Sunday, February 21, 2016

February 21, 2016 – Week 5, Day 4

Dynamic Warm-ups

Paused Front Squats (2 second pauses)
No Pauses
Added Pauses

8” Trap Bar Block Pulls
No Straps
Added Straps

Deadlifts (straps)

Truck Pull Starts (4,149lbs curb weight)
Truck/1 personsx1
Truck/1 persons/+500lbsx1
Truck/4 persons/+500lbsx1
Truck/4 persons/+500lbsx1
Truck/4 persons/+500lbsx1
Truck/2 persons/+500lbs/+505lbs sledx1
Truck/2 persons/+500lbs/+685lbs sledx1

Truck Pulls
Truck/1 persons/+500lbsx60 seconds
Truck/1 persons/+500lbsx60 seconds

Neutral Grip Pull-ups

Ab Wheel

35 Minutes of Stretching

Comments: More than halfway to the show now. Ate well the day before and had to be up earlier than I would have liked to start training today. Weighed in at 280.8lbs so weight is moving up again. Starting things off with the usual paused front squats. I did the warm-ups hands free to make things interesting. I got mad at these for not getting easier and that made them easier haha. I was worried my knees would still be achy and they were but no issues with the front squats. Block pulls with the trap bar after that. 3” block but flipped the bar over so that pick height was 17”. So pick height is a bit higher than the previous four weeks. Plan for the day was three singles of increasing weight. The top single was a weight I’ve done from a lower pick height so I knew these were going up, just a matter of difficulty. First one went up pretty darn fast (felt heavy). Obviously things slowed down on the other singles and the top one was the slowest. Definitely feel a double with this weight (my best from this height is 700lbs). Pulls from the floor with a barbell were next up. I really hate these as I’m intentionally making them tougher with the stiff bar. Fatigue from the heavy block pulls also adds to it. Little more weight than last time. Definitely felt a lot tougher than last time. Almost lost some nutrients here haha. I could definitely do more reps but it would be asking a lot right now. Home to do truck pull training. It rained little so the driveway was too slick to really use which was ok. Truck pull was broken down into two parts; starting strength and conditioning. Past weeks have just been conditioning but I felt that something was missing (especially with doing the uphill sled work) so implemented heavy starts. Loading weight so that I have to strain to break the inertia of the truck. Don’t have a vehicle that would be in the 30,000lbs range but my street is a slight incline so that helps. Initial plan was just three tough pulls but I had to do some trial and error to find out what would actually be tough. Adding a sled to the back of the car ended up doing the trick as it added to the drag. Then on to the conditioning. I was racking my brain trying to think of a good way to get a continuous effort for time period but nothing was perfect. I then figured that I would just do truck pulls with a somewhat light weight and stop time when I finished the course and reset as quickly as possible and resume until time lapses. That would insure I’m doing the set time of effort. First set was great, second set not so much. I don’t think I fully recovered from the first set (also didn’t help that the truck was in reverse at first haha). On to the Y for pull-ups and ab wheel. Kind of a weird feeling with the pull-ups as it was tough but it didn’t feel heavy or that I was near my limits. It wasn’t until the last set that I hit a wall and I knew this was hard. Ab wheel was in use so I just used a barbell to do them. Stretched and finished up the day.

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