Saturday, November 3, 2018

November 3, 2018 – Week 8, Day 3

5 Minutes Misc Stationary Bike

Leaning Calf Raises

16” Goblet Box Squats

Shoestring Romanian Deadlifts

Band Rows


Bodyweight Plank
20 Seconds

Biceps Stretches
20 Seconds
20 Seconds

Front to Back Hip Swings

Side to Side Hip Swings

210x50’ in 5.42 seconds
300x50’ in 5.72 seconds
390x50’ in 5.87 seconds
480x50’ in 6.73 seconds
570x50’ in 6.94 seconds
660x50’ in 8.44 seconds
753x50’ in 9.14 seconds

Sandbag Over Bar (60”)

Keg Carry (turns at 50’)
175x1 (pick)
225x1 (pick)
275x1 (pick)
275x100’ in 16.85 seconds
275x100’ in 17.19 seconds

Plate Pinch Hold
101x68.04 seconds


Comments: Work had me super stressed last two days this week. Especially Friday, which shouldn’t be the case. Shoulders have been tight and I got an eye twitch going in my right eye. I at least got to have a nice evening after work. I didn’t get to bed as early as I should but I made it so I got up at a set time. I also figured that daylight’s savings would give me that extra hour on Sunday anyways. Once up, I was pretty slow moving. This was the same time as last weekend but I ended up leaving like 30 minutes or more later. There were some people there but I Brian and Evan didn’t get in until later. Warmed up on the ole’ reliable exercise bike. Not sure why but some of the stupid stress went away as “Lose Yourself” came over the sound system while I was pedaling away. Struck a chord with me at that moment. I’ve heard it many times before but it just had a beautiful clarity in those few minutes. Anyways, that was good to warm-up. Calves felt springy. Left ankle was feeling a little tender at the start. Knees were good today on goblet squats. Same with RDLs. Band rows were good and again moving things around to try and get all the kinks out. Push-ups I had to play around with my positioning of my right hand. I might have found a spot that won’t bother the shoulder. I figure this will pass and be just a mild annoyance like most of the aches I get. Plank felt like work today after the situps from two days ago. Biceps stretches felt good. Hip swings after that. Felt ok. Yoke is here again. Right knee has been a little achy off and on since last week but no issues on moving with it. Plan for yoke was 80% for 50’. Again, 90lbs jumps works great here. The only thing would be that I’d have to added a little bit more for the last set to be actual 80%. The previous two times through, I’ve been a few pounds over as it was easier just adding plates. So going through that workout again with an extra set on the end to again give me a chance to try and improve on each set. 480lbs continues to be the bad penny of the sets. Only set that was slower than last time by .10. And even my best time this cycle has been over what I’ve done my best 500lbs run with. It’s the first set I put my belt on for and I keep it a notch loose so that breathing isn’t messed up right away. First time weight from this cycle was sub seven seconds. Then the second time weight also improved, to under 8.5 seconds. Pushing up to the next jump got me nervous but I knew I had this under control. I just wanted to be really fast is all. A little over nine seconds. This might be the most weight I’ve done for 50’ in under ten seconds. Next was sandbag loads. As much as I didn’t want to do this last time with 250lbs, I 100 times didn’t want to do it today with 275lbs. It’s never fast, always a fight. My warm-up for it was actually making another sandbag. 275lbs was the heaviest at the gym. Now we have a 306lbs bag with sand and lead shot. No idea if it will even survive under its own weight. I picked it up a little to put it on the scale. I figured if I lifted that, I was going to be plenty ready for a the lighter sandbag. I had messed with it last week to make it more compact and less floppy mess after the issues I had with bearhug carrying it two weeks ago. I took my time as I knew this was going to be a slow cook. No issues with tearing any skin again (taping my shins for deadlift did the trick). Getting to the halfway point I knew it was going to get exponentially tougher each rep. I missed my first attempt at the eighth rep. Man this sucked. This was giving me flashbacks to late nights in the street doing sandbag loads training for SC Nats 2015. Regrouped after some labored gasps for air and got it. Then I did the ninth rep and that hit the bar and I just had to muscle and shove it over. Nothing elegant about it. I got off balance going for that last rep and fell forward with it in the lap. Just had to get one more rep. I almost dry heaved after this was done. Really just exhausted. The hard part was over, the bad man was gone now. Keg carries. Same weight as last time. Two sets of 100’, turn at 50’. I did picks as I had been taking my time getting things setup after the sandbagaggedon. I’m wrapping tape on my thumbs when I do keg stuff like loads or carries as I seem to get welts or have skin tear on my thumb joints. Keg did not feel pleasant on my midsection. I thought I was going slow and it wasn’t until I got back home to check video to see that I had actually got under 17 seconds with that run. I felt I was carrying the keg too low. I might have but I think it was my hairpin turn that did it. I honestly had felt better on the second set as I had it a little higher and I felt I was moving better. But I guess my turn wasn’t as crisp and it ended up being slightly slower than my best time from last session. Overall good though. No issues with my thumbs. Pinch grip to end the day. Added another 5lbs. I was counting way too fast in my head apparently as I thought this would be a better than my previous time with less weight. My grip felt really secure. Not as big of a drop off in time as last time but still noticeable. I’m surprised how much the 5lbs difference is making on this. And here I thought I should be making a 20lbs jump after that first week haha. Best to build slow on these grip things. Don’t want to injure any ligaments. Despite my work stress, I’m feeling like I’m rebounding as I felt like I was hitting the wall three weeks ago and now I’m lifting even more and feeling mostly good.

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