Tuesday, May 16, 2023

May 15, 2023 – Week 10, Day 1

Bottom Up Kettlebell Presses/Dumbbell Pullovers (3 seconds stretch)/Cobra Stretches (5/15)

Sandbag Tosses
High Pulls
Bottle Drill

Viking Presses (strict, facing away, hands 11” down handles)
3 Second Eccentrics

Swiss Bar Chest Supported Rows

Dumbbell Lateral Raises

Incline Band Tate Presses (2 second holds)

Comments: I wouldn’t have minded to have a day off work today so I could recover a bit more. I had felt worn from Saturday and Sunday was a bit of getting some things done but also being kind of tired and only getting most of the things done and not all of them. Monday I could tell there was some disc compression symptoms from Saturday session. To be expected with going as heavy as I did on stuff. Especially the offset loading of stone to shoulder. But I’ve had this worse and better. Plan was to see how I felt and tolerate it until the end and then do some decompression on the dip station. That way my upper body would be good and warm and I wouldn’t need to worry about the back on pressing. Mobility stuff to start as I have been. No changes made here. Just working on the focus and thinking about the parts and what I’m doing. Outside for the bag toss drill. I had some ideas for this as this was the skill work session. I’m finally getting around to watching The Last Dance on Netflix and while I don’t care for most sports, I consider myself an athlete and can appreciate the effort and skill. So I decided I’d work on the positioning and by that, I mean working out where I can be to reach the bag and how far back I go on a hop back and where the spot at minimum needs to be for success with heavier bags. I spent about 5 minutes doing this after getting measurements. The hop back seems viable really only up to 40lbs as it stands if I don’t do anything besides just hop back. Trying to figure out the best way to go about getting into position that will be efficient time wise and repeatability. I can’t really work the hop back as it takes more effort than not full effort to do it right and get the timing down. So this was more the run out and where I’d land. I also figured that since I wasn’t aiming over a target, it didn’t make sense to move the stall mat closer as it won’t go over the yoke and it will take less time to retrieve now. I’ll need to practice the run out and setup some more and preferably at the gym setup where less chance of slipping on something. I still liked the idea of the high pulls so I treated those like warming up for the bottle drill. Trying to lower the effort I’m putting into these and trying to get my feet to not be so flatfooted here. Trying to not get frustrated that I feel I won’t get close to completing this series at the show as my current abilities stand. Then it was viking press for strict style this week. Plan was work up in sets of 2-3 for 260-270lbs added for 3x3 and report back RIR on the last set. I felt that doing 45lbs jumps and triples would be fine and get me to 270lbs primed enough. I was initially feeling quite strong but then I wasn’t so sure as I got closer to the planned set weights. But I ended up doing them no problem really. This would actually be decent stuff for barbell work really for me. Not trying to destroy myself on the strict presses as the push pressing is where it will be at. But I do like this variation and if it wasn’t requiring so much setup beyond what a standard barbell needs, I wouldn’t mind doing these in the off season as primary pressing. Then eccentrics added. I was to do 2x5 and between 230-240lbs with the 3 seconds. Longer rests allowed. Idea was to have last set feel like 2RIR. But to report back RIR on that last set. I took off the 45lbs plate and added a 10lbs. I was tempted to add 5lbs more but told myself that these were very difficult last time so going up 15lbs was a pretty big jump as is. That first set made me feel like a made a grave error in judgement as it felt tough. Like not having 2RIR that first set. So took the rest to the max allowed and came back and the second set it was a lot better. Another session of not having the setup try and tip over thanks to the bungee cords. Into the garage for the rest of the workout. Chest supported rows with the swiss bar. No holds this time. Workout called for 3x6 at RPE 7. I wasn’t sure what that would be as I’ve only ever done these rows just the past four sessions and with pauses. So no clue what I could do with no pauses. And also with these being no straps. Grip was pretty fatigued I felt though my arms weren’t feeling terrible sore after all the stone work. I figured that the top weight I was using for the hold variation would be a good start for the last warm up assuming things felt good. Roughly 50lbs jumps told me that would work out for me. I think I didn’t want to use 45’s on this as I was worried that I might hit the floor and disrupt the movement. Left side of my upper back got immediately sore after the first set. But I felt this was still a bit light and added 5lbs each set. I’d say that ended up being better by the end of it. Next was dumbbell raises for shoulders. Just regular ole lateral raises. No tempo. Just 2x10-15 with RPE being 6-7. Intent was the least amount of weight to work and maintain. I was curious to see how 20lbs or so would feel so I did that. I wasn’t expecting to be doing over 2x10. And initially, there were slight aches in the shoulders on the first few reps each set and then that went away and they felt wonderful. So that was neat. Last thing was band tate stuff. Same as it has been but the rep range expanded to 12-20 so I felt that I should increase the band tension. Again, intention was 2x12 with the increased band tension but it felt good so I decided to push it and just take a shorter rest for the next set (I’ve been taking longer rests here because of how these fatigue my triceps). I felt that this being with normal rest, I recovered quite well. Too many things going on and I ended up eating dinner and stretching but not icing my knees. I felt that was passable this time as only did a little compared to the push press weeks as far as knee stuff.

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