Sunday, May 22, 2011

May 22, 2011 - Stuff and Highlights

Walking - 34 minutes

Comments: Heh, it's been a while since I've actually gone for a walk for relaxation/recovery work. I'm either walking to or from work most days. Nice a refreshing. Saw the owl statue that had been carved out of tree a few months ago, an elderly couple pushing a dog in a baby stroller and a middle age woman working out on a Gazelle in her garage with the garage door open.

Of course there are other things on my mind. Saturday will be my first competition back from injury. I'm nervous but I'm trying my best not to dwell on that. That first week after injury had been mentally tough, from being stuck on the couch to having people accuse me of taking "special supplements" not 48 hours after it happened. I've maintained a positive outlook and that has definitely made my recovery easier. To think three months ago I was keeping track of PR's for how long it took to get my shoes. I'm still far behind other heavyweight competitors in most of my events. I've made strides these past two months but there is still a big gulf between me and them. It can be discouraging. Another development has been the announcement of WSM gyms and a way for amateurs to get to WSM. It's still in its infancy though. I was definitely skeptical when the two press releases were posted as there wasn't much info and it was vague. However, upon some clarification, I am optimistic.

Ok, so on to my training highlights video. It is from the Facebook as the Youtube muted the audio and I refuse to change the music (plus it was a pain to upload). Enjoy.

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