Saturday, December 1, 2018

November 29, 2018 – Week 12, Day 2

5 Minutes Precor RBK 835 Recumbent Bike

Leaning Calf Raises

16” Goblet Box Squats

Shoestring Romanian Deadlifts

Band Rows

Modified Angled Push-ups

Bodyweight Plank
20 Seconds

Biceps Stretches
20 Seconds
20 Seconds

Front to Back Hip Swings

Side to Side Hip Swings

16” Cambered Squat Bar Box Squats w/ bands
Added Bands (+90lbs)

Wide Grip Deadlifts
EMOM (Added Straps)

Pulldown Abs


Comments: Been tired. After last workout, I made getting sleep a priority. Skipped dinner the night before and even doing that I still didn’t get to bed until 9:00AM. Just seems to be so much to do in a day. Been hitting snooze three times every morning this week. So again, coming home after to work to get ready for the gym. I did feel a bit more rested getting that extra three hours or so of sleep though. The good bikes were in use so I used the recumbent bike again. The heart rate sensor wasn’t working on the one I was one. Better than it felt last time as far as my quads. I think it actually works my ankles and calf muscles in a better ROM as they don’t seem to be nearly as tight afterwards when I do the calf raises or any stretching at the end of the session. Knees felt tight on both goblet box squats and RDLs but not really any pain from that. Band rows were good on the back. Modified push-ups were ok. Can’t tell if my chest is sore or my shoulders are tight from last session. Still better than the push-ups were feeling. Plank was ok. Then the biceps stretches. I was tight but so this felt good. Hip swings after that. Got some tension out but still have some there. On to the weights. Well, not exactly. I had to wait for the power rack to open up first. I was interested to see how doing ssb instead of csb for a week would feel. Plan was to continue with the 25lbs increase in the top weights, so 50lbs added. Body was very stiff at the start with just the free weight. Seemed to get better when I added the bands to it. I just went straight to adding the bands this time. Felt easy at the start but started to feel like something heavy as I went up in weight. Last set before the working weight triples was the previous working weight from two weeks prior. I felt like I was in control with this weight once I got the weight settled from walking out. I was sweating pretty good from my forehead by the end of the squats. Wide grip deadlifts after that. Like with regular deadlifts, a big jump up in the working weight. Going over 400lbs so using a hard belt for the EMOM. My body didn’t feel like it was tight and stiff on one side versus the other like last time I did these. I don’t have to get low to set thing ups to do rack pulls or regular deadlifts so this week is when I can really notice flexibility issues. The warm-up singles were going well so I didn’t think I’d have any issues with the working weight. Though it has been interesting when I’ve put on the belt and gone above 400lbs with the wide grip, wide stance. I’ve learned I can’t have my belt as tight as regular deadlift to get to the bar and that more hamstring is felt on these. Would I have liked for the weight to move faster and be easier? Yes but it was about what I’d expect it to feel compared to the other two lifts. I’m sticking with this training max for now as I feel it is pretty close compared to the other lifts. Abs to finish up the night. Full stack as I don’t think it would really matter trying to put another 10lbs or so (can only add magnet weight or a plate, no additional stack weights) so figure the 200lbs is good enough to do for now. It will just get easier as I do it. Nice, easy finish to the night and then home to stretch, eat and recover and try to get to bed at a somewhat reasonable hour.

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