Friday, December 30, 2022

December 30, 2022 – Week 10, Day 3

Swiss Bar Incline Bench Presses

Dead Stop One Arm Dumbbell Rows (knee on bench)

Dumbbell Floor Presses w/ bands (2 second eccentrics)

Band Y Raises to Overhead Presses (3 second holds)

Dumbbell Preacher Curls on Incline Bench

Comments: Temperatures are going back up to what is the usual again after the artic front passed through last weekend. So walking outside hasn’t been a problem. This was again and half day situation with work and Monday being off for holiday observance. System issues made things not be really easy. Plan was to get in workout right after work so get it out of the way and then clean up for somewhat earlier dinner and spend the evening with family. Also plan on going out to Lancaster to do tomorrow’s workout so maybe try to go to sleep at reasonable hour. Weather fine so able to do the setup for outside rather than in the garage for everything like last week. Swiss bar incline bench again. Plan was similar to trap bar pulls in that doing 4x5 and reporting RIR also while working up in sets of 2-3. Weight was to be the weight I did for the downsets last week. Working up in 20lbs seemed to work out well for me last week. Right wrist is still achy but not as much I guess. It takes time when I tweak it. Shoulders were achy too. Left side more notably. Similar to trap bar, I was thinking that it was a good thing I did the top set last week. It wasn’t feeling great at the start here and I was again hoping that as I went they’d feel better like trap bar pulls. They did follow that trend. I’m not sure what finally clicked for me on the third set but it finally did and shoulders weren’t as achy and stuff was moving better. Then last set was the best and felt even better. Who knows, maybe I subconsciously hold back to ensure I get through all the sets and then go for broke last set as far as the effort? I guess it works out for me with getting in volume and pushing the intensity. So started out feeling crap and finished up feeling powerful. Always good to end on that note. Into the garage for the dead stop one arm rows. Plan being 2x10 at RPE 7.5-8. Indication was to work up in triples. I felt while last week was feeling good, I didn’t feel that strong the first set and got better as I went. I feel that higher reps with 50lbs jumps (5 rep sets), didn’t really get me ready. So did 30lbs jumps this time and I think that worked out well. Maybe too well. I was expecting an 8lbs increase to be noticeable but it wasn’t feeling any tougher than last week had felt. So I went for 186lbs. I was thinking even before to only go for 181lbs or something if the first set was easy but wasn’t expecting it to be this easy. This is the most weight (anything over 180lbs is) that I’ve attempted to do one arm rowing with. I’m almost out of room to safely fit stuff on the handle now. I’m also surprised how well my grip and back feel even though I did back stuff the past two workouts and grip work hard two days prior. Then the floor pressing with dumbbells and the band. Plan this time was same weight as last week and aim to do 3x15-20 with 2-3RIR was indicated. I think I’m getting used to these. I figured that I could probably get 20 reps on the first set and then experience a drop off in the reps. As long as I got more reps total compared to last time, it was a win here. The length on the dumbbells does make the muscling them up a bit trickier than when it was the solid 40’s I was using. I wonder if I could just bully up the 70’s if need be now. These get very exhausting on my anterior deltoids. Back outside for the next thing. Y raises into press again. Notes said last week of them. I’ll kind of miss them as they seem to get the shoulders and such in an interesting way and I feel fatigue even with this very light band tension. Not much left to say there and back into the garage for the biceps to finish up. Same as last week with preacher curls on the incline bench. I was advised to go no heavier than 30lbs on these. My plan was to aim for 30x2x15 after doing 25 and 30 last week. I would’ve only thought to go heavier if 30lbs was super easy that first set and it was not. Small weight changes are really noticeable on these, especially with higher reps. Left side is a little slower but that could be from having to deal with the bursitis (plan is try and get that drained next week). These were tougher than last week for sure. Put stuff away and had a protein shake before stretching out and cleaning up. Haven’t been to the gym since September so will be a change up going forward.

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