Thursday, June 2, 2022

June 2, 2022 – Week 12, Day 3

Band TKEs/Half Kneeling Single Arm Band Pulldowns

EZ Bar Pullover PNF Stretches/Bulgarian Split Squats

Axle Clean and Push Presses (clean every rep)

Axle Paused Push Presses (rack/dip/lockout) + Push Presses

Axle Paused Push Presses (dip, 2 seconds)

Passive Pull Up Bar Dead Hangs (straps)
bw for 60 seconds
bw for 60 seconds

Comments: The last workout before the competition Saturday, though I think my coach prefers to have this be more of the first warm-up of the competition. I think I’m just too overwhelmed at work to have enough time to really be “stressing” about the show and tried to do most of prepping over the holiday weekend to get things more or less ready so minimal stressing when time to leave work early to get out there. Very hot the day before but I felt that not doing anything wasn’t the answer so I wanted until after work to go walk. I felt I needed to do something and pacing while on the headset at work isn’t nearly enough. It’s not relaxing like a walk can be. I needed that as it took me a good bit into the walk before I could feel like I could focus and think on things outside of just what was currently in front of me. This workout did look like a lot on paper but it was more just the number of exercises and the volume and weights were nothing. Thunderstorm came through much earlier so during the night rather than during the day and just the brief small one about 2hrs before I was to start training. So cooled off considerably and didn’t need the fans running. First up was pairing of TKEs and lat pull downs with the bands. Just getting things moving. I used lighter band tensions then I would normally use here if I was treating these like a main exercise. Indication was easy and +5RIR. This definitely was that. I had opened the garage because I had setup stuff for everything and ran out of space so had to get the door opened so I wasn’t putting my feet on my garage door. Next was an odder pairing with the PNF stretches for the rib cage and the Bulgarian split squats. Twice in one week for those. This was the first time I think where I actually had an EZ curl bar for the PNF stretches as usually I’ve done dumbbells or kettlebells. Can’t really touch the floor with the EZ curl bar. But it felt good and not like I was overly stretching out my shoulders. The split squats were a bit of jolt. One I started with my left instead of right like usual. My knees weren’t feeling awake for these yet so this first set was not the best feeling. Everything was fine the second set. I’ve had these sensations before in the past when I had these as part of my mobility stuff so just been a while. I guess I need more blood flow to the knees and warming up to feel good with those. Still feeling some tension in the right side lower abs from the split jerk work. From there it was outside for work with the axle. Clean and presses with my empty hollow axle. So almost nothing with it being 26lbs. I used two sets of crash pads to not have it so low to the ground. The bar at the show is going to be on bumper plates on crash pads so need to get used to not being able to get as much momentum going as if pulling from the floor. These were easy, as they should be. Trying to make these feel automatic. Next part was out of the rack work. Advised to do 5x2 of paused pressing and regular push pressing and then another of 5x2 with just paused push pressing. I decided to differentiate these. The first bit being a slight pause at the rack, dip and lockout and then a regular push press. No issues here. I lowered the weight 20lbs for the next bit as it said I just needed it too feel like I had some weight in hand here. Only pausing in the dip and trying to get it a bit deeper too as I tend to be a shallow dipper and not get as much drive as I should on heavier stuff. Last thing was strapped in dead hangs on the pull-up bar. Same as last session for the last training cycle. 2 sets of 1 minute. I learned from last time that I needed to not put my legs in front and stretch out the spine that way as far as traction as it didn’t like that one bit. So keep them behind me and just stretch what can and wants to be stretched. No back issues here. Put stuff away and stretched before eating dinner. Here I go again. 

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