Sunday, May 3, 2020

May 2, 2020 – Week 2, Day 4

5 Minute Walk (.25 miles)

Mobility Prep

Yoke Front Squats

Wide Grip Deadlifts w/ Monster Mini Bands (straps)
No Bands
Add Band (+100lbs)

Rogue Farmer’s Walk (16” pick)
125x50’ in 6.18 seconds
175x50’ in 6.90 seconds
215x50’ in 7.88 seconds
265x150’ in 25.92 seconds
265x150’ in 24.09 seconds

Stone of Steel Loads (56”)

Prowler Pushes


Comments: Another day where I just slept in. I did wake up earlier than my body wanted me to though. I had taken ibuprofen and muscle relaxer the night before so that I didn’t have restful sleep and hopefully have the SI symptoms calm down. I did decide finally what the plan is. Register for USS Nats so that I’m set for 2021 on 6/5/20. That way, I don’t have to worry about doing any other shows for a year to qualify essentially. Only do shows I want to for fun. But we’ve kind of seen what happens when I do that. They get cancelled or I get injured pushing too hard to do too many things. The other thing is to try and qualify for SC Nats and the Arnold. Best option for that would be Beast of the Bluegrass on 7/11/20 in Kentucky. Kentucky seems to be opening things up earlier than Pennsylvania and I have my doubts that even August shows will happen as normal in this part of the country. If this doesn’t work out, then I will go into an off season training until next year as this year will be a wash for competing haha. Anyways, prepping to do a contest on a heel turn like this would mean changes. This week was already a heavy week. The thing that would make it so I could peak and have a deload and week off for the show would mean that I’d have to deload this coming week. Would give me time to test things out and hopefully have more equipment arrive (squat rack, dip stand, etc). Back to training. So I woke up around noon and thankfully not 2:30pm like my dream was telling me. Lower back stiff and tight. So I ended up doing some light decompression and a good deal of foam rolling. If I couldn’t stand up to this training , then I’m really not in any business to be competing right now. Went for a brief walk around the block. No warm-ups needed as it was above 70 degrees outside. A bit of a change from last time. Starting off with squats. Can’t do any real squats safely at this point but I can use my yoke at the lowest setting for front squats. Usually if I do these before deadlifts, I try to do them with short rests. With this being awkward as hell (wobbly, having to put it on tables and then off tables and pausing at the bottom), I figured that a EMOM was a better option here. New exercises and all. Not bad for no front squatting since I think October? Deadlifts with the bands again. I managed to get a new pair in time to train. I was initially going to do 20lbs more than last time but smarter heads prevailed and I kept the weight the same. I took bigger jumps to get to the work weight. 365lbs felt like a bear so doing 405lbs was not going to be pleasant. This still works for me as the deadlift event will be a deadlift ladder and suits allowed so this is kind of priming for suited pulling. Got the right number of pulls today and the bands survived. Though it appears that was barely for the one set of bands. This setup is obviously not good for the bands so need to reconsider training with this. Then it was time for farmer’s walk. Been a bit of a break from these. Been almost a month. Plan for the next block is starting at 75’ runs (contest is 50’) but I figured that for today, I should do the two sets of 150’. Doing it uphill and then downhill was the easiest way to get things back to where I could load them into the garage so I figured I’d keep that. For the work up sets, I reset the course each time. I’m not certain what the venue will be so I did them slightly downhill to try and work on speed. To force the gait a bit. I feel that I’ll have the strength for it as I managed to do that with the Arnold with the injury and lower numbers but my foot speed wasn’t great. I need that for this considering who I may be up against. These didn’t feel bad. The first heavy long distance set I was a little over a second slower than my best time. Granted that is 10lbs more per hand. I didn’t take nearly as long of a break and somehow managed to really book it here on the return, getting almost a second under my best time with 10lbs less. So that was good. From here, I wasn’t sure what the rest of the workout would be. I wasn’t sure if I should have the stone lifting for another day with another event or if I should be doing it today. I went with training today to see where I was. Contest is a three stone series. I think the same one I had last time I was in Kentucky. I doubt I will get a chance to use real stones and tacky before then. So I wanted to train things harder if I could. No grip assistance and higher bar height. About 5lbs more than last time I did these for a set of 10 reps. Doing triples. I had to do several singles with the empty stone before I felt good with how my biceps, back and knees felt. Right biceps was making me nervous. Lot of stress with the axle work this week. Seemed to hold up fine. My gripping when the stone is in the lap and I go for extension feels great and strong. Like I could fold the implement in half with a hug if I wanted to. Getting some ankle extension too so happy about that. Plan next time after deload is to add grip aids (tacky towel, grip shirt, etc) to try and get to feeling weight closer to my tackied stone lifting so it isn’t that great of a shock. Really, from past training, I need like two sessions to get back to +400lbs stone lifting territory. But that was 2018 and 2019 Craig. 2020 Craig seems to be achy and long haired haha. I added in the last bit for the sled pushing to work my legs some more without stressing the back. I feel that having to push up on the toes is helping with my calf and ankle strength. Also get some conditioning in that doesn’t stress the arms a lot. I know I’ll be doing a lot of sled dragging so the pushing is a nice compliment. I knew I could do a little more after the last time doing 280lbs and not feeling like death. Since I was going uphill and downhill, I knew that if I could do the odd number, I’d have no problem doing the even number back. Six was the plan here and that was a good stopping point as my rests seemed to get longer (still within a minute) and my times were getting slower. I usually get faster up until the third set and then I get the fatigue and slow down. Not a bad day of training. Just need to be smart and as safe as I can. I need to be sure to prehab and rehab but not have it take away from the limited energy I have haha.

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