Wednesday, April 24, 2019

April 23, 2019 – Week 7, Day 1

5 Minutes Precor AMT

Leaning Calf Raises

Sumo Box Touches (10” Box)

Regular Box Touches (10” Box)

Bird Dogs (1 second holds)

Superset: Band Rows/ Modified Angle Push-ups

Biceps Stretches
20 Seconds
20 Seconds

Wide Grip Pulldowns

Cybex Eagle NX Rows
280x21 PR+10lbs & 1 rep

Precor Pec Flyes
245x22 PR+10lbs

Push-ups (1 second pauses)

One Arm Dumbbell Rows (supported)
150x12/12 PR+1 rep

Precor Converging Shoulder Presses

BW+25x60 Seconds

Side Planks
BWx20/20 Seconds
BWx20/20 Seconds


Comments: Getting back on schedule so one day rest after event day. Sleep when I get it has felt good but I’m not getting enough. Went for a walk and that was relaxing. Still got issues with my back spasms that were happening last week. AMT to start off the session. 150bpm highest reading. Felt good here. Calf work was ok. They were tight. Box touches felt good. Bird dogs were ok. I was deliberate with them today. Band rows and modified push-ups were supersetted and for two sets. Rows easy, push-ups were ok. Biceps stretch felt good. Workout with the weights. Then it was all the reps in the world for upper body session. I was expecting some things to be down from being so close to the last workout and with it having a lot more volume compared to previous sessions. Pulldowns to start things off. Gone are the days where every set feels like nothing working up. Doing a set working up that had been a rep out set. I was able to still get 20 reps on that set. Last week had been the stack so will keep adding I guess. I expect things to start to drop off now. Upstairs for machine rows. I took a little more time before heading up to do these so that I wasn’t as fatigued. Very cautious breaking the weight off the stack before going for the reps. I expected this to feel better than last week this time and it did slightly. 10lbs more and an extra rep. So that is good. Next up was pec flyes. I was too slow cleaning up the previous station so I ended up having to wait for the machine to open up. This workout was with the stack for the top set. I’ve expected that I could do 20 reps here for the past two weeks so had to put up or shut up. Definitely tough, managed to match last week’s reps. Back downstairs for paused push-ups. Working up in weight here. I took a little break to see if that helped make that “warm-up set” not so rough and it did. Two sets of five working up and then max reps with the 75lbs plate. Someone at the gym said they recognized me from the Arnold so I had some motivation to not screw up the top set. I was kind of surprised I got as many reps as I did. Next week will be even more sets and doing the 100lbs plate. Fun. One arm rowing after that. Much like the pulldowns, no longer are these work up sets super easy. Only the first one is now. I think I hit the tipping point on these with the 150lbs dumbbells. Very hard to brace. Back is a little achy and abs strain hard. Reps were down on these, just 1 extra rep over my PR I have. That might have been with a belt or rehband so still progress. Core stuff to finish up the night. Body is definitely beat from event work in the midsection as these felt tougher than they usually do and stuff was shaking that usually doesn’t haha. Just got to keep this up. Home to stretch, eat and recover.

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