Saturday, December 14, 2024

December 8, 2024 - December 14, 2024 - Week 1

 December 9, 2024 – Week 1, Day 1

Dynamic Warm Up

Seated Bottom-Up Kettlebell Presses

Ring Push-ups

Underhand Band Pullaparts/Band Y Raises

Band Triceps Pressdowns

Comments: Like I said, I don’t stay down for long. I took off the week (well after Monday) and only did walking every other day. At some point near the end of last week my left heel started to bleed from I guess my feet being too dry. Came out of no where and honestly would’ve been another hassle on top of serious training. I’m taking care of it like when it became a thing either last year or the year prior. I also may be on jury duty coming up. Work is endlessly stressful and stupid with no letting up. I’ve been keeping I guess “manic” with considering the training/competition possibilities. But nothing set in stone. Essentially I’m doing 14 weeks or so of off season training with the main focus being deadlift and getting my back/glutes feeling solid and full again. Also no clean and pressing or moving events likely for the duration of that time but that may change if I feel better and something is too good to pass up. I do have a built in period about halfway to add in overhead event work changes for a competition end of April if I feel like that works. Only thing is to put in work. Going back to four days of training (two upper and two lower). So I know that going right into that wouldn’t be smart. Around 262lbs and plan is doing light stuff and some stuff like how training will be next week when I go serious. But this week no barbells, just other stuff and bodyweight. Short notice so I did have to go bit quick this first session to have dinner with parents. This was deload/light stuff and I figured I’d do what I used to do and not film the deload stuff. It was probably working in my favor having this be a light session week with it being rainy. Keeping the dynamic warming up from Mr. Westerling’s programming since it seems to do the job for me. Knees a little achier than they were last week but I’ve also not done anything besides walking and soft tissue work. And it has also fluctuated a lot with the weather. Near freezing one day and then just under 70 the next. Starting things off was some seated pressing. Doing some reps with my kettlebells making myself need to really have my wrists and forearms involved holding them bottoms up style. I was initially going to only do my little kettlebells but realized that one pair of 25lbs plates are those that have handles on them so I could do the same style with those. 10’s felt like nothing due to how small and short they are. 15’s felt like something due to the size and balance. 25’s were decently tough. I’ve not done really any seated pressing or higher reps for a good while. Making sure to keep things stable and emphasizing the serratus anterior. These went well enough. The rest of the workout is going to be about what I’ll be doing for real next week. Next was ring push ups. Been a while. I used to do these and similar. For pec and shoulder health. I always feel like these are better at having that stuff feel like it should compared to say benching. Feet on the floor and just doing 3 sets of bodyweight leaving plenty of reps in the tank. Oof, I’m out of practice here as these were much tougher than I was expecting. Definitely had to work to stabilize. I feel I got better at that I was did reps and sets but the fatigue was building steadily. I know I’m going to be sore from these tomorrow. From there it was on to bands. First thing being a shoulder (rotary focus) superset of underhanded band pull aparts coupled with band y raises. Light bands here. I’ve actually done this superset in 2021 and I used less tension on the y raises at the time due to how weak I was in that motion. I’ve definitely built things up to be able to use two micro bands vs one. I could tell that my right shoulder was a little tense from the ring push ups and these combined kind of pumped up the entire shoulder. Last thing was triceps. Just band pressdowns. I had a feeling these would start easy but get really fatiguing by the end. And I was right. First set super easy and feeling that fatigue hitting hard on the second set. I likely needed these kinds of exercises to fill in the cracks. My right triceps kept twitching afterwards, which tends to happen when I do a lot of triceps extension focused stuff tied in with the lat insert. Put stuff away and went over to have time with my parents before coming home to stretch. So one session down, three more to go this week. Hopefully this has me feeling better and at peace. Put some of this anxious/nervous energy into harder lifting shortly.

December 11, 2024 – Week 1, Day 2

Dynamic Warm Up

Contralateral Load Bulgarian Split Squats

Band Lying Leg Curls

Roman Chair Situps

Single Leg Hip Thrusts


Comments: Been dreary and rainy this week. It softened up a bit Tuesday but it came back uglier for today. But it does seem like the rain is going away after today and it will be just cold after that. As expected, my chest was really sore from training Monday. I’m expecting to be having soreness in stuff from not doing certain exercises or for as many reps/volume in a good while. Which is kind of why I’m doing the break in week as this will be what I’m doing for the next few months to get body ready to compete again. I feel like the lower volume stuff works after building up a base and being able to kind of peak ferociously to do well. But keeping it to being many months without competing runs the risk of detraining and then overtraining without giving myself the ability to recover appropriately. But will see if that is just me talking nonsense I guess in theory and have to see if it works in practice. So this is Day 2 and lower body focus. The plan will be this is the “secondary” lower body day. Squats and deadlift stuff but not this week. Just the other things to keep things light and no barbells. Warming up felt decent. Right knee is kind of off and on achy warming up but tolerable. Despite soreness in chest, there was no issues warming up. Starting things off was an exercise group I’ve not done in well over a year and that is Bulgarian split squats. Those had been a bit part of training for the past 3yrs or so with them being warm up exercises as well as effort training. With how my knees and hips joints have felt, I wasn’t too sure how these would be feeling so I was initially going to just do bodyweight. No shoes as I recall doing these that way with Andrew programming them. But they actually felt pretty good so I added a kettlebell weight and was still feeling good. I could tell that I was going to be feeling these tomorrow and probably the next day since while I’ve been doing some unilateral training for my legs, it hasn’t been like this. Even with the light weight and the low effort needed, these do seem to be exhausting and getting air between sets can take a bit. I’m glad that I started treating each side for unilateral exercises as their own set. I feel this is good sign that my first foray with these didn’t feel as miserable as I was expecting or as harsh on the knees. The next thing was a bit of a headache. So the program I’m attempting to run for the lower body sessions has hamstring stuff on both days and this day has the lying hamstring curls. I don’t have access to that at home via a machine and I recall not enjoying doing these with bands because of frustration and discomfort on the Achilles tendon area. I wasn’t keen on getting a piece of junk one for at home that would be for a single purpose and may not fit me or going to a gym just to do that exercise. Switching the days (since the strongman gym has one) for the exercises wouldn’t really work as there was to be a harder hamstring exercise that day I couldn’t really do at home as well as another lighter variation. So I spent a lot more time than I was expecting/planning trying to work out how to do this. I was even trying to figure out a similar alternative after trying stuff out using bands, dumbbells, ankle weights, combination of bands and other equipment. And it wasn’t just the issue of the one thing but there being a way for progression. But I finally figured out something that worked and that was using my dip belt and attaching that to a band. It was good this was a light week so I wasn’t in a rush or time crunch and could figure things out. I know this will cooked my hamstrings. It is also probably good thing I didn’t try supersetting stuff like I was initially planning (before I realized it would be uneven with unilateral and bilateral exercises). Next was abdominal work. I just haven’t done Roman chairs in a good while and figured they’d be the closest to mimicking standing weighted ab work. I didn’t want to deal with that after already spending so much time on the leg curl debacle. I was feeling a little compression on these on the left side. I may need to do some decompression from my dip stand at some point if the feeling persists. It was feeling better as I went anyways. This more just to do something. Last thing was kind of a my choice in that the program indicates lower back/glute exercise. I feel I will get enough lower back work from squats and pulls. My thing was getting the glutes involved and waking things up. The last few times I did those wagon wheel pulls it wasn’t feeling like I had anything, like I was just relying on my ligaments, tendons and bones. I couldn’t feel my glutes engaging at all and my hamstrings I know were there but felt like not really doing much. So my hope is doing stuff that focus on that will get me feeling like I want to with muscle feeling solid and doing work. So this leads to single leg hip thrusts. This did seem to prove my point in that I struggled to do these with no weight that first set. I had expected these to feel comfortable and then add a little weight but ended up doing bodyweight at first. It does seem that first set did shake off the rust as the second set with bodyweight felt much better/easier. So rather than just stop there, I added 10lbs and did two more sets. I know that if I did these right that my glutes will be sore. Put stuff away and stretched before eating pot roast.

December 12, 2024 – Week 1, Day 3

Incline Dumbbell Bench Presses

Inverted Ring Rows

Lying Dumbbell Triceps Extensions/ Dumbbell Lateral Raises/Band Face Pulls

Comments: Well, the rain is gone and sun is out but is really darn cold. Work continues to be frustrating. I guess I know that it is more so for my co-workers judging by how things have been going. Everyone is frustrated and there is no help in sight. But enough about that. As I said, it has been over a year since I’ve done four sessions a week for gym lifting. So this is my secondary pressing day. It is a fine line I need to be threading here as it does seem like I wasn’t recovering so well from trying to do too much. But I do recall my overhead pressing feeling pretty good doing one particular training cycle and maybe if I keep that in mind I can make things work. This might end up being the closest to what the actual working sessions are going to be like next week. This was going to be a shorter session so that might have been why I was a little slow going after work to start. Could also be that work continues to be so bad I have to take a moment at the end of the day. As expected, still some soreness in the chest but not nearly as much as the day before or before that. Quads a little sore but the biggie is the glutes being sore. So I guess success there with targeting. Abs weren’t sore thankfully from the Roman chairs so that was a plus. Wore my warm ups to do my mobility stuff. Didn’t feel too bad considering. Right knee still feeling a little achy. Wasn’t going to be using legs really today unlike the other three sessions going forward. So first thing was incline benching with dumbbells. Only because not wanting to bother with log and being a bit more free with movement. Light stuff here. Easy enough but can tell that there is still some shoulder tightness in the right side and that I’m not used to higher reps with my triceps feeling fatigue. But nothing felt off thankfully and this was light enough that I didn’t have to work about pulling anything and lower stuff with control after each set. Next thing was something I used to do a good bit for back and arms with inverted rows. I had done these to a good degree and was expecting them to feel like riding a bicycle. Plan was like the ring push ups with 3 sets of bodyweight leaving reps I the tank but aim being 10-15 reps. Well these went similar to those in that these felt a lot tougher than I was expecting. I guess just shows out of practice despite doing paused rows and such. My hope though is that these will feel easier (same with the ring push ups) next week after this inoculation session this week. Last thing was a triset. Triceps, medial and posterior delts. I’ve done this before a good bit when I first started working with Andrew in 2021 and this thing cooked me more than I’d care to like. Even if I was using more weight or band tension on stuff, all together and not fully resting makes this a slog to get through. My biggest worry was the triceps extensions since that could irritate my elbows and I’ve not really done them. The other being that maybe the weight for the side raises was going to be too light. Well the answer was that no the triceps and elbows were fine and that 10lbs was the right weight with the accumulated fatigue. Even lowering the band tension for the face pulls was also the right move here. The fatigue built throughout the set and was still there for the second set. But I made it through this. So I got some idea of how things are going to feel for real next week. Put stuff away and stretched before eating meatloaf.

December 14, 2024 – Week 1, Day 4

Box Jumps

Trap Bar B Stance Romanian Deadlifts

Chest Supported Dumbbell Rows/Back Extensions

Seated Band Leg Curls/Weighted Planks
lb’sx25/bw+20x30 seconds
lb’sx25/bw+20x30 seconds

Comments: Managed to survive this week. Work wise that is. Still system issues and I’m starting to get a handle on the crap from the previous month. I think dropping the contest has allowed me to have some moments to breath. Training has been fairly painless but I’m getting a little sore and winded at times from the movements and reps. But this is the easiest the training is going to be. My legs and glutes have been quite sore since Wednesday training so the walking and soft tissue work was much appreciated. It has been below freezing since the rain stopped midweek. Not fun having to put on so many layers to just go outside because of how abrupt the change has been. But then the sun is out at times that makes it so I’m sweating by the end of walking or warming up. I slept in as there was no reason to go out to train in Lancaster. One to save some gas so I don’t have to fill up (I have to go into the office for the monthly stupid collaboration day). It doesn’t make sense to go out there for not event specific stuff for what is a breaking in week. I will be going out there to train going forward though. Since this was being done at home, there were things that I was doing that won’t be like I’m doing at the gym. This day is a bit more planned out compared to my two upper body focused sessions as this like the other lower body day is stuff that is a program written out with guidelines. But obviously this particular session isn’t like that as not doing any barbell or fixed bilateral work. I got to training a little later than I intended but I did sleep in a good bit as fell asleep late. Warming up felt pretty good. I was actually surprised my right knee was feeling as it had felt pretty achy waking up this morning. From there on to training. Now initially I wasn’t going to do this first exercise as I felt that it might be too strenuous for this week but during warming up I felt it was a probably a good idea to do it since it seems like it will be a big part of the protocol and unlike the other days where I left out the big movements, I’ve not done this particular exercise in over 3yrs. I’m talking of box jumps. Last time I did them I had a tumble (unstable setup) and fractured my left elbow (avulsion). So I’ve not been keen on doing stuff that has me leaving the ground (even though I was quite good at it in high school volleyball). Plyometrics are part of this program with prepping for pulls. If I’m worried that these will be hell on my knees then I probably shouldn’t do them. But I need to work on things. It was quite obvious I was out of practice here. I’ve done doubles to 30” last time I did these so I figured that 24” or so would be manageable. But just looking at that height just felt intimidating and like I couldn’t move that way if I wanted to. And this was to be a lighter/easier week anyways. I had setup my crash pads against my house so there was a stable base. I also felt restricted with my knee sleeves and took them off as well and lowered it down pad height. So about 18”. Oof these were tough and close. Really out of practice. I can’t really adjust the heights at home like I can at the strongman gym really. These felt like quite the wakeup. Can’t really not exert a lot of power in a jump to get airborne. Walked around my house outside for rest here. Ideally I should be able to tuck a little better with my legs which I think is more the issue here than the height I’m getting as I’m catching things a lot higher above parallel than I have been able. Again, this will hopefully come with practice. But the aim is to keep these landing above parallel as trying to increase my power and jump and not my ability to tuck my knees. From there went inside. Most of the workout was just kind of substitutes for what I’ll be doing next week. Some stuff not stuff related to what I’ll be doing. I just wanted to do stuff like a deadlift but not quite. Not stress the spine as much but the supporting muscles. The b-stance or kickstand style pulls in the past for reps have felt good in that regard. My favorite that I was able to load up with weight was using my trap bar. So that was the aim. These felt as good as I remembered them feeling. I won’t be really using these for the training going forward but it was nice to get some things that could focus on the hamstrings, glutes and hips independently with balance added unlike a pure unilateral movement. Like the Bulgarians, I felt these getting me a little winded between the sets and as the fatigue accumulated. But not as bad. From there moved on to the rest of the workout which was supersets. Hamstrings paired with something else essentially. So the plan is chest supported rows coupled with a glute ham raise variation for the first coupling. Don’t exactly have that at home besides using the incline bench and either barbell or dumbbells for the row and back extension bench (I guess I could’ve setup Nordic curls but what a hassle) for back extensions. I pushed these a little harder I think since next week is the actual hard training starts. Trying to gradually build things up. I probably could’ve got away with doing 40’s on the rows but I felt it was important to do the 70’s. The back extensions after that were a bit fatiguing on my glutes and hamstrings surprisingly. I was breathing a bit harder than I was expecting after the first pairing here but I felt things moved a bit better for me on the second set. Last coupling was seated band leg curls and planks. I was initially going to do planks no weight but figured that 30 seconds no weight was too easy so put 20lbs on which still was nothing. It has been a while since I’ve done the seated band leg curls and I’ve noticed how the hamstrings have felt from the lying leg curls this week. I was able to pick the right tension here to make these fit what I wanted the effort to be. Planks were not much to say other than they felt fine. Downed a protein shake and put stuff away before taking a brief respite before stretching.

Sunday, December 8, 2024

December 2, 2024 – Week 26, Day 1

Dynamic Warm Up

Axle Clean and Push Press (one clean)
290x0 (missed clean)
290x0 (missed press)

Comments: Things don’t always work out how we want or plan them. I probably should’ve noticed earlier that something was up before I took this action. But I guess I was holding on to things too long and finally had to drop them. Two weeks earlier, I was feeling a bit beat but was able to make it through the workouts and indicated concerns that I was not going to be able keep up the training so I was given a deload week. Not a full deload but one that should be enough to feel fresh. I actually felt worse as the week went on and it was messing with me mentally. I was seriously considering stopping training and trying my own thing with all the stress from life and work in the last few months. It has gotten worse each month since July. I got depressed shortly after I got back from Arizona last month and it got worse week of Thanksgiving (while on deload) because likely equating with Mike Jenkins’ passing. I was getting frustrated with feeling like I had to put in a lot more effort than I usually have to for effort on things. It looked good when I did stuff on camera but my parents were concerned reading my training write-ups about the stress. So initially the plan here was to do the workouts as written but I expressed that I felt like crap and was advised to deload even more. I felt I probably had peaked way too early and not feeling good. I was also considering scrapping everything and doing just fluff stuff and try normal the next week. Warming up for the session, my right knee was feeling a good bit better than it had from Saturday so I felt like I’ll do the heavy session. It was quite cold so I wore jacket and gloves between setting up equipment and sets. Axle clean and press. The plan here was to do singles with 30lbs jumps like I’ve been doing with goal of 290lbs for the top single. I was feeling pretty good here with working up in weight. 290lbs would be the most weight I’ve successfully done from the floor to overhead since 2022. I was not expecting this to be a fail with how I was feeling. I went for it and I missed getting it above my belt. It has been like 2.5yrs since I’ve done this. I took a step back and decided to not let it shake me but I was annoyed that I had done this. This time I got it up and was able to get the clean to my shoulders. It took a bit to get settled and then I went for it but it was too far out in front and I lost my balance and bailed on it. With that instant, I just felt like the past 6 months of training had been for nothing. I knew that I could just rest and recover and still compete in some fashion for this show I’ve been prepping for half a year now but I didn’t want to anymore. I wasn’t feeling as strong as I was feeling in my lower body and I didn’t want to go and fail at something under 300lbs on an overhead press yet again. I wasn’t enjoying this and I wasn’t having fun. I’m not fixing the problem and spending 5 months at light weights and only finding out I still not there when I get over 90% is a gut punch. So rage quit the training cycle right then and there. Pulling out of the competition, cancelling reservations and stopping coaching. Need to take a break and figure out what I want to be doing.

Saturday, November 30, 2024

November 24, 2024 - November 30, 2024 - Week 25

 November 25, 2024 – Week 25, Day 1

Dynamic Warm Up

12” Log Strict Presses w/ Bands (+14lbs/+22llbs)
No Bands
Add Bands

Paused Chest Supported Barbell Rows
2 seconds holds

Paused Spoto Presses w/ Chains (+22lbs)
No Chains
Add Chains

Band Face Pulls

Comments: Last week really kicked my ass. I only went for a walk one day as weather was bad or just not able to with stuff going on. Down another pound in weight. That may be a moot thing with this week coming up but sometimes eating differently has me not gaining much of anything. Not actually trying to lose weight. I did yard work and house maintenance on Sunday instead of walking. I had taken Nyquil to make sure I slept solidly. Today didn’t start out great. I awoke to a cold house as my heat wasn’t working properly. The monoxide detector and one of my smoke detectors had dead batteries so that chirping was annoying until I could locate the culprits. I also in my rush in the morning with getting things resolved almost forgot to take my meds. So I could’ve had withdrawal issues if I didn’t realize a few hours into my day. Mr. Westerling asked me how I was feeling after last week and I told him that while my joints feel fine, my body and mind are telling me to chill out. I want to do some stuff but I’m anxious thinking about doing axle, front squats and farmer’s next week with how I’m feeling and I guess same with deadlifts this week. My neck is tense on both sides and been having slight cramps/twitches in my hamstrings, biceps and triceps. So I was instructed to drop the working weights for everything this week by 20% but keep the reps and sets the same. I don’t like having to modify from the plan as I feel like that means I failed but I know that isn’t the case. Things happen in practice that can’t be prepared for with theory alone. What is important is to not despair and continue pursuit of the goal. At least the system was working for me today with work so got work done but also got a lot of work to do. Just have to keep working at everything I guess. I kind of spaced out for a little bit after work because I knew the training would be easier than I was originally expecting and because dinner would need to cook a little longer. Warming up for training was fine. Stuff was feeling achy and stiff and not just joints. Some soreness and twitches. I guess a good thing that nothing too complex and just upper body today. Moving around does at least seem to feel good. Starting things off with log strict press style with bands. Originally the plan was to aim for 5lbs over last time. I was conflicted as I wanted to go for it but I was told to cut by 20% because I was feeling like ass. Sometimes I actually feel worse when I’m told to drop the effort. Sometimes perhaps it is needed and the cumulative effect of the training cycle has lead to the need and just anything would cause stuff to be achy. But it could also be that when told it isn’t my full effort that I don’t dig deep into that reserve and it feels bad because this would be how it feels if I wasn’t ready for it and acting casual. I’m still not sure which it is in all the years training. My right shoulder and pec were feeling tight on these from my neck on that side being sore and tight. I decided to go beltless here and not worry about anything here. This was fine and had me still thinking I could’ve gone with the original plan. From there moving on to chest supported barbell rows with pauses. Unchanged with it still being 2x5 after warming up. No sense in thinking of there needing to be a drop from the first set considering dropping down 20% was going to have the working weight be lighter than what 30lbs drop would be. I decided that I’d do the working sets without straps so that I felt like I was doing something I guess similar to beltless on the log pressing. This felt fine too. No straps didn’t have me feeling like I missed out on doing the heavier original plan with straps. So next was benching. Chains and 2x5. Again, 20% less than what was planned. I wasn’t too miffed about that for these as right shoulder was tended to ache with benching at times so having less weight was probably going to be feeling good on the shoulder. I do think the pausing and hold above the chest is requiring me to be tighter and have my shoulders be more stable on the movement. First set felt really good, second set was just ok in comparison. I went back outside for the face pulls. I just kept these the same as these are already pretty easy as it is with the band tension and reps. My hope being that these will feel good on my shoulders and that will in turn help with the neck tension/tightness. I’m finding these feel like they hit stuff a little differently with how I grip the band. Anyways, that was done and got stuff away and stretched before eating dinner. Hopefully this deloading has me feeling better soon.

November 27, 2024 – Week 25, Day 2

Dynamic Warm Up

13” Wagon Wheel Deadlifts (straps, touch and go)

Step Ups (18”)
bwx10 L
bwx10 R
bw+20’sx10 L
bw+20’sx10 R

Wall Sits
bwx60 seconds


Paused Hanging Knee Raises (1 second)

Comments: Maybe it was the week or I was just not feeling good in general. Around this time of year I do get a bit bummed out despite the family time. Mike Jenkins died 9yrs ago Thanksgiving time and I guess that is still something that affects me. Tuesday going for my walk my joints were killing me. Knees didn’t even do anything on Monday with how training was setup. And work was stressful and I was kind of just hoping to get through this short week and rest up with fresh start for December. I was not feeling great Tuesday and I was kind of worried I had a cold or something just with how I was feeling. Wednesday I took both allergy meds (minus Dayquil) to get through the day. Warming up my joints and such were still feeling achy, more so than they were on Monday. Then on to the session. Wagon wheel pulls. The original plan had been to warm up to a new 5rm on these. So instead this was going to just be a top set of 5 reps at 80% of what I was expecting to do. I was expecting to do 5lbs more than what I had done to be on the conservative side of things (550lbs) so about 440lbs would be 80% of that. I did the same warming up as if I were to be doing the heavier weight. Maybe it being colder out or something but my joints were aching. Knees and lower back joints. I don’t like it when it just feels like I have joints and no muscles around them. I decided it made sense to add support gear earlier than I would normally do. While I can entertain that with the upper body stuff, the lower body stuff is what is feeling the most garbage right now so anything helps. My last single didn’t feel terrible and it was just 40lbs more. The video says otherwise but that set of 5 reps felt horrible. Like the aches and slowness in breaking the weight that first rep had me consider stopping right there and calling it a day. Just cussing myself out in my head the entire set. This weight should never feel this tough. I did it but at what cost? I was very much thinking of just shutting things down and even reconsidering doing the competition in January. But I told myself that I shouldn’t end the session on this note as it will have my already poor outlook stay that way and the rest of the workout was much lighter and easier stuff. Step ups followed. 20% reduction is weight used being 20lbs rather than 25lbs. Not exactly as much a drop on things like the day before since this was a bodyweight style exercise. I knew just from how the pulls were these would be rougher than I’d like considering the knee extension aspect of them. I really had to tell myself to take this seriously as these with no weight were feeling rough. Once I got that point through and accepted these were tough and got myself to start sweating did these start to feel somewhat like they should. Left side was definitely struggling more than the right on these. Wall sits were next. Bodyweight and deeper squat style then I was doing when single leg. Can’t really reduce this weight since it is my bodyweight and this isn’t too bad taxing wise. Muscles feeling fine on these but knees were a bit achier than I’d like. Core work after that. Weighted crunches. Similar to the step ups in that not much weight change. Though this was quite noticeable in the weight drop as these felt really easy. I just stopped at 35 reps on these but could’ve kept going. The hanging knee raises was a bit tougher. I was initially just going to keep it as the same weight but figured I’d try to do 80% of that. This required using a kettlebell and bungee cord. With how the weight was positioned, I think this was actually tougher than with things as the weight being the ankle weights. So I wasn’t too miffed with things in having it be less reps than I normally get here. Put stuff away and went to have dinner with family before coming back home to stretch out. I’m not sure what I’m going to be doing as far as training right now as I’m not enjoying how I’m feeling since I got back from Arizona.

November 30, 2024 – Week 25, Day 3

Dynamic Warm Up


Sled Pushes (60 seconds rest)

Comments: I’m glad that I didn’t have to work Thursday or Friday this week. As well as not train. Just eat a lot of food in one sitting and have time with family for holidays. My sleeping and stress was off as for some reason I didn’t fall asleep until like 1:30AM and then woke up at 11:45AM Wednesday. But I wasn’t feeling like I had a cold at least but I didn’t feel like I had much appetite. Managed to get to bed before 1AM that night and work up about 11AM. Nothing that day as one of the kiddos got pneumonia so felt it best to isolate. Just walk and try to work things out in my head. Figured out if I want to still do this. Because I was serious reconsidering after how I felt Wednesday deadlifting. I felt with the reduced weight that it didn’t make sense for me to go out to train in Lancaster, especially if I wasn’t even sure I was going to finish out this week of training. 12:30AM and up at 10:00AM so getting better I guess. But it took me a good while to feel like even training. I was finding it more entertaining and calming to try and figure out training plans on my own. It was close to freezing and windy so I knew that my joints were going to be aching and I did my best to keep warm with wearing my warm ups to warm up. Before that, I did get the yoke setup in the street. While my muscles were feeling good warming up, my right knee was a different story. Felt sore and stiff. What wasn’t even the one that was super achy on Wednesday. I was considering just not training but figured I’d give it what I could here. So the original plan before forced deload had been to do 500lbs, 600lbs and 700lbs on yoke for 60’ on the turf and get my times for each. Didn’t feel it made sense to do that if I was doing 80% of that and considering how I was feeling. I had a feeling that I wouldn’t be moving super fast today and I didn’t want to bother my dad to assist with timing in the cold (not even sure he was home anyways). This yoke is really wobbly and has some sharp edges. I ended up cutting my left hand a little so I put on a band-aid and wore my gloves for the remainder of the runs. The breathing and air situation felt about the same but maybe I worked through it and managed to keep going. I had gotten concerned about it tested my blood pressure when I was over on Thanksgiving at my parents and it seemed to be about what it is when I get it checked at the doctor. It was feeling like a lot on my back and knees and I was not going very fast. It was not helping that my right knee was feeling sore and I didn’t really understand why it would be acting up when it wasn’t really taxed this week. It was also not helping I was irritated and depressed and that my neighbor decided to give their kid a very loud whistle that they were playing with outside. I should be having 150lbs more on here to be having it feel like it was and that should be on a bad day. I was considering just ending the session (hell, I was thinking that after every set but here we are) but felt I should do the speed/conditioning with the sled. I had not done this last yoke session because I felt so down about how I did and just felt all motivation leave me. And this could possibly irritate the knee but maybe it would actually “unscrew” the knee in some odd way. It wasn’t just a slog where I was fatigued by the end but would be trying to go really fast like with the sled drags. Plan being 5 sets of 100’ with a minute rest. Here at home I can do as long as I want so 100’ straight shot no problem instead of 50’/50’. I was thinking about using the yoke to do these but it felt like it made more sense to use the push sled since I actually have an idea what I can do with it on this street. So about 100lbs less than what I did the last time I was home to do these. I went from initially trying to go low like with a truck pull or heavy push and elected to go more upright like I’m doing a walker assisted sprint. Which I think felt better for me then going lower. This at least seemed to go well for me. I immediately put down a protein shake before putting stuff away and stretching. I’m anxious about next week’s training. I feel angry when I see other people putting up their training right now. I feel like I’ve aged 5yrs in these past two weeks.

Sunday, November 24, 2024

November 17, 2024 - November 23, 2024 - Week 24

 November 18, 2024 – Week 24, Day 1

Dynamic Warm Up

Axle Clean and Push Press (one clean)

Axle Push Presses

Band Assisted Pull-ups
sbx5 at pin 18
abx5 at pin 20
lbx5 at pin 22

Paused 12” Log Incline Spoto Presses w/ Bands (+5lbs/+25lbs)

Pull Up Holds
bwx20 seconds+8 seconds eccentric

Active Shoulder Hangs
bw+70x20 seconds+10 seconds relaxed

Comments: While I feel that the physical toll of the heavy yoke wasn’t as bad since I didn’t grind anything out, it did mentally affect me. Like I said, I felt energy and motivation drop a good bit and I got depressed. I didn’t leave my house all day Sunday to do anything and only had three meals as opposed to six meals. I realized on Saturday after the fact I may have been in a rush and little scatterbrained as I may have forgotten to take allergy meds. I definitely forgot to turn on the slow cooker before I left. It is possible I have to adjust my belt combination going forward as could be constricting things. I just hope that I get some break from hitting that wall that appears to be that yoke weight. I spent Sunday ruminating and trying to distract to hopefully get myself feeling like myself for an undoubtable terrible week ahead with work. Weight under 273lbs so about 7lbs away from 265lbs class. Work was terrible due to system issues (migrating server) so the ton of work the previous week was only going to get done in trickle. Not helpful when I would have to go into the office the following day and I feel backed up on things like writeups for my own reasons outside of work for training and just general thoughts. I was feeling a little fragile in the sense that if something went wrong with the training that I’d probably shutdown again. So even though I wasn’t feeling like my body was that beat, I was anxious. I think knowing that it was going to be dark outside lifting was also having me feel low energy. I had been able to avoid that despite the switch to standard since took off the first week on vacation and the second week was a day off work so could train in the afternoon. I was a little anxious about any aches and such warming up. Which seemed to be fine. Time for the axle work. Again, plan here was to work up to a top single and then move on to rack work. Suggested was 10lbs more than last time. I elected to wear my grip shirt for the session since it did seem to be cool enough to not overheat and to get used to it since I’ll likely be using it for the competition. It should be about this temperature I imagine in Mississippi in January. 30lbs jumps after warming up with the essentially empty bar. I was not feeling my hamstrings being sore and tight nor issues with my forearms like I had last time I was doing axle. No issues with my biceps or knees. So that was a good sign. I get concerned with the clean to shoulders and that was actually feeling quite good considering today. 250lbs ended up being a belt clean but it was a quick one and not hesitation like 270lbs was last time. 280lbs I didn’t want to rush things so I did get it to belt but bumped it up a little to be off it before going for the rack. Drive felt powerful but just triceps not quite firing so lockout was a bit more labored than I’d have liked. I held it overhead for a beat before setting it down just to insure stability. I had hit this weight 6 months ago during Regionals prep. At the time, I was 12lbs heavier and it was the last heavy axle of the prep. It was certainly easier than this. But I have more time here to work with. Next thing was the rack work so I had to take a moment to set that up. Strip weight down and setup and put some weight back on the bar. I was debating keeping the grip shirt on but figured I might as well even if I was getting a little toasty. This was adjusted slightly from before. So it had been 5 singles EMOM with a set weight and then the option to go up a little bit each one if feeling good. With the understanding of increasing weight needing more time and recovery from session to session as the peak continues, I was advised to start lower and take rests as needed. So 250lbs and I could take 5-10lbs jumps. So ideally I’d be hitting 10lbs jumps for a finishing lift of 290lbs, continuing the 10lbs over the full lift. Knees were feeling a bit stiff on 250lbs so I was a little worried here but know that my first lift out of the rack is usually my worst feel wise. With it being dark, I told myself it was the same weight when I went up in weight. And that seemed to work with 260lbs and that was easier. 270lbs I ended up going backwards a little on my lower body drive so while fast, the weight was a little out in front of me. 280lbs the lockout was slow and I didn’t like that. This was similar to 270lbs in the movement. Needed to lock in with 290lbs. Felt heavy but I seemed to be able to get it up and not have much in the way of triceps lockout issue. It was more a shoulders through situation. I did a little march with it overhead before racking it. Reviewing video, it would appear I got a bit more lean back in the movement on the 290lbs which allowed me to use less triceps to lockout it out but more movement. Need to keep that in mind about being tight but mobile. From there on to band assisted pull-ups after that. I was told to repeat what I did last time and it seems like that may be the case going forward. Keep things as they are so as to lessen stress elsewhere in the pruning of stressors into competition. Forearms were feeling little sore but otherwise fine. There was a little bit of break putting stuff away from axle. I wasn’t sure how these would go by how warming up was feeling. First set was just ok and the second set felt challenging and not what I would like. But managed to make the actual working set feel really strong and easy. I forget that it used to be that the working up sets were odd and not indicative of how I would do on the working sets on this particular exercise. Paused Spoto style incline log pressing with bands after that. With my benching being this style for both variations, it does seem like shoulders and chest are cool with it. Granted having my neck all tight after last Monday session was not fun. 10lbs increase on this variation vs 5lbs on the chain flat bench style. Warming up here was feeling decent but do need to be mindful of my breathing so as not to get lightheaded with holding my breath for tightness. It gets tricky since the pausing and constant tension adds to it. I wasn’t sure if the triceps would be hanging today but as long as shoulders feel good, my triceps are fine. Finishing up with holds/hangs. A change here. The chin up is now a pull up hold. Advised to keep same progression but start over here at bodyweight. So this was a bit surprising as far as difficulty. I guess that it is easier to support and hold in the chin up position as this was feeling about as tough as what I was doing with weight added. The eccentric part still is fun and feels good. So I guess I’ll go up 5lbs next time. The active shoulder hang I was advised that I could stick at whatever weight going forward. I figured I’d go up 5lbs more just so that it was easier plate math wise using 35’s rather than odd assortment of plates. This actually felt pretty strong today. Put stuff away and ate dinner before stretching. Not much time to dilly dally since have to wake up early for work in office. Just getting more behind.

November 20, 2024 – Week 24, Day 2

Dynamic Warm Up

Front Squats w/ Chains (+28lbs)
No Chains
Add Chains

Hyper Extensions

Hyper Extension Holds (Neck Harness & Plate)
25+105x21 seconds

bw+81x60 seconds

Side Planks
bw+15x60/60 seconds

Comments: Tuesday was the in office day and that was again, pointless as usual. More so with the continued system issues. But in office and it being darker out meant no walking after work as I got home. Apparently there may be snow end of this work week. System issues still happening, making this one of the dumbest weeks at work in a long time. Like dumbest in like 4-5yrs. And the system issues couldn’t be happening at a worse time with holidays in November and people being out. Trying my best to not let it overwhelm me and just kind of shrug it off and do my own thing that I can do. And this is statewide so not just me lol. The breakdown in what works allows for the only respite in getting stuff I put off outside of work that I feel I’m constantly behind when I don’t follow through on stuff the day I plan to. One day being depressed seems to put me back like a week when it is a crucial day. Even though I got no real work done, I felt stressed and needed to kind of space out for like 30 minutes before getting to training. Having to be on high alert for the entire shift and be able to do nothing. Like holding a door open for someone that may never show up. I had to do a little spacing out after the in office day too. Which I think I subconsciously allowed since this was the shortest of the training sessions in the current rotation. Warming up was fine I think. Some minor knee aches in the right knee. Then it was time for front squats with chains. As continues to be the case, the options were to work up to a top double or the back up plan of lighter for 2x5 with 185-225lbs. The last two times this has popped up, I’ve considered heavily the light option because how I was feeling from training going into the session and then feeling pretty good and deciding to go heavy. This time I wasn’t feeling that beat and thinking that I didn’t really need to consider the light option. Figures that things weren’t feeling the best. I mean typical of how warming up have been on these with knees and getting used to the movement and feeling better as I go. Trying to be conscious of my breathing and bracing as well as not getting super hyped. Try and save that for the top set where it would be needed. 40-50lbs jumps on these as per usual. I did follow as indicated with quarter-plate jumps as the working up weights. While still technically 5-10lbs increase as written, the suggested was 5lbs and I figured that was probably a good idea even if last time felt really solid. On the heavier stuff with belt, I was trying to not get hyped up and be in control. I felt I was a little off balance anteriorly unracking the weights. The set with 315lbs was tough but didn’t feel like I couldn’t do the next weight. But boy was I having a hard time tapping into that anxious energy for this set. First rep felt heavy and I knew that this was going to be a really tough second rep. I ended up hitting a sticking point (which was much higher on video than it felt at the time) but I managed to push through it. Grinding out lifts on front squats is very tough to recover from with all the pressure and hard on getting air. So I rushed to get it back into the rack but just like when I did 365lbs for a double in the last training cycle, I missed the j-hook on the left side. But thankfully I was able to keep consciousness and the bar clips and such held tight. The replaced j-hooks didn’t fair much better than the cheapo old pair had when this happened last time. Had to take things apart carefully here. Got another pair of j-hooks that should hopefully arrive before I need them Monday training. If not, I can make do with what I have. This was definitely a max effort here so not sure if I can really progress more from this effort by next time. But I guess wait and see because there have been times where I’ve done a tough set (but not as tough as this) and think I can only go up 5lbs and end up feeling really good and making 10lbs increase feel easy. Usually I need a little time to calm down before moving on but didn’t need that this time as I had to kind of take my time here to get the situation safe and then get the remaining things for training done. Continuing to progress the hyperextension hold. I was advised I can adjust either the neck harness or what I hold in my hands depending on what feels like I can progress further. I was not sure how warming up would feel considering things. But the 20 reps of back extensions felt decent. Just a little tough in the last three reps. As far as the hold, I kind of like the 25lbs for the neck harness. I think I want to just bump up the weight in hand for my first time back on these since the trip and then maybe add to the harness when I’ve got to like 110lbs in my arms. So again, still working the 20 second sweet spot. Again, not too bad getting into position but definitely feeling the strain of the weight on the body in the stress position. Much closer to 20 seconds here. So still going strong there. Then time for planks. Regular style kept the same weight. I felt braced breathing was pretty good here but that my abdominals were feeling more sore and worked compared to last time. Probably because I had to grind out the second rep on the front squats. I’ve not had any issues the last few times with getting the backpack on in an efficient manner. But still, I don’t see a benefit to going heavier as this has felt challenging for the 60 seconds consistently. I do feel with side planks like I should go up in weight. I did switch up which side I started on and that did seem to show a lesser disparity between the sides as far as the hold and soreness. There is still an issue with the braced breathing that is apparent between the sides. Which is why keep working on these. Put stuff away and ate dinner before stretching out.

November 23, 2024 – Week 24, Day 3

Dynamic Warm Up

Farmer’s Walk (hands off starts)
305x60’ in 13.65 seconds

Sandbag Carry/Load Runs
300x30’/49.5”/30’ in 18.98 seconds

Sled Drags (60 seconds rest)

Comments: This week sucked stress wise. As mentioned, the server switch caused the system to not be working for most of the week. I’d say out of the five days, maybe a day total across them where the system was working and when it was it was snail pace processing. And next week is only 3 work days and likely it will be a shitshow. I could feel that I was stressed and rather than try and stay up late to do things I decided to go to bed early and wake up at my work time to go out and train. I definitely had some stress dreams. I woke up feeling pretty lousy and needing to take nasal spray and allergy meds. I had kind of hoped I wouldn’t need to take anything so I could accurately gauge how the belt combos were feeling so as to figure out if it was just having stuff too tight causing the lightheadedness on stuff like the moving events and front squats. I had made sure that I got everything ready so that I just had to eat breakfast and then get dressed and go. Traffic was a bit slow going. I was still feeling lousy with allergy issues and feeling a little tired. At least the “vibe” at the gym felt more lively compared to last time. I guess warming up was ok. Stuff moved well enough but I could tell I was feeling a little winded on some things. My right knee was a little achy but not out of the ordinary. My right triceps was feeling a little tight. Then getting things setup for the day. People were doing bag toss again so I had to setup further down the concrete. Farmer’s walk this week. Plan to do 5lbs more than last time I guess as long as it feels good and I can handle recovery with 50lbs jumps. I did learn this week that there is apparently a rule I missed on the farmer’s walk for this competition. We will have to start with our hands off the implements. I’ve done that for yoke with a run up and I really don’t like this with having yourself not securely gripping or positioned on something when it is a straight shot movement. Already makes a difficult thing for me (the pick) even slower and trickier. I guess this isn’t so new to me transitions but generally it is doing a repick (farmer’s series) or it has been really high pick (frame) where it isn’t so bad having to brace. But I figured I’d do that so as not to be caught off guard. This “gunslinger draw” style of pick was not feeling good for me. I also wasn’t feeling like I could go fast today. I was really dreading the top set after 255lbs felt like how I was expecting 305lbs to be feeling. Lot of complaining on my part before I got myself set. I was really nervous here. Even with that, I didn’t feel like I was able to completely lock in to that fight or flight sensation (which suggests I’m a bit worn out) but thankfully I wasn’t having stomach cramps like last week. This felt slow and awful. I was feeling like I was going dark about halfway in and I was feeling like I was going to drop the weights but somehow I just kept drudging along and got it done. It was a couple seconds slower than last time with 300lbs. But I was expecting it to be a little slower anyways with the not setting my grip. But this felt like how 335lbs should be feeling for me. But this is the most I’ve attempted walking with with these handles. I do not like them. I noticed a little after that I was bleeding as I had three blood blisters on my left pinky finger. One had popped and I was probably going to have to drain one of them when I got home if it didn’t burst while training. I was feeling pretty beat. I was also thinking that I did over 15 seconds rather than 13 seconds in my head until I confirmed with my review after training. I took my time putting stuff away because I needed the yoke from bag toss (there was another but it would require moving a lot of stuff out of the way) and to also wait until people using the wind tunnel were done doing sled pushes. I also helped George with figuring out a better way to pick the sandbag husafell for OSG during that time. I’m useful in that regard with finding ways to do things. Anyways, the plan here was to do the sandbag run/load/run event again at contest. I was initially thinking of using this session to go over contest weight since I was told I could do that if I wanted to and was feeling good. Make it so I did over contest weight on every event (besides axle since for max). But considering how I felt today and doubly so after how farmer’s felt, I figured it was best to stick to contest weight today. Next time this is programmed I won’t be able to come to the gym due to a powerlifting meet so I’ll likely be over contest weight with what I have at home to mimic anyways. I brought the grip shirt for this as I will likely be wearing that at competition. So 3 of the 5 events I guess. I did raise the bar height a notch rather than deal with getting rubber mats to get the height exact. I was thinking that maybe I was going to be doing pretty well on this today with how my first set warming up went. It felt light and comfortable. I didn’t realize until I was done for the day with this event that it was 175lbs and not 200lbs. The bags for some brands have the “weight” listed on them and apparently this one was underfilled and the actual weight was really faded on (since mostly black with only white lettering). So perhaps that gave me a false confidence going into the next run. That felt a little more challenging but still fine. I got ready for the competition run and the pick up felt fine and I was moving well but I just seemed to have issues with keeping the bag up high enough so that when it came to the load I could shove it. I didn’t get much clearance the bag landed pretty close to the yoke. I rushed to pick it and it was not stable and it kind of rolled in my lap and I fumbled it. I knew I was going to have to really commit to the pick as I was definitely worn out. I got and went as fast as I could. Not my worst time here but it was a lot slower than last time with that fumble. I guess best to get that out in training than have it happen at contest. But still annoying to have it happen. But stuff away and then time for sled drag. Still the 5 sets of 100’ with a minute rest but told to drop 50lbs from last time with the focus to be on speed for the remainder of the prep on these. I was to be doing speed for the sled/yoke pushes before I decided to quit that session. I was a little worried that this would be too light and I’d fall back going fast. Not the case. I started off moving quite fast but it caught up to me by the end. I was breathing harder than I should be (showing I’m tired and my breathing compromised) and my quads pumped up big time by the end. I got it done but I was definitely feeling this week. I put stuff away and stayed to stretch. In the beginning stretching I did take points to just kind of space out a little before resuming because of how beat I was feeling. This week took a lot out of me and I’m not sure if I can keep this pace up for the last 8 weeks or so.

Sunday, November 17, 2024

November 10, 2024 - November 16, 2024 - Week 23

 November 11, 2024 – Week 23, Day 1

Dynamic Warm Up

12” Log Strict Presses w/ Bands (+14lbs/+22llbs)
No Bands
Add Bands

Paused Chest Supported Barbell Rows
Added Straps, 2 seconds holds

Paused Spoto Presses w/ Chains (+22lbs)
No Chains
Add Chains

Band Face Pulls

Comments: It was good that I could come back from taking a little more than a week off from training and not miss a step. But that comes at a cost I could tell it was going to be present even during the training session. I was feeling immediate soreness so expecting soreness in the muscles to continue from that. I could identify it being the case for my hamstrings, upper and lower back and also biceps. Weight up about 1.5lbs but that was kind of expected considering being off schedule and pretty much eating whatever when I could. Pretty much everything I ate was at a restaurant and brought home from a restaurant. Also not quite used to the DLS switch. I think it was good thing that I only worked two days this past week and then 3 days to recover and then back for 4 days. I feel I overcompensated Sunday and Monday as far as getting sleep on schedule. It could also be the time zone shifts as I’m realizing that this is the first time since 2017 that I’ve been outside of EST and I couldn’t really gauge how that recovery went since I got the flu and was pretty much not working for like a week. But thankfully it just seems to be when I feel like sleeping and waking up and not a determinantal decline in quality of sleep. Falling asleep late and waking up late put a bit of squeeze on my time availability for today. But it should work out for me. Warm but not training so early in the day that I’d have to wear sunglasses doing overhead training. It will be quite dark when I’m training outside next week after work. Had to clean up some leaves in the back area not so much because there were leaves but because it had rained and there wet spots that wouldn’t dry being covered with leaves. Warming up for training was fine. Stuff was feeling achy and stiff and not just joints. But moving around and doing the warming up and mobility stuff felt good. Starting things off with log strict press style with bands. In that last stretch of training with 10 weeks until competition. So some things are going to be pulled back as this starts that peak. Which is to be expected as need to save the energy for what needs to be ready for the competition. So one of those causalities of necessity was the log strict pressing. Instead of 5x2, it was working up to a top double with was to be 5lbs more than the working weight for last time. Something that should be no problem and this likely being the way forward on this from here with 5lbs increases. 30lbs jumps worked nicely here. Just adding support gear as I worked up. Mobility was feeling fine and nothing was feeling off. I was kind of surprised how loose my shoulders were feeling compared to sometimes when they feel tight. One set does mean I have just the one shot to having things go right and not be able to get crisper and better as I go. This was decent and went up well enough. From there moving on to chest supported barbell rows with pauses. This was not changed from how it has been for a bit now so again, up by 5lbs with 2x5 and having the option to lower to 30lbs less or so from the top set weight for that second set if needed. I’ve generally been skipping the lightest warm up set but felt like maybe I should do it this time considering my upper back and biceps were feeling quite sore. Maybe this will be less a shock working doing that. Weights were moving well but it was feeling substantially heavier in my hands to what I’d expect it to usually feel. 50lbs jumps on these. I think if I had to do the longer holds/pauses working up that I’d definitely not be able to put in a solid effort on the top sets. Straps added for the working sets where I was doing the actual solid holds. This was definitely the hardest I think these have felt on these with the working set. I may consider the dropping down this time or next but really have to play it by ear because my upper back can be fickle at times and then just decide that it will crush any weight I try at others. So next was benching. Chains and 2x5. This did have some changes to it. Seeing as how the adjustments to the incline log press for last time (hover pauses) helped with getting my chest recruitment and more stable shoulder, that it would make sense to do that here on this variation. This had already been adjusted to being a lighter speed focused endeavor so the weight only got dropped a little unlike with the incline log. Still getting some shoulder aches in the right side but was feeling better compared to last time. Wore wrist wraps so that I felt like I was taking this seriously but also for some additional support because my wrists were a little sore from sandbag work Saturday (potentially the “shove” portion). These felt decent. I ended up having to reset my bracing before doing the second set as I lost some tightness adjusting the bar placement. At this point, I was getting my meals ready to eat after training (since I got up late, merging all them besides dinner and evening as one) and getting setup for the last thing. Last thing being face pulls with bands to finish up. 2 sets of 15-20 reps with a medium band. I went outside to do these since I feel like I’m only going to get some much sunlight after work for the next few months. Even if feeling good, I didn’t want to up band tension with my sore biceps as could be an issue. Some times it feels like I’m just doing the motion and others where I’m dictating the motion and how the shoulders move. First set I felt good and felt like maybe I could get a little more tension for the second set. I wasn’t feeling quite right and tried to adjust things after few reps but that made things a little too easy and then had to regrip to get things challenging again. Put stuff away and got to work on getting some calories in.

November 13, 2024 – Week 23, Day 2

Dynamic Warm Up

13” Wagon Wheel Deadlifts (straps, touch and go)


Step Ups (18”)
bwx10 L
bwx10 R
bw+25’sx10 L
bw+25’sx10 R

Wall Sits
bwx60 seconds


Paused Hanging Knee Raises (1 second)

Comments: I’m having a hard go of it with adjusting to the hour shift it seems. I felt I was I guess when I was not having anything scheduled and then when I didn’t have to do any training after work until this workout really. It has been a struggle to stay motivated with work as there is just so much of it and just getting hounded with no real help available (despite it being offered). I’m definitely feeling the effects of hard training after taking a little time off with soreness from being a little detrained. My right side neck tensed up like something was pinched in the nerves so that was mildly unpleasant for about a day and a half (thankfully feeling better). It was fairly warm when I came back to PA from AZ last week. It was actually warmer here than it was out there. But now fall weather has decided to show up again and it is staying pretty cold. Not so cold that I need warm ups to get ready in the garage. I can make myself warm from just moving around and lifting and being the human space heater I am. Warming up was ok. Noticed my right shoulder was tight (expected after neck tensed up). Nothing feeling terribly achy so that was good. At least initially. Right knee has a slight ache but ok. Left knee was feeling a little dull ache but not in the usual way. But both things seemed to go away once I got ready to actually train. Then for the wagon wheel. I had been anxious last time. I wasn’t feeling that anxiety this time with the plan here for a conservate single. Volume was reduced working up so there was less fatigue working up. Plan was 10lbs more than the double I did. I mean, I should be good for that. Starting out, felt like my midsection and lower back were feeling a bit detrained and that just doing the first weight was making those areas work harder and feel strain more than usual. Working up in weight my lower back was feeling a little achy at the base of the spine. It is possible that this also has to do with it being colder and having to warm up. The first three plate jumps were the same as they have been. 405lbs was where things changed in that it was singles instead of doubles. So while no real touch and go for these, I still did controlled eccentrics as if I was going for another rep. These for some reason can feel slower and harder than they end up looking on video. Another plate jump with hard belt added. This was ok. I wasn’t feeling like my strongest today. Usually another big jump for the top set and hope that excitation from missing gets me pulling. But not quite as the jump would be too much this time around so split that difference for a small jump. I was kind of hoping that this smaller jump would instill confidence but it didn’t really. It felt pretty tough (didn’t look it). Perhaps because this is the first time I’ve tried to do over 500lbs here without getting hyped up. I was still feeling like this single had to happen with everything but I was less confident in how it would go which lead to me being getting nerves that possibly had me more ready to act and execute. It’s a fine line. But it wasn’t instantaneous to get maximum arousal for this. I was kind of hoping I didn’t need it to be honest. I decided to add 2lbs to the goal so that it would be 275kgs for something fun I guess. Trying to think kilograms for possible worlds comp. Slightly worried about stressing the hamstrings since they seemed to be sore from Saturday. Went for it and it seemed to move well enough but then I started to get that jackhammer shake going but I pulled through that midpoint to lockout. I’ve now done contest weight or more (axle doesn’t count since that’s for max) on all the events at this point. This is only the second time I’ve been able to do that in my strongman career with the first time being in 2022 for PA Dutch. I have 10 more weeks to build on from this point too. But it may be just keeping the train on the rails mostly until the destination is reached. This could very well be the heaviest I pull before the competition. Anyways, a little bit of a break here to put away the weights and get some fluids in. Setups again. Volume was reduced on these which was probably a good idea and a welcomed one. The reduction in reps for the first set with no weight felt really good. Could also be the rest as my knees felt pretty darn good and I felt so good that I did these back to back with no rest before taking the normal rest I do with the set with weights in hand. The left side does lag a little compared to the right but it felt like less of a gulf in ability this time around. I didn’t need a sweat towel like when it warmer but I was definitely worked hard and staying warm. Wall sits were next. Bodyweight and deeper squat style then I was doing when single leg. I went into these almost immediately after the step ups. Just a minute and that seems fine. Legs get all twitch holding and I try my best to keep my breathing similar to when I do the planks. Felt a little tough at the start but then I felt fine and good for the duration. Core work after that. Weighted crunches. I stuck to what I did last time because of the little break and seeing as how my abs felt worked just doing the wagon wheel pulls. Breaking into chunks continues to be the winning method here. Hard to say if this was tougher or the same as last time. I was having my abs, neck and hamstrings trying to cramp up on me. I had tried to get through those exercises in quick succession before taking a break to get fluids and setup things for the last exercise for the evening.  Paused hanging knee raises to wrap things up. I was not expecting anything easy today. I was fully prepared to have it be a struggle to get 25 reps considering how my core was feeling today. But somehow things felt really good. Ended up adding another rep to these. Put stuff away before eating dinner and then stretching.

November 16, 2024 – Week 23, Day 3

Dynamic Warm Up

Comments: This week didn’t end how I would’ve preferred. Work was very stressful and with the holidays coming up, the day in the office has been moved up to being a week early. I also may have contributed to some discomfort this week with a supplement. I had thought my diet was lacking in magnesium and that maybe that would help with the nervous energy and twitching/cramps. Turns out I was already getting enough from the protein powder I use and I was having gas. I also didn’t follow my rule of waiting until the weekend to try something new to my diet and supplements. But I felt confident with myself and rested I guess going out to train. I didn’t need to hit snooze and drive took slightly longer than I would’ve liked. When I got there, the vibe of the place just felt off. Like everyone that was there training just felt like they didn’t want to be there. The new throw tower setup already broke (as I suspected it would) but the it can still be setup in the interim until the new joint is replaced. The attitude I was sensing was making me also annoyed. I did my best to block that out during my warming up and mobility stuff. I was feeling good on this stuff. Yoke was really the only thing for today besides conditioning. Plan was again to give 855lbs for 50’ a shot. But on the concrete because the gym setup changed. Even if it hadn’t changed, I’d have probably moved this to concrete after failing at 50’ on turf. I was surprised that I was doing this again after the miss and also after the break. I was thinking this would be a lighter session. But trusting the process as it were. 100lbs jumps starting with the big yoke with a little weight on it and doing the 50’ run. Up to 555lbs that is. I was feeling a little slow but it didn’t really feel like last time in the sense it felt heavier than it should. But I was feeling lightheaded on the runs. I was having some stomach tightness and cramping. I had hoped the magnesium stuff had worked its way through overnight but I guess not entirely. I felt like I was moving well enough with the next two runs going 25’ but I still not feeling like 855lbs was a sure thing and that it was going to be tough. I added 5lbs just so that if it didn’t happen, it didn’t happen with a little more weight. I couldn’t seem to get myself amped up to that notch needed to be aroused for this and I told the people there that I didn’t want time or commands on this and I’d go at my own pace. I actually felt like I was going at a decent pace but I just couldn’t keep it together. I was starting to go dark in my vision and just put it down about halfway down the course. I had to catch myself to keep from going down. If I had pushed it any further, I’d have definitely been spasming and taken a knee. I felt good otherwise but it really just drained the joy and motivation out of me. Even though this is 160lbs over contest weight. I still don’t like failing at something that I should be able to do. This is like 90% of my best on this event. I took off the weights and proceeded to shove the empty big yoke back to the start. I was intending to use this as my pushing weight for the session but it felt heavier than I’d have liked it to and I could tell my motivation was just gone. I could feel my doubts and creeping in and the anxiety spiking as depression setting in. Just went home without stretching and at least made myself eat the planned meals. It shouldn’t bother me this much but just because I think and know it shouldn’t doesn’t mean I can stop it from paralyzing me with doubt and frustration. Kind of wished I had another 3 day weekend so I could hopefully work through this in peace and mentally be refreshed for another stupid week of work.

Saturday, November 9, 2024

October 27, 2024 - November 9, 2024 - Week 21-22

 October 28, 2024 – Week 21, Day 1

Dynamic Warm Up

Axle Clean and Push Press (one clean)

Axle Push Presses (EMOM)

Band Assisted Pull-ups
sbx5 at pin 18
abx5 at pin 20
lbx5 at pin 22

Paused 12” Log Incline Spoto Presses w/ Bands (+5lbs/+25lbs)

Chin Up Holds
bw+40x20 seconds+8 seconds eccentric

Active Shoulder Hangs
bw+65x20 seconds+10 seconds relaxed

Comments: Still feeling a bit out of sorts from Saturday with how yoke went. It got me off my sleep a good bit and had to make up for it Sunday. Feeling achy in my joints. I think I just have to realize that I’ve not really had to “build up” yoke for the last few years and that really this was like expecting to be near my best when the most I’ve done had been 75% of my best last year and usually less than that. I just have to adjust things going forward if it is worth pushing that seeing as how no show at this point I have interest in (or can sign up) has a yoke over 750lbs. Other stuff needs more work that could use the energy like pressing and deadlifting. Bodyweight at 273lbs. I was kind of treating this week as a mandatory deload with the trip and stress that comes with it. Hope being survive this workout and hit the minimums for Day 1 session and then do the “lighter” option for my Day 2 session this week. Day 3 being then a week later. Don’t want to be dealing with trying to rush training here or setup stuff out there or try and rush things coming back after time zones, travel and the election. Not to mention work. I stopped over at my folks before training as I was told my sister and her family were visiting briefly (wasn’t sure why) but they weren’t there yet and I went back to my place to train. I already had moved things around and I was nervous about how this session would go seeing as how I was a bit mentally in a funk and feeling worn down a bit. Knees were quite achy warming up today. But I felt not in a way that would hamper overhead training. My nephews and mom came over briefly while I was doing warmups and then went back after I finished sweeping leaves off the porch to start lifting. Axle session. Again, plan here was to work up to a top single and then move on to rack work. Suggested was 10lbs more than last time. I did more reps warming up as I felt the knees kind of needed it. I could tell that I was not 100% as stuff was feeling a bit tougher. 30lbs jumps. I also made sure that I didn’t do the press right from the catch like last time. I knew that while it feels fun and powerful, this wasn’t a day for it as stuff was feeling like 20lbs-30lbs heavier than it should. At least on the clean to shoulders. Which if that is more effort and laborious, then it takes something out of the overhead. 240lbs felt like how 260lbs had felt last time, which isn’t great when got another 30lbs jump. My left hamstring felt like it wanted to cramp up on me so I was bit nervous. Hamstrings had been twitching during the day too. Power was not there this week as I wasn’t getting the same power and getting the weight as high up on the pull, which I think suggests lower back and hamstrings a bit cooked. 270lbs ended up a belt clean and it took a bit to recover from the catch and go for the press. The press part was at least feeling how it should but I was definitely having to take a little longer before initiating the press. I had it overhead for a beat before putting it down. Setup things for the rack work. Strip weight down and setup and put some weight back on the bar. Like last time, this was to be 5 singles with the same weight out of the rack done EMOM style but 10lbs more than last time. I had done a little sneaky sneak here with the option to add a little bit if I felt good whereas I did 5lbs added each rep. That had not been the case the first time I did this workout but it was last time and that ended up being pretty good. I had a feeling though that I’d be feeling a bit worn compared to last time since that was after doing speed yoke vs max effort yoke. But I left myself open to the option depending on how things went obviously. But starting at 260lbs. My thinking was that pressing was feeling strong and that I should be fine here. First rep I had to double take the dip as it felt off the first time. But it went up strong. So I said screw it, I guess I’m adding weight every rep. Second rep I had a little issue with walking the weight out. My left foot hit something weird. But regardless of that, still went up strong for the press. I felt I had no issues with technique walking out the weight or initiating the leg drive. So this was good. I’m at 90% of my goal here. 40lbs off my lifetime bests in training though. From there on to band assisted pull-ups after that. I was told to repeat what I did last time, which was fine by me. I mean initially, I was hoping to keep progressing and get to not band assistance quicker. But that was before I came into the workout feeling a certain way. My biceps were feeling a little sore from the extra effort needed on the axle cleans too. But hey, at least I wasn’t having that weird lower lat and intercostals thing going on. This seemed to be fine. Maybe a little better than last time. Or about the same. Just work at this time. I took a brief break here to head back over to try and see family again as I was told they were leaving in about 45 minutes. Apparently that was not correct and I missed them again. They were only here really to go see WWE anyways. I’ll be seeing them on the trip too. So back home again to do incline log pressing. Mr. Westerling indicated he didn’t like the lack of tightness. I tend to do two styles with the incline log. One is controlled with pauses and the other is essentially catapult. I’ve been doing the catapult style. Gets through he sticking point and feels less stress on the shoulders. But I guess not what needs to be the focus. So still doing these with bands. But adding in pausing to make sure I’m controlled and staying tight. Essentially doing Spoto style pressing. Probably closer even as one method calling it a “shirt press” in that just having it touch the shirt but not compressing the shirt. So a close to a touch as possible and holding. Back to doing 2 sets of 5 reps here. Certainly more shoulder stress but also a lot more pec stress, which is what was needed here. Need to get the chest awake to protect the shoulders. Finishing up with holds/hangs. Continuing to be 20 seconds with the extra time and 5lbs added if I succeed. Definitely felt like these were the toughest these both have been to hold to the times here. I was a little nervous with the chin up hold with the biceps being a bit sore but they were ok. I think this exercise is important for continued biceps health. The active shoulder hang is getting to the point where the decompression in the “relaxed” position is having the weights touch now. Like I said last time, I can definitely see the chin up holds sticking around but not sure with the active shoulder hangs. Put stuff away and ate dinner before stretching.

October 30, 2024 – Week 21, Day 2

Dynamic Warm Up

Front Squats w/ Chains (+28lbs)
No Chains
Add Chains

Hyper Extensions

Hyper Extension Holds (Neck Harness & Plate)
25+100x23 seconds

bw+81x60 seconds

Side Planks
bw+15x60/60 seconds

Comments: I had every intention of this being a coasting workout and doing the light option. It made sense. My knees were feeling pretty darn stiff and it took a good bit of my walk before they started to feel fine the day before. I needed a lot of soft tissue work done Tuesday. Lower body but also a good bit for the chest as well. Work I got a slammed and I knew I’d likely spend most of the next day doing that stuff as my last day working this week until I get back. So I was fully accepting of doing an easy session and not feeling guilty about doing so. Warming up was telling me that was the best thing as my knees were feeling more stiff compared to Monday’s warming up and I was fighting back yawns warming up too. Then it was time for front squats with chains. As has been mentioned, the options were to work up to a top double (5-10lbs more than what I did last time) or the back up plan of lighter for 2x5 with 185-225lbs. I was heavily leaning towards the 2x5 and possibly having it be at 185lbs. Just to get some movement and then get the other stuff done at the usual intensity. But I did decide to not completely shut the door on the heavy option because sometimes I feel terrible and I end up feeling pretty darn good. Strike while the iron is hot so to speak. Warming up I was feeling like the light option was the way to go. While unracking and walking out the weight felt fine, there were some aches in the knees (more so the right side) at the beginning. I do know that sometimes I feel better as I do more weight and reps. I was ready to do 185lbs for 2x5. Unrack felt good and the knee aches seemed a lot less so called it at a double and decided I’d go up to 225lbs. See if that felt any different. Unrack and walk out still felt good and the knee aches felt less. Screw it, I guess I’m going heavy today. I did modify the jumps here as I like to do similar jumps and it seemed to work out for me last time. So 40lbs jumps the rest of the way with planned top set of 345lbs. 265lbs with hard belt felt really strong. 305lbs didn’t feel bad unracking it but I know that I wasn’t quite full arousal/hype for this. Which is good as I shouldn’t need it to do this. But it did make that first rep feel a little tougher than I’d like but the second rep was fine. Even with that, I still felt confident in myself as I recall an even tougher double warming up (I think 275lbs) when I did 325lbs for a double so I should be good here for another 40lbs no problem. But didn’t want to rest on my laurels. This lift seems to be one that responds well for when I get anxious and use that in the lift. Also knowing that I can tap into that and feel it means I’m not completely fatigued and overworked. When I can’t seem to get that to switch on easy, I know that I’m needing some more recovery and rest. This didn’t feel that heavy unracking the weight and I was comfortable going for this lift. I made sure that I took solid breaths for bracing and I crushed it. I think that the second rep was even smoother. Getting close to my top double weight without chains. Used the time to calm down a bit and get some fluids in me before putting away some weights. I was actually a little apprehensive for the hyper holds this time around. I think that my posterior chain is more fatigued at the moment and having my hamstrings twitchy and wanting to cramp on Monday didn’t exactly full me with confidence. Especially since this was one of the exercises I had to modify or stop when I strained the right hamstring at the beginning of the year. But I seemed fine here and got one with it. As per usual, warming up for back extension holds with reps. 20 reps again. Well I think. I might have miscounted and did 1-3 more reps than that. Maybe. Which was fine I guess if I didn’t really notice. It is a good bit of weight I’m up to on these now going from nothing to everything on these. Still working the 20 second sweet spot. Neck harness weight has stayed the same for the time being (25lbs seems to be a fine weight on this) and going up 5lbs to what I’m holding to my chest. 100lbs so I can use the bumper plate so all “big” plates. This actually didn’t feel that bad getting up off the floor and into position but man being in position felt like a strain. I again somehow screwed up my counting tempo. Not sure why I’m either missing a count or slowing down my count as it has gotten tougher and heavier. But I guess I want to make sure that I truly did 20 seconds with some seconds left in the tank. I did not mean to do over 20 seconds again by that margin. I at least seem to be close with the upper body based holds/hangs that I’m not hand timing. Hamstrings were feeling a bit toasted after that so I didn’t rush getting myself ready for the planks to end the session. Took enough of a breather to get dinner a decent part of the way done and drink more fluids. Stuck to the same weights for planks. Regular style felt challenging and it was a little harder with the braced breathing I think compared to last time. This is truly the most I feel like doing on these with my backpack and chains. I think more weight would be a hassle just to get into position and I’m not sure if the backpack will hold up so good to that additional stress. Side planks I do kind of feel like I should go up in weight. However, there is still a disparity between the sides with the braced breathing. Holding on the right elbow is a lot more controlled and comfortable compared to the left side. It was still a good effort for that side but it wasn’t so good that I’d go up in weight. Put stuff away and ate dinner before stretching out. One more day of work and then leaving on a jet plane.

November 9, 2024 – Week 22, Day 3

Dynamic Warm Up

Farmer’s Walk
300x60’ in 11.08 seconds

Sandbag Carry/Load Runs
300x30’/48”/30’ in 16.41 seconds

Sled Drags
(60 seconds rest)

Comments: Second time this year where I’ve taken a break from training because of a family vacation/trip. Unlike the beach trip in the summer, this was not a planned in advance thing. It kind of started with my older sister’s kids being off from school around the election and deciding to got out to visit my younger brother and his family in Arizona since usually only seem them in the flesh around the fall and winter holidays (if at all). But it became more of a full family visit to be with them as well as grieve with the passing of their third daughter earlier this year. Travel is stressful for me and it has been since 2017 that I’ve been on a plane. Last time coming back from Las Vegas and I had a sprained wrist and got the flu for the first time. As much as I enjoy myself, it is still stressful for me and I just kind of have to accept that when I’m not in control of things. I was hoping that this would give me a bit of deload with not worrying about training for a week and come back somewhat fresh for the last 12 weeks or so of this really long prep for competition. But I did have some aches and such that seemed to persist like my right knee and ankle that sleeping on air mattress or couch didn’t really help. Also with time changes and other stuff going on it was a stressful return. I’m still not quite used to the DLS shift as I tend to get up an hour early. But I do feel a lot more relaxed and some the aches have lessened since getting to sleep in my own bed again. But those aches did have me a little worried jumping right back into training. It was definitely a good idea to not try and do training out there (or rush it at home) and certainly not the day after I got back. I was feeling like training again by Friday. A little slow going with getting to bed and getting out the door in the morning. Partly because catching up on the Rogue Invitational. I actually made some really good time out to the gym. I wasn’t prepared for the gym changes. I had known they were remodeling which had been just painting and some new equipment. The big changes happened while I was away. The open turf area in the lifting area was gone and more machines and such. I was feeling the change aversion and I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to do my workouts how I liked them and that feeling almost had me leave and go home and do all my training out of my house. But I took some breaths and after talking with other people training, realized it wasn’t a big deal. I could tell warming up with the mobility stuff that some things were slightly detrained and stiff. Right knee still feeling a little ache but felt strong. The connector I was using for the iPod got pitched in the refurbishing (owners didn’t know someone actually used it) so was at the mercy of other people’s playlists or just dead silence. Setup today (and probably going forward) took a bit longer for stuff today. Because it had to. Farmer’s walk this week. Again, plan was to work up to contest weight in 50lbs jumps. I believe I had mentioned how I’m not to be doing these on turf going forward so has to be outside if I want a 60’ course. I guess uneven concrete is close enough to turf. I will at least still be able to do that for my “lighter” week runs with yoke (too much hassle for heavy week). I don’t like the Titan Fitness handles but it is likely the competition handle and if not, I guess I’m working something. I was a little worried about how the knee would feel but it was fine. I was having issues with getting my breathing under control here. 200lbs the pick was feeling a little slow but still ok. I was having to sometimes slow what I was doing with setting up because people were doing bag toss (the new setup is massive and requires two yokes). I decided it made more sense to not worry about swapping out the 100’s onto the handles until the contest weight run. I didn’t dry heave this time so that was good. I knew I could do this and managed to get about half a second faster. But not on the turf so hard to say. Definitely feeling taxing on the hamstrings. It does appear going to try build up 5lbs per session for the next block here. I took my time putting stuff away because I needed to wait until the yokes were free so I could do the next thing; the sandbag event for the show. Pick up sandbag and carry it 30’ to load over 48” yoke and then repick the sandbag and carry another 30’ to finish. Same as it has been. This isn’t a terribly taxing event and it’s not a problem to do contest runs with this. This time I was allowed to have it be timed. Even though I could’ve gotten my times for the past two sessions I haven’t. Out of sight, out of mind. I was told not to worry about beating whatever pace I was setting and just have it be smooth and a goal to improve on. My hamstrings were feeling pretty cooked from farmer’s so I was little leery about the pick up on these as that was what I pulled the right hamstring on at the beginning of the year. But it was just worked and a little detrained from the break. I felt I was moving well here and getting some good distance on the push over the bar. But breathing was a little off like with farmer’s. Slight hesitations on the competition run at three spots but definitely faster than my first week and likely so the second week. Another little break putting stuff away before heading out side for sled drags to end the day. I was slow moving here getting to this because someone was doing carpentry outside and I was hoping they’d finish up (they didn’t). I was debating saving the sled work for home or doing shorter distance (slightly) on turf with less weight. But luckily there was enough space for me to do a 100’ course so the training session was still on. Still the 5 sets of 100’ with a minute rest. Advised to do 10lbs more than last time but it was easier plate math to add 15lbs to the total and I was trying to move things along. I was not sure how these would go since I had to move the course down about 30’ or so from where I normally do it. First two runs felt good, with the second run feeling really good. But my hamstrings just blew up on the third set with my quads finally catching on to that for the fifth set which slowed down a good bit. It was good that I could essentially take a week off and come right back at it. Stretching was much needed. Three day weekend should hopefully let me get myself back in the saddle with feeling rested/recovered and used to the time shift.

Sunday, October 27, 2024

October 20, 2024 - October 26, 2024 - Week 20

 October 21, 2024 – Week 20, Day 1

Dynamic Warm Up

12” Log Strict Presses w/ Bands (+14lbs/+22llbs)
No Bands
Add Bands

Paused Chest Supported Barbell Rows
Added Straps, 2 seconds holds

Bench Presses w/ Chains (+22lbs)
No Chains
Add Chains

Band Face Pulls

Comments: Allergies been pretty bad since Saturday afternoon. Mostly just feeling tired sensation from sinus pressure and other stuff. I was able to sleep in Sunday. Under 274lbs for this weigh-in. Not sure if that will be the case next time as I did a bit of meal deviation Sunday as I had been craving some Primanti Brothers and got three sandwiches (715 calories each) for dinner. Walking was fine Sunday. Not feeling as sore and beat as I did two weeks ago after my heaviest farmer’s walk so far since 2016 back injury. Ideally want to get allergies under control as have to go into work for office day Tuesday and then going to Arizona end of next week to visit family. Monday came along and hoped nasal spray was going to be enough but ended up taking a Claritin late in the morning. Didn’t really feel like it kicked in until after work. It could just be that the variance in temperature from the morning (close to freezing) and then late afternoon (80ish) also not helping. Trying to cut down on the stress that I can with work and the trip. A potential competition on the west coast has my interest but I’m just entertaining possibilities until middle of December when I have more details and better idea of how I am. If I do what I need to in January, I won’t have to worry about things much. Warming up for training was fine. I’m kind of surprised that my joints have been not feeling as achy as they were 2-3 weeks ago. I’ll take it. Starting things off with log strict press style with bands. 5lbs more added to last time for the planned working sets of 5x2. Feeling decent warming up on this today. I wasn’t getting lightheaded today here either. I was a little concerned that I might because I had to take the allergy meds. I was tempted to just do 10lbs added so 30lbs jumps all the way up but I know I need to do small jumps here as this can be tricky and need to monitor for recovery. First working set felt decent. Not great but not ugly. I felt it was better feeling than the first set last time. Second set I had a little issue here as I hit my chin on the first rep so I misgrooved the second rep a little bit. Third set I think was the best set of the session. Fourth set I got a little off balance and had to take a step forward on the second rep to insure I was stable and locked out. Fifth set was good, possibly tied with the third set. Still getting in decent reps and volume here considering things. It is nice being able to do these rather than say push pressing out of the rack with the log. Alternating strict style with leg drive style seems to be key for my knees to tolerate moving events every week and keep recovering. In to the garage for rows. Chest supported barbell rows with pauses, up by 5lbs with 2x5 and having the option to lower to 30lbs less or so from the top set weight for that second set if needed. I didn’t think it would be needed as last time I had felt more beat and it went swimmingly. Still keeping an eye on the right shoulder after it was weird two sessions prior (when it was “deload” for the overhead). Barely noticed it compared to last time and that was a ton less than the session before that. Trying to make sure I was taking appropriate rest between sets here. This was fine but definitely not as easy feeling as last time did. But still felt fine with keeping things as they were for the two sets. I feel the ceiling on this is still a ways away since I never really pushed this one in the past with pauses. So next was benching. Chains and 2x5. Not really feeling these as of late but still following the program. Just 5lbs more than last time. Just got to keep an eye on the right shoulder here as this is where the ache pops up if it is going to at all in this session. I didn’t have issues with my hands due to no bandaging to mess with things. But I was having issues with grip, bracing and tightness warming up. I had to be a little more loosey goosey with things to get stuff feeling safe and good. Maybe I should’ve used the wrist wraps on these as felt a little heavy weight in hand wise but still moving the weight fast. Last thing being face pulls with bands to finish up. 2 sets of 15-20 reps with a medium band. I went outside for these as it felt like I’d have less issues with the setup moving due to tension. I also wanted to give myself an excuse to take a little longer with clean up when done so that my dinner could finish heating up. Still using the same band as can get a decent amount of tension out of it still with stretching it. I might be able to go a little further but definitely getting things to feel a little more challenging here compared to when I first started using this band tension. I like these because of how these seem to make the shoulders and such feel good. But I may need to go up in band tension shortly. Put stuff away and ate dinner before stretching out. Taking some Dayquil to hopefully help me get to sleep reasonable time since I have to wake up an hour earlier for work crap.

October 23, 2024 – Week 20, Day 2

Dynamic Warm Up

13” Wagon Wheel Deadlifts (straps, touch and go)

Step Ups (18”)
bwx20 L
bwx20 R
bw+25’sx15 L
bw+25’sx15 R

Wall Sits
bwx60 seconds


Paused Hanging Knee Raises (1 second)

Comments: As I mentioned Monday, allergies were kicking my but since Saturday afternoon. I felt drained most of the time Monday until after work and felt that way for most of Tuesday. Again, another pointless in office day which ends up being the least productive day for me of the month (with the day after being the second most and the day before the third most). I had to help with preparing a charcuterie board to give you an idea of how unproductive a day it was for actual work. Then 30 minutes commute home for no apparent reason. I did start feeling a little better once the sun started going down. Thankfully I wasn’t feeling that way waking up on Wednesday. But I wasn’t too sure how this training session would go. Warming up was ok. Nothing feeling terribly achy so that was good. Then for the wagon wheel. I was a little anxious here as last time was the first time I didn’t pick my weight right and missed a rep. But it also let me know that I needed to have some things adjusted as far as recovery purposes with lower body stuff. As has been the case, these are soft touch and go reps with big weight jumps up to a top set. This time being a top double with something in the tank. I had kind of screwed things up with going for 585lbs and then missing the third rep. As that would’ve been a good weight for the double really for this first time around. Unlike last time, I wasn’t feeling paranoid about my hamstrings so that was at least something. 585lbs had actually been the suggested for this session from when first programmed but I had jumped the gun. I had asked Mr. Westerling what he thought I should be doing for this session considering the miss last time and possible fatigue issues. He said to work up to 500lbs and see how that felt. If felt like crap, then shut it down. If not bad, go for 590lbs for the top set. So I had a plan. But I knew I’d have to try my best to keep my ego at bay here as I could already tell I was making little side bets and promises with myself in case things felt really good. Like the opposite of the front squats where if things felt bad I could pump the breaks. The indication though to determine may not be terribly helpful as last time the warming up sets with the 405lbs and 495lbs actually felt really strong so I was surprised with how things ended up. I made sure that I got a decent rest between the sets here so I wasn’t just doing 90lbs jumps with the low volume and going quick. Trying to be cognizant of the hip hinge and not have what happened where I lost my brace and got out of position. Things were actually feeling pretty solid. I’d say this was probably the best that 405lbs has felt on this setup this prep. That always seems to be where things start to feel hard. I got set as if 500lbs may be the top set but I knew it wasn’t with how things were feeling. It was time then for the top set. I had been told to do 590lbs for the double. But I was telling myself that if it felt good to do a triple to make up for last time. Also feeling the compulsion to go for 600lbs now. Do contest weight now, you’re so close already. I decided on a compromise and elected to do 595lbs. It wasn’t contest weight but is was spitting distance and I knew I wouldn’t feel tempted to make it a triple with this weight. Also it is 270kgs so it seemed to satisfy the neurotic side of things for me. Now to do it and not eat it. I have to remind myself that this setup doesn’t seem to have much give in it like jack stands and that it is slow going and feel in the lower back and hamstrings a lot. Got that first rep up well enough and took a deep breath to brace and go for the double. Not quite even grip/balance with the light touch but I knew I had it. Didn’t quite do as much of a breath to brace to lower that rep as I was done. About 3 months out here and pretty much at contest weight on a less forgiving setup (stiff bar). A little bit of a break here to put away the weights and get some fluids in. At this point I put on the small oscillating fan in the garage to get some air flow going since I was staying inside for the workout. Setups again. Knee sleeves on here as a must to help the knees be able to recover between sessions. I know these are important with getting volume in for moving events. Bodyweight certainly felt better compared to last time. As I had accidentally used more weight than I was supposed to last time when I grabbed the wrong weights, I stuck with that decision. But used my iron grip 25lbs plates instead of the mixture of dumbbell and kettlebell. Left side definitely has a tougher time of things compared to the right side. I had started getting dinner ready at this point. Wall sits were next. Bodyweight and deeper squat style then I was doing when single leg. Just a minute and that seems fine. Legs get all twitch holding and I try my best to keep my breathing similar to when I do the planks. Core work after that. Weighted crunches. I’ve been thinking about what the next progression here would be with the plates. But not quite at that point where I need to worry as still not gotten 35 reps with this setup. From the start I did the bite size set breaks mentally. That potentially felt like it wasn’t going to cut it this time but I was able to get to 30 reps and then managed to eek out the remaining 5. It was tough. So I got at least another workout with this before I start having to worry about adjusting the weights.  Paused hanging knee raises to wrap things up. Gave myself another slight break here. Trying to time things so that dinner would be ready to eat once I finished training and put away everything. I had finally gotten over 25 reps on these and I was hoping to keep that going. These felt tough today right off the bat and I managed to match my reps from last time here. Put stuff away and ate dinner before stretching.

October 26, 2024 – Week 20, Day 3

Dynamic Warm Up

Yoke (turf)

Yoke Pushes
(60 seconds rest)

Comments: The start of the work had me feeling a bit low energy with allergies and I seemed to perk up at the midpoint of the week. Having to figure out what exactly I need to have taken care of for this coming week before leaving. I wanted this to be a good training session. I ended up hitting snooze for another half hour before getting out of bed. Had to prep some things before leaving but I was feeling decent. I knew there was going to be some traffic issues when I got out to the gym but thankfully I was early enough that it wasn’t a mess (but boy was it one by the time I left). There were some people there today for the gym. A good chunk of the time there was them getting new sandbag stuff filled up. I spoke with the one owner about turf and implements as I was told to not do farmer’s walk on the turf going forward. Apparently there are also some renovations being done (painting has been happening the past few weeks it seems). I guess will be finished when I come back from Arizona. Speaking of that, not going to be training out there. Don’t want to worry about it and just focus on family stuff and hopefully recover enough for the last 12 weeks of prep for the contest. I did get approval for yoke on the turf as that was really the only thing I was kind of hoping was an option. I started warming up and I feel like I was ok at the start but then near the end of it it was like the allergy meds stopped working. Granted, I had only done some nasal spray. But I had done my other sessions kind of feeling that way. Yoke was really the only thing for today besides conditioning. This was the heavy session and the plan was to work up to 855lbs for a 50’ run. Some changes in that I didn’t have to do 50’ runs all the way up so I could hopefully not be as fatigued. I wasn’t feeling like my joints were bothering me. Using the big yoke again. It wasn’t feeling bad but I was feeling like I wasn’t able to go as fast as I could. Not that big a deal when working up. 555lbs felt slower than I’d have liked. That was the last of the 50’ runs and then going to 25’ runs for the next two jumps (100lbs). 655lbs felt comfortable and maybe I was just needing to treat things a little more serious and use the hard belt (this was the first set with it). However, the 755lbs felt really heavy. Similar to how when I accidentally did 810lbs and my 700lbs run felt heavy. Heavy as in I didn’t want my top set to really feel like that. I knew I was in trouble with getting 855lbs for 50’. I had not thought that was a big ask of myself as this is about 90% of my best no drop yoke run for this distance (grant turf vs concrete). I got set but I knew there was a high chance I wasn’t finishing the run. But figured I’d get under the weight and see. Be stubborn like that. I told Gavin that I wasn’t going to attempt to repick if I dropped it. The pick and start wasn’t so terrible and I thought for the moment maybe. But then I slowed down and every step was just moving me around a lot. My vision was also kind of tunneling on me. I ended up just a little over half way on this. This may be the second time where I’ve been unsuccessful with a planned yoke run since the 2016 restart from injury. Not including heavy stuff in competition. This is the most weight I’ve put on my back for yoke since 2018. But I was irked by it. It’s 155lbs over my next show’s event weight but I keep thinking about the next show and the big picture. I know that yoke is a crapshoot for me warming up at shows and I feel better when it comes time for show if I’ve done at least two sessions at or above contest weight. And the less taxing the event weight is for me, the less it should hopefully take out of me contest day. Especially since yoke is the first event at this next show. It does make me wonder about my ability to recover from training sessions like I used to when I was younger. The weights felt like 100lbs heavier than I thought they were and I was checking to make sure my math was right after I did 755lbs and 855lbs. Even lighter stuff (600lbs) if I think about it is running with close to my deadlift max without a suit. Not sure if the solution is to pull back, consolidate so loaded carries are same week (farmer’s and yoke) with differing intensities. I had hoped I could do a few more of the heavier than contest sessions but may not be in the cards if attempting to bring up my deadlift as well. I’ll worry about that after I get back. I was seriously thinking of just leaving after putting away the weights for the yoke and going home to maybe finish the workout. But I made myself finish up the conditioning. Yoke pushing because the prowler setup is annoying. I had been doing the pushes on turf but even with the empty yoke, the friction was making that too tough to actually be moving fast like how the sled drags have been going. I had mentioned this to Mr. Westerling and he indicated I could adjust the weight so that it was feeling like a speed work thing rather than a conditioning slow burn thing. So I decided I’d move to concrete so that way I could start fresh and get an idea of weight going forward. If the turf had been banned for me doing yoke on, I’d have stuck to turf for these for something. I did the empty yoke for a few sets here to see how it felt. Unlike on turf, it wasn’t as temperamental with height of the crossbar and how I was pushing into it. Which was good. Same as it has been with 5 sets of 100’ (50’/50’ for this) with a minute rest. The concrete is a lot better for pushing vs the outside I do the sled drags on. But that lack of friction can be an issue if say going for 500-600lbs range with getting traction for the feet. I thought I picked a good weight but it turned out to be too light so I decided I’d add weight each set and hopefully I’d get close to something by the end. 10lbs jumps at the start and then after the first 3 runs went to 5lbs jumps. The pushing one way was much smoother and then the way back the friction felt greater. Like there was a going with and against the grain situation. But even on the heaviest pushing set, I was still going faster than fastest run with the sled. So I will likely need to do 235lbs or more next time around. I was also planning to just go home at this point and maybe stretch. But I decided to stick around and really make sure I took advantage of the facility to stretch things out. Drive home wasn’t bad. But I know I’ll be stressing on not being able to meet my expectations on yoke and try and figure out what I need to have changed to get everything feeling good. Because when things feel good, stuff is fast and smooth. I know I’m going to need a day to just decompress.