Monday, January 2, 2023

January 2, 2023 – Week 11, Day 1

Circus Dumbbell Clean and Presses
115x1 L
130x1 L
145x1 L
145x1 L
145x1 L
145x1 L
145x1 L
145x1 L
145x1 L
145x1 L
145x1 L
145x1 L
115x1 R
130x1 R
130x1 R
130x1 R
130x1 R
130x1 R
130x1 R
130x1 R
130x1 R
130x1 R
130x1 R

Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Presses (back support)
100’sx8 PR+3 reps

Band Assisted Pull Ups (pin 22)

Lying Dumbbell Triceps Extensions

Paused Side Plank Lifts (4 seconds)

Comments: Off work so able to do another session with sun light. At least that would’ve been the case if the sun was out. At least not raining but still quite damp outside (at least that was the case before I started). Going to need the time considering that planned work for the day’s training. I slept in a good bit and wasn’t expecting that. I would’ve figured Sunday would be the day I did that after event work Saturday and having to get up early after doing stuff Friday night with family. But no. Noticing some bruising in the forearms from the husafell carries. Going to need to be cognizant of that and provide some protection to keep recover time down as already have contact bruising from circus bell each week. Circus dumbbell to start things off. Plan for the day was to work up to 135-145lbs for 10 singles done EMOM style and not rushing the lifts (treating as if 180lbs). I generally seem to do well enough with EMOM on circus dumbbell so I figured I could push the higher end of things. I also felt then that I should be able to do 130lbs for the same on the right side. I know I need practice with the big bell for positioning and such. Rain was light and it was on and off as I went today. Warming up didn’t feel as good as it had last week. Probably because lower volume with my jumps. Rather than do a lift for one side and step back and go again, I alternated sides without setting the dumbbell down until it was time for the more focused singles. Things seemed to start out decent enough with the left side. I could tell things weren’t as crisp on the third set and the fourth set was definitely the worst of the lifts today for both sides as far as working sets. Got it sorted after that and had the next one be about the best lift of the day (ninth one could also be the case). Switching to the right side and that first lift to get ready was terrible. Like I couldn’t let it come back down on my shoulder safely with how it went up. I was tempted to do another rep to have it better but I figured that it was enough to get things awake again for the right side. Definitely more deliberate with the right side. Last two lifts might have been the best for that side. Got through circus dumbbell work and got stuff mostly out of the dampness and rain. Thankfully the weights seemed to dry off quickly. Into the garage for more shoulder work with the seated presses with dumbbells. Last week of them this cycle. Notes were to work up in sets of 3-5 reps and do a top set of 8-10 reps. Drop them if I hit a wall, don’t grind things out. I had 100lbs in my head as needing to be done. My PR since 2016 is 5 reps but I felt I could beat that. I should have 8 reps in me based on how the past few sessions have gone. Sticking to no support gear as I’ve been doing on these to be consistent. 100lbs is about the limit I can load up and not shorten the ROM on the dumbbells with having 25’s on both sides of them. I can add 1lbs more I think. I felt that doing smaller jumps would make more sense than doing 30lbs jumps. I was feeling decent working up. Left shoulder a little achy on one of the sets (I think either 60’s or 80’s). 100’s I sort of rushed the setup but I did manage to pull off the 8 reps which I’m certain is the most I’ve done with 100lbs dumbbells for overhead pressing in any style. I might need to invest in some more small plate weights to go heavier. Back outside again for band assisted pull-ups. Raining off and on still so wiped down stuff between sets. Same as last week with the plan being 3x8-10 with 2R. So less band assistance to get into that range. Same band and just lowering the pin height by two placings seemed to do that trick. Definitely getting to the point where the end portion of the lift has minimal assistance. Still sticking to control and not letting momentum or gravity help things as best as I can. I think I can lower things two more pin heights before I run out of rack holes and by then it would also be negligible the amount of assistance. I didn’t think that the two pin drop would still allow me to hit 3x10 as well as I did. Back into the garage to finish up the day. Lying dumbbell extensions but different. No tempo and surprisingly going for a heavy top set and then a rep down set. I already had decided that 40’s would be the down set just from how feel was. Both were to be RPE 8 sets (10-12 and 12-20). Adding weight seems tough on shoulders and triceps at times so needing to break into this a bit. So did sets of 5 reps working up with 14-18lbs jumps. Slightly more for the last set to make sure I wasn’t going too low and that the weights were going to be secure with the wrenched collars. Heavy set certainly felt heavy but managed. Down set felt light but good as far as feeling muscles and fatigue. Maybe could’ve gone heavier by a little but I wouldn’t have been able to do so and swap to lighter weight on the plateloaded handles in the planned rest period. Last thing for obliques with paused plank lifts. Same as last week (2x15) but indication was 3-4ct for the holds. I was going to use the same weight as last week. My left elbow with the bursitis didn’t care for me setting up initially and I got in three reps before I stopped and took a break to try something else. That was more tolerable. Right side my feet were sliding too far away so I stopped again after three reps and restarted. Second set was way easier and felt a lot better. Like not discomfort at all. These really do hit the obliques and inner thigh muscles hard. There wasn’t too much to put away (I put away most of the stuff after the triceps to get a breather and get fluids down) and drank a protein shake before cleaning up to have dinner with family. Stretched when I got back.

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