Wednesday, December 29, 2010

December 28, 2010 - ME LB

Dynamic Warm-ups

11" Rack Deadlifts
495x1 PR+20lbs
Add Straps
545x1 PR+70lbs
585x1 PR+110lbs
610x1 PR+135lbs
540x4 PR+85lbs & 2 reps

Wide Stance Zercher Harness Rack Lifts
465x3 PR+10lbs

Strict Reverse Hyperextensions
140x12 PR+50lbs

37 Minutes of Stretching

Comments: Felt like crap but had a fantastic workout. The middle of my back on the left side has been bothering me (always happens after heavy yoke) so any below the knee pulling made it hurt like a sumbitch. Well, I couldn't have that as it was my deadlift workout at Max Fitness. The first lift was one I haven't done in forever and by that I mean it's been at least 4 years. Rack pulls with the plates 2" off the ground. The main power rack was in use (has more holes for pin heights) and had to use the other rack that has 3" spacing for the pins. Since the lowest setting was 13", I had to use two foam mats to make it 11". In hindsight, a great idea. Back hurt but I pushed through it. Really happy to do 495lbs double overhand as this is the rack bar that is permentantly bent. It was also a 20lbs PR on this lift in general. So I deviated from my plan of adding just 30lbs and went with 50lbs and strapped up. I forgot to put on my belt for this one but it went up with little issue. 70lbs PR. I can do more. Add 40lbs more and this time use a belt stupid. A bit tough to start but a clean lift. 110lbs PR. I can still do more. Added 25lbs and gave it hell. Came up slow and lockout was tough (more on that later) but I got it. 135lbs PR. I then did my down set with 540lbs and got four reps. 2011 will be the year my deadlift doesn't suck (as much). The lockouts were bit tough as this bar is bent and doesn't roll on the thighs like a normal bar so it was getting stuck on my thighs. Essentially, I was pulling with a Buffalo Bar (that's what the other guys use it for when not doing rack pulls) off of squishy mats. Very pleased with that as this lift was around 25lbs less than my pull from the floor when I used to do them. Moved on to zercher harness lifts with a wide stance. The last time I did them, I started from the top and brought it to pins set to 15" but this time I was starting from the pins and they were set to 13". First rep with 285lbs felt awful but the second rep was good and the third rep went up like nothing. I wasn't paying much attention when lifting because I did 375lbs for two sets and didn't notice until I got home and uploaded the videos. Totally spaced on it. It would be as if I had a candy bar, said I'd eat the candy bar, then ate it but then forget I had just eaten it, announce again I was going to eat it, again, bite my hand and wonder who stole my candy bar. The next two sets weren't too bad and I was contemplating doing 505lbs but figured it would be best to shut it down and save it for another day. It's not a race and I have a brutal event training day coming up this week a day earlier than I usually do. My original plan with reverse hypers was just to do 100lbs but my lazy strength said just go plate and a quarter a side so I did 140lbs. I'm quite pleased with that big of an increase on strict reverse hypers. These sets were tough so obviously I'll be making smaller jumps. Went home to stretch.

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