Sunday, November 29, 2015

November 29, 2015 – Week 7, Day 4

Dynamic Warm-ups

Paused Front Squats (2 second pauses)
No Pauses
Added Pauses


Circuits (no rest between exercises)
Shrugs/T-Bar Prison Rows/Neutral Grip Pull-ups/Ab Wheel/Glute Ham Raises

30 Minutes of Stretching

Comments: I wasn’t sure how today would go. I had gotten back from Virginia the evening before and my body tends to dislike traveling, especially when I got to sleep in strange beds. My left triceps and lat insert were very sore the day before and I was kind of worried it was more than just muscle soreness. I apparently needed sleep as I overslept by about two hours. Pretty much eat breakfast and go lift. Lifted at Max Fitness. I figured I just weigh myself for laughs. Scale says I weigh 279.4lbs. Not sure how I put on that much weight in seven days haha. Front squats as usual. Kept my warm-ups on to keep my legs nice and toasty. More weight, went a bit more this week. Feels about the same to be honest. Felt good but I noticed I was a little tired on the second set. For the last set, I just stared at the ceiling like a flounder for the whole set. It actually felt better/easier. More upright I think. Then deadlifts. Same as the past two weeks; big double and then speed sets. Pretty big jump from last week’s double. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to try this double overhand or strap up to be sure. The decision was made for me as I forgot my straps at home (I had taken them out as I didn’t need them in Virginia). With the way 315lbs came up, I knew today was going to be special. Got very hyped for the double and attacked. I knew I had the double the way the first one went up. Incredibly happy with it as it is the most weight I’ve ever done with a double overhand (let alone for a double) and the best my deadlift has felt in a long time. Good things to come when I max out I think. Back down to earth for the speed sets. About as tough as last week and I think it has more to do with me going ape crazy mentally for that double that these can feel pretty tough. Then on to the circuit work. Increases in weight on the shrugs, rows and ghrs. Shrugs definitely eating into my hands a little with the up and down but grip is solid. The jump up in weight on the rows was duly noted. I made darn sure that I didn’t have the thing slide out. Good power on the pull-ups but I know my back was feeling it from the deadlifts, shrugs and rows. Ab wheel was good, pretty much active rest for me and gives me time to think and get my breathing under control. Ghrs were great. Weight definitely woke up the hamstrings on the first set. Deload is definitely needed for my upper body and mind to recoup for the final offseason phase.

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