Friday, February 17, 2023

February 16, 2023 – Week 17, Day 3

Band Assisted Thread The Needles

Swiss Bar Bench Presses w/ bands (+28lbs/+48lbs)
No bands
Add Bands

One Arm Band Rows

Paused Band Y Raises (2 seconds)

Single Arm Overhead Band Triceps Extensions (followed by 30 seconds stretch)

Knees Over Toes Calf Raises (3 seconds stretch)/Deep Squat Holds
bwx20/bwx45 seconds

Comments: Kind of realized near the end of the day that Monday was a holiday and this upcoming was a four day weekend situation. The “meeting” ended up being a nothing burger. Could’ve been an e-mail (though they seem to think we don’t pay attention to those…). Notes were for this workout that it should be quite easy. Left hip area was still feeling not smooth is best I can describe it. Kind of been like this since Monday really. Sometimes when stuff has been that long, I start to think if it is the cause I think it is and that it might be other things. Initially thinking it was related to husafell carry favoring the one side for that. But now I was thinking maybe it was that and then jerks with dumbbell with how explosive those were that may be I got my back and hips tight. See how training went. This workout seems like a lull in the storm with what is expected of me for the next 3 workouts planned (which will likely be the last heavy touches on stuff before show). So first thing was the “thread the needles”. Feeling the intercoastal tightness again on the right side. I think maybe I’m overthinking things on this exercise as doesn’t really feel like there is much where it feels like scapulae is moving or stretched really. But stick to what I’ve been doing on these. Mini band with the mat down and no rest between sides. Elbows less achy. Then the only thing involving weights today with the swiss bar for benching. Same bands as last week. Indication was I could do a slight pause if I felt that helped with bar path consistency. Work up in sets of 2-3 reps and do 155-165x5x3. I figured on just doing 160lbs as it was easier to just do 30lbs jumps with the empty bar to start (with 1.5lbs micro weights added). These were all easy reps with the top weight. I wore wrist wraps wrapped lightly. Figured that I’ve been wearing belt and straps for speed stuff like squats and deads so might as well follow suit here. No reason to beat up the wrists more. Compared to pulls and squats, I feel out of practice on benching as there were times I felt it all in my chest, all in my shoulders, all in my back and all in my triceps. I should add that there was some discomfort laying back from my lower abdominals being sore from banded ab wheel with pauses. After the first two sets working up, I did some dip station traction on my back to see if that helped. I think it did a little. Hopefully things are in more favorable spots and I start to feel better again and let things heal. So next was a band rows. One arm at a time and for 2 sets of 10-15 reps with like 4-5RIR. Same as last time. Stay loose. Using my heaviest band already so didn’t feel like a point to changing things up and pushing things too much beyond what was asked here. Feel muscles, not straining joints much at all. Next was Y raises. No dumbbells this time. Band version and for just one set at low RPE. Essentially 1 set of 12-15 reps with 1-2ct holds. Micro band worked well enough here. These feel nice every so often. Especially after all the dumbbell ones with the iso holds and unilateral stuff. Triceps with stretch again as well. This seems to remain unchanged and probably be in the mix until the end of this training cycle. It did note the RPE to be similar to the Y raises so I did decrease the band tension slightly. Felt fine. Absolutely no elbow aches this week. Last thing the KOT calf stuff with optional hip mobility. This time just one set of 20 reps and option of 2-3ct stretches. I went with 3 seconds as I felt that stretch was where I needed the work still. There is still a discrepancy between the left and right as far as mobility and tightness but feels less like a chore and my knees seem less achy after doing them for a few weeks (I mean less achy after doing them as they used to be a little achy at first doing them). I initially was going to do just 30 seconds on the deep squat hold like I had done last week but figured that might as well keep it up to longer to match the KOT stuff but also because I wanted to get stretch and see how things were feeling to assess for big stones on Saturday. Stretched after putting stuff away and ate a roast. Ice knees before bed. Big workouts coming.

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