Paused Behind the Neck Strict Presses (3 seconds holds)/Half Kneeling Single Arm Band Pulldowns
Paused 12” Log Push Presses (2 seconds, beltless)
12” Log Incline Bench Presses w/ bands
No Bands
Added Bands (+17lbs bottom/+36lbs top)
208x10 PR+3lbs
No Bands
Added Bands (+17lbs bottom/+36lbs top)
208x10 PR+3lbs
Paused Chest Supported Barbell Rows (2 seconds, straps)
Dumbbell Z Presses/Band Face Pulls
Comments: It has been a busy week and have to hunker down for Friday to get somewhat back on track with holidays coming up next two weeks. Didn’t get in soft tissue work the day before. I wasn’t feeling as beat as I was expecting. I guess I slept well. Nothing woke me up early like usual so it was heavy rest until 3 minutes before the alarm went off. Some changes for today’s training in spots. The start wasn’t changed though. BTN presses with pauses into one arm band lat pulls again. Felt decent enough here. I did double take to make sure it was the same reps and sets as it has been. Overhead work after that. As promised, it was log. I was advised to work up to 60% for 5x3 with 90 seconds rest and use whatever support gear I wanted to use. But if I wore a belt, I was to make sure I was having mobility in t-spine and not just leaning back into my belt. I wasn’t sure how this would go. Not like my log has lagged behind my axle pressing in the past. Just that there is usually some breaking in period with being able to breathe with it on my chest. These were to be paused style as well. I figured I’d do 30lbs jumps like I do with axle. Didn’t feel terrible. For weight, I did end up using my max clean and press with a log of 309lbs. I was debating using less because of how things went when I assumed things with my circus dumbbell. But I have to realize that basing it off of my clean and press rather than my out of rack press is already reducing working max. I didn’t use that as that was at the Y with a rack I could really get good position and stable with minimal walkout whereas I don’t at home and the most I’ve done has been 200lbs. Then thinking about it, it would really be less than 10lbs difference at this light percentage in the long run. So I stuck to using my best 1rm for log clean and press here. I also felt it was best to not use support stuff this session being essentially the first time I’ve done log push press in about a year. I was expecting my knees to ache initially as they did that at home on this setup before I started getting bad tendonitis. I did but it wasn’t much and went away after a few sets. As far as pacing goes, I played DragonForce's Through the Fire and Flames haha. Granted I’m 100lbs away from the contest weight but this was comfortable and a good start considering things. From there it was log incline with the bands next. I felt pretty warmed up and good from log push presses that I didn’t feel like doing warm-ups and just jumping into this. Cooler heads prevailed and I did my usual warming up. Plan for today was a top single (RPE 8.5-9) and then do 80% of that for two sets. Weights were feeling good with 30lbs jumps. Setting things up so that it was even jumps to potentially 270lbs bar weight (log and 2 plates each side). My initial plan had been 20lbs jumps after 180lbs but that felt easy so I did 30lbs onward. 240lbs didn’t feel as easy as I would have liked to make another 30lbs jump be a no brainer I got a rep in the tank attempt so I went with 20lbs added for 260lbs. That went well. I definitely have 270lbs plus bands in me but not with that much left. Another time. Have to remember that the weights I’m repping for a lot on this now used to be tough doubles and triples. So 20% off for the down sets. First set for five and then the second set for AMRAP with 1-2RIR. First set felt a little rough. Probably a combo of coming down from the high/hype of a top single and then doing reps and also having another set after that for even more reps. Second set felt better and I got to beat my match from last time by 3lbs. So far, so good today. Barbell rows with the pauses again. These have been tough the past few sessions. This session was to be 3x8 and then 20lbs off for AMRAP. I had already been moving at a pretty good pace through the workout but I kind of felt this would be where things slowed down a good bit with the sets and recovery. Felt about the same working up but then felt not so bad that first set. Then it felt tough second set. My right biceps was feeling tight on some reps so I was a little cautious about that. Didn’t feel anything on the third set. AMRAP set was to be 2RIR. I was aiming for 12 reps here. Stopped as my right biceps felt tight again on that 12th rep. Not sure what that was about. Will need to watch things. Last bit of the session was another change up. Pairing was dumbbell z presses with band face pulls. 3x15 with 3RIR. I was to report back how the presses compared to raises as far as how they felt with the shoulders. I’ve not done dumbbell z presses before. I’ve done log, axle and barbell but not with dumbbell. I elected to use 40lbs dumbbells as that seemed about right for this many reps and sets with that many RIR. I figured 70lbs was too much (as far as my solid dumbbells) and didn’t really want to dick around with my plateloaded handles for the first time if I didn’t have to. Especially if I overestimated what I could do here. Presses aren’t as hard on the shoulders (as in feel them getting hit hard not in a bad way) and a lot less stress on the elbow compared to the laterals. More triceps fatigue obviously with the presses. With face pulls, I figured that the usual tension that I use for the warming up stuff on my 1st press day of the week wouldn’t be enough to truly be what I was to be doing so I went up to my next highest band tension. That seemed to be about right as far as the difficulty (while the dumbbells only got close to it on the last set barely). The increased tension does make it harder for sure and I did feel some tightness in the right biceps. Nothing serious but I will need to do some soft tissue work tomorrow and hopefully some rest will do it some good. Put stuff away and ate dinner before stretching.
Comments: It has been a busy week and have to hunker down for Friday to get somewhat back on track with holidays coming up next two weeks. Didn’t get in soft tissue work the day before. I wasn’t feeling as beat as I was expecting. I guess I slept well. Nothing woke me up early like usual so it was heavy rest until 3 minutes before the alarm went off. Some changes for today’s training in spots. The start wasn’t changed though. BTN presses with pauses into one arm band lat pulls again. Felt decent enough here. I did double take to make sure it was the same reps and sets as it has been. Overhead work after that. As promised, it was log. I was advised to work up to 60% for 5x3 with 90 seconds rest and use whatever support gear I wanted to use. But if I wore a belt, I was to make sure I was having mobility in t-spine and not just leaning back into my belt. I wasn’t sure how this would go. Not like my log has lagged behind my axle pressing in the past. Just that there is usually some breaking in period with being able to breathe with it on my chest. These were to be paused style as well. I figured I’d do 30lbs jumps like I do with axle. Didn’t feel terrible. For weight, I did end up using my max clean and press with a log of 309lbs. I was debating using less because of how things went when I assumed things with my circus dumbbell. But I have to realize that basing it off of my clean and press rather than my out of rack press is already reducing working max. I didn’t use that as that was at the Y with a rack I could really get good position and stable with minimal walkout whereas I don’t at home and the most I’ve done has been 200lbs. Then thinking about it, it would really be less than 10lbs difference at this light percentage in the long run. So I stuck to using my best 1rm for log clean and press here. I also felt it was best to not use support stuff this session being essentially the first time I’ve done log push press in about a year. I was expecting my knees to ache initially as they did that at home on this setup before I started getting bad tendonitis. I did but it wasn’t much and went away after a few sets. As far as pacing goes, I played DragonForce's Through the Fire and Flames haha. Granted I’m 100lbs away from the contest weight but this was comfortable and a good start considering things. From there it was log incline with the bands next. I felt pretty warmed up and good from log push presses that I didn’t feel like doing warm-ups and just jumping into this. Cooler heads prevailed and I did my usual warming up. Plan for today was a top single (RPE 8.5-9) and then do 80% of that for two sets. Weights were feeling good with 30lbs jumps. Setting things up so that it was even jumps to potentially 270lbs bar weight (log and 2 plates each side). My initial plan had been 20lbs jumps after 180lbs but that felt easy so I did 30lbs onward. 240lbs didn’t feel as easy as I would have liked to make another 30lbs jump be a no brainer I got a rep in the tank attempt so I went with 20lbs added for 260lbs. That went well. I definitely have 270lbs plus bands in me but not with that much left. Another time. Have to remember that the weights I’m repping for a lot on this now used to be tough doubles and triples. So 20% off for the down sets. First set for five and then the second set for AMRAP with 1-2RIR. First set felt a little rough. Probably a combo of coming down from the high/hype of a top single and then doing reps and also having another set after that for even more reps. Second set felt better and I got to beat my match from last time by 3lbs. So far, so good today. Barbell rows with the pauses again. These have been tough the past few sessions. This session was to be 3x8 and then 20lbs off for AMRAP. I had already been moving at a pretty good pace through the workout but I kind of felt this would be where things slowed down a good bit with the sets and recovery. Felt about the same working up but then felt not so bad that first set. Then it felt tough second set. My right biceps was feeling tight on some reps so I was a little cautious about that. Didn’t feel anything on the third set. AMRAP set was to be 2RIR. I was aiming for 12 reps here. Stopped as my right biceps felt tight again on that 12th rep. Not sure what that was about. Will need to watch things. Last bit of the session was another change up. Pairing was dumbbell z presses with band face pulls. 3x15 with 3RIR. I was to report back how the presses compared to raises as far as how they felt with the shoulders. I’ve not done dumbbell z presses before. I’ve done log, axle and barbell but not with dumbbell. I elected to use 40lbs dumbbells as that seemed about right for this many reps and sets with that many RIR. I figured 70lbs was too much (as far as my solid dumbbells) and didn’t really want to dick around with my plateloaded handles for the first time if I didn’t have to. Especially if I overestimated what I could do here. Presses aren’t as hard on the shoulders (as in feel them getting hit hard not in a bad way) and a lot less stress on the elbow compared to the laterals. More triceps fatigue obviously with the presses. With face pulls, I figured that the usual tension that I use for the warming up stuff on my 1st press day of the week wouldn’t be enough to truly be what I was to be doing so I went up to my next highest band tension. That seemed to be about right as far as the difficulty (while the dumbbells only got close to it on the last set barely). The increased tension does make it harder for sure and I did feel some tightness in the right biceps. Nothing serious but I will need to do some soft tissue work tomorrow and hopefully some rest will do it some good. Put stuff away and ate dinner before stretching.
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