Sunday, April 28, 2024

April 21, 2024 - April 27, 2024 - Week 19

 April 22, 2024 – Week 19, Day 1

Dynamic Warm Up

12” Log Clean and Push Presses
Clean Every Rep
Clean Once

12” Log Push Presses

Chest Supported Barbell Rows
Added Straps

Bench Presses

Comments: I was a bit surprised my weight went back up slightly from last week. I say surprised in that last week I was keeping to the increased calories and this past week had been a reduction of about 1000 calories a day. So for it to go back up was a bit odd. But still under the weight I was two weeks prior. I was feeling overly anxious this day (walking felt good Sunday) and I’m not sure if it was just because of uncertainty with training because of how I felt last time I did log press or combination of having to go into the office for the day the next day (having to get stuff ready and wake up hour earlier) and having to do blood work later in the week to finish up the annual physical. The other stuff shouldn’t be having an impact but never know with how adverse I am to schedule changes regardless of advanced planning. Hell, could even be just that I’m getting closer to competition and that ramps things up as well (I’m banking a lot on placing well enough here). But hopefully it is just this training (though that isn’t great). Warming up was fine for training. I guess mostly I should say. I was little uncertain with my right biceps (it was feeling a little tight) and then my lower back felt a little funky as well. But it wasn’t like it was from me doing anything with the warming up, just how my body was feeling. So hard to say if I was going to have a rough time with log training or not. Log to start out the training. I feel like this is where the anxiety was seeming from mostly. Because 20lbs jump and getting reps. More so with how tough 240lbs out of the rack work had felt and the initial pick of 240lbs for the clean as well. If the easier week of axle was tough, this was going to be tough. I did get to use my regular setup stuff here with belt combinations so I didn’t have to worry about that tactile issue. I remembered this time to do the first set clean every rep. It was definitely feeling like not so much leg drive but hip drive on these. Fabric on shirt was not a good one to do without chalk so I ended up chalking up my shirt. Unlike last time, the last double actually felt pretty crisp so that was nice. I’d have to really screw things up to miss 260lbs double with how things were going. I think partly I was also focused on how I’ve not done more than 250lbs for a double since Nationals prep August last year. I’ve not hit over 270lbs on log in training since then either (but successful for more at competition). This did go well. Pick and clean were strong and didn’t feel overly heavy. Had to let weight settle a bit before pressing but it was pretty automatic. It felt secure unlike last time when the weight kind of rolled and I had to reinitiate the dip for the first rep. But really, this should be the no duh I’m doing this. It was the rack work. I know I could drop the weight down but it is hard to do that when I know that I need to be moving weights like axle if I want to be pressing 300lbs come contest. I’m getting back to that slowly but surely. So again, doubles out of the rack. I’m fine as long as I do at least 5lbs more than last time. I wasn’t sure how I wanted to go with this. I kind of wanted the heavier and just aim for doubles and then see what happens for the last set. I was contemplating just doing a double and then do 245lbs for 5 reps. The first set was just ok, didn’t instill confidence that I could do a 5 rep set with the weight (technically anything over 3 reps would be PR since 2016). Second double was worse in that I fluffed up the first rep but made a good recovery with the second rep. Third was about the same as the first set. I was sticking to the 90 seconds here and decided for the last set I’d rest a bit longer (closer to 3 minutes I think) just to see what would happen. And it was the best set. I called it at a triple as with these rep sets I’m to leave at least 1 rep in the tank. 5 reps would’ve been an all out max effort with how things were I think and that wasn’t conducive to recovery. But I felt like I should do some more so I stripped down the weight to 245lbs and did 2 more reps to equal 5 reps total. It was 60 seconds rest from that triple to that double so drop set in the loosest sense. I already had stuff setup in the garage so that I could move things along. I had adjusted the stuff outside in a way that I wasn’t using weights I needed as anchorage for the indoor stuff for the outdoor stuff. Also meant I could take time moving stuff outside to inside between sets. Chest supported rows to start off. Still doing the sets of 5 working up to top set of 5 reps. There was no issues with the right biceps with the log or here. But I could tell my upper back was feeling the log work and the sandbag work from Saturday as my intercoastal and lats were sore. Did the typical 40-50lbs jumps. Plan was to do up to 225lbs without straps and then do 50lbs jumps for the last two sets so that doing 325lbs for the top set. The working up sets actually felt pretty good. I could tell though that 275lbs set that 325lbs was going to be tough. Lower weights not so much but top range was going to be tough. I was noticing that turning on the hype wasn’t quite there (I had been successful for the log rack work last set). I went for the 325lbs weight and unracking it the weight felt uneven (like the left side was too heavy) so I set it down to make sure and saw it was the same weight and prepared myself again. I managed to get four solid reps before I got a little bit of cheat in my pull to get that last rep. Assuming these are here again, I’ll do the same weight until I get these five reps in a satisfactory manner. Benching to end the day. “Speed” focus with it being 2x5 but with 5lbs jumps. I knew this might not feel the best with how my shoulders were feeling as well as my triceps. My shoulders just felt worked hard and having lifted heavy things for a good bit and my triceps were feeling sore. So not the best combination for benching. Tried to do slight pauses at the top to refocus on each rep warming up. 185lbs didn’t feel heavy on my wrists but 225lbs certainly did. Again, it was a bit hard to bring the hype for these but I feel that I had good bar speed and control. Consistency does feel better but still not 100%. I do kind of wonder if the drop in calories is reason for the harder turning on the tap or if it is just that regardless of things, the peak is in full effect and I’m moving heavier stuff every session and fatigue is accumulating. Put stuff away and ate oatmeal before stretching out.

April 24, 2024 – Week 19, Day 2

Dynamic Warm Up

Front Squats

11” Suited Jack Pulls (straps)
No Suit
Added Suit (multi-ply)

Hyper Extensions

Hyper Extension Holds (Neck Harness & Plate)
20+30x41 seconds


Lying Leg Raises

Comments: Again my body rebelled against being in the office. I didn’t thankfully get awoken with vomit in my mouth like last month but felt like I had really bad allergies and meds kept most at bay I think but then I get home and feel a lot better. And I don’t know if I can just blame the office as I was feeling it even when I woke up and was getting ready. Allergies have been high level a good bit but often I’m fine. But with how restless it was making me, I did end up taking Nyquil to make sure I got enough restful sleep. Mobility work was fine, no issues there. Shoulders stiff, lats sore, triceps sore. Right knee was feeling a little stiff but it was nowhere near how it had felt last time I was set to do this workout. Again, I couldn’t really trust the weather and it was kind of 50/50 with rain. It was mostly sunny but then a really powerful storm would come through and it would be dark and windy. Running the numbers, it appeared I’d likely be hitting my top set when the next one was to come and it was hard to gauge if it was going to be severe weather or not. It was not worth the risk just to have some safeties. I wasn’t expecting to have to bail on anything anyways. So in the garage for training. It wasn’t as warm as it was the last time I had suit work to do so I figured maybe I didn’t need the fans today. Front squats as has been the case. Last time had been working up to 315lbs for a double (which was 50lbs shy of my best) and this session was back to pushing things. Though not a PR for all-time. Work up to single with plan being 370-375lbs. I was banking on 375lbs unless I was in a bad way. I had to do some double checking to make sure that I had the right reps here. Warming up, 185lbs felt heavy and like it was misloaded on the left side. Déjà vu of the barbell rows. I guess my shoulders are feeling the increased log weights. So I kind of had to prepare myself for stuff to perhaps feel heavier than normal on my upper body. I was also trying to keep just the right amount of “hype” so as to be able to give what was needed for the top set when it mattered most. The typical 40-50lbs jumps until 315lbs, then 30lbs. I was a little leery with the way weights were feeling on my upper body and felt a little more lower back than I was expecting with 345lbs. But I figured that with the right excitation for 375lbs that those feelings would disappear. 375lbs is 10lbs under my life-time best front squat (I’ve done more with reversed ssb to a box and to high boxes) and considering how the 365lbs double went two sessions ago, I should be at or above that for a single. I think switching my frame of thinking on these as less of an lower body exercise and more of a testing to assist with overhead with bracing that I’ve taken my time and not stressed out about rushing reps. It was definitely not a max single but I’d have liked if there was less of a grind haha. Took a bit of break putting weights away and tearing down to get ready for the suited pull work. I knew I needed the fans after the front squats haha. Plan here was to again work up to a top set of 5 reps but 2” lower than last session with the suit. So 11” pull on the jack stands. I’m not sure if I’ve ever actually done this height seriously for any pulls. I’ll say that this pull height is definitely similar to pulling from the floor and it has actually been a bit since I’ve pulled from the floor in this stance. It has been a break from floor pulls in any stance due to the hamstring issue earlier in the prep. 13” pull range actually feels pretty good for me. Even 12” I think is fine. But this definitely felt like more lower back getting to the bar and lifting. I wasn’t sure how getting to the bar was going to be with the suit to this lower height. Plate jumps and first two sets nothing on so that was fine. Then into the suit. It is definitely breaking in as I’ve not adjusted the straps and they are feeling looser and I was able to get the bar pretty easily to strap in (getting my feet in was another matter entirely). The pull height was worse advantaged wise for me but the increased ROM meant I could load the suit more even though the top straps are loose. I was very worried with getting my feet into position that I was going to bust a gut and cramp up. But thankfully that never occurred. I followed the same jumps as I did last suited pull session with plate jumps until 495lbs. The jump from 405lbs to 495lbs didn’t feel so rough this time around. After that, it was up to me whether I did 50lbs of 70lbs jump (and then another 40lbs for the top set). I figured I’d go with the same jumps. I was being greedy with trying to keep the same weight for a lower pull height. I was also not taking into consideration that last time I didn’t work up as heavy on front squats. But I talked myself into doing 615lbs because reasons. I did all the prep I do with the chalk and pacing and such to get ready. Took off my shoes to hopefully make the bringing feet in smoother. The suit was sitting differently I feel as lockout didn’t need to be as leaned back but it felt like my timing was off between my legs, hips and lower back with locking out. This could also be from the position being where it is with the bar (weight shifted on the initial pull that I didn’t notice until watched video). But it felt like the suit was having me forward a little or just wasn’t helping for lockout. I got four good reps and I knew after the lockout on the fourth rep that it was going to take a miracle to get a fifth rep. I tried to get my air and try to brace myself like I do for the wide pulls but I could tell lowering it that it wasn’t working so I took a step back to breath and attempted another rep (about 15 seconds break) and it was not going. Oh well. A bit miffed with missing a rep and not calling a weight right after so many weeks of being on point. In hindsight, 605lbs probably was the most I should’ve done. I should be at my best suited pull strength right now but I’d like to be better than that and hit a PR. I’m not sure what the plan is after this but I’m expecting floor pulling and that should hopefully be easier to get the bar and feet in place since it will roll haha. More bruising compared to last time in the legs but not as sore in the hamstrings (glutes fairly sore). I was feeling the pulls and squats at this point and kind of wanted to get through the rest of training. But I figured I should take a break to recover and rehydrate with putting away all the weights I had out and then get the last three exercises done in short succession. Hyper bench holds, warming up with the usual back extensions. Felt good and needed. Posterior chain was toasted but not as much as last time I did suited work. Hold for time but stop 10 second short of failure. Same weight on the neck harness as last week but 5lbs more added to weight held in the row position. I knew this could be short of what I wanted but I really wanted to get 40 seconds here. I notice with these heavier weights that if I can tough it out for like 20 seconds or so, I can keep going. Managed to keep with the 40 seconds theme. I feel I’ve gotten a good bit stronger on these as I recall struggling to get 40 seconds with 10lbs on the harness and 45lbs in the hands. From there, weighted crunches. My abdominals were feeling this session and I was not really looking forward to doing these. Just keep going with good, strong contraction and breaking up the set mentally by chunks. The lying leg raises were actually pretty good and consistent with moving vs fatigue. I’ve been doing good I think with not having these strain/irritate the discs. Mentally breaking up the reps into chunks does seem to be the best method to focus but not realize how many I’m doing. Put stuff away and ate dinner before stretching.

April 27, 2024 – Week 19, Day 3

Dynamic Warm Up

Sandbag Tosses (15’)

Yoke/Frame Carries
(50’ run back, 5’ run up, 18” pick)
750x50’/680x50’ in 34.39 seconds

Comments: As mentioned, I did feel a bit worn this week. This is the heaviest week of training so far and I had mentioned there was anxiety with at the beginning of the week. Weather was nice at least but I knew that wasn’t exactly going to be the case for Saturday. I had the fasted blood work Friday morning and that went off with no issues. But I knew that I’d be getting results back Saturday morning. I think I was slightly worried that I’d feel low energy due to fasting and then having blood drawn. I was going to have to deal with possible rain and some restrictions with training as apparently the backlot was reserved for an event and they were also using I guess the loading dock where I did the event medley work last time. So I’d possibly have some logistics issues to contend with. There were things I had meant to do during the week before Saturday but I kept having things that took importance and distracted. So I figured it made more sense to go to bed then stay up to get everything done for the morning then stay up and sleep in. Results were there in the morning and while other stuff had improved, two things had gotten worse and were things that the doctor indicated if the trend had continued that I’d need to be referred to a specialist to find out. So that took a little wind out of the sails for me mentally with expectation of calls and scheduling and such in a way that would annoy me. Allergies weren’t helping so I ended up taking medication besides the nasal spray. I was expecting the parking lot to be full due to the one lot being full but it was pretty open. Which belied the fact there were a good number of people in the gym training when I got there (or were finishing up training). Warming up was fine and all but I wasn’t feeling like being there really. Just kind of gave off and “eh” when asked how I was and just feeling that the competition for this show is going to be really tough. I aim to win every show I do but I’m realistic of my chances with my abilities and the people I’m competing against. But enough of dwelling on that. Up first was bag toss. Similar to last time but a little different. Only being different in that I did it differently than written last time. Last time I was to do max toss over 15’ with 2.5lbs jumps but since it was to be a “conservative” max, I kept it at 16’ so that it would be a max for that height but should theoretically be a conservative max for that height. So plan was to actually do 15’ contest height so I had adjust the setup. There isn’t really anything to secure on this besides the eyebolts at the top and the nails set at like 13’ and lower. So I did my best to secure it to 15’ and got ready. On the assumption that I’d be fine going right at it with 30lbs since it was lower and I was going to be doing small jumps, I went right int tosses. And totally biffed the first toss. Trajectory was off and my knees were so achy. Achy like they were back 5 weeks prior (when I did the first home training due to gym closure this cycle). Which isn’t a great sign as that would be indicative of me not being recovered enough and not being able to get the max power into the tosses. But persist anyways. Also dealing with it sprinkling rain but with how it was, the rain was evaporating shortly after falling. Things move pretty smoothly with the 2.5lbs and then swapping in the 5lbs bags and such. Then time to break with getting all those out of the bag and filling up to 45lbs with sand and going from there. Ideally, I wanted to set a weight PR here at this height but it seemed like a big ask considering how I was feeling. Especially since 45lbs did not go over 16’ like I can often get it to. Then what I got to clear just barely at 16’ with 47.5lbs gave me issues. Mostly it was just getting the arc right as I kept having it go to shallow so coming back down on my side and not over. It was technical issue but not helped by how stiff my knees were. After two misses, I finally got it over. I didn’t want to stop there as I had done this bag to higher. So 50lbs was loaded up. Got about as hyped as I could and gave it hell. It just went over and by that I mean it took the band down with it. I contemplated going for my true goal of 52.5lbs here for a weight PR to this height but figured I’d take this as sign and save it for next time as I know I’ll probably have to do this again. End on a “good note”. This did actually end up technically being a PR as I’ve not done over 47.5lbs to 15’ with this type of sandbag (Cerberus Strength) and my 50lbs bag to this height was done with a different bag (Rogue Fitness). I feel these two different bags kind of handle differently in the air. But in any case, this does tie my training PR toss while I’m feeling worn down. I feel like every other week of bag toss seems to feel the best for me but this training may be necessary with this event likely being the last or second to last event at the show and I definitely do better when this is the first event. I also have to remember that I’m putting more knee joint stress with suited pulls and pushing front squats and implementing jerks. Took my time with putting away stuff from sandbag toss as I knew what was to come. The medley. This took a ton of time and setup last time and had to do it outside. I didn’t have the opportunity this week because of the aforementioned event going on so I had to do it inside where it could be tricky because it was a space hog and I had to possibly work around other people using the lanes potentially. So no rush so that I could mentally prep and get fluids down. Thankfully the people training were done and the person that I expecting to need the lanes hadn’t yet shown up (and I knew they needed to do other stuff before they needed it). With how much moving stuff around and setup needed, it didn’t make sense to do anything besides the lightest I could make the frame and the equivalent weight for the yoke really. Just take up too much time. One of the issues I was going to run into here was that there wasn’t enough space to do the 5’ run up to the yoke. So I had to make due with coming from the side which worked as needed since the main issue with the running up with the need to be quick and efficient being tight under the yoke. With my knees not enjoying bag toss, I was a bit worried that my knees would be sucky here. But thankfully not and I feel I was able to move decently with the run back. Progression here was to be 100lbs jumps for both up to the contest weight of 700lbs for the yoke and 680lbs for the frame. The yoke would only be an issue if I perhaps compressed too much under weight and ended up having the yoke bang into the ground. The frame was going to be the tough one considering it was essentially going to be me doing a snatch grip farmer’s carry with the heaviest farmer’s from this height I’ve done since 2016. And I had done heavy suited pulls with a missed rep. I say was supposed to be 100lbs jumps but I messed that up with the yoke. I accidentally corrected that on the first jump by forgetting to add the 10’s. I was doing 45’s and 10’s which of course does not come out to 100lbs. But I didn’t realize my mistake until I finished the top set runs and starting thinking about it because the guy that needed to do yoke was to start and needed to remove weight. No music was playing and I felt pretty exhausted after the second to last run so I knew I needed to have my head in it for this last run. Get breathing right and chalk up everything. I noticed that my dismount from the yoke I was moving bit more violently and it was almost having my glasses fly off. I got set with commands and went at it. The yoke felt comfortable but I was feeling a little slow and more effort to move forward than I’d like. So with this feeling tougher, I slowed myself a little to catch my breath running back (though I’m not terribly fast in the first place) so that I put in a solid pick on the frame. It was a bit of a struggle but it was going. I felt I was making good pace but about halfway down I felt that I was slowing down and trying to not lose my balance and keep my grip secure. But I finished. Just over 34 seconds. I had hoped to be closer to 30 seconds considering that even though this was heavier that the ground wasn’t uneven. But I got it done and that’s what mattered. Then came the realization that I had been making 110lbs jumps on yoke instead of 100lbs and that I also started 10lbs heavy. So doing the math, realizing that I went 50lbs over contest weight and had done 100lbs more than last time on the yoke. Could also explain why the set before felt like similar effort on the yoke to last time. So finding that out, I was pretty pleased with myself. If not counting the run up, this was about a second faster than my last run with this weight for Nationals last year. I took a bit of time to cooldown with talking with people and eating food before putting away stuff and then driving home to eat some more and then stretch.

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