Friday, October 5, 2018

October 4, 2018 – Week 4, Day 2

5 Minutes Expresso Interactive Upright Exercise Bike

Leaning Calf Raises

16” Goblet Box Squats

Shoestring Romanian Deadlifts

Band Rows


Bodyweight Plank
20 Seconds

Biceps Stretches
20 Seconds
20 Seconds

Front to Back Hip Swings

Side to Side Hip Swings

16” Safety Squat Bar Box Squats w/ bands
Added Bands (+115lbs)

16” Jack Stand Pulls
Added Straps

Smith Machine Plank
BW+55x60 Seconds


Comments: Tired. Running on fumes. At this point just trying to survive until Friday afternoon with the three day weekend. Already got massage booked for Monday. Tired and irritable. I ended up abusing the snooze button and had to rush for work so that meant coming back home after work to get stuff for the gym. Have plans for Saturday so I couldn’t just lay on the floor like I so desperately wanted to this time. Bike to start things off. 148bpm highest reading this time. My best distance so far. I set the pace setter to faster than my normal output after a bit of a headstart and tried to see if I could maintain the lead until the end (which I did). Calves felt ok. Tight but still easy. Knees were achy on goblet squats. Felt a little better on RDLs  with a narrower grip. Band rows were good on the back. Push-ups went alright. Had to adjust my shoulders a little after the first rep. Plank was easy. Then the biceps stretches. Needed these again. Hip swings felt a bit better today too. On to the weights. Again, I had to wait a bit for the power rack to do squats. I wasn’t in the mood for that but I persisted haha. New bar for this session of box squats. Got out the old safety squat bar for this one. I’ll be using it for the next three week rotation. Same idea in that work up to 50% for 3 sets of 3, slow negative and fast concentric. The change was adding bands. I haven’t even used the ssb since I’ve come back to lifting so I was curious how this would go. Bands were to be another 20% on top but I couldn’t get it just right so I erred on the side of more is better since I’m so tall that the ROM has the bands being pretty lax at the bottom anyways (measured at 38lbs total). Felt like an old friend when the bands came on. That grounding effect. Felt like nothing at the start but my knees were really achy today. Definitely felt like I had weight on there at one plate and above. Going slow against the bands on the descent should be good as it seems to help with the wide grip pulls from before. Felt good despite the knee aches. Then it was time for the jack stands to come out and play. Same as last time with the EMOM for ten singles but upped the weight considerably. That was increased even more when I adjusted the projected training max to be closer to my actual max. 87lbs jump would be noticeable. Lower back was feeling a little stiff at the start. Belt on for the weight above 400lbs. Felt a little more hesitation for the weight to break the ground but lockout was fast and crisp. I think it might have gotten better by the end even. Last rep I felt like I didn’t time it right and felt more hamstring than the previous pulls. Took my time putting stuff away for the last thing of the day. I wanted to drink some more of my BCAAs before I did abdominal work. I could just have someone put weight on my back but I feel the smith machine version feels harder and allows me to use more weight. Had to wait for that to open up too. I was too tired at this point to be verbal with people to ask for help so I just waited until it was free. Light weight for another minute hold. Felt 55lbs added was enough for going from just bodyweight. Definitely can do more. Home to eat and recover and sleep. Need to play catch up on the sleep but I felt good lifting.

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