Sunday, September 22, 2024

September 15, 2024 - September 21, 2024 - Week 15

 September 16, 2024 – Week 15, Day 1

Dynamic Warm Up

Axle Strict Presses + Push Presses w/ Chains (+28lbs)

Push Presses w/ Chains (+28lbs)
226x3+1 (2 misses)

Band Assisted Pull-ups
sbx5 at pin 20
abx5 at pin 20
lbx5 at pin 20
lbx9 at pin 15

12” Log Incline Bench Presses w/ Bands (+5lbs/+25lbs)

Chin Up Holds
bw+25x20 seconds+8 seconds eccentric

Active Shoulder Hangs
bw+50x20 seconds+10 seconds relaxed

Comments: Another rough start to the week. Considering how Saturday was and the events, it was expected the “vibes” were going to be off. Kind of spend Sunday getting back on track with things in some fashion. Mowed my parent’s lawn for my off day exercise as it was getting too long again and rather not have it be unmanageable for them when they get back near the end of the week. Weight up a little bit but still talking like a pound fluctuation. But I was apparently more stressed than I thought I was. I had stuff from Friday that I needed to work on and just got yet another dumping of more work on my plate and ended up taking a mental health day at lunch. I had hoped I could just do what I did when I got the news about my niece passing and go train to distract myself but that wasn’t happening today as I got the stress eye twitch going in both eyes and cried a little out of just frustration. I figured it was best to wait until later in the day and try to calm down. Part of it was that it was later than I wanted to start anyways and didn’t want to be working out on just breakfast and some sugary oatmeal (almost back to regular brand). I was not feeling motivated today. But needed to do something I guess. Warming up stuff felt mostly decent. Still some aches in the shoulders, knees and wrists but I guess better than they had been warming up the past week. Axle to start things off. Continuing with chains still added and working up in combos of strict and push press. I figured it was a good idea to wear knee sleeves just to let the knees recover more, similar to how adding belts back in on stuff seemed to gradually make things recover better with core/lower back. Added hard belt to these as well. Only thing missing wrist wraps. The combo stuff was feeling pretty good working up. 30lbs jumps starting with empty bar this time. 176lbs didn’t feel that great because I stumbled back from the rack a bit and had to catch myself before initiating the presses. 206lbs is certainly getting closer to where I may be iffy with the reps here. Still felt solid and the push press felt easy. So then adding 20lbs to do push pressing. Same as it has been with doubles with last set allowing for a rep set. For whatever reason, the weights unracking feel heavy and slow with push press and get better as I go and remarkably so. But this time not so much. I felt like lockout was feeling a bit tougher than usual. And I seemed to have a timing issue with the unracks as the first seemed to be a little behind, the second too forward. The fourth did feel the best leading up but with how the rep started, it was essentially a paused rep to start off. I hadn’t thought that I’d be at the point already where I was hitting that wall where I couldn’t be certain I’d get 5 reps on the rep set. The last set generally feels the best for me and it was but then it went downhill quick. My left shoulder was feeling fatigue even before this set but the first reps flew up but I guess I got a little unstable on the third rep and severely misgrooved the fourth rep. I reracked the weight and rested for about 7 seconds before going again and managing another rep and failing at number five. Racked at that point. Damn it. I had hoped I would’ve gotten through this session and next hopefully at minimum before I was in danger of missing reps. It didn’t feel like the weight was heavy on my shoulders but it felt like lockout was harder and I didn’t have a base to grind out a rep. This was frustrating and essentially put any plans beyond this show on the backburner. I was contemplating calling the workout here but I figured I keep going to get more data to see if anything else was “off” today to determine what needs to be deloaded. Band assisted pull-ups after that. Was to be the same as last time with the two sets (top set of 5 reps and then reps). I was instructed to try and add another rep to the rep set. I decided because of disappointment with the push pressing that I’d adjust the pin height down one for the pull-ups (but keep same for the rep set to compare). My forearms were feeling pretty beat but not in like a fatigued sense. The sets working up didn’t really give me anything useful. Usually the first set is super easy and the second set feels kind of awful and then the working set is good. Nothing felt super easy but nothing felt terrible if that makes sense. Rep set felt about the same but man does it get tough after 5 reps on these. Then incline log pressing. I had no illusions about being able to do 5lbs more than last time for 2x5 and have it be speedy so I was looking at a top set and a down set. And that was before having the bad push press set. Stability on this felt all over the place warming up. It didn’t feel like crushing my shoulders like when it was bad with overtraining last time and I felt very explosive on these. I was finding it hard to click into a higher gear of excitation and I noticed that was the case with benching last week too. When it was time for the work set and I got that first rep, I was like “oh, I was worried for nothing” about missing the weight. Something about the fourth rep I guess I caught myself and took a moment before going for the fifth rep and that just horribly misgrooved and I couldn’t press through the sticking point. And now I have a log on my chest. Bailed on it and felt there was no reason to keep punishing my shoulders and triceps today after they’ve made their point so that was that for log. Finishing up with holds/hangs. Both are for just 20 seconds (and then extra time stuff) and if I hit that, I can increase weight next time by 5lbs for each. As luck would have it, 25lbs for chin ups and 50lbs for the active hangs so I could just use my 25’s with the grips on them for easy maneuvering. The chin up hold was definitely challenging this time around. The shoulder hang was fine and dandy. Put stuff away and cooked up dinner rather than trying to put another meal in me. Stretched out after eating. Sent information to Mr. Westerling about the workout to see if adjustments need to be made for recovery as upper body recovery seems to be the most sensitive. Hopefully I get a handle on things here.

September 18, 2024 – Week 15, Day 2

Dynamic Warm Up

Front Squats w/ Chains (+28lbs)
No Chains
Add Chains

Hyper Extensions

Hyper Extension Holds (Neck Harness & Plate)
25+85x20 seconds

bw+75x60 seconds

Side Planks
bw+10x60/60 seconds

Comments: I definitely needed that mental health break Monday. I was still feeling very anxious and stressed the following day but was able to focus on work. I was stressing about work as well as training. Bunch of “what ifs”. Did I overtrain everything pushing through this very stressful time? Will I ever get my overhead back to a comfortable place? Can I keep sane with work? I noticed I was still agitated as it was taking me longer to get nerves down before attempting interviews at work. I was holding a lot of stress/tension in my upper body. I ended up working through lunch rather than attempting walking as I felt that I’d be putting myself further behind (I still had Friday work to resolve) after taking half a day Monday. I think being stressed/distracted enough that I accidentally burned my finger on my Foreman Grill was what told me to chill out. I figured that I’d just try and rest and get sleep and try to get stuff that is tense to relax. Also shaved for a change of pace. I was intending to do so at some point but figured now was as good a time as any. Besides allergies acting up, I was mentally feeling better Wednesday. Still anxiety in response to negative interactions with clients to start off the morning but evening out by then end of the day. I was worried with training that like I had mentioned that this wasn’t just upper body being unable to handle the workload and stress. What if everything is out of whack? I was dreading training this week Monday after training and all through Tuesday. I was cautiously optimistic with how I was feeling today. See how things go. This was the shorter session for lower body so I could potentially get done quick and eat reasonable hour and also get to bed. Warming up was feeling fine mostly. Some aches in joints but again, lesser than it was the session before and so on. Not quite back to feeling 100% in that department. But I’m also not feeling the aches and such as severe in spots that were flaring up last week or so like my right side with the knee, hip and glute. It was feeling kind of humid so I got the little oscillating fan going for air flow in the garage (it had rained most of the day). Front squats with chains for the start of the session. Another week of 3x2 with 5-10lbs more than what I did last time and the back up plan of lighter for 2x5. Back off would only be if I was feeling terrible and needing to shut things down because I’m cooked. Last time, unracking the weight wasn’t feeling bad but I was having issues with the right knee and getting my stance right and balanced. Right knee was aching a bit but the stance issue wasn’t happening this time around. And I kind of knew this knee ache would lessen as I warmed up and put up more and more weight. I think my worry was that my upper body would be cooked and I’d be having issues with supporting the weight and bracing well. Which thankfully wasn’t an issue so I felt comfortable sticking to the heavier plan. 40-50lbs jumps here. The plan had been done for more of a 5lbs jump really same as the last time. I wanted to do 3 plates added. I kind of did 2 40lbs jumps and then a 50lbs jump to the top weight. Last time my last double working up had felt rough and I think I didn’t want to mess with that at the moment and just try to gauge things from how I feel with the same weight this time. It went well so I felt I could go with the plan. That’s not to say I wasn’t nervous here. But it was good indicator that I could get nervous for the weight and get myself to feel hyped up. I was not able to really get hyped up for the push pressing (kind of but it didn’t seem to be effective) or benching (log and regular) so I had been worried I was burnt out and fatigued there. So I guess not. Not that fear of failure should be the thing every time here. These felt better than last time did. With how the first one moved, I was tempted to add like 5lbs a set here but thought better of it and figured I’d just stick to the thing that has been working. But this was a big relief for me as I was stressing that I’d be underperforming on everything and start spiraling. I also need to keep in check that I don’t just go to the other end of the spectrum as well here. Slight break before moving on to the core work stuff. As per usual, warming up for back extension holds with reps. 20 reps again. Felt fine and good. 20 seconds being the max time but leaving some seconds on the clock. Sticking to 25lbs on the neck harness but continuing with adding 5lbs to weight I’m holding. I’ve noticed this time and last that the weight total is getting to be feeling substantial. Like I need to really be focused to initiate the lift. Not like I can just yank this up willy nilly for the hold. This is definitely getting challenging but I know there is more there. Plank time. I was advised I could still go up or stay where I was. Considering how rough of a time I had with getting the darn backpack on last time, I stuck to the same weight. I had not issues this time getting the thing on but there was still some balance issues with getting things settled at this weight. I felt that I was able to handle the braced breathing better. Then side planks. 10lbs again here. Hopefully this would feel better. Mixed bag. I was better able to handle the balance with the added weight. Right side my shoulder was achy supporting but braced breathing seemed to be better. No issues with left shoulder supporting but braced breathing that side wasn’t as good. I had started cooking dinner after the back extension stuff so put stuff away and finished up dinner prep. Stretched after eating.

September 21, 2024 – Week 15, Day 3

Dynamic Warm Up

Farmer’s Walk (turf)
335x50’ in 15.54 seconds

Sandbag Carries
turns at 20’
225x40’ (load style)
225x40’ (bear hug)
turns at 50’, on turf
300x253’1” (load style)
300x191’2” (bear hug)

Sled Drags
(60 seconds rest)

Comments: Week started off very stressful but I think I started to calm down by the end of it. Still had a lot of anxiety but I feel I was able to channel it in a way that it wasn’t paralyzing to me. Had to do some allergy meds the second half of the week. Part of relief I think was that my parents were back home. They had been taking a trip that was planned and then with the passing of my niece, it ended up being a longer stay away. I also think I’ve figured out what may need to change with overhead/upper body training so that also has provided me some relief. If I can get that nut cracked, it would provide me with so much relief and not constantly second guessing myself. I’m fairly certain that my only focus will be this upcoming show and nothing after. Like 98% sure of that decision. I was nervous about training but also wanted to get up early to get out to train. But it took bit longer than I had anticipated to get ready to sleep so I decided I’d go off my work wake up time and see how I felt. I ended up needing to hit snooze I think at least twice. My parents had brought back some coffee samples with them and I foolishly used that this morning. It was a bit stronger than I’m used to so I’ll need to be more careful with when and where I use it haha. I’ve also stopped taking the one turmeric blend I’ve been taking daily for almost 5yrs now to help with inflammation and disc health. It had been a miracle cure for my nerve and back pain when I took it the first time (this was when I had pain relapse near end of September 2019). Of the supplements I take beyond the anti-depressant, it is likely the biggest culprit for my elevated liver levels from reading some more literature. It is also pricy so seeing how things are without it. So far so good. I wasn’t expecting a lot with people being there for training with some people competing recently and other’s competing. My one friend was in first at Nationals going into Day 2. It is really shocking how much worse traffic is going an hour later at least through the places that get congested. There were people there talking strongman and I joined in which I think helped me calm down a bit before I started getting ready to train. Warming up I was ok. I’d say the best the knees have felt since they started acting up on me two weeks ago. Right shoulder still a bit achy. First thing for the day was farmer’s walk. Out into the wind tunnel as the other strip was being used. Again, plan was to do a top set of 50’ with 50lbs jumps working. This had been altered slightly. Initially, this was to be contest weight for when the show was 315lbs still. The session before was to be 310lbs and then this one contest but I had done contest a session early because of how close it was. But now it was less and I’d already done two sessions over that weight and got four months to go. So I was advised I could go heavier as long as it wasn’t an absolute max. So given the go ahead to do 335-350lbs. Now I knew that range would actually be close to my max because of how the pick up for these is the hardest thing for me. I mean, this is a good bit more than my raw deadlift is. My thinking here was to do a little more warming up and aim for 330lbs but give myself a little leeway to “accidentally” misload the last set to be a little heavier. It was truly an accident with the yoke last week. No ifs ands or buts here with the knee sleeves. I was nervous with things as my hamstrings and gastrocs had felt tight after the Wednesday session and I made sure to get my walks and soft tissue work in. Being mindful of the pick up and how my knees were feeling as I was trying to move fast. I think I noticed this week that there was unevenness in the turf at the one end I decided to pick up from. I’m glad that it felt like I could get my gait to be longer strides at times on the lighter weights as that has been important for me on this event as I can’t seem to get that same degree of hip mobility with yoke. I had to keep anxiety under control since the strong coffee was definitely having things feel a little high strung. Like my breathing as I was feeling lightheaded on some working up runs holding my breath at points. Eventually I got to the top set. I decided to go with 335lbs. With these particular farmer’s, anything over what I did last time was going to be a PR. 330lbs would be the most I’ve done on farmer’s walk handles since 2019 for a run from about this height (and both times in competition since). 335lbs is the most I’ve done since 2016 in training after the back injury and that was 2017 prepping for my first show back. I actually only got 47’ as my grip gave out on me. So I figured I’d go this weight to get that 3’ I missed back then. I was incredibly nervous going for this. Shaking, having trouble getting words out and keeping my breath under control. Also the added pressure with people watching now as I had asked for assistance with commands and timing so pretty much everyone in the gym stopped to watch. That pick was slow. I could feel my hamstrings straining big time. I was worried something was going to go in them after that hamstring scare beginning of the year. But kept pulling and stood up and started walking. I felt I was going at a good pace but I could tell my grip was slipping and I had to slow down to keep from losing it. The effort and strain of picking up the implements takes a lot out of me and it has been a while where I’ve felt that grip was slipping. But I finished and there was relief. This was darn near close to my max here at this point between how hard the pick was and having to slow down to keep stable and not jostle the implements out of my hands. I put stuff away and got things setup for sandbag carries. Same as last time. 300lbs for the working sets of 2 max distance carries with different hold styles and try to beat my distances from last time. Again, this was giving me anxiety worrying about failing. I think my consolation I was telling myself was that this max distance stuff is likely not going to continue with prep as I’m good at the long distance carry stuff but need to be faster with moving. The lanes were in use and a bit crowded. I was also nervous here beyond the “normal” fear of failing to beat what I did last time on this embrace the suck event because my hamstrings were really feeling that pick from the farmer’s. I was concerned that I’d strain something picking up the sandbags today. So I figured I’d just do the bare minimum to warm up and got what was convenient for warming up as far as sandbags. 225lbs and 250lbs wasn’t going to be much difference. Just needed to see if the pick up caused any strain and if walking with a load out front was manageable. It was so I guess good to go. It took a bit of time for myself to calm down enough for the first run with 300lbs. I had kept the knee sleeves on this time around just to keep the knees happy. There were no issues with the pick up and I was off. And no jelly legs. I was feeling good and I was really surprised that I was feeling good at 200’. I was very close to 250’ before I kind of had to start shuffling. But I was so damn close that I kept going. And then I made it a point to turn around to get just a little distance. I make it a point to always make a turn when it is for max distance. So quite pleased with over 250’ here. Learning from last time, I needed to take a longer rest before doing the second set with the bear hug style. I wasn’t looking forward to it considering how I had a really bad performance on this last time. I say this but it would’ve still been a 5th place at the contest in March with this event. Plan was to still beat 216’ but I also told myself it was ok to do my best on the day. I already did a big PR for the style I feel comfortable with doing. Took longer than I figured I needed to make sure I was actually ready. Pick was ok and I didn’t get the jelly legs on that first length. So I figured I was golden and would get over 200’ again. Nope, just hit with hard hamstring fatigue about halfway down the length to finish out 200’. So again not the best. However, it was almost 20’ more than last time so I’ll take that win over last time. Didn’t need too much time putting stuff away before getting ready for sled drag. It had rained last time and I had to modify things so this was back to how it normally is. I figured I’d go with 285lbs on this. No knee sleeves as I figured I’d have issues with blood flow restriction as my legs can get pretty pumped from these at times. It was a good call as knees felt good and my legs did in fact get pumped up by the end. As far as how this felt, it was like a mixture of the previous two sessions before the last one (where I did it on turf and a lot less weight). I felt I could keep mostly a decent pace but there were times fatigue was feeling high. But never seemed to hit that 5th set wall. Put stuff away and drank a shake before getting home to stretch and decompress. Need to relax and do some thinking for what comes next.

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