like better than 562lbs had felt two weeks ago. So unless something went really wrong, 600lbs was happening for a triple. Don’t want to get greedy here. I did want to get over 600lbs just to say that I was for reps. Also as a confidence boost. So added 2lbs just because. This set I did get more amped up. Not sure if it was to the max but it was pretty good. Thinking back on it, I know this wasn’t 100% amped because that becomes a whole routine and I’d be just wiped afterwards coming back down haha. But this was still a good bit of hyping. First rep went I knew I had it. Making sure that I wasn’t bouncing these reps. Some slow down on number three. But I was trying to not do these as touch and go which I’ve been guilty of doing in the past. I definitely had 1-2 reps left in the tank here. So this workout would be me essentially doing the first two lifts for the deadlift at Nationals. Next time will be a single (leaving some in the tank still of course) so should be about the next jump or so. Had some BCCAs and a bowl of oatmeal as I put stuff away before eating some chicken and getting back to work. Had some more small meals (protein shake, almond butter and honey sandwich, more oatmeal) before work ended and stretched.

September 23, 2023 – Week 13, Day 3

Dynamic Warm Up

Sandbag Tosses (16’)

Stone Carry and Loads
Stone of Steel
140x10’ to 50”
210x10’ to 50”
Atlas Stone
265x10’ to 50”
290x10’ to 50”
315x10’ to 50”

Atlas Stone Loads
350x5 (21”) to 50”

Comments: Rest of the week was ok. I was feeling a little under the weather. Like seems to be the case, either the weakest cold ever or allergies. I had taken Dayquil to help Wednesday night because I needed to sleep as I had to go into the office for work Thursday for a dumb training (why go to the place most likely to have an active shooter to do the active shooter training?). I felt uncomfortable at the office and my left hip was aching a little. Meals off slightly as well trying to figure out what works when at the office really. Went for walk after work. I felt better at home. Friday was about the same and I took Dayquil and I seemed to feel better in the evening. Which had me thinking it was allergies. So took actual allergy meds in the morning with nasal spray before going out to train. It can be really weird with allergies for me. Also stress doesn’t help. Even if I don’t think I’m stressed. Something is if I got a slight eye twitch. Maybe it is work, maybe it competition peak. Probably a little of column A and column B. I slept in for about a half hour because I was feeling tired and my left knee was achy. There wasn’t really an incentive to drive out early due to rain. Going to be a thing with the hurricanes in the southeastern US. I had gone to bed somewhat earlier so as not to stay up getting things together to go train (I already had most done). With the rain, it doesn’t always stick around when tied to the tropical storms so there are periods where there is a break. And normally if it has just passed where I am, I will then drive through the worst of it getting out to the gym and then hopefully by the time I setup and get ready, it will have passed. Warmed up with the movement prep stuff. Knees and shoulders were a little achy. Not surprising with how things have felt this week and with taking Dayquil twice in the week after the deadlift session. There was a decent group of people training and it was still raining a good bit so I did end up helping out with stuff for stones and power stairs for other people. I wasn’t sure how long the break would be when the rain finally let up so I started for toss work even while it was still wet outside. First thing was bag toss. Didn’t have to worry about energy being sapped by sun as there wasn’t any. Just a little bit of a breeze. Similar warming up as last time with swings and trying to stretch back and high pull tosses. Even though the toss height for under 265lbs is 15’ compared to the 16’ for the open class which I’ve been training on, sticking with that higher height. As had been the case last time, goal was 5 tosses with 30lbs and then rest as I felt I needed to and then do 5 more tosses with more weight. So the two 5 minute EMOMs again. Should be no problem with 30lbs. Then my first toss I tossed it really high straight up in the air. Oops. I reset things and then did the EMOM. My hair tie situation was losing some elasticity so some errant hairs were getting loose and in the way. I was also having a bad time with the bag landing in water and having to wick the water off the handle. But mostly fine here. I do like my new camera tripod as I can get better angle with the mobility it has. I ended up getting caught up in something so the break between the light bag and the heavier bag was a bit longer than I planned (about 8 minutes). Same guidelines as last time with the weight increase being 1-3lbs to the weight. Notes suggested I do 40lbs based off how last time went. That was what I was thinking anyways. First toss I grazed the band on the way up. George came out at some point after my first toss so I had an audience for the rest of it haha.  Some pressure added. Third toss I reached back a bit too much and hit the bottom of the toss tower. It didn’t really affect my toss though. I’ve been trying to use my body levers to my advantage and get it more of a swing down and stretch back to build up momentum. I’m happy that I’m getting air time off the ground with my triple extension consistently. Fourth toss I’d say was my best. The last toss got a little sideways but still good. So no misses with 40lbs. Likely go up another 2lbs next time. Time for stones. I took my time with setting things up here a bit. I was nervous but for a different reason. This was the first thing that has actually been “altered” to the originally written workout plan for Nationals since doing 265lbs. And I was second guessing. What if I don’t make weight and still need to do open class, shouldn’t I be prepared? You’re being a coward not doing open weight class. Unhelpful negative self-talk that I have to blot out of my mind. It seems I will find a way to create stressful scenarios for myself regardless of the choices I make. I didn’t have to worry about too much here compared to last time as far as finding what works. Streamlined that down. This workout I was to do 10’ runs with about the weight of each stone in the medley. We don’t quite have those weights so this was closest (I had provided the stone weights and Mike indicated to do these). I didn’t want to deal with the smaller diameter stones since the form is different and just adds grime. So I did the stone of steel for the first two lifts. The 265lbs and 290lbs aren’t the best stones with being dusty but I can get them done. Need to for the 270lbs and 300lbs for Nats. Each in under 6 seconds. 315lbs was the next stone up to mimic the 325lbs. Slightly slower and definitely noticed the hamstrings on this one walking it in. Then I was to do a set of 5 reps. Seeing as how well 330lbs went, I was to do contest weight of 350lbs. It’s a good stone but it was probably going to be a bit tougher since it was a 21” diameter stone. Again, trying to not be forced into a deep lap and just go at a comfortable pace. Actually felt pretty good the first three reps. Fourth rep my ability to stick to it was going down and it was a lot harder to pull into the lap. Also took the tacky towel with it so just took that as a sign to reapply the tacky towel for this last rep. The pick was a lot easier compared to the fourth rep but I was definitely feeling it by the extension so that was a bit tougher and had to contort a bit to get it on there. But set of five reps done. Cleaned up and drank a protein shake before driving home (so I could get more food in me and clean up kitchen). If I can get my log press feeling better, I should be golden.

Saturday, September 16, 2023

September 11, 2023 - September 16, 2023 - Week 12

 September 11, 2023 – Week 12, Day 1

Dynamic Warm Up

12” Log Clean and Push Presses (one clean)

Comments: I was nervous for this particular pressing session. Which is what it was going to be. Has been essentially the same for the past three weeks with feeling better each time. I had put some significance on it. Warming up stuff felt fine. I’d say probably the least I’ve noticed any aches in my shoulders or knees. Then time to log press. As mentioned, it has been 20lbs increases to the working weight with 5x2 with an option to rep out the last set up to 10 reps. The wasps were watching so I didn’t feel like moving the power rack as it wasn’t really in the way anyways. I had been able to get a new camera stand delivered and it actually is a good bit sturdier than my older one. I don’t see it breaking easily. Working up with the log didn’t feel bad. Things seemed to be smooth. Only thing I could really notice was that I was getting a little lightheaded on the pressing. Also biceps were sore but I knew to expect that from stone lifting on Saturday. I was feeling nervous even though this was routine with the increases week to week. Liquid chalk to my hands to keep them somewhat dry. Like last week, I left all the gear on during the rests breaks for the first four doubles and then stripped down to rest for about 5 minutes before the potential rep set. Pressing was feeling pretty good and powerful. Like I could do doubles with 250lbs for multiple sets. But I was nervous. I was expecting things to feel tough on my back on the pick and they never did. I could tell though that my lower body was a bit sore/fatigued from the stone work with the log in my lap and the feeling of the leg drive in the hips. The rep set was the thing I was worried about. I knew that I was to do 2-10 here if I was feeling good and that there was no shame in just doing a double. But like I said, I wasn’t feeling bad. I got set and I could tell that this wasn’t going to be as easy as 190lbs was. But I felt like 10 reps was there. But apparently it wasn’t. After the fifth rep, badly misgrooved the first attempt at a sixth rep with it going well out in front of me. Could’ve got it I think if I committed to it but then that wasn’t what I was to be having these reps to be grinders. I went for it again and it stayed better in the groove but it just felt like my triceps couldn’t do anything. So I was not happy with five reps. I was fully expecting 10 reps. Even 8 reps with some in the tank to put me at 280lbs or so max as a minimum moving forward. I felt like maybe the amount of gear was too much. The elbow sleeves are actually relatively new addition to training in my lifetime and I’ve never really done higher reps consistently besides those viking presses. Maybe it was messing with my pressing flow and fatiguing stuff in an unexpected way? So there was some hesitation but I took off the elbow sleeves and recleaned the log and did three more reps before I felt like the next would be a grinder. Since I had hesitated, it was about 70 seconds between the set of 5 reps and then the set of 3 reps. Used a few different mental tacks of approach to try and mollify and calm myself but I knew that I’d be irritated and angry at myself for not being better. One bad thing about training at lunch and then going back to work is when I don’t perform how I expect myself and then having to move on with the day and not be able to just eat and go to bed haha. Perhaps dipped a bit too deep into the well for stones. But I think a positive is that seeing the elbow sleeves may be a hindrance for me. Reassess things and it will seem more likely to treat 285lbs at Nationals as a max single attempt rather than something I should be able to get reps at at this point in time. Top end strength isn’t quite back at this point. Will need to work things out after Nationals to get my pressing back up to acceptable levels. Ate lunch before logging back into work. Stretched after work. Need to keep food intake up and spirits up. Not let it affect how I proceed with other things with training.

September 13, 2023 – Week 12, Day 2

Dynamic Warm Up

Power Stairs (18”)

Comments: I was nervous for this session. I knew it was going to be tough and I knew my confidence had taken a hit from the way log turned out Monday. As far as overhead, I’m going to be peeved and annoyed with it until it is how I want it to be, regardless of what I used to rationalize and move forward. It is going to require a good bit of a rebuild after Nationals is all I can really say on that. Have to put that out of my foremind and focus on the current task at hand. Got five other events that aren’t nearly as frustrating for me. Right knee was feeling a little achy but thankfully the mobility stuff felt good. I’d say about the same as the Monday training session. Today was the power stairs session. Once again. Work up to a set of 9 reps with the again but this time with the second implement weight. This was going to be tall order going up 45lbs on this from last time with how this many reps felt. Granted, I felt I still had 3 reps in the tank after that set of 9 reps last time. This was going to be tough, no bones about it. I could very well fail but I told myself that I wasn’t stopping until I got 9 reps here. Anyway, warming up went well. Same progression as last time as far as using the bumper plates for the lighter sets and then swapping out once I got to 5 plates added or so. I realized as I was going up in weight that this may be close to the limit with the weighs I got at home for safely using for power stair. I had thought my math had shown there was enough room to go up to contest weight for the heaviest. Maybe there still is and I’m actually not sure what the last bit of prep will even have me doing. But I may need to invest in some thinner plates for future use. Considering how this was going to be the heaviest I’ve attempted on power stairs ever (and aiming to do a moron’s dozen of reps with it) I figured I needed to test and see how having my belt on for this would feel. Make sure that it didn’t affect mobility and breathing where it is needed. I was nervous for sure. Liquid chalk and then regular chalk combo like last time. I had to really work to keep myself from being too anxious here. Be calm and focused. I could tell immediately that this was going to be tough. But hey, even one rep was a PR here. I was definitely not getting as much clearance as I was able to get with 375lbs here. I was actually kind of surprised how well this was going and I was worried that I miscounted. The weight was getting to be enough with how I was lifting that it was shifting the top of the plyo boxes a bit on some reps so I did have to fix that at times. I got 8 reps within a minute and if I hadn’t hit a wall so would the ninth rep. I just fatigued hard and wasn’t able to lift it how I was before with it slightly in front and then using my thigh to bump it up. First try I was too far away but I hit the resistance of my thighs and set it down to regroup. On the second when I committed I got to lockout but it became more like a Ukrainian deadlift and couldn’t get it past my inner thighs to the front of my legs. I gave it another shot and I could tell I was pretty fried there. I was going to get this. This was the only thing for the day besides the mobility stuff to warm up. I needed to get 9 reps. If getting the first implement weight for 9 was the bare minimum to not be kidding myself, the second implement was the bare minimum to indicate that I could finish the event in the first place. About a minute to regroup and I came back and got it high enough to then bully it up there. I made sure it was fully on and took my hands off like I will need to do to signify I’m done. Not pretty but I did 9 reps with a weight I’ve never attempted to lift before on this event in the going on 15yrs of doing this. Left calf was showing some bruising from contact abrasions. Hopefully it doesn’t end up too bad. Put stuff away before getting back on the clock. Saving the stretching for after work.

September 16, 2023 – Week 12, Day 3

Dynamic Warm Up

Yoke/Wheelbarrow Medleys
Casual Pace
150x50’/emptyx50’ (36 approx)
350x50’/+140x50’ (124 approx)
450x50’/+290x50’ (218 approx)
550x40’ (weights fell off)/+510x50’ (356 approx)
650x50’/+715x50’ (485 approx)
750x50’/+970x50’ (621 approx) in 34.74 seconds

Comments: Work ended up being hectic for the last half of the week. For dumb reasons. It is good that I get about two days rest after the Wednesday workout. Did end up getting some bruising on the left leg around the knee on the inner side as well as the calf from the power stairs banging against the leg. Even through the knee sleeve for the knee. I did think if maybe I need some more protection to minimize bruising on the inner calf area but what I have would likely cause issues with the implement catching and I only have to worry about this for probably two more sessions at the most. Thursday after work I got a flu shot. I meant to do that earlier (not going to have another 2017 Nats flumageddon) but when I had the issues about a month back that had me doubting if I was going to even still try for Nats this year, I kind of put that on the backburner and needed to get that taken care. Again, the two days rest giving me the opportunity to deal with any issues from that (which I’ve never had). This training session was going to be a bit different. The gym in Lancaster was closed for a powerlifting meet. I could technically do what was planned at home but it wouldn’t be the best thing I guess. There was a local gym that I knew of for some time but I’m always hesitant of doing things outside the routine. But they had what I’d need and it would be a chance to see if it was acceptable for further workouts in the future when the other gym is unavailable. Very different having to only drive out maybe 15 miles total. One of those gyms that is in a hole in the wall place right off the exit. But it is equipped with what you need for a powerlifting gym and for some athletics. Again, it had what I’d need. The event for the day was the moving medley for Nationals. Yoke 50’ into wheelbarrow for 50’. I knew this was going to be a pain in the butt as far as setup. I had mentioned last time I was going to probably just do farmer’s walk instead of wheelbarrow going forward. But I figured it made sense to try a nicer wheelbarrow as there is definitely an inertia component at work besides just the weight in hand. I mean, if it was just farmer’s, I could do that at home. As a new gym, I had to do some scouting around and weighing stuff because of trust issues with weights and measurement (I’ve been burnt before haha). The wheelbarrow was much nicer and actually built to hold a lot of weight. Better wheel and space to actually load full size plates on any of the posts. Empty it was 36.5lbs weight in hand. The pin closest to the wheel was 33.8% of weight added and anything added to the second pin was 62.7% of the weight. This would mean I’d need a lot less weight to get to more weight in hand vs the other wheelbarrow at the gym. The yoke was interesting in that it was very light (142.5lbs) despite the build and it had what I can best describe as “floppy feet”. Took a bit to find places to do the mobility stuff warm up. Left shoulder a bit achy compared to earlier this week. Upper back was feeling a bit tight. Considering how light things were, I did a “casual pace” to get a feel for the plot of blacktop/concrete I was using as well as the implements. The hole spacing on the yoke was bit different and I found that I needed to go lower than usual as the one above would be too high and have the implement clip the ground (which wasn’t exactly flat). The wheelbarrow felt fine other than being a low pick. I figured that if it became an issue, I’d save it for the last set to raise up the height to closer to Nats specs as it would be too much for the working up sets. Especially with how time intensive it was setting up and adding weight each set. I realized after the first two sets that I made a mistake with the wheelbarrow and was about 100lbs off where I was supposed to be working up. So I had to adjust to bigger jumps to get the jumps evenish for the top weight. The yoke was definitely slicker than I’d like. As I was getting to the end of the run with 550lbs, I heard a noise and suddenly the yoke was much lighter. I had loaded 200lbs on the side pins and apparently my jostling gait had shook them off. I just stopped there and went on to the wheelbarrow which was the biggest jump in weight yet. Didn’t let that bother me. So don’t put weights on those pins going forward haha. The next run was tougher. The yoke was somewhat smooth but slower than I’d like but I had kind of accepted that I’m going to be doing this with a fatigued lower back anyways and I need to make sure my pick is solid on this yoke. That low pick for the wheelbarrow was quite difficult so I knew I needed to raise it up for the top run or it would most definitely negatively impact the session and my deadlift session coming up in the following week. I had been spinning the wheelbarrow around as well up until this set. It took a bit get things setup for the final set. As I knew that things were feeling a bit rough on the yoke, I ended up doing a pick with the 750lbs a couple of minutes before I went so that I wouldn’t be feeling cold touching it. Which was a good thing as my initial pick wasn’t quite right with the delay in the feet leaving the ground. That would’ve been very frustrating to do that on the working run. I was feeling some pressure for this last set. I was going to feel really stupid if I failed after all the time setting up and hauling almost 1700lbs of weight outside. The owner had been wanting me to come train to “legitimize the gym” as well. So I got set and went. Not terribly fast but it was a smooth run. Trying to not have the yoke get off balance. Then on to the wheelbarrow. Pick was slow to lockout but I kept going. I think that might have taken me longer than the yoke to do. Went slightly past the goal and held for a moment before setting down. I didn’t bother with commands or hand timing this as this was going to be tough and with how this went last time with the wheelbarrow falling over, it didn’t want to add to that. But glad to get it in under 40 seconds. This was tough and I was breathing a bit afterwards. It was a workout in itself putting all the stuff away (even using a pallet and pallet jack at one point). I may end up coming back and doing another session here for Nats assuming I’m doing this again. Home to decompress and stretch out as the drive not very far at all.

Saturday, September 9, 2023

September 4, 2023 - September 9, 2023 - Week 11

 September 4, 2023 – Week 11, Day 1

Dynamic Warm Up

12” Log Clean and Push Presses (one clean)

Comments: Maybe it was good that my birthday was a holiday weekend. Half day work Friday and off on Monday. Pretty much that period has required birthday related activities with different people. I enjoy it but I know it is stressful to me. And even if I don’t really like thinking about the passage of time, it is there with a lot of noise and notice. Still doing what I want as far as activities. Noticing that my lower back is feeling the last week of training. I think the power stairs the most. Even if the volume is low, the top end stuff is a lot of effort and work. I could feel it on the yoke and that does let me understand that that is why a yoke session may feel heavy or slow is due to my lower back being fatigued. Helps explain contest performance a bit better. Speaking of that medley; I got messages yesterday and today about it from the one owner of the gym. Short of it is not to do it again. Don’t use the calibrated plates on anything besides the powerlifts (risk of chipping on concrete) and the bar I used for the loading pin ended up bent. I’ve offered to replace the bent piece of equipment but told not to worry about it. I’d already decided to not do the medley again this way going forward anyways but it is frustrating. I do feel like some people would get special treatment with equipment damage. Oh well. Some other things as well that add to the stress. Slept in a bit today but knew I still needed to be up and about to be ready for evening family stuff as well as making sure that I was able to go to sleep at a reasonable time to be able to be rested for work tomorrow (because that is going to suck). Allergies acting up from being around many more people than usual in the past few days. Can tell some stress as auditory stuff is feeling a bit louder than normal. Warming up stuff felt fine. Some knee joint aches doing squats but to be expected considering how much more knee stress with the yoke/wheelbarrow stuff and it wasn’t as achy as it has been. Push ups felt the least achy in my shoulders and it was more so the left vs both like it has been. So I see that as a good sign. With the allergy meds, I was getting a little bit of cotton mouth. Then time to log press. As mentioned, it is 20lbs increases each week (at least how it is written up to next week) with 5x2 with an option to rep out the last set (confirmation to stop at 10 reps). I didn’t have to move the power rack but I wanted to just to give myself more room. The wasps didn’t appreciate it. As confirmed with last session, I was to test things out with full competition gear to see if there were any issues, even if not needed for this kind of weight. My guess would be that with the heat that the layers and fabrics would have me getting quite warm. It was going to be a hot one so it did make sense to train at when my lunch break would be today as it would just get hotter if I waited until later in the day. Had three fans going in the garage and one for the patio. Plan was try and stay cool as I could between sets to prevent overheating. I had made a recent purchase to add to my weights. I have two sets of 45lbs bumper plates and a set of 10lbs. The setup for Nationals is going to be bumper plates on crash pads and I know that plates larger than the log feel different with how the implement behaves. The 10lbs bumper plates are too flimsy on their own if I keep adding weight to get up to 45lbs and I’m not yet at that point. So I bought a pair of 25lbs bumper plates made of crumb rubber. Cheap things that have an oily consistency. Hopefully that wears off with use. Wore the grip shirt and added pieces each set. No tightness in biceps this week but could tell there was in the upper back from the yoke and wheelbarrow stuff. I was definitely combating some nerves and I think I did a good job of that. Tried to keep things a bit more consistent with my bar path with pressing as I did notice it was a bit of a mixed bag last time (granted a ton better than the first week) and it was very apparent on the last set for reps. Liquid chalk to my hands to keep them somewhat dry. Things were feeling pretty good. I left all the gear on during the rests breaks for the first four doubles and then stripped down to rest for about 4 minutes before the potential rep set. There were nerves and I was ready if need be to shut it down. I feel that this went well. Certainly had less reps in the tank compared to 170lbs but feeling like myself again with pressing. It is a good thing I went a decent pace here as the direct sunlight was making the metal on the log really hot to the touch. I’ll keep hand towels handy if it is still the surface of the sun next time to cover the handles at least during down time. Put stuff away outside and saw the wasps were watching me so I’ll leave the power rack where it is until the sun goes down or they calm down. Since no work, I also took my time with setting things up for Wednesday and leaving that setup to save time. Ate lunch and then stretched out.

September 6, 2023 – Week 11, Day 2

Dynamic Warm Up

13” Trap Bar Deadlifts (Versa Gripps, briefs)

Comments: I was feeling eager/anxious for training. This was supposed to be a really hot day so being the garage was probably the best thing since I can regulate that a bit better with AC from the house as well as the many fans. Tuesday return to work kind of kicked my butt with all the work that came in and with the number of people that were not in. The warming up stuff was fine. Feels good and really the only thing that feels achy is the left shoulder on the push up part of things. There is some tightness in areas but nothing I haven’t had before. And probably to be expected with really pushing some stuff on these non-pressing sessions. Left side outside of quad (but think that is more just tightness in lower back) and tightness in the right calf. Get blood flow going. I don’t know if I needed to have the fans going but I felt it probably made the most sense considering the training. Which was trap bar deadlifts and wearing all the gear I’d wear at Nationals. As I had mentioned, I had done some testing/measuring after the last session to get things figured out. I wanted to make sure that I was pulling from the right height for the deadlift after measuring the Kabuki bar at the gym as that was listed as 12.75” so that is what I got for this setup with some trial and error. It seemed easier to just use my jack stands so that I didn’t have to prop anything up to add more 45lbs plates. I’ve had issues with pull height not being accurate in training vs competition. Sometimes it is my fault (off by like 1” too high) but other times it is error on the part of the competition (setup unsafe or measured incorrectly). But in cases where I was training 3” too low, I’ve ended up pulling about 100lbs more than what I did in training so it would seem best to do lower if not exact than too high. From testing things out, it would appear that the trap bar heights I had from when I was training for the car deadlift for PA Dutch earlier this year were 1” higher than I had thought they were. Which kind of makes sense with how the weights have been feeling at this height in retrospect. Plan here was similar to last time, work up to a top set of 5 reps. But closer to actual 5rm then last time (which was to aim for 10rm). Suggested was 550lbs for that top set. Unlike last time, I actually followed the suggested jumps and reps of plate jumps up until the top weight. I feel I did more jumps last time as I didn’t feel quite warmed up jumping right in and I was feeling the weight more in my joints and back then in my muscles like usual (but lighter weights). The warming up beforehand seemed to get me feeling more prepared compared to that last time. The briefs were also feeling a lot more comfortable this time around. Last week I had been tucking in my shirt into the briefs. This time keeping shirt over briefs and then tightening belt on top of that. Not really sure if either matters. My goal with this was to do between 550lbs and 580lbs. Depending on how good my last single of 510lbs felt (which was the top weight last week). I wanted to make sure 5 reps was happening and while that 1 rep felt decent at 510lbs, I went with 52lbs (most my 25’s are 26lbs). These felt heavy and slow but again, don’t look so bad on video compared to how they felt. I got a little lightheaded on the fourth rep and had to take a slight breather at lockout. I feel like I had at least 1 rep in the tank here, maybe a double. Feeling like maybe not getting as much out of the briefs as I thought I would. My only comparison was the 14” axle pulls for last year’s Nats and that was with two sessions on it. Maybe the movement feels like it loads better with a front bar vs side handle. But there is still something here and I’ll take it to save the hips some considering how brutal this competition will be for the last four events. Even if it 10-20kgs more help at most, that could be enough to get some points with the weight jumps. Goal had been to do 80% of what I felt I could do and aim is 310kgs/683.5lbs. This would be about 80% of 700lbs or 82% of that 310kgs. I really hope I can build up to that next jump (330kgs/727.5lbs) by Nationals. Lower back was feeling less like it was my joints holding things together. I had been slightly worried after seeing how fatigued things had been on yoke Saturday. Put stuff away and got back to work, saving the stretching when I was off the clock afterwards.

September 9, 2023 – Week 11, Day 3

Dynamic Warm Up

Sandbag Tosses (16’)

Stone Carry and Loads
Stone of Steel
140x10’ to 50”
Atlas Stone
200x10’ to 50”
235x10’ to 50”
265x10’ to 50”
290x10’ to 50”
290x10’ to 50”
290x10’ to 50”
290x10’ to 50”
290x10’ to 50”

Atlas Stone Loads
330x5 to 50”

Comments: Work continues to be dumb but whatever. It will keep being this way as it has been for over a decade. Trick I guess is just to keep doing stuff. Body feeling a little bit different compared to the last time I did the trap bar pulls. No shoulder soreness but definitely noticing the strain/fatigue imposed on the lower back and hips from it. Especially with having a session of power stairs and moving medley. Keeping an eye on things and monitoring. I got most of things set up Thursday for Saturday training but still left some things for myself to do Friday evening as well. Primarily because there were items I had ordered for training that arrived Friday afternoon. Allergies were acting up on me Friday and some lower GI issues had me slightly concerned that I’d not be up to the standard for training. But on a scale, this was fine as I only really needed nasal spray to be good. The digestion stuff might end up being an issue. Drive out was fairly uneventful besides the semi trying to crush me or the car accident at the exit to the gym. Training for today was again going to be sandbag toss and stones. The gym was hosting a competition in another city and a good amount of people that train were going to be there either competing or helping out. So I was not expecting anyone coming in to train strongman today because not only where most competing but a good amount of the equipment and weights were out for the competition. But nothing I needed was there so I was good. Warmed up with the movement prep stuff. Knees feeling slightly achy but fine as I went as far as the squats and same with the left shoulder for push ups. First thing was bag toss. I took some breaks with setting up and such to get warm as well as not fatigue stuff. Moving stuff around can sap energy as well as being in the direct sunlight while it is so humid from the thunder storms. Did some swings working on stretching out the back portion of the swing before switching to some catch and release stuff and then some high pull tosses at like 75% power at most. Like last time, goal was 5 tosses with 30lbs and then rest as I felt I needed to and then do 5 more tosses with more weight. So the two 5 minute EMOMs again. From last time, I knew that 30lbs over 16’ was going to be no problem. No issues here with none where I’d say that I made any big cue issues or mistakes. I feel like I’m getting consistently over 19’ on these with this weight. Took about a 6 minutes break before the second set of tosses. Now for this, I was to add 1-3lbs to the weight I did last time (35lbs). I was to pick something that I was “99%” sure I could clear for every toss. This is the same bag I brought to the gym last time so that I can keep adjusting it and use the same style bag as the one at Nationals (I know, weight is weight but I feel the two main bag styles act differently in the air). I had actually adjusted the weight to 38lbs almost right after the last bag toss session. I had meant for 37.5lbs but my scale only goes by .2lbs increments and 37.6lbs was going to irk me haha. Unlike last week, I didn’t graze the band on the first toss. Fourth toss I overthought what I was doing and janked up the pull through and just had the bag go over the 16’ marker. That got me a little annoyed with myself and ended up with my highest toss with that weight for the session on that last toss. The added 3lbs was noticed compared to how things had looked compared to height reached last time. Considering where I was after finding out I was tossing a foot lower than I previously thought, I’ll be ok with being consistent with 40lbs or so over this height. I mean not happy but ok with it.  Likely have two more sessions before Nationals. Time for stones. There was trial and error last time and because I like to be sure on stuff; more trial and error. Last time was kind of my first run with a lot of different adhesives on concrete stones; stones that were dusty and a lot of dried tacky on them. I had two other things to test out for grip. One was another version of the liquid tacky spray and the other was receiver gloves. I didn’t know what to expect with the wet tacky stuff but I had some experience with receiver gloves. From what I recalled, they worked good with tacky towel on the stone of steel but there was issues of slippage and the gloves not holding up to lifting hundreds of pounds. I was very interested to see how the wet tacky went. But this lifting stones business takes time with all these stuff. I forgot how annoying it is to do stones wearing gloves haha. I had specifically bought some isopropyl alcohol spray to use on my hands and arms to dry out my skin from all the sweat and that worked great. So difficult applying tape and putting on the gloves. Also difficult to get my camera to start recording (had to use my nose). Full gear from the start as I wanted to see how putting tacky towel in my soft belt worked. This also meant I got very hot very quickly. Stone of steel empty was easy. Then added the wet tacky and my first thought “this is it?” when I felt it was sticking. Disappointing but not out a lot of money on that purchase (gloves a different story haha). Might have had better luck just using honey. Gloves were not staying sticky at all and trying the sprays was having a bad reaction to the grip part (the spray was balling up). So ditched the gloves (and cleaned up hands as they were so sweaty) before I got to the working sets. So the plan was to do the same thing as last time (275lbs for 5 set of 10’ to 48” done EMOM) but I had asked if I was to have these feel “easy” or be pushing things a little. Part of me was thinking that the wet tacky would work well and I tend to need a week of real stone lifting to feel like myself again. So I was advised that I could go up to 290lbs if I felt like it was good and it wouldn’t detract from Monday’s session since still dealing with residual effects of accumulated fatigue and this training has been set up to dissipate it. Luckily I did feel better this time around (despite all the hassle with gloves) and I was able to keep about the same speed (maybe slightly faster on some reps) with 290lbs vs 265lbs from last time. So that felt good as this is just 10lbs shy of the first weight in the stone medley. I was slightly worried with all the effort with working up to it as well as the lower GI stuff (concerned I’d have stomach cramps). But it all worked out. Then I was to do a set of 5 reps. Initially written as 300lbs to the 275lbs. For this, I was advised I could go up to 330lbs. I was thinking that might be a big ask of myself with no added tacky and not really being in stone repping shape. But as long as I could finish the set powerfully, I was good. As expected, the pick was tougher than I’d like. The residual tacky (I had also sprayed the stone down with spray tack) was quite sticky enough that it took the tack towel out of my belt with it. The extension was really easy that first rep. I paced myself here as I knew the pick was going to be the hardest part of this. Trying to not go into the full squat deep lap if I can help it. Not that I don’t have the mobility to do it but I shouldn’t have to for this and going that deep seemed to be what was irritating my hip last heavy stone training prep. The stone had enough stick to it that I didn’t need to retack at all. I did take a little longer to make sure these reps were solid and to kind of give some time in the event that I did need to retack for pacing purposes. I was starting to feel some fatigue in the extension on the last two reps. But pleased I was able to hit the high end of things and still keep things good. Cleaned up and put stuff away before stretching out and driving home. Realized when I got home that I left my camera tripod at the gym. Gym going to be closed next weekend so getting a new one from Wal-Mart to hold me over for the two weeks until back at the gym.

Saturday, September 2, 2023

August 27, 2023 - September 2, 2023 - Week 10

 August 28, 2023 – Week 10, Day 1

Dynamic Warm Up

12” Log Clean and Push Presses (one clean)

Comments: I had felt somewhat better about myself with how Saturday stuff went. While not feeling like exactly where I wanted to be, I was feeling like I was doing something. But I was still having reservations and leaking out negative self-talk. Which is why it is a good idea to have another set of eyes on things divorced from you. I got a bit of verbal kick in the pants. I had thought I was doing things with the right intent but it was true that I wasn’t exactly. I was still feeling things out and noncommittal. To protect myself if I didn’t hold up to standard. I had to think on things and not just do. Realize how little time there is, how big the ask is. The sessions are minimal but that means I need to wring out everything I can in the little bit I got to do. Realize how few workouts there are to get into shape that respects the level of competition. Being on the fence mentally is the right way to go about getting most out of the training and to have even competing and doing well be an option. All in, even if it doesn’t work out. This smelling salts of a message had me alert and decide on going forward. Dynamic warm up was added to get blood moving and to also put me in the right frame of mind. Not adverse to it. I was having a lot of nervous energy and I could tell that there were things still feeling the stuff I did last week. This warm up will be the same for each session going forward. From there it was time for the lifting, which was just log. As mentioned, 5x2 going up 20lbs from last week. But option to rep out the last set if I felt good. I had not been too pleased with how the pressing had gone. I mean, it was better than what I had felt the week prior but I was all over the place when I was trying my best to be stable and have solid presses. I made the change of direction I was facing to cut down on the direct glare into the sun overhead as well as bring the stall mat I had in the backyard for my throw tower on the patio. Hopefully have my footing even. I was going to move the power rack but one of the wasp/hornets that lives in it was keeping watch and I figured it was best to not disturb things. Considering the intent was to treat things like this was all I was getting, I figured I was to wear what I felt I’d be wearing for contest. I kind of like just adding bits as I get up in weight and this is still weight that should be light. I didn’t need to do the deep lap and sit for my knees as they weren’t stiff or sore. Likely from the warming up but also because I’m not doing so much that is putting a beating on my joints and I can recover. Wore knee sleeves and no grip shirt (but a shirt with a decal) and added soft belts. I got note after the session about full gear to be used so I will for next week. My biceps were feeling a bit sore from stones and that was to be expected. Cleans were feeling really explosive and violent. I ended up using some liquid chalk before the working sets just to keep hands dry as it was a bit humid. Weight was moving like it should. 150lbs last week hadn’t felt 100% but the pressing was moving fast. This felt like I was blitzing that. Took same rests as I did for the week prior. Second set I was a little caught off guard with how powerful my clean was that I stumbled back a bit after I did the first press. Took a moment to compose myself and launched it. Fourth set I was so pumped I did a little hop after I set the weight done. This is how I like things to feel. I took about double the rest before the rep set (90 seconds for the sets, 180 seconds here). I definitely notices some things here. I was definitely treating the previous sets and weights as CAT reps and I kind of knew that that output would exhaust things after a certain point. And that seemed to be about 5 reps. Also showed that I was really not conditioned for reps on overhead pressing using lower body drive. I do feel that I got my air and composed myself and seemed to get a second wind after 2-3 more reps. I stopped at 10 reps because the example had indicated 2-10 reps. So I assumed that 10 was where I was to stop. I had a good bit more in the tank. But goal was to keep things powerful and no grinding reps. And get some confidence back. If I can keep sets of 10 the next two weeks, I will be where I need to be. Biceps were a bit sore from the log work on top of stones. Put stuff away before eating lunch.

August 30, 2023 – Week 10, Day 2

Dynamic Warm Up

Power Stairs (18”)

Comments: I was nervous for this session. It was work and I felt unprepared. I should be able to do this and I kind of need to be able to do this as the bare minimum. I’ll get to it. I had felt good with training Monday. Work has just been exceedingly irksome and tiresome and trying to not let that drag me down. But I also need to stay focused on things that need to be focused on. I had been thinking about this workout for over a week with things to setup as well as getting my thoughts together. Had me waking up a little early this morning and I got a little distracted as I kind of jumped right into work and I wasn’t sure if I logged in for the day at my start time or not. I sent e-mails to explain I was here and signed in (maybe signed in twice). Just shows how hectic things are. Also had an issue happen right as I was about to go to lunch and ended up having to take that 15 minutes or so later than I had wanted to. Any ways, I needed to step away to do some steps. Same dynamic warm. Some stuff felt better and smoother than Monday and other things still about the same. It is nice to not have my knees be aching doing basic stuff. Shoulders are still a little achy with stuff. The stretch component is showing that stuff like my chest and hips are tight from the training sessions. Today was power stairs. Work up to a set of 9 reps with the first implement weight for the event at Nationals. I had made some purchases. I could’ve taken a power pin from the gym but I knew that could cause issues for the person I know that is training for Nationals at that gym. I also needed to make things a better setup for at home to do this. This was something that kind of needed to be done on it’s own day for recovery purposes. This had been part of why I moved the stall mat to my patio so that the foundation had some protection from the repeated lifting. I didn’t feel confident in using my hard foam setup for the planned weight so I had gotten plyo boxes that were cheap (and a pain to put together). Weighed it down with a sandbag inside the setup. I felt I should be able to do this but also not quite sure. I’ve very rarely done power stairs. I’ve always gone heavier in competition then in training. I’ve done it twice with an actual implement in training twice and probably a total of four times in the past 13yrs. It has always been for very few steps and part of a medley. Most I’ve done with my janky setup 13yrs ago was 390lbs to 20” (it was a thick handle attached with chain) and 325lbs with the same setup. But no training (and not realizing it was a contest) I’d done 400lbs for a few steps. The last time I did this for Nats the weight was really easy. But it was doubles with short rests. And I think the reps in a set that I wasn’t exactly prepared for that amount of conditioning for this kind of movement. I was worried that I’d gas out and that I’d be knocking the setup around. That I’d take forever to do all nine reps. But as I mentioned, this was the bare minimum. I’m going to have to do 170kgs, 190kgs and 210kgs each for 3 steps so doing the lightest of them for 9 unbroken reps seems like a must to have any shot at doing stuff here as well as then progressing from there. Warming went well. I wasn’t expecting much with the lighter weights but it did help to do that and get used to placement. I made it work by using the thicker bumper plates at the lighter weights so that I got used to height of the weight stack and get used to bumping it off the legs onto the platform. Also measured the height of the handle to go off the measuring being used for “pick” heights considering the trap bar and that meant bottoming out the pin. With this setup, my intent had been to have something that was solid with a grip and would be able to have me hop up with the implement. Not enough space and I didn’t feel like making something unsafe for that. Perhaps I can do that on the deload at the gym (and maybe also swap medicine balls/100lbs sandbags for stone carry and load deload for last minute skill work). So I put on liquid chalk and then dry chalk. No hard belt here as I wanted to breathe and I’m not sure how I’d feel with a belt as far as moving. Maybe next time if I feel like the weight jump is going to be an issue. I felt good at the start. About 4 reps in I started to slow down. Resetting and deloading each rep certainly added to the work, effort and fatigue. I knew I had this at 7 reps but I could feel that I was slowing down a lot. Rep number 8 felt like the most labored. Rep 9 went better. Stomach felt a little queasy for a second afterwards and then I was good. Got the reps in under 40 seconds. Goal had been to be under a minute. Be interesting to see how that pace translates when not having to reset. I was feeling a bit of high from the training and putting all the stuff away helped me cool off before clocking back in for work.

September 2, 2023 – Week 10, Day 3

Dynamic Warm Up

Yoke/Wheelbarrow Medleys
200x50’/+230x50’ (103 approx)
300x50’/+402.5x50’ (200.5 approx)
400x50’/+577.5x50’ (300 approx)
500x50’/+756.5x50’ (401 approx)
600x50’/+934x50’ (502 approx)
700x50’/+1122x50’ (608.5 approx)

Comments: Work was hectic and being told after lunch on Wednesday that Friday would be a half day when already had stuff scheduled didn’t help. But it is always going to be something. Road work on Thursday in the neighborhood meant I had to alter the walking route slightly but it was finished for Friday. Having half day with work did give me some time to take care of stuff so that I could just not worry about stuff Saturday morning to get out to train. Birthday related things and family stuff for Friday, Saturday and Sunday with different people. My elbows and knees were feeling a little stiff/achy before heading to bed for Friday. Woke feeling ok Saturday. Drive out was fine as well. A good bit of people at the gym. Some just training stuff, some doing stuff for the competition the gym is holding next week (won’t be at the gym). I was expecting one person out of town coming to train, Ty, that I hadn’t competed with since 2021 and he was going to be there doing several of the Nationals events. But even more surprising was a few more out of town people coming out to train events for Nationals and other shows (Master’s and Tridents). Joe I’ve not competed with directly (only show was the same 2021 as Ty and we used same weights but 300 under and 300 over were separate scoring). So while I only had the event to do for training, I had left early on the assumption that I’d probably be at the gym for a good bit helping out and observing. Warming up was first. Everything feels good for me besides the push ups I do. Not that they are bad but my shoulders feel achy and elbows a bit stiff. It is likely that those are things that are still not quite recovered from the months of work and overtraining. The event for the day was the moving medley for Nationals. Yoke 50’ into wheelbarrow for 50’. It will be a setup where the handles are on the yoke. Initially this was setup to be yoke and farmer’s walk because of course that would be easier. But the gym does have a wheelbarrow. I had mentioned that I felt that the yoke would be the thing I need more work on compared to the wheelbarrow as my grip should be good and the weight in hand is less than what I was expecting really. But this was the only thing and I wanted to see how the wheelbarrow felt as I know it will be more effort get the inertia moving as it will be just shy 640lbs weight in hand but will be 850lbs of weight needing to be moved. So at least for this time, wheelbarrow. Or see if I could even get things heavy enough on the wheelbarrow. I think I also wanted to do the wheelbarrow because it was different and interesting. But good lord is it a pain in the ass to setup in just about every regard. So pretty much I was to do 100lbs jumps with the end goal being 700lbs for the yoke and 600lbs for the wheelbarrow for weight in hand. I had done the math to calculate for the wheelbarrow. Empty it was 27.5lbs weight in hand. The pin closest to the wheel was short and only fit up to 35’s and was 25% of weight added. So I just the default weight really. Anything added to the second pin was 56.7% of the weight. I used the lighter yoke since it was easier plate math there with just doing 100lbs jumps and starting empty essentially. I was feeling a bit slow with the yoke but it has been about a month since I last did it and power stairs could be taking a bit out of me. I mean, I’ve never done more than 2 reps with 375lbs and that was in a competition about a decade or so ago. The wheelbarrow didn’t feel bad at all, but it was also about 100lbs under the yoke weight. I was sweating a good bit with the grip shirt on and there was a fair amount of moving weights around for this. Yoke was feeling heavy on the picks and slow on the picks as well so I knew that I’d be not hitting any speed PRs today. Ty decided to work in with me after the penultimate run and I was ok with that as I needed a bit of a break to steal myself. I was planning on timing this and everything setup. I think I got a little confused as I accidentally forgot to account for the 14lbs additional weight for the last run so it came out a little heavy for the wheelbarrow. So yoke didn’t start off like I was shot out of a cannon but it did feel a little better than 600lbs. Video does show I’m doing the slower strides when my back is fatigued. But going to have that with this being the second day event and second event of that day. Made quick transition to the wheelbarrow and that’s when things went sideways. Literally. This wheelbarrow is a single wheel and probably not meant for over 500kgs of weight. So my pick was a bit violent and it was more to one side and there was no way to stop it from toppling over. I was really frustrated with the set coming to halt like that. I was debating restarting and doing 700lbs again but decided if I could get the wheelbarrow back up I’d finish the run. Andrew and Ty helped me get it back up and I went for it. This was slow going because of the essentially flat and unstable wheel. Grip was fine, just stabilizing it and my quads were getting a good workout (similar to pushing a truck uphill). So it felt good to finish it (and it was only like 2 minutes to get it back up and ready). I may just do farmer’s handles going forward now that I’ve gotten that out of my system. I think it will depend on how convenient it is to use a different style wheelbarrow at another gym in two weeks (this gym closed for powerlifting meet). Only really difference is not as much quad fatigue compared to farmer’s (and easier on the back to pick up). It took a bit of time putting stuff away but I was fine with that as this was the only thing I was doing today and I helped with Ty and Joe on Nats events before heading home to get ready for family stuff. Stretched after I got back from good meal.