Tuesday, July 12, 2022

July 11, 2022 – Week 6, Day 1

Wall Slides with Band/Band Y Raises (3 second holds)

Plyo Push-ups

Incline Bench Presses

Seated Dumbbell Strict Presses (no back support)

Paused Banded Face Pulls (2 seconds)

Paused Banded Triceps Push Downs (2 seconds)

Backwards Sled Drags (hip belt)
55x.25 miles in 10 minutes, 45 seconds


Comments: So still got some neck/shoulder/upper back thing but maybe it is getting less noticeable? Soft tissue work and using the one pillow and trying to lay on the one side (like I was when the issue was present after the fall about a year ago from that box jump). Went for a walk as I felt I needed to get my knees and lower legs moving after all the farmer’s walk runs. Seemed fine and then my knees just seemed to feel shitty for no reason when I tried to stand up out of my chair (more so the left one). Had this before and it goes away but it is annoying and causes hesitancy. I was initially going to just let it be but realized that even though the next day was an upper body day, it was going to require a good bit of sitting and getting back up and there was to be some lower body stuff as well. So I took Aleve before bed to hopefully have things feeling better in the morning. I guess that happened but still somewhat present. I was a little anxious for this workout. Some things were removed and replacements made from last week. The start of the workout didn’t have the pec flyes as usual and just a superset of the wall slides kneeling and the y-raises. This actually seemed to feel pretty good for the shoulders. The lack of pec flyes might be to not have incline suck so much but it did leave a little still needed for the plyo push ups. Same as it has been with 4x3 at bodyweight and a minute rest. Left shoulder was a tad achy on these but by the third set seemed to be ok with what I was doing. At least it wasn’t anywhere as bad as what has been going on with the neck/shoulder/upper back. On to incline. Not too thrilled with this after last week. Plan was to work up to 3x2 and then 2x5 with 2RIR on all sets. Suggested was 245lbs for the doubles (the weight I tried for 5 and got 3.85) and 215lbs for the fivers with caveat of 5-10lbs buffer. I was fully planning on doing 10lbs less than what was listed just because of how things felt last week and with just general feeling. I did more reps to warm up and then switched to singles to try and really get things moving. Talked myself back into doing the listed weights. I could tell over the sets that I was getting more and more fatigued in the places that keep the bar up higher. But I managed to get the doubles down. Probably closer to 1-2RIR really here but that is just my style when it comes to these I think. I struggle with the grind and no point is safe. Feeling that fatigue I wasn’t sure if I could keep the same kind of output for the sets of five but I managed to do that as well. Those were definitely 2RIR range for sure. So that rough spot was over and on to more pressing in the garage. Dumbbell pressing without back support again. As has been the case most of the time, I tend to adapt to balance related pressing exercises within a session or two of doing them. And that seemed to be the case here. Plan was 75’sx3x8 and report back the RIR. Had to get a bit creative with the plate math to get dumbbells loaded to that weight. The limiting factors here were going to be the efficiency of shouldering the dumbbells and my left shoulder not being an issue. Both were manageable. Hardly noticed the balance issue here. Last set a good song came on and the added hype made things feel even easier. Like I could’ve doubled the reps maybe that last set. From there it was paused band work. I was actually ok with this change up. The seated power cleans are kind of rough. It was banded face pulls to start. Plan here was 3x12-15 with 2 second holds. Been a bit since I’ve done these normally with holds so I wasn’t too sure. Light band seemed to be just perfect. The thing I was really happy about was that these felt great on my upper back and provided some relief. So that had me in a good mood. Then it was triceps with bands. Same as last week. Sticking to the same band since this is the biggest band I have and rather work the higher reps. Felt easier than last week (other than having to watch for mosquitos). This was the end of the workout. Last thing was listed as “cardio” and I was to do some activity (walking, backwards sled drag) to have me feeling good for tomorrow and to be 10-20 minutes depending on how I was feeling. I figured that it was still light out and that I’d do backwards sled drag with the empty sled and go around the block. That would be .25 miles. I’ve done that loop with harness going forward, seeing where I’m going and that usually is like 5 minutes. I figured that backwards would feel better for my knees and probably take me like 10 minutes. So other than feeling a little self-conscious about walking backwards in a neighborhood with a sled attached to my waist, it was actually pretty nice. Put stuff away and had dinner before stretching.

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