5 Minutes Percor AMT
Leaning Calf Raises
One Leg Leaning Calf Raises
Regular Box Touches (12” Box)
Band Rows w/Biceps Stretch
MBx25/10 seconds
Squat Therapy (16” Box)
Sumo Box Touches (12” Box)
Band Rows w/Biceps Stretch
MBx25/10 seconds
Hip Airplanes (supported)
16” Front Box Squats
Band Side Bends
Even though this workout is less intense, I still feel a bit beat
coming into it from the other sessions. Started out with the AMT. Heart
rate started at 146bpm but shot up to 152bpm within 5 seconds. May have
been the unit I was using. Calf raises were easy. Right calf felt tight.
Regular box touches were good, no issues there. Band rows felt great,
noticed my shoulders were sore and tight.. Shoulders were definitely
tight on the biceps stretches. Squat therapy was ok, had aches in my
knees that went away around halfway into it. Second run through of box
touches (sumo style), band rows and biceps stretch was good too. Hip
airplanes were tough on my injured side. Kept losing balance so I ended
up doing a few more than written. No issues with the other side. Then on
to the weights. Only weighted exercise for the session was front box
squats again. Same as last time with plan being to do a top set of 1-3
reps depending on how I felt. Only change being the top set weight
changing. Aiming for three plates. I wanted to get used to the belts
more this time as I wanted to make sure I got more practice with bracing
and breathing, especially with the allergies and cold. So put on
rehband belt for the double and then hard belt for the single. Another
thing I was trying to do was control my descent better. Need to be box
squats, not box plops. For the top set, I worked on get my shoulders
ready for racking the bar (back still tight from circus dumbbell).
Breathing was an issue. I felt I moved better with this time but I
couldn’t get my breath, even when I took in air at the top of each rep. I
feel like I got pitched forward a little on the second rep. I was
essentially flying blind on that last rep as my vision narrowed. I had
to guess I was back in the j-hooks as I was very close to passing out.
Got to be careful and have spotters next time (though I did have the
rack pins). This feeling hasn’t really been an issue for many years.
Need to work on this more. Jumped right into crunches for a high rep
set. Easy. I forgot my band for sidebends so I had to wait until I got
home to do those. Also easy. Stretched and ate.
Friday, June 30, 2017
Wednesday, June 28, 2017
June 27, 2017 – Week 5, Day 1
5 Minutes Percor AMT
Leaning Calf Raises
One Leg Leaning Calf Raises
Regular Box Touches (12” Box)
Band Rows w/Biceps Stretch
MBx25/10 seconds
Sumo Box Touches (12” Box)
Band Rows w/Biceps Stretch
MBx25/10 seconds
Hip Airplanes (supported)
Incline Bench Presses
1 Second Pauses
Chest Supported Rows (1 second holds)
Circus Dumbbell Clean and Presses
Plate Loaded Dumbbell with Fat Gripz Extreme
(3 stage 2 second pauses)
40x1 L
40x1 R
70x1 L
70x1 R
90x1 L
90x1 R
100x1 L
100x1 R
110x1 L
110x1 R
120x1 L
120x1 R
Circus Dumbbell
130x1 L
130x1 R
140x1 L
140x1 R
150x1 L PR+10lbs
150x1 R PR+10lbs
(competition style)
160x8 L (under a minute) PR+2 reps
160x8 R (5 under a minute, 5+[1/1/1])
Comments: Still got cold and/or allergy stuff going on. I was fully expecting my upper back to be all tight and seize up like two weeks ago but nothing so that is good. Getting used to it as I thought I would. Biceps and lats tight from Saturday training. Got some bruising on the lower abs from keg carry. More so on the right side. Guess I still favor that side. Right side of lower back felt tender (not pain, muscle soreness). Warmed up as per usual on the AMT. Heart rate got to 156bpm. Easy calf work and then into box touches and band rows with biceps stretch again. Shoulders felt good with the stretch. Hip airplanes went alright but I did lose my balance on a rep or two so kept at it to get good reps. Incline bench to start off the lifting. As it has been the past few sessions, working up to a top set and then doing down sets. This time, the goal being doubles. I took bigger jumps and I wasn’t sure if I should go for 285lbs or 295lbs. I overestimated my abilities and went for 295lbs. I got the reps but they weren’t of the quality I was aiming for this time. Butt came up on the first rep and was really up for the second rep (couldn’t fail now, in too deep haha). Second set with the reduced weight was better. No issues on that. I went up more than suggested with the pause benches as it was easier to just drop things down to two plates a side. Pretty good, just slowed down on the last rep to lockout. Chest supported rows with static holds after that. Back was better this time around and I had to make up for it so I went with the weight I was supposed to do last time. Got easier as I did the reps. Not sure why it is with all the holds. You’d think it would get tougher. Circus dumbbell after that. This exercise is a time vampire haha. Same as last time working up in singles with the push press pause and hold method until I got to the working weight to use my competition style. Goal being to do AMAP in 60 seconds with my stronger side with a set percent of my 1rm (so far) and then match it with the lagging side with no time limit. Got up more weight on the paused push press version for a 20lbs increase since I started on both sides. I feel good for more. I feel these have really helped me. Then came the competition style set. Burping uncontrollably from being nervous. I was worried that I’d have issues with breathing due to the cold/allergies. Surprised myself by doing better this time. Pacing was better and I had no missed reps. 10lbs and an extra rep. Got six reps in 30 seconds and then paced the other two over remaining time. So very pleased with that. Not so easy on the lagging side. I had no time limit but it was tough. I got five and missed a sixth within 60 seconds. Took about two more minutes to get those remaining two. I notice how much more I have to grip with that side to control compared to my stronger side. Thumb gets hit hard. I had two misses to go with the eight reps. Right biceps was definitely tight and feeling the strain on that set. Just tried to get my breath and composure and get feeling into my hand as quickly as I could to continue the effort. That was exhausting haha. Another late night and home to eat recovery burritos, stretch and sleep.
Saturday, June 24, 2017
June 24, 2017 – Week 4, Day 3
5 Minutes Concept 2 Rower
Leaning Calf Raises
One Leg Leaning Calf Raises
Regular Box Touches (12” Box)
Band Rows w/Biceps Stretch
MBx25/10 seconds
Sumo Box Touches (12” Box)
Band Rows w/Biceps Stretch
MBx25/10 seconds
Hip Airplanes (supported)
Farmer’s Walk
With Turns (at 50’)
112x100’ in 14.34 seconds
Straight Runs
202x50’ in 7.09 seconds
Max Distance
Stone of Steel Over Bar (57”)
Keg Carries
Comments: Cold, allergies, I’m not sure. It isn’t as bad as it was two weeks ago but as is usually the case, it lingers. Tried to get some good sleep in to be ready to train. Got to train earlier than I usually do. Warmed up on the rower. Felt smooth. Calf work went well and right into box touches, band rows and biceps stretch after that. No issues here either. Slight balance issues on some reps of hip airplanes but still good. Then on to moving with weights and stuff. Same plan as last time with farmer’s walk. First set being light, longer run with a turn and then a bit heavier for a straight run. Windy as a bastard out when I started. I didn’t realize how windy it was at the start. It was blowing my cones I had to mark distances but not knocking them over. I was thinking someone kept moving them at first and I was angry for no reason haha. Put some small weights on the cones to keep them from moving. First set was slow. Slower than last time. Just warm-up and the event is a straight run. It’s the turn I think with the “confined” space. Then I ran into further frustration. Wind kept knocking over my camera and the handles kept rolling. Camera fell one to many times and it broke. So had to use my phone for the rest of the workout. Straight run was good. Much faster than last time. I think I could pick up more speed getting the pick right. Third time doing max distance farmer’s walk so I’m getting used to how it feels. Pick felt a little harder but I felt better moving with it. Didn’t feel that heavy in my hands. I should say, didn’t feel heavy in my shoulder girdle. Ended 10’ short from last time but still going a long distance still. Took my time getting ready for the next exercise; stone of steel. First time I’ve paired this with farmer’s walk so wasn’t sure how that would feel. Kind of did this last week too with the carries. Plan here being to work up to a weight and go for 5-10 reps. I was little timid with the first two reps of that top set but I got better with getting full extension and getting my hips into it. First five weren’t bad, the last five were tough. Didn’t stop until I got ten. Well, I wasn’t positive it was ten at that time as I lost count and no one was keeping track haha. Almost three minutes of effort there. Really happy with the effort. No one is going to out work me. And not done as there was still one more exercise on the agenda. As has been a theme the past two weeks, a max distance carry for two sets. Go to failure with the implement, rest five minutes and bring it back to the finish. This time it was a keg. I usually do keg carry low, right on the hips with a staggered grip. While this can let me go farther, it isn’t going to be the best option for the medley work and I need to work on my stride. So holding high, off the legs. I did one pick up to the chest to make sure it wasn’t going to put weird pressure and mess up my breathing. Rather not find out on the run. I realized quickly into that first run that this was going to be easier than the stone of steel and sandbag for carrying but would mean further to go. I also realized this keg had water sloshing in it too. The return set was the toughest one of these so far. It was the furthest and the wind picked up and was blowing against me the whole way back. I was about 25’ from finishing when I had to go up a little incline and the wind picked up more. Almost stopped me in my tracks but I was able to push through to the end. Long day, really tired after all this. Looking forward to some down time to recover.
Friday, June 23, 2017
June 22, 2017 – Week 4, Day 2
5 Minutes Percor AMT
Leaning Calf Raises
One Leg Leaning Calf Raises
Regular Box Touches (12” Box)
Band Rows w/Biceps Stretch
MBx25/10 seconds
Squat Therapy (16” Box)
Sumo Box Touches (12” Box)
Band Rows w/Biceps Stretch
MBx25/10 seconds
Hip Airplanes (supported)
16” Box Squats
Leg Raises
Band Side Bends
Comments: Again, not feeling my best going into this workout. Allergies acting up. Haven’t had issues in several years so very annoying to have this popping back up again. Sleep not the best the past two days, trying to get that under control again. Some aches in the injured areas but nothing to write home about. Warm-up on the AMT. Heartrate up to 151bpm. Calf raises followed. Easy stuff really. No issues with box touches in either style. Rows and stretch felt good. Squat therapy felt good, no knee aching. Hip airplanes followed that. Balance was tough on my damaged side. Starting to notice a pattern with this session being the hardest to balance with all the lower body reps prior to doing them. Got to keep it up. Then on to box squats. Still working up to a top set for 1-3 reps. Trying to maximum effort into each rep. No miscounting on any sets this time. The goal had been to go for 450lbs for the top set but I felt compelled to keep with the quarter, plate, quarter jumps. Hard to fight that some times. Got my three but it was definitely the three hardest reps of box squats so far. Last two especially. Felt a lot of pressure in my head getting though the midpoint of the lift. With how hard these were, I thought for sure my form was terrible and I was bent over. Video suggests I wasn’t. Stuff is just getting heavy. Glad that it was just abs after that. High reps on the leg raises and band obliques. Abs were pretty tense so leg raises were fairly tough. Not too bad with the band stuff. Home to stretch and eat.
Leaning Calf Raises
One Leg Leaning Calf Raises
Regular Box Touches (12” Box)
Band Rows w/Biceps Stretch
MBx25/10 seconds
Squat Therapy (16” Box)
Sumo Box Touches (12” Box)
Band Rows w/Biceps Stretch
MBx25/10 seconds
Hip Airplanes (supported)
16” Box Squats
Leg Raises
Band Side Bends
Comments: Again, not feeling my best going into this workout. Allergies acting up. Haven’t had issues in several years so very annoying to have this popping back up again. Sleep not the best the past two days, trying to get that under control again. Some aches in the injured areas but nothing to write home about. Warm-up on the AMT. Heartrate up to 151bpm. Calf raises followed. Easy stuff really. No issues with box touches in either style. Rows and stretch felt good. Squat therapy felt good, no knee aching. Hip airplanes followed that. Balance was tough on my damaged side. Starting to notice a pattern with this session being the hardest to balance with all the lower body reps prior to doing them. Got to keep it up. Then on to box squats. Still working up to a top set for 1-3 reps. Trying to maximum effort into each rep. No miscounting on any sets this time. The goal had been to go for 450lbs for the top set but I felt compelled to keep with the quarter, plate, quarter jumps. Hard to fight that some times. Got my three but it was definitely the three hardest reps of box squats so far. Last two especially. Felt a lot of pressure in my head getting though the midpoint of the lift. With how hard these were, I thought for sure my form was terrible and I was bent over. Video suggests I wasn’t. Stuff is just getting heavy. Glad that it was just abs after that. High reps on the leg raises and band obliques. Abs were pretty tense so leg raises were fairly tough. Not too bad with the band stuff. Home to stretch and eat.
Wednesday, June 21, 2017
June 20, 2017 – Week 4, Day 1
5 Minutes Percor AMT
Leaning Calf Raises
One Leg Leaning Calf Raises
Regular Box Touches (12” Box)
Band Rows w/Biceps Stretch
MBx25/10 seconds
Sumo Box Touches (12” Box)
Band Rows w/Biceps Stretch
MBx25/10 seconds
Hip Airplanes (supported)
12” Log Presses
Viper Presses (Dumbbells)
Viper Press + Push Presses (Log)
Clean and Push Presses
Chest Supported Rows
Dead Floor Presses
Close Grip (2 Second Pauses)
Comments: Humid. Weather hasn’t been as beastly hot as last week. Air conditioning wasn’t working at work the day before and part of the day today. Can tell if I’m still dealing with getting over the cold or if it is just seasonal allergies now. Shoulder and upper back issues still present but it feels a lot better and feels like it will go away in due time. Warmed up on the AMT. Heart rate got up to 153bpm this time. Not bad. Easy calf work after that and then a short circuit of box touches, band rows and biceps stretch. First time regular box touches and second time sumo box touches as I have been doing. Band rows went well. Stretch felt better on the second set as I was able to get a better area to stretch that time. Hip airplanes were ok. I lost balance on one rep each side so I did them until I got enough good reps. Then the lifting. Log press as it has been. Same warm-ups as last time but only doing singles for push press. Going up 20lbs a set aiming 1rm. Time to see if lightning would strike twice. I hadn’t been expecting to hit 300lbs last time so I felt some pressure to get it again and try for more. Cleans felt better this time and Felt like I was keeping a rack position better with my elbow up. I noticed no dropping of the elbows on any set. I was fighting the urge to retch the whole session as I was nervous. In spite of that, I hit 300lbs with no issues and gave 320lbs a shot. I gave 320lbs a shot but not today. Didn’t feel impossible. Just felt heavy but not so much that I was uncomfortable. It will come. Burst out in a cold sweat as I usually do after a miss with a max single attempt. I don’t like missing lifts. But I know this will improve as I already felt improvement with the log from just the previous session. Got to remind myself that two weeks ago I hadn’t even thought I was anywhere close to 300lbs on log and now I’ve hit it twice with something still in the tank. 320lbs would have been a 10lbs all-time PR. No doubt I’d match my current all-time best, just need to get stronger. Then on to chest supported rows, working up to a heavy set of five over five sets after a light warm-up set. Went heavier than planned. I think it had to do with missing that last long lift and for not being able to go heavier last week with my upper back and shoulder acting weird. Top set is definitely a tough one with the big jumps. Same as last time, 10% off that one for one more set of five. Last exercise for the session was dead floor presses. I had to wait a bit to use the power rack. So I was going slow on the rows near the end and still ended up waiting a bit. Triples up to a top set and then 90% of that for another triple and then drop down to a little more than I used last time on the paused reps for a set of five. 50lbs jumps as I had a weight in mind. When up easier than I expected, probably could do it for five reps today. Then dropped to 90%. Again, kind of false started the first attempt to get it off the pins haha. Pause set was pretty easy after that. Home to stretch and eat.
Saturday, June 17, 2017
June 17, 2017 – Week 3, Day 3
5 Minutes Concept 2 Rower
Leaning Calf Raises
One Leg Leaning Calf Raises
Regular Box Touches (12” Box)
Band Rows w/Biceps Stretch
MBx25/10 seconds
Sumo Box Touches (12” Box)
Band Rows w/Biceps Stretch
MBx25/10 seconds
Hip Airplanes (supported)
Car Deadlift Apparatus Deadlifts (12” pick height, front bar)
175 tirex1
175 tire + 70x1
425 tirex1
425 tire + 70x1
600 tirex1
600 tire + 50x1
600 tire + 100x1
600 tire + 150x1
Added Straps
600 tire + 200x5
Stone of Steel Carries
Vehicle Push
2,693lbs + 1 person + 200lbs in trunkx468’8” in 80 seconds
Comments: Out to train at Lancaster again. Raining of and on driving out but nothing while actually there lifting. Not beastly hot as it had been earlier this week but very humid. Cold pretty much gone by now. Still got upper back/shoulder thing but it is tolerable. Warmed up on the concept rower. Calf work after that was easy so right into to box touches, band rows and biceps stretch. Hip airplanes were really good. No balance issues on any reps. Then the event work. First thing being car deadlift. I had tested it out last week after training to figure out what I needed to adjust to get the setup to the right height for the competition and to figure out if my straps would work. Definitely a different pull from the usual deadlift. Have to stand back from the bar a bit in order for it to clear my legs and be right at my hips at lockout. Goal for the workout being to work up in singles to a top set of five for something that I could make look powerful and comfortable. Empty in hand about 100lbs with just the frame. Small tire on and then plates to the loading pins. I then put the small tire on top for the next size up tire and just kept that and added weight to the loading pins. The next size tire up was 650lbs and I wasn’t sure if it was worth moving it when I had plenty of room on the loading pins for more weight. Might change that next time. Set before my work set was a bit tougher than I was expecting. Everything felt good on the working set. Had few grunting noises in for good measure haha. Definitely more there so that is good. Then came a tough one. Stone of steel carries. I was not looking forward to this. I got to practice this with it being part of the medley and it is the only part that concerns me. I knew it was going to be tough because it is a pain carrying the empty stone of steel around. Warmed up doing set of rows with it empty. I figured I’d see how it went with a regular shirt and chalk. That was a failure. No issues picking up the stone but can’t keep a good grip on it. Very different from sandbag. I can lean back with sandbag. Leaning back with the stone of steel causes my grip to get worse and makes breathing harder. I barely got anywhere the first set and felt like I was going to pass out. Few minutes rest and gave it another try and got about twice the distance of my first attempt. Hamstrings were popping out. This wasn’t going to work, I wasn’t even getting 40’ which was the leg of the medley. Took a break to reset and put on the receiver gloves and grip shirt. The gloves made a bit difference. I felt I was getting more comfortable with the stone restricting my breathing each set. About halfway into the run, it felt like my legs stopped responding and I really slowed down. I told myself to go faster and that seemed to snap them out of it. Also some more guttural noises. This time, I made an appreciable distance, more than doubling the first two attempts combined. Just like sandbag, five minutes and another go to match the distance. I was moving much better and I feel I could have gone even further. Quite the hamstring and upper body workout carrying that thing. Getting better each time. Had a bit of an issue with the car push. I put more weight in the trunk and had a heavier passenger but the parking lot was too easy in the middle. The start was nice and tough and the end went up hill after that. I kept calling for the time when it went up hill only to find out that no one was timing. So I stopped there haha. Going to have to keep track of what I hit a different locations to compare as I more than doubled my usual distance. Felt good to be around other people getting ready to compete. Stretched and drove home.
Leaning Calf Raises
One Leg Leaning Calf Raises
Regular Box Touches (12” Box)
Band Rows w/Biceps Stretch
MBx25/10 seconds
Sumo Box Touches (12” Box)
Band Rows w/Biceps Stretch
MBx25/10 seconds
Hip Airplanes (supported)
Car Deadlift Apparatus Deadlifts (12” pick height, front bar)
175 tirex1
175 tire + 70x1
425 tirex1
425 tire + 70x1
600 tirex1
600 tire + 50x1
600 tire + 100x1
600 tire + 150x1
Added Straps
600 tire + 200x5
Stone of Steel Carries
Vehicle Push
2,693lbs + 1 person + 200lbs in trunkx468’8” in 80 seconds
Comments: Out to train at Lancaster again. Raining of and on driving out but nothing while actually there lifting. Not beastly hot as it had been earlier this week but very humid. Cold pretty much gone by now. Still got upper back/shoulder thing but it is tolerable. Warmed up on the concept rower. Calf work after that was easy so right into to box touches, band rows and biceps stretch. Hip airplanes were really good. No balance issues on any reps. Then the event work. First thing being car deadlift. I had tested it out last week after training to figure out what I needed to adjust to get the setup to the right height for the competition and to figure out if my straps would work. Definitely a different pull from the usual deadlift. Have to stand back from the bar a bit in order for it to clear my legs and be right at my hips at lockout. Goal for the workout being to work up in singles to a top set of five for something that I could make look powerful and comfortable. Empty in hand about 100lbs with just the frame. Small tire on and then plates to the loading pins. I then put the small tire on top for the next size up tire and just kept that and added weight to the loading pins. The next size tire up was 650lbs and I wasn’t sure if it was worth moving it when I had plenty of room on the loading pins for more weight. Might change that next time. Set before my work set was a bit tougher than I was expecting. Everything felt good on the working set. Had few grunting noises in for good measure haha. Definitely more there so that is good. Then came a tough one. Stone of steel carries. I was not looking forward to this. I got to practice this with it being part of the medley and it is the only part that concerns me. I knew it was going to be tough because it is a pain carrying the empty stone of steel around. Warmed up doing set of rows with it empty. I figured I’d see how it went with a regular shirt and chalk. That was a failure. No issues picking up the stone but can’t keep a good grip on it. Very different from sandbag. I can lean back with sandbag. Leaning back with the stone of steel causes my grip to get worse and makes breathing harder. I barely got anywhere the first set and felt like I was going to pass out. Few minutes rest and gave it another try and got about twice the distance of my first attempt. Hamstrings were popping out. This wasn’t going to work, I wasn’t even getting 40’ which was the leg of the medley. Took a break to reset and put on the receiver gloves and grip shirt. The gloves made a bit difference. I felt I was getting more comfortable with the stone restricting my breathing each set. About halfway into the run, it felt like my legs stopped responding and I really slowed down. I told myself to go faster and that seemed to snap them out of it. Also some more guttural noises. This time, I made an appreciable distance, more than doubling the first two attempts combined. Just like sandbag, five minutes and another go to match the distance. I was moving much better and I feel I could have gone even further. Quite the hamstring and upper body workout carrying that thing. Getting better each time. Had a bit of an issue with the car push. I put more weight in the trunk and had a heavier passenger but the parking lot was too easy in the middle. The start was nice and tough and the end went up hill after that. I kept calling for the time when it went up hill only to find out that no one was timing. So I stopped there haha. Going to have to keep track of what I hit a different locations to compare as I more than doubled my usual distance. Felt good to be around other people getting ready to compete. Stretched and drove home.
Friday, June 16, 2017
June 15, 2017 – Week 3, Day 2
5 Minutes Percor AMT
Leaning Calf Raises
One Leg Leaning Calf Raises
Regular Box Touches (12” Box)
Band Rows w/Biceps Stretch
MBx25/10 seconds
Squat Therapy (16” Box)
Sumo Box Touches (12” Box)
Band Rows w/Biceps Stretch
MBx25/10 seconds
Hip Airplanes (supported)
16” Front Box Squats
Band Side Bends
Comments: Cold is going away. Whatever was going on with the upper back and shoulder on my left side has also lessened. This workout is a lot less intense right now for these next four weeks with the increased event stuff on Saturdays. Still quite warm and humid but definitely a lot more tolerable than it was the first half of this week haha. Started out with the AMT. Heart rate was only up to 146bpm. Calf raises were pretty easy. Compared to what I was doing last week that is. Going from one to the next with no rest. Hamstrings were really tight on regular style box touches. Still felt good. Band rows felt better compared to the first workout this week. Shoulders were definitely tight on the biceps stretches. Squat therapy was pretty good, barely any aches in the right knee. Second run through of box touches (sumo style), band rows and biceps stretch was good too. Hip airplanes were tough on my injured side. Kept losing balance so I ended up doing a few more than written. No issues with the other side. Then on to the weights. Only weighted exercise for the session was front box squats. Slight adjustment from what was previously being done. Still the same kind of weight jumps but now similar to how box squats have been with aiming for a top set of 1-3 reps depending on how I feel. I figured it was best to get used to the hard belt on these as well so I put on the rehband belt for the last set before the working set and then the hard belt for the top set. Felt heavier working up compared to last time haha. Top set, the weight moved easy but I know I need to get used to breathing with the weight on my clavicle as there is a lot of pressure and I don’t want to pass out. I should get better at it. Moved right into ab work after that. No real cramping like last week so that was good. Home to stretch, eat and sleep.
Leaning Calf Raises
One Leg Leaning Calf Raises
Regular Box Touches (12” Box)
Band Rows w/Biceps Stretch
MBx25/10 seconds
Squat Therapy (16” Box)
Sumo Box Touches (12” Box)
Band Rows w/Biceps Stretch
MBx25/10 seconds
Hip Airplanes (supported)
16” Front Box Squats
Band Side Bends
Comments: Cold is going away. Whatever was going on with the upper back and shoulder on my left side has also lessened. This workout is a lot less intense right now for these next four weeks with the increased event stuff on Saturdays. Still quite warm and humid but definitely a lot more tolerable than it was the first half of this week haha. Started out with the AMT. Heart rate was only up to 146bpm. Calf raises were pretty easy. Compared to what I was doing last week that is. Going from one to the next with no rest. Hamstrings were really tight on regular style box touches. Still felt good. Band rows felt better compared to the first workout this week. Shoulders were definitely tight on the biceps stretches. Squat therapy was pretty good, barely any aches in the right knee. Second run through of box touches (sumo style), band rows and biceps stretch was good too. Hip airplanes were tough on my injured side. Kept losing balance so I ended up doing a few more than written. No issues with the other side. Then on to the weights. Only weighted exercise for the session was front box squats. Slight adjustment from what was previously being done. Still the same kind of weight jumps but now similar to how box squats have been with aiming for a top set of 1-3 reps depending on how I feel. I figured it was best to get used to the hard belt on these as well so I put on the rehband belt for the last set before the working set and then the hard belt for the top set. Felt heavier working up compared to last time haha. Top set, the weight moved easy but I know I need to get used to breathing with the weight on my clavicle as there is a lot of pressure and I don’t want to pass out. I should get better at it. Moved right into ab work after that. No real cramping like last week so that was good. Home to stretch, eat and sleep.
Wednesday, June 14, 2017
June 13, 2017 – Week 3, Day 1
5 Minutes Percor AMT
Leaning Calf Raises
One Leg Leaning Calf Raises
Regular Box Touches (12” Box)
Band Rows w/Biceps Stretch
MBx25/10 seconds
Sumo Box Touches (12” Box)
Band Rows w/Biceps Stretch
MBx25/10 seconds
Hip Airplanes (supported)
Incline Bench Presses
1 Second Pauses
Chest Supported Rows (1 second holds)
Circus Dumbbell Clean and Presses
Plate Loaded Dumbbell with Fat Gripz Extreme
(3 stage 2 second pauses)
40x1 L
40x1 R
70x1 L
70x1 R
80x1 L
80x1 R
90x1 L
90x1 R
100x1 L
100x1 R
110x1 L
110x1 R
120x1 L
120x1 R
Circus Dumbbell
130x1 L
130x1 R
140x1 L
140x1 R
(competition style)
150x7 L
150x7 R
Comments: Today didn’t start off well. This week didn’t start off well. Cold hit me pretty hard Sunday. Only went outside to go for a walk. Hasn’t helped that it has been over 90 the past few days. On top of the cold (which is slowly going away), my upper back has been really sore and achy. Started feeling it Sunday afternoon and it got more tense after that. I’m hoping it is more just getting used to the new demands being placed on it, similar to my biceps from last cycle. Today though it was a lot more than I liked and I put some lidocaine on it before going to work for some relief. With the head cold, the heat and the upper back issue (specifically the left side) I was debating just chalking up the week as a recovery week and try it again next week. Debated leaving work to go home and sleep. Did all kinds of movements and stretches at my desk to find some relief. Started to feel slightly better so I figured I’d go train. As long as it didn’t make things worse I’d give it a shot. Warmed up as per usual on the AMT. Heart rate got to 153bpm. Calf work followed. Reduced work load here so quite easy. Box touches and band rows with biceps stretch again. No aches on box touches. Rows didn’t appear to make things any worse or any better. Some shoulder tightness on the stretch but seemed uniform between both sides. Hip airplanes went alright. No loss of balance (was able to catch myself). Incline bench after that. Essentially the same as last time just working up in sets of three to a top set where I had good form followed by a second set at 90% and then pause reps. I was initially planning on just going for 265lbs for the solid triple as I had done a double with it during one of the cycles and it wouldn’t be something I couldn’t get with good form. I ended up talking myself into going for 275lbs and I’m glad I did as that went up pretty well with good form. Second set with the reduced weight was good too. Pauses were done for a set of five with more weight than last time. Not bad either. Chest supported rows with static holds after that. I went down in weight only because I forgot how much I had done on these last time and didn’t put in on my workout sheet for this workout. I did more on the warm-up set so maybe that evens things out. Now it did indicate I could back track on weight as the goal is more for the control and blood flow. With the right side of my upper back feeling as it did, it was probably best that I didn’t increase the weight. However, I feel that if I knew what I did last time, I probably would have added weight. I’m stubborn like that sometimes. Circus dumbbell after that. Plan this time was working up in singles with the push press pause and hold method until I got to the working weight to use my competition style. Goal being to do AMAP in 60 seconds with my stronger side with a set percent of my 1rm (so far) and then match it with the lagging side with no time limit. Of course my “strong side” was the side that was bothering me. I mimed the motion at work during the day to see if it would bother me. Thankfully, it didn’t. Switch sides to start off on as usually I’m leading with the lagging side. Granted, they are neck and neck now with training. I was reviewing the equipment I had versus the contest equipment. My dumbbell setup has slightly thicker handle and larger bell diameter but is about 8” shorter than the contest dumbbell is going to be. First time I think that part of it has set in. Will just have to keep pushing it and see how it goes contest day. So I was anxious as I usually am when I got to put it on the line, even in training. Little shaky on the first rep but I got a into a groove. Touch and go on the ground so now relaxing of the dumbbell and cleaning right back to the shoulders. Got seven and missed number eight twice. First miss with the eighth was due to not squeezing the handle enough as it rolled out of my grip at the lockout. I had ten seconds left after I put down the bell and I gave it another try but couldn’t get it back in the right spot and went for it but no dice. Too far out from my body to recover and get under it. I got the seven in about 45 seconds so about one every 6.5 seconds. Not a bad pace, potentially nine reps there if I can get it all to come together. Obviously this is quite a bit under contest weight but it is a good start. No time limit then for the other side. Happy to get the same reps with no breaks. Definitely taking things a little longer to setup. Even without being on the time limit, I got them in under a minute but I was beat. I had just under eight seconds left (if I was on a time limit) and I was nearing my limit. About one rep every 7.5 seconds. Not bad. Home to stretch and eat. More lidocaine and ibuprofen before going to bed.
Leaning Calf Raises
One Leg Leaning Calf Raises
Regular Box Touches (12” Box)
Band Rows w/Biceps Stretch
MBx25/10 seconds
Sumo Box Touches (12” Box)
Band Rows w/Biceps Stretch
MBx25/10 seconds
Hip Airplanes (supported)
Incline Bench Presses
1 Second Pauses
Chest Supported Rows (1 second holds)
Circus Dumbbell Clean and Presses
Plate Loaded Dumbbell with Fat Gripz Extreme
(3 stage 2 second pauses)
40x1 L
40x1 R
70x1 L
70x1 R
80x1 L
80x1 R
90x1 L
90x1 R
100x1 L
100x1 R
110x1 L
110x1 R
120x1 L
120x1 R
Circus Dumbbell
130x1 L
130x1 R
140x1 L
140x1 R
(competition style)
150x7 L
150x7 R
Comments: Today didn’t start off well. This week didn’t start off well. Cold hit me pretty hard Sunday. Only went outside to go for a walk. Hasn’t helped that it has been over 90 the past few days. On top of the cold (which is slowly going away), my upper back has been really sore and achy. Started feeling it Sunday afternoon and it got more tense after that. I’m hoping it is more just getting used to the new demands being placed on it, similar to my biceps from last cycle. Today though it was a lot more than I liked and I put some lidocaine on it before going to work for some relief. With the head cold, the heat and the upper back issue (specifically the left side) I was debating just chalking up the week as a recovery week and try it again next week. Debated leaving work to go home and sleep. Did all kinds of movements and stretches at my desk to find some relief. Started to feel slightly better so I figured I’d go train. As long as it didn’t make things worse I’d give it a shot. Warmed up as per usual on the AMT. Heart rate got to 153bpm. Calf work followed. Reduced work load here so quite easy. Box touches and band rows with biceps stretch again. No aches on box touches. Rows didn’t appear to make things any worse or any better. Some shoulder tightness on the stretch but seemed uniform between both sides. Hip airplanes went alright. No loss of balance (was able to catch myself). Incline bench after that. Essentially the same as last time just working up in sets of three to a top set where I had good form followed by a second set at 90% and then pause reps. I was initially planning on just going for 265lbs for the solid triple as I had done a double with it during one of the cycles and it wouldn’t be something I couldn’t get with good form. I ended up talking myself into going for 275lbs and I’m glad I did as that went up pretty well with good form. Second set with the reduced weight was good too. Pauses were done for a set of five with more weight than last time. Not bad either. Chest supported rows with static holds after that. I went down in weight only because I forgot how much I had done on these last time and didn’t put in on my workout sheet for this workout. I did more on the warm-up set so maybe that evens things out. Now it did indicate I could back track on weight as the goal is more for the control and blood flow. With the right side of my upper back feeling as it did, it was probably best that I didn’t increase the weight. However, I feel that if I knew what I did last time, I probably would have added weight. I’m stubborn like that sometimes. Circus dumbbell after that. Plan this time was working up in singles with the push press pause and hold method until I got to the working weight to use my competition style. Goal being to do AMAP in 60 seconds with my stronger side with a set percent of my 1rm (so far) and then match it with the lagging side with no time limit. Of course my “strong side” was the side that was bothering me. I mimed the motion at work during the day to see if it would bother me. Thankfully, it didn’t. Switch sides to start off on as usually I’m leading with the lagging side. Granted, they are neck and neck now with training. I was reviewing the equipment I had versus the contest equipment. My dumbbell setup has slightly thicker handle and larger bell diameter but is about 8” shorter than the contest dumbbell is going to be. First time I think that part of it has set in. Will just have to keep pushing it and see how it goes contest day. So I was anxious as I usually am when I got to put it on the line, even in training. Little shaky on the first rep but I got a into a groove. Touch and go on the ground so now relaxing of the dumbbell and cleaning right back to the shoulders. Got seven and missed number eight twice. First miss with the eighth was due to not squeezing the handle enough as it rolled out of my grip at the lockout. I had ten seconds left after I put down the bell and I gave it another try but couldn’t get it back in the right spot and went for it but no dice. Too far out from my body to recover and get under it. I got the seven in about 45 seconds so about one every 6.5 seconds. Not a bad pace, potentially nine reps there if I can get it all to come together. Obviously this is quite a bit under contest weight but it is a good start. No time limit then for the other side. Happy to get the same reps with no breaks. Definitely taking things a little longer to setup. Even without being on the time limit, I got them in under a minute but I was beat. I had just under eight seconds left (if I was on a time limit) and I was nearing my limit. About one rep every 7.5 seconds. Not bad. Home to stretch and eat. More lidocaine and ibuprofen before going to bed.
Saturday, June 10, 2017
June 10, 2017 – Week 2, Day 3
5 Minutes Concept 2 Rower
Leaning Calf Raises
One Leg Leaning Calf Raises
Regular Box Touches (12” Box)
Band Rows w/Biceps Stretch
MBx25/10 seconds
Sumo Box Touches (12” Box)
Band Rows w/Biceps Stretch
MBx25/10 seconds
Hip Airplanes (supported)
Farmer’s Walk
With Turns (at 50’)
112x100’ in 14.10 seconds
Straight Runs
202x50’ in 7.37 seconds
Max Distance
Sandbag Rows
Sandbag Load to Height (58”)
Sandbag Bearhug Carry
Comments: Not feeling the best. Issues from earlier were enough to get me to catch a slight cold. Tried do my best to alleviate things with some ibuprofen, massage, went to bed early and ate like seven strip steaks. Little bit better in the morning but still not ready to seize the day. Slept about an hour later than my alarm initially got me up. Had to make today work as this is the only day I can do these events and I wanted to be free tomorrow. Warmed up on the rower. Not bad, calves were tight and this felt good. Calf work went well. This was good as they have been tense since Thursday. Box touches, band rows and biceps stretch after that. Felt good. Little achy in the hip on first run through but it went away after a rep or two. Hip airplanes after that. No balance issues so no redoing reps. Then on to moving with weights and stuff. Same plan as last time with farmer’s walk. First set being light, longer run with a turn and then a bit heavier for a straight run. Again, knocked over the cone on the longer run with the turn. Almost a second slower from last time. Not too concerned, I think is was more that I miscalculated the turn. Thinking not being the best with the cold. Straight run was much better from last session. Much faster. I had confidence in the weights staying on this time. My concern was with the max distance farmer’s walk run. I didn’t feel like I wouldn’t pick it up but with how I was feeling, I was worried I would severely underperform. I however managed to beat the distance from last time with more weight. I had to use more clips and collars to secure the weight so it ended up increasing the handle weight a bit for that last set. Of course that was just the start of the session so on to sandbag work to do. Sandbag rows for sets of fives. Put a 10lbs plate on top to increase the weight from last time. Felt pretty good but dreading the next exercise. Set of ten with the 250lbs sandbag loading to a height. I didn’t want to do over an object and have to struggle with readjusting the bag but the setup last time was way too unstable. I setup an axle in a power rack and used mats to get the setup right. Not trying to toss the bag over, just getting the extension to hit the goal height. I feel my pacing was better this time and I wasn’t gasping for air during the set like last time. I don’t enjoy this one but I know it is helping me. Last thing was just evil. Max distance sandbag carry bearhug style then rest five minutes and bring it back to the finish. Lots of max distance stuff with failing. As it has been stated, fatigue makes cowards of us all so I need to keep at it. Only did a short run last time but I figured I could beat what I was doing with the farmer’s walk. That first walk was tough with the horizon being the only real goal. Long rest and then on to matching the distance. It’s like extra incentive to not fall short of the goal when you have a training crew. I felt better on the second run and having a visible reference to match made it easier to keep going. I feel I could have gone further on the second run. Very tired after all this. More event specific stuff these next few weeks. Stretched and drove home.
Friday, June 9, 2017
June 8, 2017 – Week 2, Day 2
5 Minutes Percor AMT
Leaning Calf Raises
One Leg Leaning Calf Raises
Regular Box Touches (12” Box)
Band Rows w/Biceps Stretch
MBx25/10 seconds
Squat Therapy (16” Box)
Sumo Box Touches (12” Box)
Band Rows w/Biceps Stretch
MBx25/10 seconds
Hip Airplanes (supported)
16” Box Squats
95x4 (miscounted)
Axle Deadlifts
72x10 (bar on bumper plates)
72x10 (bar on bumper plates)
Leg Raises
Band Side Bends
Comments: Not the best workout. I got what I expected and wanted but it was tough. My own stupidity. I forgot to take my medication the day before so I had to experience withdraw symptoms all night, finally feeling better by lunch time today. I was thinking about the last workout for this week as being harder than this one and it was tough to keep focus on the obstacle before me. So I knew this wasn’t going to be a super duper session. Warm-up on the AMT. Heartrate up to 154bpm. Calf raises followed. Calves were tight but no issue getting the reps with either side. Box touches started things off (regular style) and they felt good with the band rows and biceps stretch. Stretch felt ok, no noticeable tightness in either shoulder like last few sessions. Shoulders were sore/tight on the first set of band rows. Squat therapy went well. Not as good as last week but still pretty good. Kept adjusting my stance during the set to see what felt best on the knees. Then sumo box touches and another round of band rows and biceps stretch. I figured that hip airplanes wouldn’t be so keen this session. Balance was tough on my damaged side. No issues on my other side. Got to keep it up. Then on to box squats. Trying to put effort into each rep. Miscounted the second warm-up set and only did four reps. Always a lot of forehead sweat on this exercise haha. As with previous heavy box squat sessions, working up to goal weight and aiming for 1-3 reps. Little soreness in the left side of my lower back working up in weight. Hard belt on for last single before working set. With the night I had, I knew this would be tough. Felt a lot tougher than two weeks ago. Not a max effort as I feel I had at least another rep in the tank here. Still more weight than last time so progress continues. Fairly big change on the next part of the workout. Still doing the deadlifts but swapping out a barbell for an axle. Even light it feels so much different with the bar being away from the body more. Definitely noticing the soreness in my lower back on the left side so good way to monitor if my form is on point. First set with bar DOH and second DUH. Then switching alternating grips on the next two warm-up set pairings. Bar left an unique stain on my shins and socks. Working sets done DOH. Surprised how tough that was on my thumbs. Some doubts grip would hold but that was until I did the first rep of the first set. EOMOM style here (well as best as I could) to keep a good pace going. Short rest on the first set, just right for second and a little long for the last one (someone asked me to spot them on bench). Abdominal work to end the session. High reps on the leg raises and band obliques. Abs were pretty tense this was decently tough. Home to stretch and eat.
Leaning Calf Raises
One Leg Leaning Calf Raises
Regular Box Touches (12” Box)
Band Rows w/Biceps Stretch
MBx25/10 seconds
Squat Therapy (16” Box)
Sumo Box Touches (12” Box)
Band Rows w/Biceps Stretch
MBx25/10 seconds
Hip Airplanes (supported)
16” Box Squats
95x4 (miscounted)
Axle Deadlifts
72x10 (bar on bumper plates)
72x10 (bar on bumper plates)
Leg Raises
Band Side Bends
Comments: Not the best workout. I got what I expected and wanted but it was tough. My own stupidity. I forgot to take my medication the day before so I had to experience withdraw symptoms all night, finally feeling better by lunch time today. I was thinking about the last workout for this week as being harder than this one and it was tough to keep focus on the obstacle before me. So I knew this wasn’t going to be a super duper session. Warm-up on the AMT. Heartrate up to 154bpm. Calf raises followed. Calves were tight but no issue getting the reps with either side. Box touches started things off (regular style) and they felt good with the band rows and biceps stretch. Stretch felt ok, no noticeable tightness in either shoulder like last few sessions. Shoulders were sore/tight on the first set of band rows. Squat therapy went well. Not as good as last week but still pretty good. Kept adjusting my stance during the set to see what felt best on the knees. Then sumo box touches and another round of band rows and biceps stretch. I figured that hip airplanes wouldn’t be so keen this session. Balance was tough on my damaged side. No issues on my other side. Got to keep it up. Then on to box squats. Trying to put effort into each rep. Miscounted the second warm-up set and only did four reps. Always a lot of forehead sweat on this exercise haha. As with previous heavy box squat sessions, working up to goal weight and aiming for 1-3 reps. Little soreness in the left side of my lower back working up in weight. Hard belt on for last single before working set. With the night I had, I knew this would be tough. Felt a lot tougher than two weeks ago. Not a max effort as I feel I had at least another rep in the tank here. Still more weight than last time so progress continues. Fairly big change on the next part of the workout. Still doing the deadlifts but swapping out a barbell for an axle. Even light it feels so much different with the bar being away from the body more. Definitely noticing the soreness in my lower back on the left side so good way to monitor if my form is on point. First set with bar DOH and second DUH. Then switching alternating grips on the next two warm-up set pairings. Bar left an unique stain on my shins and socks. Working sets done DOH. Surprised how tough that was on my thumbs. Some doubts grip would hold but that was until I did the first rep of the first set. EOMOM style here (well as best as I could) to keep a good pace going. Short rest on the first set, just right for second and a little long for the last one (someone asked me to spot them on bench). Abdominal work to end the session. High reps on the leg raises and band obliques. Abs were pretty tense this was decently tough. Home to stretch and eat.
Wednesday, June 7, 2017
June 6, 2017 – Week 2, Day 1
5 Minutes Percor AMT
Leaning Calf Raises
One Leg Leaning Calf Raises
Regular Box Touches (12” Box)
Band Rows w/Biceps Stretch
MBx25/10 seconds
Sumo Box Touches (12” Box)
Band Rows w/Biceps Stretch
MBx25/10 seconds
Hip Airplanes (supported)
12” Log Presses
Viper Presses (Dumbbells)
Viper Press + Push Presses (Log)
Clean and Push Presses
Chest Supported Rows
Dead Floor Presses
Close Grip (2 Second Pauses)
Comments: Shoulders were achy the past two days. I apparently still get stressed out in social situations and had been tense the whole time and I didn’t “relax” until I got back home. There was no reason to be that worried haha. Warmed up on the AMT. Heart rate got up to 151bpm this time. I had been trying to get to bed early the past few days so I think that helped. Calf work after that. Miscounted and did one more than I planned to do on the one leg style. Kind of a good thing as that means it isn’t as much of a struggle for my lagging side to get the higher rep ranges like it has been the past two weeks. Then a short circuit of box touches, band rows and biceps stretch. First time regular box touches and second time sumo box touches as I have been doing. It would then be band rows but I misplaced the band so I just ended up miming the movement. Biceps stretch felt really good this time. Hip airplanes were the best they have been as far as balance. I didn’t lose balance on any rep. Weighted exercises followed. Log press to start and it was a bit different than the past sessions. Warm-ups with dumbbells for log viper pressing as has been the case. Things got interesting once I worked up to the log. Still doing viper presses but adding a push press as well. Viper press the first rep, bring the log back to my chest and then push press another rep. Going up 20lbs a set aiming for about 90% of my viper press max and then going to clean and push press singles after that to a conservative single (no grinders). The push press part of this was going to be interesting. Topped out at 240lbs on the viper press (not a max but tough enough) and the push press was still comfortable. I figured that I would be topping out on push press at 280lbs since I’ve only gone up to 255lbs on log this whole time. Cleans were tough but I felt surprisingly steady with the log on my chest for 260lbs and 280lbs. 280lbs was way too easy to end the log press session. I hadn’t even thought of the possibility that I would be comfortable enough to try 300lbs this early in my training. I’ve hit this kind of weight and above 5-6 times in my life with a clean (best being a double at 2015 Nationals) and always with a big psyche up. The psyche up wasn’t there this time and I didn’t need it. The clean was tough and it kind of rocked me back a little so I had to catch myself and brace my lower body. I wasn’t sure I could get it even at that point but once I came out of the dip from initiating the leg drive, I knew it was going up. And it wasn’t a grinder. Really surprised with that. Only 10lbs of my 1rm and I feel I could probably have hit that today. Glad to know that I’m not super far behind on my two arm event pressing. Then on to chest supported rows, working up to a heavy set of five over five sets after a light warm-up set. Big jumps again, trying to move fast until the top set. Getting tough haha. Then dropped by 10% to do another set of five to finish things off. Last exercise for the session was dead floor presses. Similar to incline bench with the plan being to work up in sets of five to a top set of five and then do some down sets. I wanted to do 3 plates and I just did quarter, plate, quarter jumps. Set before might have been a bit much as 3 plates was quite tough haha. I was trying to move pretty quick up to that set. Then dropped to 90% for another set of five. Pretty tough just to get that one off the pins haha. Then another 10% for another set of five but with a close grip style and pauses at the bottom on each rep. Upper body understandable thrashed from this. Going to need to keep the food and sleep up to keep up this effort.
Leaning Calf Raises
One Leg Leaning Calf Raises
Regular Box Touches (12” Box)
Band Rows w/Biceps Stretch
MBx25/10 seconds
Sumo Box Touches (12” Box)
Band Rows w/Biceps Stretch
MBx25/10 seconds
Hip Airplanes (supported)
12” Log Presses
Viper Presses (Dumbbells)
Viper Press + Push Presses (Log)
Clean and Push Presses
Chest Supported Rows
Dead Floor Presses
Close Grip (2 Second Pauses)
Comments: Shoulders were achy the past two days. I apparently still get stressed out in social situations and had been tense the whole time and I didn’t “relax” until I got back home. There was no reason to be that worried haha. Warmed up on the AMT. Heart rate got up to 151bpm this time. I had been trying to get to bed early the past few days so I think that helped. Calf work after that. Miscounted and did one more than I planned to do on the one leg style. Kind of a good thing as that means it isn’t as much of a struggle for my lagging side to get the higher rep ranges like it has been the past two weeks. Then a short circuit of box touches, band rows and biceps stretch. First time regular box touches and second time sumo box touches as I have been doing. It would then be band rows but I misplaced the band so I just ended up miming the movement. Biceps stretch felt really good this time. Hip airplanes were the best they have been as far as balance. I didn’t lose balance on any rep. Weighted exercises followed. Log press to start and it was a bit different than the past sessions. Warm-ups with dumbbells for log viper pressing as has been the case. Things got interesting once I worked up to the log. Still doing viper presses but adding a push press as well. Viper press the first rep, bring the log back to my chest and then push press another rep. Going up 20lbs a set aiming for about 90% of my viper press max and then going to clean and push press singles after that to a conservative single (no grinders). The push press part of this was going to be interesting. Topped out at 240lbs on the viper press (not a max but tough enough) and the push press was still comfortable. I figured that I would be topping out on push press at 280lbs since I’ve only gone up to 255lbs on log this whole time. Cleans were tough but I felt surprisingly steady with the log on my chest for 260lbs and 280lbs. 280lbs was way too easy to end the log press session. I hadn’t even thought of the possibility that I would be comfortable enough to try 300lbs this early in my training. I’ve hit this kind of weight and above 5-6 times in my life with a clean (best being a double at 2015 Nationals) and always with a big psyche up. The psyche up wasn’t there this time and I didn’t need it. The clean was tough and it kind of rocked me back a little so I had to catch myself and brace my lower body. I wasn’t sure I could get it even at that point but once I came out of the dip from initiating the leg drive, I knew it was going up. And it wasn’t a grinder. Really surprised with that. Only 10lbs of my 1rm and I feel I could probably have hit that today. Glad to know that I’m not super far behind on my two arm event pressing. Then on to chest supported rows, working up to a heavy set of five over five sets after a light warm-up set. Big jumps again, trying to move fast until the top set. Getting tough haha. Then dropped by 10% to do another set of five to finish things off. Last exercise for the session was dead floor presses. Similar to incline bench with the plan being to work up in sets of five to a top set of five and then do some down sets. I wanted to do 3 plates and I just did quarter, plate, quarter jumps. Set before might have been a bit much as 3 plates was quite tough haha. I was trying to move pretty quick up to that set. Then dropped to 90% for another set of five. Pretty tough just to get that one off the pins haha. Then another 10% for another set of five but with a close grip style and pauses at the bottom on each rep. Upper body understandable thrashed from this. Going to need to keep the food and sleep up to keep up this effort.
Saturday, June 3, 2017
June 3, 2017 – Week 1, Day 3
5 Minutes Sled Drag (55lbs for .25 miles)
Leaning Calf Raises
One Leg Leaning Calf Raises
Regular Box Touches (12” Box)
Band Rows w/Biceps Stretch
MBx25/10 seconds
Sumo Box Touches (12” Box)
Band Rows w/Biceps Stretch
MBx25/10 seconds
Hip Airplanes (supported)
217x50’ in 6.02 seconds
217x50’ in 5.90 seconds
302x25’ in 3.53 seconds
352x25’ in 3.87 seconds
402x25’ in 3.74 seconds
452x25’ in 4.08 seconds
502x25’ in 4.05 seconds
552x25’ in 4.57 seconds
602x25’ in 4.54 seconds
652x50’ in 8.38 seconds
Stone of Steel Over Bar (57”)
Vehicle Push
2,693lbs + 1 person + 185lbs in trunkx216’ in 60 seconds
Comments: At home for training this time. Work week had been hectic and didn’t get the sleep I wanted/needed and had few late nights. As I was also traveling tomorrow, it made sense to just catch up on sleep and do my event work in comfort. Warm-up with the sled drag around the block. Sun was bright and it really made a difference if you were in the shade or not. Calf work after that. Still tough to get the reps on the one leg and super easy to get them with the other. Then on to box touches, band rows and biceps stretch. No issues there other than a little ache in the hip on the wide style but that went away quick. Hip airplanes were better than last workout. Not sure what that was about last time. Lost my balance on the first rep with my injured side so I started over to get good reps. Then on to the heavy stuff. Yoke again. Usual warm-up with the empty yoke but then a bit of a change. Smaller jumps and only going 25’ on the runs. Plan being to work up to a top set of between 620-650lbs for 50’. I think this worked well for me. My yoke felt a little “shakier” than usual but it’s fine if my training is harder than contest conditions. More sets with better integration of the belt. Of course, I aimed for the higher weight end of the bracket for the workout. Didn’t feel as pass-outy as last time. Ended up being a little bit faster than last time with 50lbs more so that is also good. I was definitely not as nervous under the yoke going for the top set. Then the stone of steel. More warm-ups on this with the aim being the same as last time; a set of 5-10, depending on how I felt. Warm-up singles felt tougher than I would have liked. I felt like I was getting light headed on the extensions. Everything was set for the top set. It is like a controlled panic attack going for an increase in weight on this event. Every time. I knew I would be fine after that first rep. Even if it took me all day, I would be going for 10 reps. Even with the increased weight, I managed to get six reps in under a minute with a seventh not that far out of the time limit. It was tough to get those last three reps though haha. Using over 90% of contest weight to 7” higher than contest height. My progress on this keeps me motivated. I was spent from that set so I took my time putting my stuff away before doing the last bit of work for the day. Vehicle push for max distance in a minute. I initially tried a heavier vehicle but it wasn’t budging without me denting it trying to grab purchase so I went back to my car. I didn’t have two people this time so I put weight in the trunk. Felt tougher than last time. About halfway into it, a guy on bike rode by and asked if I needed help. It’s nice someone would ask to help a stranger but I was working pretty hard so I did my best to be succinct and cordial while expending little effort in letting him know I wasn’t in trouble. Maybe I was making it look to hard? I didn’t match or beat my distance from last time but I think it had more to do with having weights in the trunk, a heavier passenger and a full tank of gas (it was almost empty last time). But I feel I put in good work today. If this keeps up, I think it might be my best contest performance yet.
Friday, June 2, 2017
June 1, 2017 – Week 1, Day 2
5 Minutes Percor AMT
Leaning Calf Raises
One Leg Leaning Calf Raises
Regular Box Touches (12” Box)
Band Rows w/Biceps Stretch
MBx25/10 seconds
Squat Therapy (16” Box)
Sumo Box Touches (12” Box)
Band Rows w/Biceps Stretch
MBx25/10 seconds
Hip Airplanes (supported)
16” Front Box Squats
16” Rack Pulls
Added Straps
Band Side Bends
Comments: Still feeling a bit beat up from the previous workout circus dumbbell extravaganza. Walking the day before certainly helped with recovery. Not getting as much sleep as I want. Letting that slip, need to get that back under control. Not enough hours in the day sometimes. Started out with the AMT. Heart rate was up to 157bpm. Calf raises the same as last session. A bit tougher for the lagging side to get the reps this time. Box touches felt good with both styles. No aches doing either style so happy about that. Rows felt alright and stretch I didn’t notice any tightness issues in the shoulders between the sides. Squat therapy was great, no knee aching at all. I was fully expecting it with how they felt the last two times. Hip airplanes sucked. It was like my first day doing them. I just kept on losing my balance. I finally got the reps I needed (kept at it until I got them all in a row). Not sure what that was about. Then on to the weights. Front box squats again. Same as last as far as jump but working to a heavier triple. No hard belt, still trying to move fast with these. Working up sets felt better than last time these were on the agenda. Top set was a bit tougher but still plenty in the tank. Next up the rack pulls. Working up to a top set with the aim being 1-5 with it. Always aiming for that five. Slight modifications to the warm-up from last time. More work with alternating the grip each set as only my first two sets with the bar involved double overhand and double underhand grips. Trying my best to not have my forehead sweat get on the bar where I was gripping it haha. Definitely getting better with lifting with the hard belt. Glad it isn’t taking as long as I thought it would. Last set before strapping in was with five plates and it moved quite well so I was ready to hit the working weight. It had felt a little rough working up but sometimes I just need to get warm. Working weight was darn heavy. Got my set of five but it was tough. Felt immediate soreness in my mid and upper back after that set haha. Continuing to push this weight with good form. Abdominal work followed that. Easy set of crunches into easy obliques with bands. Reps increased on both and it was still easy. Stretched and then home to eat.
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