Saturday, October 31, 2015

October 30, 2015 – Week 3, Day 3

Dynamic Warm-ups

Barbell Push Presses

Close Grip Barbell Incline Bench Presses
245x10 PR+10lbs

Giant Set: Dumbbell Front Raises/Dumbbell Lateral Raises/Dumbbell Bent Over Raises

Straight Arm Pulldowns

EZ Curl Bar French Presses

28 Minutes of Stretching

Comments: Knee aches but not terribly. Absolutely no soreness or sluggishness in my legs which is kind of crazy with the workload but on them so far this cycle. Elbows are still taking a beating though. I had to wait about a half hour after I did my warm-up as someone got into the only rack I can use while I was putting on my shoes. Maybe I should just load the station with all the plates to save it next time haha. The push press singles continue. Short rests and more weight. I didn’t monkey around with my stance this time and I tried to attack the unrack like last week. It took about five singles into the working weight before I felt I was firing on all systems. Until that happened, I felt like I wasn’t putting everything into the lift. I was kind of worried that my achy knee and sore elbows were holding me back. Not the case thankfully. Close grip incline followed. Wrists were very sore on warm-ups. Same setup as the previous weeks but more weight. I knew to expect the tougher first two sets and then be ready for all out madness for the last set. Had a great spot for that set; kept me motivated to go for more and hit a PR. Giant set with the dumbbell raise was the same as last week. Probably just to not stress my biceps as much. Felt ok, definitely easier this time. Straight arm pulldowns followed up that and they were for higher reps. That made it way tougher and I had to rest pause to get all the reps for the last set. Achy joints still needed to do the hundred reps of triceps. Bigger bump up in weight for this week. Fatigue and difficult increasing but still finishing it all in solid form. Stretched and then home for meatloaf.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

October 28, 2015 – Week 3, Day 2

Dynamic Warm-ups

Hatfield Overload Squats

17” Wide Stance Paused Box Squats

One Legged Dumbbell Romanian Deadlifts

Leg Extensions

Spread Eagle Sit-ups

26 Minutes of Stretching

Comments: All the aches are coming. Knee not as bad as it was two weeks ago but certainly noticeable. Elbows and shoulders are really sore and achy. Also got some indigestion, not sure where that came from. Not stopping haha. The go to hatfields started off the session. Continuing to increase the weight for the 5x5. Weight is still moving good. Legs aren’t getting tired but core definitely feels fatigue over the sets. Good power for the first three reps of each set but a slight slowdown on the last two reps. Still feel I could double the reps each set though. Paused box squats with a wide stance followed. I did the warm-ups a little differently this time. One higher rep set with the bar and then going up in weight each set before doing the working sets. Knee surprised me on the first set so it felt a lot tougher than the following sets. Much like last week, I feel I got better as the sets went on. Last two sets felt the best. Hands were getting sweaty on these haha. Hips aren’t fighting me as much on these now. Bodyweight warm-ups on the one-leggeds again to get my form down and ready. Weight is still not an issue and I felt my balance improved each set. I did technically more than three reps on the first set but a rep on each side was “ugly” and I wanted to count good reps here. Good hamstring work. Leg extensions after that. More weight, still going for 100 reps. This time, it wasn’t as tough as last week. I didn’t start to feel anything until about 50 reps into it and by 70 reps I think my nerve endings in my legs all died and I finished it up pretty easy. Abs to finish up the session. That first rep always seems to sort out my spine after all the squatting haha. Stretched a little before calling it a night.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

October 27, 2015 – Week 3, Day 1

Dynamic Warm-ups

Barbell Strict Presses
250x5 PR+5lbs

Barbell Z-Presses

Incline Dumbbell Bench Presses w/LB
80’sx10 PR+5lbs & 2 reps

Band Pull A-parts

Super Set: Decline Triceps Extensions/Incline Dumbbell Hammer Curls

Push-ups (Juarez Valley 12)
BW in 2 minutes and 23.44 seconds

30 Minutes of Stretching

Comments: I’m starting to feel a little beat from the workouts. I got plenty of sleep but it definitely is coming to the point where a deload will be needed haha. Strict presses started off the day. Right off the bat, the weight felt heavy and my right knee was aching. Not a good combo when the goal is AMAP with a heavy weight. First two sets were singles and while the bar didn’t really slow, it they were much tougher than they should have been. Really made me concerned I wouldn’t hit more than a double and making me wish I had last week’s power. I got myself pretty darn excited and got an explosive set of five. I went for another but I was out of power and it stalled halfway. Improvement at least haha. Z presses up after that. I did three lightish singles with short rest (it’s a pain getting up and down into position) before doing work sets. First two went as expected. Two reps went up well on the last set and I went for a third. I stalled and tried to adjust but I got off balance and fell backwards and the rack caught it. Just have to laugh sometimes. I know the strength is there. Incline dumbbell with band with a little jump up in weight. Down to one training partner again so same method as last week. Not as easy as the first week but better than last week. Really got to build a lot of power to beat the band tension to lockout the weights. Active rest in the form of band pull aparts followed and then right into the superset for arms. Elbows were achy for the first set of triceps and it felt heavy. That went away in the following sets. Biceps didn’t like me today. Right one is just perpetually sore and the left is just being a pain. I think the issue with the left is from the stretched position and possibly irritating a nerve. It feels “hot” and similar to the sensation of someone just having freshly ripped a band-aid off my arm. I didn’t have this at all the first week but it was there last week. I made it through the work sets but didn’t push the max rep set for the curls this time. I stopped after I felt it wasn’t worth it to tempt the fates. Pushups from hell was next. Goal post was moved so that I now had to get them all under 2 minutes and 25 seconds. Curse me and my improving each time! This was very tough and I just barely got under the goal time. Again, had to take short rests (like ten seconds) near the end. Stretched and got three recovery burritos.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

October 25, 2015 – Week 2, Day 4

Dynamic Warm-ups

Paused Front Squats (2 second pauses)
No Pauses
Added Pauses


Circuits (no rest between exercises)
Shrugs/T-Bar Prison Rows/Neutral Grip Pull-ups/Ab Wheel/Glute Ham Raises

30 Minutes of Stretching

Comments: Did a bit more work on my off day then I had planned. Teaching some deadlift and conditioning stuff to my sister’s friend. Usually I just walk but I ended up doing more prowler sprints than I should have haha. Plenty recovered for the next day though. I had some warning that training would be earlier so I was ready. The pause squats for sets of five again. Same weight and this time it felt better. Nothing really felt off here and felt consistent every rep. Did tire a little though. I did start laughing mid set on the second set from the comments about the music choice. Deadlifts followed. I was motivated to make last week look like a snail’s pace. Triple for the day was very good. It could be faster but this felt very strong. I felt like I could do it for ten if I needed to. Speed work was also on point. Same thing as last week with an extra set tacked on. Am to pull fast and be consistent. Started to slow down a little bit by the end. Circuit work followed. Increased the weights on the shrugs and rows and increased the reps on the pull-ups and ghrs. Hardly felt the increase on the shrugs. I did notice it on the other stuff though haha. I did like how this feels going through all of the lifts like this, though it does take up a lot of space. Stretched a bit to finish up another week.

Saturday, October 24, 2015

October 23, 2015 – Week 2, Day 3

Dynamic Warm-ups

Barbell Push Presses

Close Grip Barbell Incline Bench Presses

Giant Set: Dumbbell Front Raises/Dumbbell Lateral Raises/Dumbbell Bent Over Raises

Straight Arm Pulldowns

EZ Curl Bar French Presses

28 Minutes of Stretching

Comments: I can’t say I’m not disappointed my body isn’t sore from the workouts this week. My legs barely feel a thing from the last workout. I know that I shouldn’t be disappointed because soreness doesn’t mean improvement. The fact I was sore from the workload last week and now I’m not should be what I’m excited about as it means I’m recovering and adapting to the workload. Knee continues to improve (don’t have to walk down steps backwards haha) but elbows are starting to ache. Push presses for lots of singles with short rests again, just with more weight. I was able to attack the unrack with a bit more zeal this week with my knee feeling loads better. It did take a set or two at the working weight to feel like was taking the weight seriously. Definitely not as easy as last week but sets were very consistent. I did tamper with my stance to determine which one allowed for more lower body drive, which felt better on my knee and which one led to greater stability. Incline work followed. Same as deal as last week, just more weight. I knew what to expect. I’m really not sure why the last set feels better, maybe it is because I ask for a spotter so I can go for broke and I’ve taken the limiters off or something. Maybe having an audience makes me want to succeed and impress. Who knows haha. My right side was definitely lagging and I stopped after eleven reps as I knew if I tried for another, it would have been the ugliest rep I'd ever done or attempted. Giant set with the dumbbell raises. Weight increased and reps decreased drastically. I knew this time would be smooth sailing. Only issue was with the lateral raises in that my achy elbows were stressed and my right biceps is acting all stupid. Straight arm pulldowns next. Better than last time, though my abs cramped up pretty hard on the first set. Can still improve from here. By this point, my elbows, shoulders and wrists were all achy. Still had a century of triceps to go. Weight is light and very little fatigue felt through it all. I was glad when it was all done so I could rest. Three recovery burritos to end the night.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

October 21, 2015 – Week 2, Day 2

Dynamic Warm-ups

Hatfield Overload Squats

17” Wide Stance Paused Box Squats

One Legged Dumbbell Romanian Deadlifts

Leg Extensions

Spread Eagle Sit-ups

26 Minutes of Stretching

Comments: Knee is continuing to improve. Still wasn’t certain if the squats would go well as my lower back and hamstrings were feeling it. Hammies sore and lower back achy. The staple hatfield squats started off the session. Confidence and stability were much improved (most due to knee feeling better). With the bar speed, I knew something special was going to happen. The weight felt easier than last week by far and one set was almost what I would call speed work. I had to keep counting the weights to make sure I had the right weight on the bar haha. No major fatigue like I felt last week. Upper back definitely got worked and it felt good. Wide stance box squats were next. I didn’t realize I was supposed to pause these last week. Never done pause box squats before. I did more sets to warm-up (still not as many as I’d usually do for say my usual ME/DE split) and make sure the knee was cool with it. As I expected, the pause made this a bit tougher but my familiarity with the exercise improved. Everything felt better than last week and I think the last set was my best one. Definitely felt the hips, hamstrings and glutes working hard here. One-legged dumbbell rdls were next. I practiced with no weight for a few reps before going at it. As I mentioned, balance not weight is the issue here. I switched from starting with my right and then left. I did the reverse the week before because I wasn’t sure how my knee would like it. I know it is fine now so I started with my more uncoordinated side first. Balance was definitely better this week and I made short work of it. Not quite as tough on the hamstrings this time. The century of leg extensions was next. I read the sheet in my haste as 100lbs (it was 90lbs) and took it as a challenge. Same deal, aiming for 100 total, 10 seconds rest to rest pause it out. When I got to 80 reps, I knew I had to finish it out with no breaks; get it in one set again. I did it but it was a lot harder than last time. Took a bit more effort to make it back downstairs for ab work haha. Upped the weight on the sit-ups a bit. Wasn’t too noticeable as the issues had been just getting back into the exercise. Not much ab soreness but my right hip got pretty tight. Didn’t need as much stretching this time.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

October 20, 2015 – Week 2, Day 1

Dynamic Warm-ups

Barbell Strict Presses

Barbell Z-Presses

Incline Dumbbell Bench Presses w/LB

Band Pull A-parts

Super Set: Decline Triceps Extensions/Incline Dumbbell Hammer Curls

Push-ups (Juarez Valley 12)
BW in 2 minutes and 30.31 seconds

31 Minutes of Stretching

Comments: Knee is starting to feel better. My lower back kind of seized up on me Sunday as soon as I finished stretching. Finally calmed down during the night. Hamstring also sore and twitchy messes. Time to do it all over again. Barbell pressing for the start. Can’t begin to tell you how nervous I was about these as I feel I’m really hit or miss when it comes to the overhead press. Lots of power off the shoulders and grinding lockout. If I mess up, it can kill the rest of the reps and sets. Wasn’t expecting to be this heavy again but I guess I need to toughen up haha. Knee didn’t start to talk to me until I got up to 195lbs. Working sets went well. Really amped for the set of four. I felt I had another rep in me. Moved on to z presses after that and it was triples and then aim for AMAP with the last set. Didn’t really need any warm-ups. I thought I could push for a fourth but not happening today. Incline dumbbell with band again with a bit more weight. I didn’t think this would be such a substantial increase but it was. I only had one workout partner so I did have to wait for both bells before I started. It was rough. Band pull aparts followed and I felt them in my upper back more than usual. Pretty easy compared to last week. Not much of an arm pump for the superset this time. Increased the weight and almost matched the reps on both. I was having issues balancing the bar for the triceps and the I was feeling stuff in my biceps on the curls. The bunch of pushups was after that. Goal was to get under 2 minutes and 50 seconds. I felt more fatigued this time and I wasn’t feeling like I was moving very fast. I had to take more breaks near the end. I managed to get well under the goal time. Felt good to stretch and go home for food.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

October 18, 2015 – Week 1, Day 4

Dynamic Warm-ups

Paused Front Squats (2 second pauses)
No Pauses
Added Pauses


Circuits (no rest between exercises)
Shrugs/T-Bar Prison Rows/Neutral Grip Pull-ups/Ab Wheel/Glute Ham Raises

34 Minutes of Stretching

Comments: Finishing up the first week back. Still got soreness in my legs and upper body. I had gone for a walk and did two short sessions with the hand massager. Training was moved up an hour so didn’t have much time to dillydally. Also meant a bit of stiffness to shake off before I got moving haha. The usual pause front squats were first. Instead of the usual singles or doubles, it was sets of five. With the pauses and somewhat short rests, it could be interesting. I made sure I got my walkout just right so as to minimize any discomfort to the right knee. These went surprisingly well and the only rep that felt like I had to put effort into it was the very last one. Regular old deadlifts after that. Been doing weird stuff for the past few cycles haha. Of course, the knee didn’t like my usual deadlift stance so I had to adjust and I took less warm-ups. The triple was solid but not as easy as I would have liked. Speed work just how I thought it would so that was a plus. Maybe I was warmed up from the triple. Working on just ripping the sucker up and pushing into the ground with my heels. Next up was something a little different which was a circuit of exercises. No rest between them and big rest after each circuit was done. Had to get a little creative with the camera and tried to time things when I wouldn’t be in anyone else’s way. First run was good (other than hitting my head on the rack on the third pull-up) and it went much the same for the other two. Stretched and called it a day.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

October 16, 2015 – Week 1, Day 3

Dynamic Warm-ups

Barbell Push Presses

Close Grip Barbell Incline Bench Presses

Giant Set: Dumbbell Front Raises/Dumbbell Lateral Raises/Dumbbell Bent Over Raises

Straight Arm Pulldowns

EZ Curl Bar French Presses

32 Minutes of Stretching

Comments: The DOMS is very real. Got it in my upper body and lower body. Hand massager isn’t cutting it to get relief haha. Looking at this workout, I knew that feeling was here to stay. Up first was push presses. Lots of singles with short rest. I really not sure how much (if any) leg drive I was going to get today. I didn’t do nearly as many warm-ups for these as the working weight itself was light and for a lot of sets and my upper body was pretty tight to begin with. Additionally, the less on my knee, the better. The unrack was the trickiest part with the knee and the tight upper body. Power was there and consistent on all sets. Some sets I felt I got more lower body drive and others more upper body drive. I definitely could have kept on going and going. With all the push presses, I didn’t need much in the way of warm-ups for incline other than some sets to adjust to the movement. I kind of knew what I could hit but wasn’t certain. I usually do these with a wider grip and have only done close like this with an axle and for the Spoto variation. Big ROM for me. Bar speed felt great but it felt tough near lockout on the last two reps of the first two sets and I was concerned my max rep set would be subpar due to fatigue. Not sure where the power came from for the set but I did a dozen. Biggest distraction was actually the spotter as he kept asking me how many (I told him as many as possible and more than six) and kept getting closer and closer to the bar as I got slower, sloppier and more fatigued. On to the dumbbell raises. Haven’t done these since the first two training cycles but I knew what to expect; pain. Lighter than in the past but for more sets. I made it through with no breaks on any of the sets. But I know I will be very sore later. Then on to straight arm pulldowns. I’ve gotten a lot better at these but I knew these would be tough and sloppy considering all the rep work beforehand. No issues. Then to finish things up, it was ten sets of ten reps of triceps. This took some time and I knew this would mean more sore triceps. Good deal of stretching and then three recovery burritos to end the work week.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

October 14, 2015 – Week 1, Day 2

Dynamic Warm-ups

Hatfield Overload Squats

17” Wide Stance Box Squats

One Legged Dumbbell Romanian Deadlifts

Leg Extensions

Spread Eagle Sit-ups

34 Minutes of Stretching

Comments: With my right knee being all weird, I wasn’t sure how this one was going to turn out. I didn’t hurt or get worse so I went on ahead with it. First thing was hatfields. I’ve done this weight before, just not for this many sets and reps. I cautious on every rep, keeping note of my knee. I was initially descending slower than usual to make sure nothing was up and gradually got to 100% once I felt everything was copacetic. I need slow the ascent so that I didn’t accidentally hyperextend my knee at lockout. Not quite speed work but good and fast here. While it didn’t look like it, the fatigue built up quickly over the sets. Granted I still felt I could do double the reps by the end, lactic acid was building in my quads, hamstrings and glutes. Then on to wide stance box squats. It has been over a year since I’ve done a squat with a barbell on my back or done a box squat so I figured there were would be some adjustments needed. I didn’t do many warm-ups as I was already pretty warm for the previous exercise and the shearing force on my knee was the main thing I needed to test. It felt really awkward with the barbell on my back. My shoulders are bigger and tight than in the past so getting used to that might take a little time haha. Really widened out my stance about a 12-18” each side. Hands got sweaty and I might need to chalk them next time haha. I should get better at these pretty quick I think. On to one legged dumbbell rdls. I’ve done these in the past but I haven’t liked them as they make me look stupid. The weight is easy but my balance is all over the place so quite a few ugly reps. Right side is much better than the left. I will get better at these with practice. Even with the light weight and low reps, I really felt these in my hamstrings after the sets were done. Go figure. Next was leg extensions. This was one I was concerned I couldn’t do because of the knee. I had tried it out at Max Fitness the other day but that machine hurt too much. My hope was the one at the Y would be better suited to my proportions. If not, the back-up plan was TKEs with a band. Plan was 100 reps in total, rest pausing until the reps were done. I did half the weight to test out the knees for a double and I knew I was good to go. What followed was a little over a minute and a half of leg extensions. I managed all reps in one set. Wasn’t expecting that haha. I know I will be sore later and regret my decision. Finished up with ab work. Took a few reps to figure out my form on these. Stretched a lot, used a hand massager on my legs and arms and had meatloaf.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

October 13, 2015 – Week 1, Day 1

Dynamic Warm-ups

Barbell Strict Presses
245x5 PR+10lbs

Barbell Z-Presses

Incline Dumbbell Bench Presses w/LB

Band Pull A-parts

Super Set: Decline Triceps Extensions/Incline Dumbbell Hammer Curls

Push-ups (Juarez Valley 12)
BW in 3 minutes and 3.80 seconds

31 Minutes of Stretching

Comments: Work ended up being way more hectic than expected. Guess I should have been prepared for it after the three day weekend. It had me worried that I wouldn’t be able to put my best foot forward for this new cycle. Right knee is still tender in some movements and ranges of motion. Thought it would be all better by now with the rest. Weight is up like 10lbs but that is probably food and water (and not being on edge haha). Went to train at Max Fitness. First on the agenda was strict pressing. I figured I would be stronger than I was from my first cycle despite little strict pressing. Form was a little off (so of it was hesitation with putting too much pressure on the knee) but the weight was flying up. I was visibly shaking in anticipation for each work set. Last set was very tough and I struggled mightily for the last two reps. It felt off balance and I tried adjusting my grip mid set. Turns out I had misloaded one side by 10lbs so that would explain the trouble locking out with my right side. The success with the strict pressing got me in a less stressed and more pleasant mood. Moved on to z presses after that. Haven’t really tried to max with a barbell before other than when I first started out. I felt good on the first two sets but got greedy on the last one. I definitely went to the max here haha. Next was a new one for me; incline dumbbell bench with a band. Band was around my back like I’ve done in the past for push-ups. Only thing I couldn’t figure out was how to get the dumbbells from the floor to my shoulders while holding the bands. Luckily, training partners were available and I had them hand the bells to me. I didn’t do a light set as I figured the weight was light enough and my learning curve would be the first set. I got used to the tension after that first set and made the second set look like a warm-up set. Right side lagging once I got into the max rep set though. Back to the familiar band pull aparts after that. Tougher than in the past but that is to be expected after the break and coming back with all these reps. The reps continued. Next was a superset of decline triceps and incline biceps. No issue with the triceps but definitely lingering tightness in the biceps. Arm pump was very real, especially after the max rep set. Then a bunch of push-ups (78 in total) to end the session. Not sure how to describe the feeling but the best I can say is that my upper torso felt “bloated” by the end. Knee didn’t like it when I tried to get up from a set of push-ups too quick. Put in a lot of work, stretched and went home for food.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Next Cycle and 2016

Well, 2015 competitive season is done and in the books. Ended up doing two shows and one of them was Nationals. Also managed to finally clean and press 300lbs on a log not just in training but in contest. That has been a big hurdle for me. Unlike past years, I don’t feel like I’ve regressed and I feel like I’m slowly climbing up the ladder. Which leads to the next cycle. After discussion with Coach Bryant, I’m going into offseason training with a focus on hypertrophy and strength for the next few months. Plan at the end is to test my max on push press, strict press, deadlift and hatfield squat. So no more contests for 2015 and probably none until late Spring or early Summer next year. Now this will change if I get an invite to the 2016 Arnold and all energy will be put towards that endeavor. It’s a world championship, so why not? Working on the long term gains. So a lot more gym work, more reps and no event training. My Left ankle and right knee are still a bit sore from Nationals so I’m not really fighting back on the no events for now haha. I really want to get to deadlifting 700lbs by the end of 2016 and I know this is tall order. Off season is about a month earlier than it was last year but then again, I was injured and getting back into it. Ideally, I won’t need as long of a prep cycle for a contest (unless it is a pro/am) with the base strength I’ve gained. Been taking it real easy this past week; working, eating and going for brisk walks. Training for 2016 starts tomorrow.

Monday, October 5, 2015

October 2-3, 2015 - NAS National Championships

It has been three years since I last competed at Nationals. It was in Tunica, Mississippi in a parking lot of a casino with land so flat that you could watch your dog run away from home for three days straight. The casino is gone now and like that casino, I wanted to make the memory of my first time at the big show to go away as well. Bad thoughts with it. I had been unprepared and left that parking lot in the sun bruised and wanting. I’ve tried to back it back but I either was injured and couldn’t qualify or I was just plain not good enough. So when I finally re-qualified this year, I was ecstatic, especially so when my strength coach gave me the go ahead to pursue it.

Now, this year’s contest was in Davenport, Iowa. I think the only people who go to Iowa intentionally are running for president. Left right after work on Wednesday and had some freaking awesome fish tacos near Pittsburgh (not euphemism for sex) for the first night. Drove the rest of the way with my father (dad is my co-pilot). Read three books before the day was done in the car (spoiler alert; they sucked). Lots of bridges going through Illinois and we were greeted by what I assume to be the state bird; the middle finger. Made it to Iowa and checked in to the hotel that was connected to the convention center. The water fountain outside was on fire. I’m sure that’s symbolize for something but I can’t for the life of me hazard a guess.

The rules meeting was at around 7:30 Thursday night and was mandatory. I weighed in at 267.4lbs with everything on. Since I really wanted to get a shot at an invite to the Arnold, I took of my shoes and shorts and got down to 264.2lbs so I was under 265lbs. I was given a number (505, the same weight in pounds as the stone I lifted with Jenkins, fortuitous perhaps) a gift bag, a name tag lanyard and two contest shirts. Still had about 2 hours before the rules meeting so my dad and I went to a local bar/diner. I got two entrees and then ended up with a bonus entree when the kitchen made one too many turkey burgers. Our waitress challenged me to eat it so I had to. By this point, I was at the tipping point of being uncomfortably full. I was wearing my cats on pizza slices in space shirt and some women competitors there noticed and started talking to me. I answered their questions as politely as I could (I relayed this to my younger sister and was informed I can’t flirt for shit). In my defense, I was very full. Went back for rules meeting and went to bed.

Like clockwork, I was a nervous wreck in the morning. Literally having to shove food down my gullet. Something that normally takes me like 10 minutes took over a half hour as I was fighting the urge to vomit. Big time anxiety but just got to tamp it down. Venue was inside and there were four sets of each implement, with designated lanes. Hefty division had 49 competitors vying for the elusive Pro Card. My chances were nonexistent but I could hope to improve on last time, hit PRs and maybe, just maybe, get a coveted invite to the Arnold. The other big change besides being inside was the monitors. The whole shebang was being broadcasted to the web. Saw people I only knew from Facebook and Youtube as well as some people that recognized me from same. Most didn’t recognize me with the beard. Answered everything with a smile.

But I was still beyond freaking out inside. Calm exterior. I do want to reiterate that point. I used the lavatory about four times in the span of an hour and I only had one meal. I was so out of it focus wise that I accidentally used the women’s bathroom. I didn’t realize that I had done so until I walked out and saw the opposing restroom said “MENS” above it. There is so much waiting and down time with over 220 people competing. Could be waiting an hour after the last warm-up before lifting. I wore my rehband belt and my new copper infused elbow sleeves (not that I believe the mumbo-jumbo) to keep warm and spent my time either pacing, sitting or sipping my jug of water filled with BCCAs.

The first event of the day was log clean and press. 300lbs for as many reps as possible in a 60 seconds time period. Log is a wishy-washy one for me. Just now getting consistent with hitting it for a single in training. This log was weird, rough skin like a shark and handle placement that made the clean a bit tougher. I knew enough in advance about the clean issues and balance and had adjusted my technique in training accordingly. I just told myself that I had to do it, I couldn’t bomb here. I pulled into my lap, scraping up my shins in the process, and got it set deep. I rolled it up and it was there on my shoulders. I drove into it and it went forward but I had the power in my triceps to lock it out. Down command given and I knew I needed to try for another to be viable. Hell, this was a 20lbs contest PR as it was. I took a big breather and went at the log again. Scraped my knees on the log and had so hesitation in the clean but up it went and much the same it went up. A freaking double with 300lbs! There was 15 seconds left so I called it there as I knew I would rush it trying for a triple. Tied with a few people for 28th place.

Up next was a yoke front carry. 650lbs for 60’ with a 60 second time limit. Unlimited drops allowed. Usually, I tend to go last on yoke events due to my height. However, since my arms hang low, I was right in the middle this time. Unlike log, I only got a single warm-up with about half the weight. I felt lightheaded when I did it and this was not good. I have a history of blacking out on conan’s wheel events and I generally have no issues in training. I had no issues this whole cycle but I was using a yoke with a much thinner crossbar. This was not a contingency I had really planned for as I didn’t think it would be a problem. Spent my time just telling myself to breath and not hold my breath. I got under like I practiced week in and week out and started off. It felt fine but then I got lightheaded and my vision went dark and I dropped it. Still a lot of course left to go. The yoke kept hitting my snooze button and it was becoming a battle between staying calm and panicking as time was running out. My last shot had me short with five second left and I just couldn’t get anything more. I ended up completing only 53’6” of the course. Terrible, a 43rd place finish for me here.

Final event of the Day 1 was the farmer’s walk. 350lbs a hand with a 60’ course and a 60 second time limit. I knew this was going to more than it seemed as the handles were known to be notoriously slick. Knowing, this I had made my training harder than the show event, using my slick handles and picking from a lower pick height. This didn’t eliminate the doubts; always buffeting my confidence. Confidence was a bit weakened from the red light/green light with my solar plexus from the yoke. It did warm-up my body so I just had to have minimal time with the handles to prep. I knew I was golden when 300lbs went up easy on a pick. I had to go pretty early due to my poor placing on the yoke front carry. As it was more to do with screwed up physiology then a lack of strength, I figured I’d be the only one to finish my heat. That confidence feels unnatural to me somehow and I even felt like I could still blunder. Got my grip and took off at a steady pace. I didn’t accelerate until the end as I really wanted to keep from dropping (kind of had to not drop them after the MC said I was putting on a grip clinic). As I tend to do, I held the farmer’s for a little bit at the finish before dropping them. Indicates I’m in control. I finished with a time of 13.66 seconds for 20th place here.

After the first day, I was in 34th place overall and 9th out of 15 in the under 265lbs class. I had not expected the disappointment in the yoke front carry and had expected to be higher. Couldn’t let it eat at me as I knew I was better and I knew I could pick-up points and placings in the day to come. I really had to decompress after that day and hope that I can turn on the power for yet another day. Haven’t done a two day contest since Tunica and I wasn’t sure how my body would react. Went out to eat again at a fine dining establishment (crazy lady was getting drunk off of wine and dropping f-bombs by the end) and saw snippet on the local news about Nationals. Granted it was preceded by a charity event at a local school that involved kissing a potbellied pig, it’s not nothing. We then stopped by the riverboat casino (man laws don’t count on the mighty Mississippi) more out of morbid curiosity than any actual need. I was carded walking in. I just turned 30, have a full beard with some white hair so I’m not sure how to take that haha. I think the smoke alone took 10 years off my life from walking around there. Same routine the next day with waking up and force-feeding sustenance. There was also a bounce house in the convention center lobby when I got there so that was new.

First event of the day was a one arm push/pull medley. 200lbs circus dumbbell clean and press into a 300lbs one arm deadlift with a modified farmer’s walk handle with a 60 second time limit. You had to start with the dumbbell and then alternate between the two before time expired. Each successful lift counted as half a rep. I had been putting the work in on the dumbbell and one arm pull. Like the log press, I haven’t hit the 200lbs dumbbell in contest, so even though I hit a double in training, it wasn’t a certainty. The one arm pull had been modified so that it was even easier than what I was prepping for in training so it was an afterthought and I feel most of the rest of the field felt the same way. One of the four dumbbells was damaged in the lightweight class so the lanes got changed to three for this one. I dove onto the dumbbell and hefted it to my shoulder. The one side felt loose and I had to let it settle before launching it overhead. It wasn’t until I got the down signal that I knew I had it. Popped over to the deadlift and just stood up with it. Back to the dumbbell. Goes up just a smoothly but I get no down signal. The judge says I need my feet together and I lose control attempting to get my stance narrower. So much wasted effort. Stay calm, stay in control. I do an instant replay and get told to get my feet together again. I make it so and get the down call. Glad he called it when he did as my left shoulder did not like it and I did a feel test to make sure it was ok. Then another tug of the deadlift and then back to the dumbbell. Just not enough umph to get it locked out this time and I settle for two. Tied with a few people for 28th place.

The final event was an event I had been given me many a late night workout; the sandbag medley. 75 seconds to carry and load three sandbags 60’. Weights were 240lbs, 260lbs and 275lbs. It was initially going to be four sandbags but someone had mercy this day. Due to biceps issues, I had to change how I normally pick up the sandbags and this may have been a blessing in disguise as these bags were really packed tight and my normal bear-hug method would have been irksome here. The only warm-up I needed here was to pick up the heaviest bag and then do a brief sprint. I would have to do quite well here to pick up points as the order was in overall placings. I watched a lot of people slip, fall and fail. Hard to stay focused on the task at hand until you get out there and your heartbeat in your head drowns out the noises. One and done. Time starts and violently lap the bag and sprint toward the flatbed truck (we were loading to there). I attempt to change direction but my feet skid attempting the lateral shift. I’m definitely not the fastest but I again violently pull the sandbag up and sprint back again. Last one. This one is much tighter packed and I miss my mark. I fumble with it. Starting to panic. I remember all the late night sessions with the sandbag; my labored breaths, the cicadas buzzing and my sweat dripping and I roll up the sandbag in a deep lap. Not today. I move but not as quickly and load the last bag. All three done in a time of 47.63 seconds. Good enough for 21st place.

After that, we were on the road again. Ordered five entrees at Cracker Barrel and the waiter didn’t even bat an eye. That is one impressive poker face. As for the contest itself; I didn’t die. I will elaborate; I did things and things were done. I managed to work around an injury (biceps) and keep it together to put in a relatively consistent and solid performance. If we go by numbers, I place 29th out of 49 in the open heavyweight class and 8th out 15 in the under 265lbs class. Better than last time and it would be higher if I didn’t like to sleep during conan’s carry. I feel this time through was cleansing. More mature this time around. Pressing has improved and so has my static strength. Now I didn’t stick around as I figured I was way too far out of qualifying for the Arnold. I may still be invited if more than one person in my weight class declines the invite so still possible. Now that the stress of the competition is gone, I can safely say I had fun and enjoyed myself. Am I satisfied? No, I feel this is a beginning to a new level. As for the immediate future, I’m definitely taking at least a week off and then deciding from there what the plan is. I’m looking forward to what this coming year will bring.