Thursday, March 10, 2016

March 9, 2016 – Week 8, Day 2

Dynamic Warm-ups

Keg Tosses (15’7”)
half kegx3 (3 attempts)
half kegx3 (3 attempts)

Sandbag Carry and Load Over Bar (50”) (turns at 15’)

Hatfield Overload Squats

Kneeling Cable Abs

30 Minutes of Stretching

Comments: Got up to 80 today. Two days ago I needed a jacket and now it’s a struggle to keep a shirt on haha. I actually waited about a half hour after I got home from work to start getting ready to workout so that the temperature would go down and I wouldn’t be a sweaty mess. Lower back was really stiff warming up for the workout. Keg toss was easy, I made sure my grip was secure (last time I didn’t wear gloves I had an issue haha). I put as little energy as I could into the throws to still clear the bar. Then on to sandbag work. I was do about 20lbs less than I did but I didn’t want to put plates into my light sandbag (it is undamaged at this point) or open up any of the 50lbs bags of sand to make them lighter just for this one workout. Arms, shoulders and lats were pretty tight, sore and beat even before this. Not a ton of effort needed here just a little out of breath and possibly a slight case of sand lung (haha). I got to the gym to finish up the workout but I had to wait for the power rack. Someone was doing squat an d pull-up supersets. Kept my setup slow and stable on the hatfield squats. Definitely could push it but it was just singles. I treated them as if they were near max singles with my walkout and letting the weight settle. I had to go upstairs for abs as the cable tower downstairs was in use. About the same resistance comparatively I think. Home to stretch. Body definitely achy and feeling close to being sick. Hopefully this means I’m peaking just right. Got to make a conscious effort to get to bed earlier though, especially with daylights savings stuff coming up.

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