Wednesday, May 8, 2019

May 7, 2019 – Week 9, Day 1

5 Minutes Precor AMT

Leaning Calf Raises

Sumo Box Touches (10” Box)

Regular Box Touches (10” Box)

Bird Dogs (1 second holds)

Superset: Band Rows/ Modified Angle Push-ups

Biceps Stretches
20 Seconds
20 Seconds

Wide Grip Pulldowns
280x14 PR+10lbs & 1 rep

Cybex Eagle NX Rows

Precor Pec Flyes
245x24 PR+2 reps

Push-ups (1 second pauses)
BW+100x13 PR+2 reps

One Arm Dumbbell Rows (supported)

Precor Converging Shoulder Presses
165x23 PR+10lbs

BW+25x60 Seconds

Side Planks
BWx20/20 Seconds
BWx20/20 Seconds


Comments: One two punch of massage and chiro seems to be helping. I’m trying to see if the every other week for chiro and once a month or so for the massage is enough. I’d hate to go for more frequency as that leaves me less flexibility with days off if necessary. Got a walk in on Monday and Sunday. It’s gotten warm. Already up to 80 degrees some days. I may need more fluids for training.  Some joint aches. Right shoulder a little achy too. AMT to start off the session. 150bpm highest reading. Felt good here. Calf work was ok. Felt ok but calves were really tight. Box touches felt good. Still watching the hamstrings as they feel tight. Some slight aches in the lower back. Bird dogs were good. Similar to how last week’s felt. Band rows and modified push-ups were supersetted and for two sets. Both felt good and easy. Biceps stretch felt good. Rep day for the upper body here again. I knew to expect stuff to be somewhat down in reps with how last week went as hitting that point where stuff is no longer light. Pulldowns to start things off work up sets felt pretty good. Big jumps. Muscles moved in my right arm on the first set. Not sure what that was about but everything felt fine. Top set for max reps was tough. I’ve essentially reached bodyweight for these so lot of pull. Feeling my hamstrings tense up trying to keep me down. Reps still down a good bit but I was at least able to add a rep. So that is at least something.  Upstairs for machine rows. With how heavy stuff is for this, added another work up set. Doing 50lbs jumps like pulldowns. This is pretty much the entire stack as I can only go up 5lbs more from what I can see. Having to brace myself and break the weight off the stack and then row. Feeling heavy. Still getting a good amount of reps. Someone joked that I needed to add chains to make it heavy enough for me. Next up was pec flyes. Again, max reps. Same sets and reps to work up to the top set. I remembered how hard these felt last time and goal was 1-2 more reps. I matched my reps last week. I didn’t remember exactly how many I did but I thought it was 23 and I had to do 24 to beat the reps. This was hard. Turns out it was only 22 reps I had to beat so added two reps here. Back downstairs for paused push-ups. Same protocol as last week, warm-up for 10 and then sets of five taking 25lbs jumps up to 100lbs. These felt pretty good today. Only issue was that the 100lbs plate was sliding. I had to try and keep adjusting it so that it didn’t go down on my back, making it easier. I had to adjust twice. Managed to get a baker’s dozen. Getting close to matching my reps with the lighter weights. One arm rowing after that. These have gone from easy rep stuff to legit heavy pretty quick these past three workouts. Regular dumbbells for the first three sets and then the plateloadable one for the last two. I really want to keep using the 10lbs plates to keep the ROM the same for this training so pushing the limits on these. 170lbs barely fit. I had to use the clamps and put straps on the lip to make them fit securely. Right side is lagging on these as I was able to easily match the reps on the left side. This is the most I’ve done without straps and the most I’ve done on these since my 2016 injury with or without straps. This is a heavy dumbbell when I put it down haha. Shoulder presses upstairs to finish off the weights for the day. 10lbs more and away we go. My right shoulder being slightly achy was a little disconcerting but no issues. I felt I was going to be stopped at like 12 reps but I was able to power through and match last week’s reps Core stuff to finish up the night. These felt pretty easy tonight on my abs but my shoulders were still on fire from the shoulder pressing and push-ups. Home to stretch, recover and eat tacos. Because that is what I do it seems.

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